Chapter 70 – Evolution of the Mo Yun Vine

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:51:08
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Seeing this balance, Luo Feng couldn’t help but have a smile appear on his face.

That teacher of his, Hu Yan Bo, had indeed left a large enough inheritance for this disciple of his, ah, more than 3.12 million hybrid units! What a huge estate this is …… enough to purchase several star domains! Of course, Luo Feng’s status is different now, although he is excited but not to the point of going crazy.

Because Luo Feng has the “Meteorite ink star”, “nearly ten thousand blood Luo crystals”, “the research inflammation void gold”, “the purple Chen Bai Luo leaf”, “the Luofu leaf”, “the Luofu leaf”, “the Luofu leaf”, “the Luofu leaf”, “the Luofu leaf”, “the Luofu leaf”. “These are all treasures that are counted in millions of mixed yuan units! Of course all of these Luo Feng couldn’t afford to sell the cash money that he couldn’t exchange, so it resulted in even the 8 mixed no units to carry out divine kingdom teleportation, Luo Feng couldn’t take it out for a while! The reason why he couldn’t take it out was that part of the cash money was invested in the flat sea company. The second was that some of the cash money went to buy the metals needed to make the golden horned beast evolve and so on.


“Having cash feels different.” Luo Feng looked at the balance on the light screen and revealed a smile, “More than three million hybrid units of cash, no matter if it’s repairing the Meteorite Ink Star ship or letting the Moyun Vine evolve to the realm lord level, it won’t be any more difficult.

“Transfer the money!” Luo Feng commanded, “Transfer the money to the account bound to my spirit imprint.”

“Okay.” The robot woman smiled and nodded.

“Transfer successful, Mr. Luo Feng.” The robot woman smiled, “May I ask if you have 3 hybrid units left in one of the sub-accounts under this account, do you want to transfer them?”

“Sub account?” Luo Feng froze.

It was.

His own teacher had died on earth back then, before he died, he had quickly set up his bank account through the virtual universe network, with two sub-accounts under it, respectively, so that he could go and get his inheritance at the stellar level and cosmic level. And the highest total account was the one that could be obtained at the domain master level.

“Surprisingly, there are 3 hybrid units?” Luo Feng secretly sighed.

Teacher was indeed generous.

A stellar level account was 10 billion Qianwu coins, which was comparable to the assets of a universe level powerhouse.

A universe level account was 3 mixed yuan units, comparable to the assets of an ordinary domain lord.

The domain lord level account was more than 3,120,000 mixed yuan units, which was the teacher’s account’s entire assets.

“Transfer it!” Luo Feng nodded.

“Okay.” The robot woman quickly transferred the money, transferring everything to Luo Feng’s spirit imprint bound account, this spirit imprint bound account was the safest account …… Looking at the vast universe, as long as there were beings with spirit imprints, there were no two beings whose spirit imprints could be exactly the same.


The glass door opened and Luo Feng walked out.

“Your highness.” Dylan looked at Luo Feng.

“Just transferred 8 hybrid units to your account, did you receive it?” Luo Feng looked with Dylan.

“Received.” Dylan nodded, but in his heart, he was a bit helpless.

He Dylan was already the uppermost immortal army lord, his true combat power was already close to being a feudal lord or barely able to be a feudal lord, his assets were of course not less, although it was a bit heartbreaking to spend 8 mixed yuan units of energy so casually, but …… Luo Feng was after all his little master uncle, spending money once for his little master uncle was nothing.

In his opinion.

Although his junior uncle’s seniority was higher than him, he was only a domain master level genius, how much wealth could he have, how could he compare to him as an immortal deity? But Luo Feng insisted on returning it, of course he couldn’t refuse.

“This young master uncle really has a lot of backbone, he doesn’t owe people favors easily.” Dylan secretly said.

“Let’s go back.” Luo Feng smiled.

Getting more than three million hybrid units of cash, Luo Feng was in a great mood.

“Yes, your highness!”

Dylan immediately accompanied Luo Feng and left the Cosmic Star River Bank, returning to Luo Feng’s newly purchased Yanshan Manor.

Landlord Mountain Manor, in the quiet room, Luo Feng was sitting on his knees, while a sliver of his consciousness was rapidly connecting to the virtual virtual universe network.

Rain phase mountain, primitive area, Luo Feng’s residence.

Inside the study.

“Haha, Luo Feng, your teacher left you quite a lot, right?” Babata shouted over his shoulder while Luo Feng was sitting in front of his desk looking at the laptop screen, the screen was tapping on an email, it was an email from the Cosmic Star River Bank, the content was to congratulate Luo Feng for becoming a four star customer of the Cosmic Star River Bank.

“Four star customer?” Luo Feng looked at the email and laughed, “Babata, I remember that the threshold for a three star customer is 10 mixed yuan units, this email says that the threshold for a four star customer is 10,000 mixed yuan units. What about five-star customers?”

“The threshold for a five-star customer is 10 million mixed yuan units.” Babata laughed, “It’s your teacher …… who also used to exceed 10 million Mixed Yuan Units when he had the most current money, but then he smashed 6.2 million Mixed Yuan Units on the Mo Yun Vine, and with good luck, he finally succeeded in making the Mo Yun Vine reach immortality! Immortal Mo Yun vine with your teacher …… the combination of the two, feudal marquis level immortals are very difficult very difficult to kill your teacher, unfortunately, finally ran into a mastery of the soul side of the barely sealed king of the immortal deities.

Luo Feng nodded slightly.

10,000 mixed yuan units was a four star account, 10 million mixed yuan units was a five star account.

He only had over 3 million mixed yuan units within his own account, so of course he was considered 4 star.

“But Luo Feng, normal immortal deity assets are at 10,000 mixed yuan units.” Babata said, “Very weak and poor immortal deities have assets of perhaps less than a thousand mixed yuan units. And the normal assets of feudal marquis level immortal deities …… are around ten million mixed yuan units. I’m talking about assets, not cash!”

Luo Feng nodded.

Those powerful people had long since converted their wealth into strength, for example, teacher Huyan Bo smashed his huge wealth on Mo Yun Vine, and Mo Yun Vine reached immortality. At once the old was made to have the strongest assistant.

Unfortunately ……

At this point the partner ended up falling.

“My assets count up to ten million hybrid units.” Luo Feng said darkly, “The inquiry inflammation void gold, the purple Chen Paragon leaf, and the Luofu Ruin disk, these three add up to around 5 million mixed yuan units. The Meteorite ink star ship is also worth over 3 million mixed yuan units. Of course the most valuable thing I have here is the …… Blood Luo Crystals!”

Those nearly 10,000 Blood Luo Crystals could be converted into millions of points by exchanging them to the Virtual Universe Company alone! And things are as expensive as they are rare, the Virtual Universe Company monopolizes the Blood Luo Crystals like this. Then the real selling price of the Blood Luo Crystals must be far more than millions of points, so this Blood Luo Crystals are the most valuable on their own.

“Teacher’s legacy! Together with my opportunities in several cultivation missions, it’s amazing that it’s also made me have such a huge amount of assets.” Luo Feng secretly lamented, “Of course compared to my other teacher, King True Diffusion, this little bit of mine is nothing at all. Teacher True Diffusion King can throw out millions of hybrid units with his hands.”

With different statuses, this asset was naturally different.

A Seal King Immortal Deity was much stronger than a Seal Marquis level! And the pinnacle Seal King level, even the True Diffusion King who was close to the Cosmic Kingdom Lord! The assets were naturally even more huge and amazing. However, as a teacher …… who has a large number of disciples, and at most occasionally helps a certain disciple, it is simply impossible to give assets directly to a certain disciple.

Unless it was like Hu Yan Bo, all the other heirs died out, and only in the end would the inheritance be left to the only intergenerational heir, Luo Feng.

Luo Feng sat in front of his desk and quickly clicked on his laptop screen to purchase some precious items that would allow the Mo Yun Vine to break through to the realm lord level. Purchasing treasures in the virtual universe company could be done through points exchange or cash. For example, when Luo Feng purchased the metal devoured by the Golden Horned Beast earlier, he used cash!

“Hmm?” Luo Feng looked at the screen in surprise.

Three choices appeared on the screen, one, Mo Yun Vine evolves from Domain Master 9th stage to Boundary Lord (normal evolution, takes 3 years, requires 11,800 hybrid units); two, Mo Yun Vine evolves from Domain Master 9th stage to Boundary Lord (normal evolution, takes 1 month, requires 19,200 hybrid units); three, Mo Yun Vine evolves from Domain Master 9th stage to Boundary Lord (super evolution, takes 3 months – 6 months, requires 39,200 hybrid units); three, Mo Yun Vine evolves from Domain Master 9th stage to Boundary Lord (super evolution, takes 3 months – 6 months, requires 3.5 months – 6 months). -6 months, requiring 32,000 Mixed Yuan Units, 56,000 Mixed Yuan Units, 85,000 Mixed Yuan Units three)

“Super evolution?” Luo Feng’s eyebrows lifted.

Luo Feng gently tapped to look at the detailed messages for each of the three choices.

The difference in strength between the different evolution paths of the Cai Yun vine was also very large.

From how many main vines the Mo Yun Vine had one could determine its level of evolution.

A Boundary Lord level Mo Yun Vine had a minimum of 36 main vines, which was one of the worst cases of cultivation.

The highest had 360 main vines, which was the best case of cultivation.

“My Mo Yun Vine, now at domain lord 9th rank, has 108 main vines ……” Luo Feng looked at the detailed message of super evolution, super evolution was split into three precious items rationed with prices ranging from 32,000 mixed yuan units – -85,000 Mixed Yuan Units, “According to the description on here, my Mo Yun Vine should be able to evolve 216 main vines using the best Super Evolution.

Luo Feng’s brows furrowed as he looked at it.

This Mo Yun Vine of his own only has 216 main vines at best?

“Babata, what’s going on?” Luo Feng frowned.

“Sector lord level mo yun vine has main vines, that’s the limit of perfection in the legends.” Babata casually said, “Cultivating it from the start requires an incomparably huge cost, when it reaches the sector lord level …… it requires an investment of nearly 360 million hybrid units.”

“Nearly a million mixed yuan units, teacher has that much money right.” Luo Feng pondered.

“There’s one more point!”

Babata bristled, “The more highly evolved a Mo Yun Vine is, the more difficult it is to break through to become an immortal. Teacher’s Mo Yun Vine back then, at the Realm Lord level with only 108 main vines …… could still consume 6.2 million Mixed Units as well as some coincidences before the Mo Yun Vine finally broke through to immortality. As for the most perfect state of the Mo Yun vine …… the more perfect it is, the more it is envied by the universe. It’s too hard to become an immortal!”

Luo Feng nodded.

“But Luo Feng your resources, conditions, background, and future prospects are much better than your teacher, that soloist. You wizard in can choose the best super evolution.” Babata said, “Boundary master level, being able to evolve 216 master vines …… to break through immortality in the future might be difficult. But you, perhaps …… may still have the possibility of success.”


Luo Feng didn’t hesitate, gently clicking to choose the best kind of super evolutionary fit of various items.

For the future, Luo Feng had plenty of confidence.

It’s fine if you don’t step into immortality, but once you step into immortality …… you will definitely be a super power amongst the immortals. At the very least, he must first be crowned a marquis, and secondly, a king! So one’s best helper, the Mo Yun Vine, had to be strong enough as well!

“85,000 hybrid units just gone.” Luo Feng shook his head and smiled, “Well, let’s get help from the Virtual Universe Corporation side again to repair the Meteorite Ink Star!”

“Luo Feng, I suggest that you …… not only repair the Meteor Ink Star ship, but at the same time let the people from the Virtual Universe Company, remodel the inside of the Meteor Ink Star ship down. Improve the performance of the Meteorite Ink Starship. On technology …… the Virtual Universe Company is the strongest amongst the human communities, and the performance of their remodeled spaceships is incomparably formidable.”

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