Chapter 80 – Illusory Spirit King

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:51:34
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Seeing the Illusory Spirit King?

Luo Feng, Dylan, Divining Card, and Luo were all extremely high eyed and knew of some of the pinnacle existences in the Cosmic People’s 1008 Cosmic Kingdom. For example, if a universe level little guy wanted to meet the True Diffusion King, could he meet him just because he wanted to? It was purely a dream. By the same token, could one meet the Illusory Spirit King if they wanted to?

“Big brother, this-” Luo Feng frowned slightly.

To see the Illusory Spirit King, but he didn’t have any friendship with the Illusory Spirit King, he hadn’t even met him.

“No way?” Hong looked at Luo Feng, “If there’s really no way, then–.

“Don’t rush.”

Luo Feng shook his head, “Big brother, all I can say is that I’ll try.”

“Hmm.” Hong nodded slightly.

The banquet continued on.

Luo Feng walked over to the Silver Snow Marquis with his wine cup.

“Luo Feng.” Marquis Silver Snow sat there and slightly raised his cup in greeting.

The immortal deities next to him, Honor Kan and realm lord Ji Feng Yan both even got up to get out of the way, while Xiluo Feng sat down opposite the silver snow marquis and said with a smile, “Silver snow marquis, I have something to trouble you with.”

“What is it? Feel free to say.” Silver snow marquis Ji Tianzang looked at Luo Feng, he was a bit disdainful towards Na Hong, but he still valued Luo Feng …… a supreme genius who could shine that brightly even in a virtual universe company, and with the support of the True Diffusion King behind him, as long as he doesn’t perish, he’ll definitely be very terrifying in the future!

Luo Feng laughed, “Please ask Marquis Silver Snow to help send an email.”

“Mail?” Silver snow marquis pupils shrunk, puzzled, “It’s for ……”

“Illusory Spirit King.” Luo Feng nodded.

Silver snow marquis was secretly shocked.

“I’ll write the content of the mail, and of course I’ll let you go through it, silver snow marquis!” Luo Feng laughed, “No matter what, this mail is for you to send, naturally I can’t make things difficult for you, Silver Snow Marquis.”

“Haha, I don’t worry about this, I believe that you won’t make the Illusory Spirit King angry either, Luo Feng.” Silver snow marquis smiled and nodded.

“Well, here’s the content.”

Luo Feng stretched out his wrist, an email surfaced on the screen of the arm guard on his wrist, the content of the email was already open.

Silver snow marquis looked at the screen and read.

“He wants to meet the Illusory Spirit King? Really, really dare to think ah, he’s a cosmic level little guy and doesn’t have any special background status. How could the Illusory Spirit King meet him in any capacity?” Silver snow marquis was shocked and looked at Luo Feng suspiciously, “Luo Feng do you need to stand up for him like this?

“As good as a blood brother, of course I have to help.” Luo Feng said.


Silver snow marquis nodded.

“I’ll send this mail to the Illusory Spirit King for you, as for whether the Illusory Spirit King is willing to receive you and Hong or not, it’s up to luck.” Silver snow marquis smiled, “I’ll make a suggestion, assuming your teacher True Diffusion King is willing to step in, no matter what at least meet …… the Illusory Spirit King will definitely meet with you.”

Luo Feng shook his head with a smile.

Not really can’t or don’t let the teacher come out, the teacher has taught himself infinite grace, but also let the teacher to worry about this and that, when the teacher is a nanny?

This is a very disrespectful behavior.

“Already sent.” Silver snow marquis looked at Luo Feng, “Once the Illusory Spirit King is willing to see you, I will notify you.”


Luo Feng smiled, “I’ll tell you my virtual universe network number under, you can contact me.”

The protagonist of this reception banquet was Luo Feng, during the course of the banquet, Luo Feng also carried a wine glass and that one great immortal deities to have some conversations, those immortal deities didn’t dare to belittle this little guy in front of them …… after all, this little guy’s power alone right now was already able to influence them.

The banquet is over!

But the Silver Snow Marquis has not received a reply from the Illusory Spirit King.

Dome Jade Star, Luo Manor.

The true executives of the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom had already left one by one in their cosmic flights. Even the three giants, Marquis Purple Lightning, Marquis Golden Feather, and Marquis Black Annihilation, had left.


The guests had already left, Luo Feng walked alone in the silent yet vast palace corridor.

“Big brother.” Luo Feng caught a glimpse of Hong, the man in black who was sitting silently on the grass in the distance.

Luo Feng leaped over the railing as if it was a gust of wind and marched a few steps to Hong’s side, Hong turned his head and looked at Luo Feng, “Sit.”

“Still troubled?” Luo Feng sat down and laughed.

“Not troubled, but just waiting.” Hong turned his head to look at Luo Feng with a smile, “Waiting for that opportunity to come, no matter what, at least tonight I do know why that silver snow marquis is hindering me and Ji Qing, figure out the cause so I can figure out how to solve the hindrance.”

“Very confident.” Luo Feng laughed.

“Not a bit confident, just …… something to do.” Hong laughed, “If you work hard, you won’t regret it. Even if I can’t do it now …… but when my strength becomes stronger in the future, even stronger than that Illusory Spirit King, naturally I can still bring Qingqing back.”

Luo Feng looked at his big brother in shock. Stronger than the Illusory Spirit King? Sherpa this big brother is talking big or is he very confident?

Illusory Spirit King …… that can definitely be called a super existence across the universe now, I’m afraid that with the flip of a hand, he can let billions of people die, let a group of immortal deities die addicted to the illusionary realm.

“When the heart is infinite, the future is infinite.” Hong looked at Luo Feng, “Oldest three, don’t be fearful. If even your heart feels that transcending is hard, how can you realize it in reality again?” Luo Feng was stunned.

Infinite in the heart? The future is then infinite?

“Even the most powerful super existences are accumulated step by step.” Hong laughed. As long as you keep progressing, keep progressing, and your lifespan is infinite …… then it’s not impossible to become even the greatest existence in the universe.

Luo Feng nodded slightly.

Suddenly stunned –

Even the consciousness connected to the virtual universe network and returned in an instant.

“Big brother.” Luo Feng had a smile on his face.

“Hm?” Hong looked at Luo Feng and smiled, “Looking at your expression, it seems like something good has happened.”

“Well, I just received a letter from the silver snow marquis.” Luo Feng smiled.

“A letter from the Chain snow marquis?” Hong’s eyes lit up.

“Well, he forwarded the contents of that Illusory Spirit King’s reply.” Luo Feng smiled.

“Promised?” Hong’s eyes erupted with substantial daylight.

Luo Feng smiled and nodded, “Yes!”

“The Illusory Spirit King will send people under her command to the Black Dragon Mountain island, Nine Star Bay, to take you to her palace to pay her a visit.” Luo Feng said, “So from now on, let’s always split a sliver of our consciousness to stay in the virtual universe network and wait for that Illusory Spirit King’s reception.

Hong nodded his head.

Virtual universe, black dragon mountain island nine star bay neighborhood.

Luo Feng and Hong looked at the man in front of them.

This was a black battle armored man who was about three meters tall with a pair of black feathered wings, and on his forehead were dozens of sharp horns of varying lengths, this black feathered man was looking at Luo Feng with a smile on his face, ”True Diffusion King’s disciple Luo Feng? Hello, I’m Illusory Spirit King’s disciple Bushela.”

“Hello, Bushela.” Luo Feng nodded.

“This is the guy who wants to marry his little sister?” The black feathered man glanced at Hong, the corner of his mouth curled up slightly, he seemed a bit disdainful, just as Hong was about to reply, the black feathered man turned to Luo Feng, “Let’s go, teacher is waiting for you.”


Luo Feng nodded his head and immediately brought Hong and followed this black feathered man to quickly leave the Nine Star Bay neighborhood, at a teleportation point not far from the Nine Star Bay neighborhood, he directly teleported away.


Luo Feng, Hong, and the black feathered man Bushela, these three appeared out of thin air in a vast palace square.

“Rumble ……” waves lapped against the shore.

The entire palace was about 100,000 kilometers tall and was divided into nine layers, the lowest layer, the first layer, was the one near the sea, and the palace square Luo Feng and the others appeared in was the fifth layer of the palace square.

“Follow me.” The black feathered man led the way.

Entering the deep palace, they advanced all the way.

Even Hong was crossing over into the Cosmic Level, so the three of them were still advancing at a fast speed, and they arrived at the seventh floor a few moments later.

It was a secluded palace hall.

At the entrance of the hall hall stood a woman wearing a light white gauze dress that seemed like a cloud, a furry tail fluttering slightly behind her, all of these women had stirring violet eyes, and when they looked over …… they made people feel the desire contained in their eyes.

Led by the black feathered man, Luo Feng and Hong stepped inside the hall of the temple. As they continued to advance.

The women standing next to them changed from a white veil clad woman from before to a black veil clad woman, but it was obvious that these women were all from the same race, all with purple eyes and fluffy tails.

After another thousand kilometers, the woman standing next to her turned into a purple gauze-clad woman.

“What a marvelous illusion.” Luo Feng was walking in this huge hall of deity halls, looking at the women standing next to him that were arrayed open, surprisingly, he was unconsciously caught up in a lustful illusion, as if each and every one of these women were naked and casting all sorts of seductions to lure closer over.


Luo Feng and Hong, both of whom were extremely high in terms of cultivating their minds, did not intentionally cast such illusions that could not affect Luo Feng and Hong at all.

“Teacher!” The black feathered man bowed respectfully, his voice echoed in this vast hall hall, constantly reverberating.

Luo Feng and Hong stopped at the same time.

Looking up with a glance, they could see that in the distance, on the huge throne carved into incomparably intricate various lustful statues, there was a woman with long purple hair, purple eyes, and a purple fluffy tail lying curled up, and when that pair of eyes looked down towards the bottom …… it was as if the surrounding heaven and earth were plunged into a kind of lustful aura.

“Illusory Spirit King.” Luo Feng held his breath.

Having heard of the Illusory Spirit King’s mighty name, Luo Feng didn’t dare to slack off.

“Luo Feng?” A soft voice, came from that huge throne on a high platform in the distance, “It really is worthy of being a genius who can break into the tenth island of the Illusory Sea at the cosmic level, your heart is really determined, I like little guys like you who have a determined heart……. Your teacher, the True Diffusion King, does have a good eye for it as well, previously cultivating a Bloodthirsty King , and look at your information, is also killing very crazy …… True Diffusion King’s lineage is really each so, the teacher killing crazy, this disciple killing also each crazy.

“Thank you Illusory Spirit King for your compliments.” Luo Feng bowed.

Teacher True Diffusion King, indeed there was a period of time when he was crazy and heaven defying.

The other thing was that he was much more low key now and had been in Chaos city to dive into cultivation, otherwise in terms of the level of violence alone, the teacher was in no way inferior to the bloodthirsty king’s third senior brother.

“Hmm.” The great existence of the Demon Race that was lazily reclining on that huge throne, those violet eyes looked down at Hong again, “You’re the ‘Hong’ that Qing Qing was talking about?

“Yes.” Hong bowed and answered.

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