Chapter 84 NO.9

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:51:45
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Hong looked at Ji Qing s eyes, the eyes are the windows of the soul, especially in the cultivation of the mind realm is extremely high, observation is extremely sharp Hong …… is completely able to judge through the eyes of some subtle reactions whether Ji Qing is hit by hypnosis, ecstasy and other secret methods, or whether it is from the heart to say these words.

“What’s going on?”

“What did Her Highness Qing mean by saying those words?”

“What else does it mean, breaking up.”

“How did it suddenly break up, wasn’t Her Highness Qing dead set on refusing to give in before, so she was imprisoned in the pavilion, how did she suddenly change her mind?” One by one, the Demon Race women watching from the distant corridor whispered to each other, they were also puzzled as to how a clearly a big happy event had turned into what it is now.

Hong silently looked at Ji Qing.

Ji Qing also looked at Hong.

From the eyes …… Hong was able to tell that Ji Qing was not hypnotized or mesmerized.

“How did you suddenly decide to leave me?” Hong looked at Ji Qing.

“You told me that there are some things that should be done and some things that shouldn’t be done. When making a decision, be decisive, and those that should be sacrificed should be sacrificed.” Ji Qing said softly, although her voice was light …… but even Luo Feng, who was standing behind Hong, clearly felt the determination in the words of this short hair with floppy ears woman.

“So sacrifice our feelings for each other?” Hong pursued.

Ji Qing didn’t say anything, she just gritted her teeth and nodded.


Hong stared at Ji Qing and said in a low voice, “Why didn’t you say all this when your clan ancestor blocked it and your teacher blocked it, and you still stood firm and resisted your clan ancestor and teacher, yet now that I have asked my brother to help me, and finally met your teacher, the Illusory Spirit King, in person, and finally gambled with my life to break through the Eighteen Love and Desire Illusion Realm, and when I succeeded in breaking through the Eighteen Love and Desire Illusion Realm, and happily came to look for you, you told me all of this? ”


“Why the sudden change of heart?”

“Why didn’t you say it before?” Hong stared at Ji Qing.

Ji Qing was silent.

Hong’s entire anger had risen ……

Luo Feng, who was standing next to him, was also a bit indignant, how did it all turn out like this, this Ji Qing had been insisting on resisting the clan ancestor and teacher, but now at the last moment he suddenly changed his mind.

“Look, that Hong is going to freak out.”

“It’s people who have to freak out ah, I heard that he had previously all gambled his life to break into the eighteen love and lust illusions, and if he wasn’t careful, I’m afraid that his life would be lost in reality. Now that Her Highness Qing suddenly said these words, how could he not be furious?”

“It’s me, I’m also angry, such a good man, can he give up.”

Those women of the Demon Clan were talking to each other watching things unfold.

Hong looked at Ji Qing.

Ji Qing bowed her head, “I have to make a choice, love is important, but some are more important than love. That’s what you’ve told me.”

Hong took a deep breath.

“Really decided?” Hong said softly.

“Uh-huh.” Ji Qing nodded.

Hong revealed a bitter smile, “I didn’t expect that after all these years, me falling for a woman again would end up like this.”

Ji Qing bit her lips.

Although she was a strong woman, and she was able to make decisions on many things within the family, to the point where she thought she was much stronger than her father……. Even when faced with those Immortal Divine Spirit’s senior brothers and sisters, Ji Qing didn’t have the slightest idea of lowering her head, but in front of the only man she had ever fallen in love with she always felt that she was weak.

“Ji Qing.” Hong looked at Ji Qing.

“Hmm.” This short, floppy-eared woman raised her head and looked at the favorite man in her heart.

“I hope you can realize your goal dream.” Hong smiled slightly, “Also say …… sorry for disturbing you during this time.”

After saying that, Hong directly turned around and walked towards Luo Feng.

“Lao San, let’s go.” Hong looked at Luo Feng and said, then, whoosh, disappeared into thin air.

Luo Feng watched all this in silence, then looked at the short hair woman with floppy ears who was holding back her tears in the distance, and let out a low sigh.


Also disappeared into thin air, his consciousness returned to the real world.

“Big brother Hong.” The moment Ji Qing watched Hong turn around and leave, disappearing into thin air, his mind couldn’t help but echo the last words Hong said, “I’m sorry for disturbing you during this period of time.”

“Disturbed me?”

“Disturbed me?”

Ji Qing recited silently in her heart.

She knew Hong’s character very well, his seemingly plain and simple sentence of “Sorry for disturbing you during this period of time”, and then turning his head and leaving after saying it, this hid how much pain he was in.


Jiqing understood that once Hong left, he was afraid that he wouldn’t turn back.

Because, she understood him well.

“I’m sorry.” Ji Qing said silently in her heart.

The women of the Demon Race who were watching were all a bit bewildered. Originally, they thought that Hong, who had gotten the chance to “gamble his life to break into the 18th Love and Desire Illusion Realm”, would be in pain, sadness, anger, and would show some very extreme behavior. But none of them thought …… even just said “sorry, this time, bother you” sentence and turned his head away.

It was as if the palaces of the group of Immortal Deities under the Virtual Universe Company were all on Thunder Island.

The palaces of the Immortal Deities under this Cosmic Mercenary Alliance were also gathered in a single realm. Everything that happened in that Illusory Spirit Palace …… was talked about by those servants to each other and quickly spread.

“Even breaking into the eighteen Love and Lust Illusion Realms set up by the Illusion Spirit King, this kid is pretty good, at least he’s strong in facing Love and Lust type illusions, so I guess he won’t be bad in other aspects as well.”

“Oh, or a special elite of our Giant Axe Fighting Stadium? You go and arrange for someone to enroll him into the training camp that is currently in training.”

“Yes, my lord.”

The Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom, the ‘Vaulted Jade Star’ of the nine first-class administrative stars.

Luo’s manor.

Luo Feng looked at Hong in front of him and sighed in his heart, ever since three days ago, a matter that seemed like it could have a happy ending suddenly had a ripple, at that time, Luo Feng had decided, and even said to Hong directly, “I’m sure she was that determined to resist her teacher and clan ancestor, but she suddenly changed her mind at the last moment, it’s a very abnormal thing. In the middle, either that Silver Snow Marquis is playing tricks, or the Illusory Spirit King is causing trouble!”

Hong replied at that time but, “Of course I understand that the Silver Snow Marquis or the Illusory Spirit King, influenced Ji Qing from it.”

“But big brother, why did you just leave like that? Just give up?” Luo Feng asked after him at that time.

“Maybe others influenced, but it was Qingqing who made the decision.”

Hong smiled bashfully, “And I’m very familiar with Qingqing’s character, she’s very similar to me, and it’s very hard to change the decisions she makes. And I can hear …… that she did make that decision from the bottom of her heart.”

“Why?” Luo Feng pursued, “Why did she give up?”

“Because of herself, or for the sake of the family.” Hong sighed softly, “I’m very familiar with her, she’s a very strong person, her determination to become a super strong dreamer is no less than her thirst for love! And …… she also has a strong obsession with inheriting the family.”

Standing inside the manor, Luo Feng looked at Hong and sighed darkly as he recalled the conversation between the two three days ago.

No matter what, this big brother of his did end up in tragedy this time.

“Luo Feng, don’t feel bad for big brother.” Hong smiled as he looked at Luo Feng, “Life is supposed to have sorrows and joys …… And, this time I broke through the eighteen love and lust illusion realm, which in turn made the top management of the Giant Axe Fighting Stadium pay attention to me, and also specifically ordered me to be transferred into a group of special elite training camps that were undergoing training. If it wasn’t specifically ordered, I would have had to wait for several more decades before I could enter the training camp.”

“Hmm.” Luo Feng nodded, “Take care.”

“Don’t worry.” Hong smiled and nodded.

“Luo Feng, my disciple and I will leave first.” The gray haired old man “Luo” also said.

Luo Feng nodded.

Immediately, Luo and Hong, entered the circular flying saucer type purple and gold barge with a diameter of about 620 meters parked on the grass next to them, this was the universe ship that the Giant Axe Fighting Stadium had specially sent to pick up Hong.

“Big brother, break out and show that Illusory Spirit King.” Luo Feng shouted.

“Haha ……” the black clothed Hong who walked to the hatchway, turned his head and laughed, “Break out a name, I never doubted it! Lao San, you can’t slack off, otherwise big brother might catch up with you.”

“Feel free to chase if you’re capable.” Luo Feng laughed.

Then Hong laughed loudly and directly entered that spaceship.

A moment later.

This giant flying saucer shaped spaceship then slowly took off and flew away from the Luo manor, soon soaring into the sky and disappearing into the deepest part of the clouds.

On the grass, Luo Feng tilted his head and watched that universe ship leave.

“Your highness.” Dylan stood behind him.

“Big brother went to the special elite training camp at the giant axe fighting stadium.” Luo Feng let out a sigh of emotion “No matter what, big brother’s business is over, this matter ends here! There’s no need for me to linger in the Vaulted Jade Star now …… Dylan, go make arrangements and prepare to set off back to my hometown.”

“Yes.” Dylan nodded.

Luo Feng tilted his head and looked at the sky.

Hometown ah.

Galaxy! Earth!

It had been over two hundred years since he had returned to Earth, and his own Luo clan was already a big family.

“It’s time to go back and take a look.” Luo Feng silently said.

On the same day, Luo Feng took his escort army and rode on the Meteorite Ink Star, left the Vaulted Jade Star, and started heading to his home galaxy!

In the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom, about tens of thousands of light years away from the Vaulted Jade Star, was a very ordinary life planet called “Planet Varo”.

Inside an underground base on Planet Varro.

“Team Leader, the information has been transmitted through the virtual universe network. After 369 chain translations and the replacement of the characters corresponding to the cosmic coordinates, the content of the information is: Luo Feng has just left the Vaulted Jade Planet with his guards in an F-class spaceship, his whereabouts are unknown, and the Intelligence Department has given an inference that the probability of Luo Feng going to his hometown has reached 72%.” A bald three eyed man in a silver uniform respectfully said.


Another bald three eyed man wearing a black uniform was looking at the screen in front of him.

On the screen, there was a detailed information.

It was precisely the information about Luo Feng.

“NO.9’s intelligence information is still very little, we must gather enough information and have absolute certainty before we can carry out an assassination operation. Every time we perform an action within the boundaries of the human 1008 universe country, we have to pay a huge price. It must be done …… once to succeed, the last time the assassination of NO.1 failed, we lost a lot, this time can not fail again.” Black uniform bald three-eyed man said.

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