Chapter 85: Strange Changes

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:51:48
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Also order the closest Galactic Team 13 to scout NO.9’s homeworld …… Galactic Earth.” The black uniformed bald three-eyed man commanded.


The silver-uniformed subordinate respectfully answered.

Calm was once again restored within the quiet underground base, the members of this mysterious organization were usually silent and would rarely speak.

While Luo Feng was traveling at 50 times the speed of light in the dark universe with his escort army aboard the Meteor Ink Star, there was an ordinary looking C class black saucer shaped spaceship that had already arrived in an area within the dark universe corresponding to the Milky Way galaxy, and was maintaining a slow speed within this area.

“Captain, this area of space has been covered up by a powerful immortal deity casting a secret spatial technique to hide the coordinates. We are unable to travel to Galactic Earth.” The green-uniformed Phantom Stout Ape Man respectfully said.

A shrill voice suddenly rang out-

“The situation is the same as the information gathered, we indeed have no way to travel directly to Earth. Unless one is to go through a wormhole and take nearly three more years to fly to Earth. The second is to apply for the organization to send a powerful Immortal Deity to directly break through this spatial secret method.” Another tall and thin woman in green uniform respectfully said.

There were a total of eight green-uniformed men and women in a row, and standing in front of them was a silver-uniformed old man.


The silver-uniformed old man nodded, “The first situation of flying through a wormhole for three years in the original universe is something the organization can’t tolerate. However, any Immortal Deity lurking within the boundaries of the Human 1008 Cosmic Kingdom is an incomparably valuable resource for the organization. This matter …… I will submit to the head of the organization.”

Dark Universe.

The blood-colored triangular shaped spaceship was advancing at an astonishing speed, because the Vaulted Jade Star was nearly a hundred million light-years away from Galaxy Earth, so even if it was advancing at 50 times the speed of light in the Dark Universe, it would still take about two months or so to arrive. All the escorts were silently inside the rest pods.

The metal walls of the main rest cabin were crawling with vines, densely packed vines all over, the green and oily trailing leaves swaying, turning all of this spacious rest cabin as if it had become a small forest.

The door of that nutritional pod suddenly opened automatically.

Clattering ……

The naked body rose from the nutrient solution.

“Haha, more than a month, finally reached the peak limit of domain lord ninth stage.” Luo Feng smiled as he stepped out of the nutrient chamber with one foot, standing naked inside the resting chamber, looking at the surrounding vines spread throughout the chamber, suddenly his eyes lit up, counting clearly at a glance that there were a total of 216 main vines amongst the densely packed vines.

“Successful? The Mo Yun vine has evolved?” Luo Feng looked at the Mo Yun vine in surprise.


The countless surrounding vines and leaves swooped in, as if an incomparably joyful child hugged its parents, completely wrapping the main Luo Feng, and then rapidly shrinking and fusing, soon …… the original Mo Yun Vine that had completely covered the tens of meters in diameter of the oversized resting pod turned into a snug turquoise green battle suit.

“Hmm.” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up.

The color of the Mo Yun battle suit kept changing, sometimes silver white, sometimes turquoise, sometimes fiery red, sometimes pure black …… At the same time, a burst of joy and happiness came from its consciousness, and a piece of trailing leaves sprang up from the Mo Yun battle suit, swaying happily.

“Although Mo Yun was able to change colors in the past, it wasn’t so asinine, sector lord level, it’s worthy of being a pinnacle limit of human body evolution.” Luo Feng secretly praised.

From planetary level to sector lord, humans were all about the leap in body genetic evolution.

Boundary Lord to Immortal, it was mainly soul evolution.

So the sector lord period was already considered a peak limit of human physical evolution. Of course there is still a difference between other kinds of life …… and humans.

“A sector lord level moongyun vine that evolved 216 main vines is much more powerful than an ordinary moongyun vine, too.” Luo Feng secretly rejoiced.

The further into the later stages.

Even if they were at the same level and same rank, the gap between the ordinary and the excellent would grow bigger and bigger!

At the “stellar level”, not many geniuses in the universe were able to comprehend the laws, and even if they were strong, they wouldn’t be too strong. At this time, the gap between the strength of geniuses and ordinary people is not big. But wait until the cosmic level …… is the same cosmic level nine steps, can be called a genius is the cosmic level nine steps, most of them can sense part of the cosmic law.

At this time the strength gap began to widen!

By the ninth stage of the Realm Lord!

“Comprehension of laws,” “internal world,” “self-created secret methods,” “special encounters,” and so on, made it possible for a normal “and a genius Realm Master would have a huge difference in strength. Even in history, some super realm masters were able to kill feudal lord level immortal deities when they were realm masters …….

From this, it could be seen to what extent the gap between the outstanding and the ordinary in the no rank of Boundary Lords was huge.

The later it gets, the more polarized it becomes!

A truth.

It was the same with the Golden Horned Beast and the Moonglow Vine.

In the beginning, at the Stellar level, the Golden Horned Beasts and Mo Yun Vines, the disparity in strength in their respective groups wasn’t obvious, and as their strength increased, the excellent ones became more and more amazing. At the Sector Master level …… the most perfect Mo Yun Vine can evolve 360 main vines, while the lowest has only 36 main vines, the difference in strength is more than ten times.

“Mo Yun, the more perfect and excellent the evolution, the harder it is to break through to become an immortal deity.” Luo Feng stroked a trailing leaf that emerged on his shoulder and said softly, “Teacher cultivated a mere 108 main vines back then when he cultivated the Mo Yun Vine Boundary Lord, but you are 216 main vines, but I will definitely let you evolve into an immortal deity.”

The vine leaves on his shoulders immediately began to dance.

“You’ve already reached the realm lord level, what you need to do now is to reach the peak of the realm lord ninth stage as early as possible.” Luo Feng let go of that trailing leaf, the trailing leaf bobbed up and down slightly, then whoosh, it directly shrunk into the Mo Yun battle suit and disappeared.

“It’s hard for the Mo Yun vine to break through to Immortal deity, but it’s going to be even harder for the …… golden horned behemoth to break through to Immortal deity.” Luo Feng sat cross-legged in the rest cabin and pondered.

The bloodline inheritance memories were very large and complicated, and there were some warnings, examples of breaking through to become an immortal deity in the memories. There were countless examples of Golden Horned Beasts throughout the generations being trapped at the peak of Boundary Lord, 99% of them were unable to break through, many Golden Horned Beasts, some were even so powerful that they were comparable to Immortal Deities at the peak of the Boundary Lord, and yet – they were still trapped at the 9th stage of the Boundary Lord, until they died.

This was the so-called fairness rule of the universe.

The more powerful a racial being was, the more difficult it would be to become an Immortal Deity, and the difficulty would skyrocket geometrically!

Compared to the Golden Horned Beast, it was thousands of times easier for humans to become immortal deities. Of course, the resources that humans had when they grew up couldn’t be compared to the Golden Horned Beasts.

“Ever since I left the primordial secret realm, I haven’t tried fusing the blood Luo crystals, give it a try.” Luo Feng, who was sitting cross-legged, his eyes lit up.

The world within his body.

The golden horned beast that was like a rolling black mountain range rumbled and rose. Since the end of the inheritance of the demonic sound god general until now, it had been more than ten years, originally Luo Feng thought that according to the law, a few years would be enough to fuse the 100th blood Luo crystal on his own, but the truth was out of Luo Feng’s expectation.

Fusing the 100th blood Luo crystal was incredibly difficult!

Especially that baleful aura, the baleful aura formed by the superposition of 100 blood Luo crystals seemed to cause a qualitative change due to quantitative change, every time Luo Feng ended up failing.


The huge eyes of the golden horned beast that looked like two large lakes stared at the right hoof and claw, the right hoof and claw had already been cut out with a wound, blood seemed to be bubbling up as if it were a spring, the blood Luo crystals were floating directly on this blood.

“Boom.” The front and back fusion of 100 blood Luo crystals endless balefulness superimposed and fused, forming an incomparably terrifying will impact, as if the impact came as a raging wave, one stronger and higher than the other, constantly superimposed on the impact, the previous impact all became a pedal for the next impact, constantly accumulating-

Luo Feng’s will condensed and rounded as one.

“This time is much better than last time.”

“It feels like it should be able to hold up.”

“Hold on!”

“Must hold on!” In a moment Luo Feng fell into a state of being muddled, to the point where he was about to pass out and collapse immediately, but that conviction kept holding on hard.

Only if that baleful qi shock exceeded a certain threshold could it completely make Luo Feng collapse.

I don’t know how long it took ……

The endless baneful qi shock quickly receded away as if it was an ebbing tide, leaving behind a serenity, Luo Feng’s will that had fallen into a near comatose state came to his senses almost instantly.

“Holy shit, I managed to hold out against the baneful qi onslaught.” Luo Feng was ecstatic in his heart.

Immediately after that-

An incomparably terrifying sharp pain instantly passed through the Golden Horn Beast’s body and onto Luo Feng’s three body consciousnesses.

“Yikes!” Inside the pod, the earthling’s original directly slammed down on his knees on the metal floor, his fingers clasping the metal in death, leaving only some white marks, blood oozing out of his deathly clenched teeth.

Inside the body world.

Demon killer race incarnation and golden horn beast are beginning to pain crazy, especially the fusion of blood Luo crystal of the main body of the “golden horn beast” from time to time to hit the inner world of those metal mountains, from time to time there are sharp claws to tear the earth, from time to time to tilt his head back and roar, for a moment to fly into the sky to howl, for a moment to dive down and crash into the earth.


Pain that had radiated to the point of causing the consciousness to collapse.

“Hurry up and go over.”

“Get over there for me!” Luo Feng, the Demon Slayer clan bilocation was howling.

“Owwww ……”


The Golden Horned Beast was also roaring in pain with a loud roar.


The Golden Horned Beast’s huge body, as if a huge mountain rumbled down onto the earth, and it plopped down on the earth as if it was incomparably tired. This is the most most painful time since the fusion of the blood Luo crystal, and it is far too much more painful than the fusion of the 99th blood Luo crystal ……, and it hurts so much that Luo Feng almost collapsed.

“Finally successful.”

The golden horned beast rumbled up, driving the huge blood Luo force lurking in the right hoof claw, at once the right hoof claw rapidly mutated, the basic composition of the cellular matter such as bones, muscles and scale armor rapidly changed, this change led to the scale armor on the surface of the golden horned beast’s right hoof claw becoming incomparably tighter and slightly thicker, turning into a dazzling golden color!

The entire right hoof and claw turned into a pure golden color!

At the same time, the hoof claw was also covered with densely packed blood-colored secret lines, the blood color of the secret lines and the gold color of the scale armor, completely mixed together, forming a very sudden blood color, gold color mixture effect. And if you combine the sharp claws of the “right hoof and claw” and the wrapped scale armor secret pattern, it is the head of a roaring beast god statue.

The complete beast god head roaring figure!

“Oo……” The golden horned beast gently stepped on that blood-golden right hoof claw, rumbling, the entire earth shook and cracked open.

“Good, good, so terrifying.”

The nearby Demon Slayer Clan’s doppelgangers, and the Golden Horn Beast itself, all stared at this mutated blood-golden right hoof claw.

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