Chapter 88: The Old Country

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:51:56
A+ A- Turn Off Light

He was completely stunned.

He, Luo Yanchang, Luo Feng’s eighth generation grandson.

As a member of the Luo family,……, even in the Milky Way, and even in the Black Dragon Mountain star field, it was a very high status and position. But even if his status is high, in front of the Luo family’s family head, the legendary existence “Luo Feng” whose status has caused the entire Earth to soar, he is just a little guy.

Moreover, the Luo family’s family rules are very strict! The Luo family’s family rules were very strict!

“He must have seen it, he must have seen it, he must have seen it.” Luo Yan long forehead beads of sweat rolled down, looking at the man in front of him slightly taller than him, seemingly ordinary, but the eyes are sharp to make his heart tremble.

The person in front of him …… was the one he admired the most, the Luo family’s family head, the most legendary figure on Earth.

Luo Feng!

“Boss?” The yellow-haired fatty shouted in a suspicious whisper.

“Yan long.” The enchanting young girl also shouted in a low voice.

Luo Yanchang was however standing in front of Luo Feng, apprehensive and terrified, not knowing what to say for a moment.

He, was only the eighth generation grandson.

The Luo family has many children, plus Luo Feng often immerses himself in cultivation for many years at a time, and only occasionally returns to the virtual universe Black Dragon Mountain island Nine Star Bay once, resulting in these juniors who have just been born for more than ten years, having seen Luo Feng two or three times at most……. For example, Luo Yanchang, has only seen Luo Feng three times since he was born!

Luo Feng spoke to him even more so just once!

In Luo Yanchang’s heart …… family master Luo Feng was a towering transcendent existence.

The restaurant was silent, everyone felt that the atmosphere wasn’t right, especially some of the black clothed guards who looked at the black haired man standing in the corner of the restaurant suspiciously.

Why did it look so much like Luo Feng?

“Go back home immediately, no need to mention me to the others, soon they will forget seeing me.” The short black haired man looked at Luo Yanchang.

“Yes.” Luo Yanchang held his breath and respectfully said.

The other people around them couldn’t help but feel a hint of shock when they saw that genius young master of the Luo family being so respectful, and hearing that man who looked like Luo Feng say “soon they will forget seeing me”.

“Let’s go.”

“Yes, your highness.”

The man with short black hair and the other bald, tall and thin man disappeared in a flash.

Only a group of people such as Luo Yanchang and the waiters and owners of the restaurant were left in the restaurant, while the group of guards and waiters who were still shocked with their original expressions remained back to their normal expressions, as if the duo had never appeared just now.

“The family master indeed possesses incredible strength.” Luo Yanchang couldn’t help but hold his breath as he looked at the appearance of his men around him, “The voice transmission conversation between Yan Huan and I just now must have been discovered by the family master, what should we do now? What to do? Although I knew that the family head would return in the past one or two years, who would have thought that the family head would not go straight home, but instead be in this small restaurant!”

Luo Yanchang’s heart was bitter.

“Boss, go up and eat.” The fat yellow-haired man said.

“Yan Chang.” The enchanting young girl also shouted.

“Shut up!” Luo Yanchang shouted in annoyance, scaring the yellow-haired fatty and the enchanting young girl.

“Not enough to accomplish anything, but more than enough to fail!” Luo Yanchang coldly looked at the yellow-haired fatty, while drinking to the surroundings, “Go, go back. Nana, go back by yourself, I have something important.”


Although the group of black-clothed men were puzzled as to why their young master had obviously come to eat, but then suddenly wanted to go back. But each and every one of them still answered the order and clustered around Luo Yanchang in that private airship to quickly lift off and leave.

Earth, Luo family.

Luo family is a family with incomparable transcendent status, although the current Earth is still managed by the “Earth Federation”, but because the entire galaxy is the Luo family, naturally …… Luo family status has become somewhat special. The Earth Federation, the predecessor is mainly the five major powers of the senior.

Yangzhou City, Luo family old house.

The outermost periphery of the old mansion is patrolled by a large number of large groups of uniformed guards every day, these guards are all very proud and proud, because wanting to become a Luo family guard is too difficult, first of all, many of the Luo family’s guards are cosmic slaves purchased directly, there are a bunch of stellar level slaves and cosmic level slaves.

Therefore, the standard for absorbing guards on Earth is naturally higher, even if you think about the identity of your fellow countrymen, the lowest threshold is still a War God level martial artist!

However, as long as one joins the Luo Family, even if one was originally only at the War God level …… one can quickly reach the planetary star level!

The planetary star level was very common in the Luo family.

“Many adults have returned recently.”

“Yeah, even Lord Puyang has rushed back from the Sinking View Star Domain, which is very far from the Black Dragon Mountain Star Domain, and it’s said that he rushed for nearly half a year in the Dark Universe alone in his airship.”

“I heard that Young Master Hai, too, gave up his cosmic adventure to rush back.”

Those servants inside the old mansion whispered, the Luo family as a powerful family, usually many of the sons and daughters within the family were on other planets, and only a very few stayed on Earth. However, in recent times, one by one, the sons and daughters had quickly rushed back from all over the universe, and these servants had also noticed something unusual.

Luo family old mansion, in the core of the old mansion, a quiet courtyard, this courtyard in the Luo family has a very special status, because …… this is Luo Feng’s younger brother “Luo Hua” living place.

In the courtyard.


“Ah Hua!”

Luo Hua pushed the door and looked at Luo Feng and Dylan standing in the courtyard and couldn’t help but shout in surprise.

The two brothers immediately bear hugged.

“It’s been over two hundred years, haven’t met in reality.” Luo Hua laughed.

“Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve been back, the earth has changed a lot.” Luo Feng nodded and looked at his brother! Over two hundred years, his brother didn’t see the slightest aging, he just had a scholarly temperament.

“Where are mom and dad?” Luo Feng asked.

“No need to ask, of course they are conquering in the virtual game.” Luo Hua laughed, “I don’t know what’s going on with mom and dad, they are so obsessed with virtual games, luckily they were allowed to strengthen into universe level strength, their conscious thinking ability and so on is extremely strong, which prevents them from confusing virtual and reality.

Luo Feng shook his head and smiled.

The entire Luo family is most obsessed with virtual games, that’s dad and mom.

I heard my dad say that when they fled during the great nirvana period, they used to read some paper novels to pass the time, among them there were some online game novels. So dad and mom, for those virtual games extraordinarily obsessed! And that virtual game is 100% simulation, which leads to the game time is too long, easy to let human beings can not distinguish between reality and fantasy.

This is a kind of psychological disease that some rich kids in the universe often get.


Luo Feng pure sudden used all kinds of resources to pile up, hardening his parents and younger brother to get to universe level! This kind of resources to hard create a universe level was enough to buy a small army of universe level slaves. Of course hard manufacturing a few universe level was considered a drop in the bucket for the Luo family.

“Brother, you don’t know, every time mom and dad see me, they often talk to me excitedly about the game, saying that they’re killing it and becoming a big shot on one side or something.” Luo Hua shook his head and laughed, “He also said that this life is worth living, every time you play a game, it’s like experiencing it for a lifetime.100% simulation …… is really cool.”

Luo Feng smiled, “It’s good that mom and dad are happy.”

“Every virtual game, playing for decades, is like living a lifetime.” Luo Hua laughed, “Spending a little bit of money and wealth can give mom and dad a 1000 epoch life span, it’s true that they can play many, many virtual games and experience many, many stories.”

Luo Feng nodded.

Life was different.

When my parents were young that earth disaster broke out and fled around, they were able to get some paper novels to read once in a while. Fleeing for many years, and eventually landed in the base city! But still living in low rent housing …… has been working hard to take care of their brothers. Have been waiting until more than forty years old almost fifty years old, the son Luo Feng rose to prominence!

Parents can finally enjoy the blessings! Fulfill the childhood dream of breaking into a virtual game! Incredibly painful.

Of course.

If you want to play the game that much, you have to have money and time.

“The stability of the cosmic human race, where ordinary people can have so much enjoyment, is dependent on countless strong people to maintain it.” Dylan who stood behind Luo Feng said in a low voice, “There are countless communities in the universe, some of the peak communities fight with each other, the weaker communities either become subordinates or form alliances with each other, still fighting for their respective survival! Every moment, humans have people dying because of this …… If one day, those great and powerful people fall one by one, humanity declines, and ordinary people can’t continue to enjoy themselves so much.”

Luo Feng and Luo Hua were stunned.

Then they all nodded their heads.

“Your highness, you have the qualifications to become a super being.” Dylan looked at Luo Feng, “Even my teacher praises you and looks favorably on you, you’ll be one of the pillars supporting our human race too!”

“Luo Feng!”

“Luo Feng!”

A silhouette rushed into the courtyard.

Luo Feng turned his head to see that it was none other than Xu Xin who was wearing her long hair.

“Wife.” Luo Feng hemmed and hawed.

“As soon as you came back, you came to find your brother.” Xu Xin hummed.

“It’s not that I didn’t realize you were at home just now with a sweep of my thoughts.” Luo Feng smiled and walked over! Even changed the topic, “By the way, when I came back …… I saw that little guy called Luo Yanchang, seems to do things a bit ……”

“You said Yan Chang?”

Xu Xin eyebrows have a trace of anger, “Well, he does do things a bit of a problem, the clan about him is secretly collecting evidence, but fortunately …… this little guy at least did not do sinful things. Since you mention it, let him go to the clan court as early as possible, for trial and punishment.”

Managing a clan, especially a clan that was about to be passed down for ten thousand, million or even billion years!

Is absolutely can’t rely on personal judgment to arbitrarily decide, and Luo Feng also don’t have that energy, to manage the whole family rewards and punishments, so …… must have family law clan rules! So there must be a family law and rules, and there is a “family court”!

“You didn’t care about anything all these years.” Xu Xin stared at Luo Feng, “Speaking of the clan court, I’ll also give you a report, over the years, three of the clan’s sons and daughters have been executed, and 37 have been punished, either lightly or severely. That boy Yan Chang is very talented and has progressed quickly, what he did wasn’t a major crime, plus he’s young, I guess the outcome of the trial will be to punish him to go to the mineral planet for 3 – 10 years.”

Luo Feng nodded.

The Luo family’s family laws and regulations were relatively strict compared to some of the big families in the universe.

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