Chapter 90 – The Luo Family’s Treasure Trove

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:52:01
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“In accordance with your request, built an ancient fortress surrounded that, and has been guarded very strictly ……,” Xu Xin solemnly said, “that place is indeed very dangerous, even if that group of slave guards are guarded very carefully and cautiously, but that bug Mother’s nest is occasionally filled with venomous poisonous gas, three slave guards still died over the years.”

Luo Feng nodded.

The insect mother nest, it was a time bomb!

“Insect mother nest?” Dylan was surprised, “Is it hard to believe that it’s still alive? There’s an insect mother king inside?”

“Right.” Luo Feng smiled and nodded.

“Made a fortune, your highness made a fortune.” Dylan even exclaimed.

“Not too much of a profit, I’ve looked up the information, this insect mother nest, it should only be considered sector lord level.” Luo Feng said.

Dylan even said, “Even if it’s a sector lord level level insect mother nest, it can still cultivate a large number of large numbers of sector lord insect warriors …… This insect mother nest, it’s still alive. If it is sold in the universe …… it can definitely be sold for more than a million hybrid units! However, it’s hard to control an insect race mother nest.”

To capture an insect race mother nest alive, very difficult.

Controlling it, also very difficult.

But once one really had complete control over a bug race mother nest, it would be awesome. Even if at most a mother nest of Sector Lord insect race warriors was created …… once a Sector Lord legion was created! Sector Lord Bug Clan Legions attacked with a combined force, even Immortal Deities would have to hide. And the immortal level bug race mother nest …… is even more terrifying!

Each insect race mother nest that could create immortal insect race warriors was simply a nightmare!

Bug Race!

It was by virtue of these terrifying characteristics that they had crisscrossed the universe, becoming one of the peak groups in the universe!

“Tomorrow, I’m going to check out that bug race mother nest.” Luo Feng sighed and said.

“Anytime.” Xu Xin nodded.

“Dad, be careful.” Luo Ping even said.

“Haha ……, don’t worry, even if it hadn’t fallen into a slumber, I would have been sure of saving my life. Not to mention now.” A hint of anticipation swept through Luo Feng’s eyes.

The insect mother nest, ever since joining the virtual universe company, Luo Feng had always kept it in the back of his mind.

Teacher Hu Yan Bo didn’t have a way to control the insect mother nest, but the …… Virtual Universe Company did! After all, in the human race, the insect mother nest buying and selling transactions are also there, which is why Dylan can quickly quote a price. There can be buying and selling …… visible definitely have a secret method of control!

However, when Luo Feng was in the “primordial secret realm”, he didn’t search for information on this type of secret method.

After becoming a member of the primordial secret realm, Luo Feng’s authority was raised and he finally found it.

To control the insect mother nest, the human 1008 universe country’s long years, created 29 kinds of control methods, the difficulty is very high. These 29 secret methods …… were clearly stronger in some aspects than the Soul Seal created by Hu Yan Bo. However, the Slave Soul Seal in The Soul Seal was still unique.

29 Secret Methods!

The conditions for practicing them varied. Some of them required an “Immortal Deity” to be able to control the Bug Mother Nest that created the Bug Warriors of the Realm Lords. Some of the secret methods required a “Cosmic Lord” to control the insect mother nest that created the immortal deities.

There are secret techniques that allow a human Realm Lord to control the Bug Mother Nest that creates Realm Lord Bug Warriors……. Likewise, it is more difficult to cultivate, and the price is also more expensive.

“Before accepting the inheritance of the Demonic Sound God General, I’m afraid that even at the sector lord level, I don’t have the certainty to take over the insect mother nest.” Luo Feng secretly said, “But …… after accepting the inheritance of the Demonic Sound God General, my numinous amplitude reached over 3200, which is the level of many immortal deities who went to accept the inheritance.”

Many Immortal Deities ended up at the end of the first stage of the inheritance.

The Immortal Deities that were able to go in were usually at the Feudal Marquis level or Feudal King level, and after that kind of existence accepted the inheritance, their nian force amplitude was only around 3000.

From this, it can be seen that–

A nian force amplitude of around 3000 was actually very exaggerated.

“My nian force amplitude is so high, it just happens to be suitable for the ‘Ten Thousand Minds Soul Control Secret Method’ of the 29 secret methods, the harshest requirement of this secret method is that it requires multiple uses of one mind, and at the highest tier it requires ten thousand uses of one mind.” Luo Feng secretly said, “When I reach the sector lord level, I’ll be able to use this ‘Ten Thousand Minds Soul Control Secret Method’ to completely control that insect mother nest!”

“However, at that time, I’ll have to spend huge amounts of points to purchase the secret method.” Luo Feng’s eyes glowed, “As long as I can control a bug race mother nest, these costs are nothing.”

Controlling a bug mother nest and cultivating a bug mother nest would be an increasingly staggering investment in the future.

However –

Luo Feng instead expected the bug mother nest to make his investment bigger and bigger, better yet, this bug mother nest would be able to create immortal level bug warriors in the future, then he would be truly bullish! However, Luo Feng also understands that …… that kind of insect mother nest is very, very rare in the entire insect race.

The probability of evolution was a thousand or ten thousand times harder than a Golden Horned Beast breaking through to an immortal deity!

“One cannot expect too much.”

“Being able to control an ordinary insect mother nest is strong. Creating a realm lord insect army, the collective attack of the army …… tsk tsk …… “Luo Feng is looking forward to it, the insect race because it can be commanded through the “insect mother emperor’s” spiritual thoughts. Luo Feng is looking forward to it, because the insects can be commanded by the “Mother Emperor of the Insects” through her spiritual power, the attacks of countless insects can be synthesized into one!

The energy attacks of hundreds of millions of insect warriors can be synthesized into one, that’s simply too heavenly.

This is the horror of the insect race.

“I’ll be able to step into the Realm Lord level after a few decades of cultivation on Earth. At that time, I’ll be able to figure out that ‘Ten Thousand Heart Soul Control Secret Method’, and when I learn it, I’ll be almost strong enough to control that insect race mother nest.” Luo Feng was secretly looking forward to it, “Anyway, at the sector lord level, the inner world will change fundamentally, and the inner world will be able to release life.”

Before the golden horned beast reached sector lord, if you put it in it would be directly refined away, the refinement wouldn’t be able to take it, the inner world would collapse.

Boundary Lord level.

The in-body world, just like the in-body worlds possessed by human Realm Lords, would be able to put life in. The difference was – the Golden Horned Beast’s inner world was incomparably huge!

“Put the insect mother nest in the inner world, no one will know about it, and quietly refine it when the time comes.” Luo Feng secretly said, “And with the sheer size of my inner world by then, it’s perfect for letting the insect mother nest cultivate a large number of insect warriors, cultivate a large number of insect warriors at normal times, and let them all out to fight at critical moments!”

Luo Ping and Luo Hai both went to rest, Luo Feng and Xu Xin husband and wife of course returned to their own place.


Xu Xin hugged Luo Feng and whispered, “Feng, there’s something I need to tell you.”

“What?” Luo Feng stroked his wife’s long hair.

“You’ve also noticed that the earth has changed a lot from back when you left.” Xu Xin said, “This remodeling of the earth is entirely my Luo family contributing money and effort.”

Luo Feng nodded.

It was normal, if the Luo family wasn’t contributing money and effort, who was?

“During the process of remodeling the earth, because of the large scale remodeling, the land was dug deep, mountain passages were opened and so on, so some relic items were found on the earth.” Xu Xin laughed, “Some of these relic items are some items left behind from the previous era of civilization, and we have researched through many of these items over the years. But there is one item that we have not been able to study.”

“Oh?” Luo Feng was surprised.

Earth was ruled by the cosmic kingdom a long time ago, it was only later that it was forcibly occupied by Hu Yan Bo, so naturally there were some relic items.


The Luo family was now extremely high in status and power, and there were too few items that could not be researched.

“This item, comparable to the sun’s internal high temperature can’t even harm it for a single moment, from the beginning of the careful research, to the later more and more bold, but hard can’t harm it for a single moment. This item …… is at least F grade metal hardness. But it, however, is definitely a crafted item, and it’s definitely not any of the F class metals that can be traced within the Virtual Marco Polo Company.”

Luo Feng was taken aback.

At least F grade metal hardness? Yet not any kind of F grade metal?

F grade alloy?

In the vast universe, regarding alloys, one could conclude this.

1, the highest alloy is grade E. That’s right.

2, alloys beyond E-class exist. Also true.

Seemingly contradictory, in fact, these are two conclusions drawn from two different perspectives.

Because in the vast universe, any other race to make the gold is at most E grade, only the mechanical race has beyond E grade alloy it …… However, that is the mechanical race “intelligent life” after the transformation into immortal gods, fusion of the alloy body, so that alloy body The alloy body evolved and became an alloy that surpassed the E grade.

In other words.

In other words, there is only one type of alloy in the universe that exceeds E grade – the body of a Mechanical Race Immortal Deity!

And truly speaking, the Mechanical Race couldn’t even carry out manufacturing.

“That thing, it looks like a plate.” Xu Xin said, “A very small plate.”

“What about the item?” Luo Feng even pursued.

The mechanical race body material was just like one, it shouldn’t be a board.

“It was put into family 1 treasure trove by me.” Xu Xin said.

“Level 1 treasure trove, so it’s on earth?” Luo Feng couldn’t hold back, “Take me to see it.”

Ancient families would keep some treasure vaults to prevent them from rising again in the future when the family fell, and some of these treasure vaults were hosted in banks, and some were hidden in the universe in some inconspicuous or even unnamed mineral planets.

Luo family, there are 12 treasure vaults.

Only treasure vault number 1 was on Earth.

“The other items within this treasure vault aren’t too expensive, adding up, the price is around 10 mixed yuan units.” Xu Xin walked through the underground passageway, both sides were filled with laser settings, and there were some other hidden organs at the top of the passageway, all of which Xu Xin had purchased as a core member of the Virtual Universe Company, “It’s also the strange metal plate, the value of which is difficult to determine.”

Click Click Click ……

The metal door of the treasure vault opened automatically.

“This is it.” Xu Xin took it out from within the hidden compartment.

Luo Feng took a glance at it.

It was pure black metal plate with some patterns on the surface, only this metal plate should have been smashed and cracked.

“The pattern is ordinary.” Xu Xin said, “Didn’t find anything special, but …… this ruptured metal plate, non any kind of checkable F grade metal, and there is no way to destroy it. And according to the excavation around it unearthed surveys, this ruptured metal plate has at least 600 million years of history in the ground, but it does not have the slightest trace of decay.”


Luo Feng was puzzled to receive this metal plate, once he did, he couldn’t help but be shocked, “So light!”

This stone plate had six edges because it had been shattered, the longest one was 11.2 centimeters in length and the shortest one was 3.1 centimeters, obviously just a palm sized black metal plate. But the weight, it felt as heavy as a pencil.

“Eh?” Luo Feng scrutinized this strange metal plate found from the earth.

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