Chapter 91 – Amazing God Clan

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:52:03
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Caressing this black metal plate in his hand, which was only palm-sized, it was cold and smooth, just like the touch of jade.

“Feng, what exactly is this black metal plate, do you know.” Xu Xin asked.

Luo Feng gently shook his head.

He had never seen this black metal plate before, even in the Golden Horned Beast’s huge inheritance memories, F grade and even G grade metals, he had once studied them very carefully. But even the Golden Horned Beast’s inheritance memories didn’t have this kind of substance.

“Babata, do you know?” Luo Feng’s consciousness inquired.

“It’s been scanned, the scanning instrument can’t detect the message, it can’t penetrate, and I’ve never seen this black metal plate before.” Babata’s slightly puzzled voice also sounded in Luo Feng’s mind.

Luo Feng suddenly held this black metal plate in both hands.


Luo Feng’s eyes flashed sternly, let out a low gulp, and violently broke his hands with force …… As a domain lord ninth ranked powerhouse, he was completely capable of causing a living planet to fall into mass extinction! But the terrifying force acted on the tiny metal plate without the slightest tremor affecting it. It was as if Luo Feng’s strength was just Du Cicada shaking a tree to it.

“What a weird metal plate.” Luo Feng frowned in confusion, “Let’s go, let’s go back to the house first.”

Luo Feng brought his wife and left the treasure vault.

On the bedroom balcony, Luo Feng sat silently on the balcony, it was already late at night about three or four o’clock, the moon was hanging high in the night sky, and the cool wind from the late summer night was blowing in through the window.

“With my current authority, all the many magical substance materials searched in the virtual universe company have been looked at briefly. And the Golden Horned Beast inheritance memories involve some metals and other peculiar substances, I’ve also read them over roughly.” Luo Feng stroked this black metal plate in his hand, “But there’s no message for any of them.”

“There must be an origin.” Luo Feng’s eyes glowed.

Luo Feng was very clear.

Although he had a high status, but in the human community alone …… there were many who had a higher status than him. For example, his own primordial secret realm member permissions seemed high, but on top of that, there were the permissions of the seal king level immortal deities, and the teacher True Diffusion King’s permissions were estimated to be a bit higher than the ordinary seal king level.

On top of that, there were also the Cosmic Kingdom Lords.

In short!

Even in the Human 1008 Cosmic Kingdom, one could only be considered the upper echelons, but not the true top echelons. The messages known were certainly less.

“But …… surprisingly, I can’t even find the Golden Horn Beast’s inheritance memories from all generations. Then this black metal plate, it’s really special.” Luo Feng stared.

It was a treasure.

Definitely a treasure!

“The pattern on the surface of this ruptured black metal plate is ordinary anyways.” Luo Feng stared, his naked eye vision, if he watched some of the specimens dissected open, he was even able to clearly see the nuclei within the cells! But that was it still couldn’t find any special points.

“I can’t see it with my naked eyes, try using my mind, mind probing can be more careful.” Luo Feng’s mind moved.

Thumbing ……

Intangible, colorless, incomparably thin threads of nian force gently and gently swept over this black metal plate.

“Hmm.” Luo Feng’s face changed, then he revealed a look of surprise.

“Haha! So it’s like this it’s still special!”

Luo Feng’s eyes glowed in surprise.

When he maneuvered the threads of thoughts to sweep across the black metal plate, the threads of thoughts didn’t even “touch” the metal plate, as if the metal plate was air. Instead, the threads of thoughts swept directly into the interior of the black metal plate …… and felt a layer of obstruction.

“Metal has a certain blocking effect of Nian Li.” Luo Feng was thrilled beyond measure, “But this metal plate is like air in the nian force detection …… Maybe it’s not a metal plate, but some other substance with an incomparably terrifying hardness. Or maybe it’s a very special kind of metal plate! Anyway …… Nian Li can penetrate it.”

“What’s inside.”

Luo Feng maneuvered his nian force.

Hundreds of threads of nian force seemed like embroidery needles, endeavoring to drill layer upon layer of obstruction as they entered the interior of the black metal plate and encountered layers of obstruction.

For a moment-

“Eh?” Luo Feng’s face changed slightly as he felt how the nian force couldn’t continue to go any deeper.

“Can’t drill through?”

“I don’t believe it!” Luo Feng’s eyes narrowed.

Inside the body world.

On the vast continent, the golden horned beast that stretched out like a mountain range was tilting its head back and letting out a huge roar, at the same time, the secret patterns on the four pointed horns on its forehead lit up at the same time-

The natural secret technique “Reinforcement”!

Not only were all aspects of the Golden Horn Beast’s body strengthened, but even the Golden Horn Beast’s soul – the soul in the original core – was also strengthened!


On the bedroom balcony, sitting there, Luo Feng’s eyes were like electricity.

His current earth human body is “domain master 9th stage”, and the golden horned beast is also “domain master 9th stage”, since it’s the same level and the same stage, so even if the soul in the original core is strengthened and released, the human body will be able to withstand it without collapsing! The situation!

Assuming that the human body is only at the ninth level of the universe, the soul’s power within the nucleus will not be able to be exerted through the human body.

Because the difference in level would be too great for the human body to bear.

Generally, between the second and third orders, the physical body would be able to withstand it.

“Snort!” The power of the nimbus influenced by the inexplicable laws in the universe soared! Immediately, the black metal plate in Luo Feng’s hand was drilled through the internal obstruction layer by layer once again.

“Rumble ……”

“My child.” Six magnificent faint voices resounded in Luo Feng’s mind, and instantly Luo Feng’s consciousness was plunged into the illusionary realm contained in that voice ……

For a long time –

Luo Feng who was sitting stupidly on the balcony suddenly his body trembled his face grimaced, bee gritted his teeth and snapped his eyes open.

“Holy shit, never encountered this type of illusion before.” Luo Feng’s forehead was drenched in cold sweat, this was one of the weirdest illusions ever encountered, unlike the various schools of illusionary secret methods of humans that Luo Feng knew, the general illusionary secret methods were straight from the heart, based on desires, heart and so on to make people fall into illusions that they couldn’t pull themselves out of.

But the illusion just now.

But just now, it was purely an illusion that bullied people!

With that mysterious sound illusions were created one after the other …… When Luo Feng broke open an illusion, I’m afraid that yet more illusions were born. This led to – even though Luo Feng kept breaking open illusions, more and more illusions were born, causing Luo Feng to have a nightmare feeling of being plunged into a bottomless abyss that he couldn’t climb out of.

“I broke through nearly 10,000 illusions, finally that endless chain of illusions collapsed automatically.” Luo Feng took a deep breath, his nimbus within the black metal continued to penetrate deeper, suddenly a text message continued to integrate into Luo Feng’s nimbus and was learned by Luo Feng.

A moment later, the text message transmission ended.


“This is actually a strange item that stores inheritance messages.” Luo Feng touched this black metal plate and wondered, “This message text, it’s also in square characters. Yet I don’t recognize any of them.”

One square character after another.

There were a total of 36,923 characters in this message.

Unfortunately, Luo Feng didn’t recognize any of them.

“It feels quite like some ancient characters from the ancient Chinese culture, but it’s not.” Luo Feng’s consciousness calculation speed was amazing, he had some knowledge of some arcane and various characters from the ancient Chinese culture, while the characters he got from the black metal plate were similar but not.

“Babata.” Luo Feng shouted.

“Hmm? Found out what.” Babata even asked after him.

“Do you recognize this character.” Luo Feng picked one of the very complicated characters, a full 92 strokes, and wrote directly in the air.

“This, this ……” Babata was shocked, “This is the Amazing God Race’s clip character.”

“Amazing God Clan.” Luo Feng was puzzled and surprised.

Even carefully searching for some information in the Golden Horned Beast’s inheritance memories, he soon found a record about the Amazing God Race.

Amazing god race one of the billions of ethnic groups in the vast universe, belonged to a powerful ethnic group, not to be messed with.

The information in the inheritance memory was very little, just a key reminder of “not to be messed with”.

“Babata, how much do you know about the Amazing God Race?” Luo Feng asked.

“I never even heard of the Amazing God Race when I followed my master.” Babata said, “However, after you became a member of the primordial secret realm. I as your virtual assistant, of course I can help you check the network, so …… with your permission, I’ve checked many, many information will a large amount of information are memorized and stored.”

Luo Feng smiled.

Usually cultivating on his own, Babata went to collect all sorts of information when he was bored.

“Tell me about the Amazing God race.” Luo Feng pursued.

“There are billions of ethnic groups in the universe, the ones that can survive, each one can’t be underestimated.” Babata started describing, “Of course humans, insect races, mechanical races, demon races and so on all belong to the peak races. Peak ethnic groups, belonging to the peak of the universe they all possess incomparably terrifying forces.”

“Such as the insect race, the insect race is incomparably united, their thoughts can be merged into one! And some powerful insect race mother nests are able to create immortal insect race warriors in large quantities ……”

“The endless sea of bugs, any one of the bug mother nests can easily take over a star field.”

“The Mechanical Race, any of the Mechanical Race clansmen are intelligent beings, and the higher the Mechanical Race clansmen are the more terrifying they become! Many high-tech weapons alone can be used to kill immortal deities ……”

“Humans, individually, are able to develop independently and are extremely independent. Plus the number is incomparably huge …… Of the huge number, many geniuses can be filtered out, cultivating many overwhelmingly strong people who can traverse the universe.” Baba Talian said, “Perhaps humans are not as terrifying as peak Bug Race powerhouses or peak Mechanical Race powerhouses in terms of individuals, but the number of powerful human individuals is large!”

“In short.”

“Peak ethnic groups, have two major advantages, one is strong peak force, and the second are all able to perform bug sea tactics, mechanical ocean tactics, and human sea tactics.”

“Other than peak ethnic groups, there are also some races that are sparse in number, but extremely powerful individually. That’s why they also occupy a certain position in the universe. The status is either high or low.” Babata said, “Some of the weaker races have long since become subordinate or been annexed. And the Amazing God Race …… is a powerful independent mysterious race.”

“They have a small population, so they don’t occupy much territory.”

“Because there are many super existences in the Amazing God Race, and because the territory isn’t that big, some peak races such as humans and bug races are unwilling to mess with them. Because the gains don’t outweigh the losses.

Luo Feng nodded, based on the information in his inherited memories.


They could be roughly divided into peak ethnic groups, powerful ethnic groups, ordinary ethnic groups, and weak ethnic groups.

Humans belonged to the peak ethnic group.

The Amazing God Race was a powerful race.

The Golden Horn Beast tribe? It’s even weaker than the Amazing God Race, mainly because the Golden Horned Beasts are too rare.

An elephant, and a hundred million ants, there was no doubt that the ant colony was stronger.

“The words you just wrote are precisely the words of the Amazing God Race.” Babata said, “The history of the Amazing God Race is very ancient, I’m afraid that it has already existed during the longest period of the birth of the universe, and since this black metal plate has existed on Earth for six hundred million years, it’s also understandable, after all, the history of the Amazing God Race is far more than six hundred million years.”

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