Chapter 93: Conservation of Energy

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:52:08
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72,000 auxiliary crystal threads, 1440 main threads, the Force crystal ball, soul crystal ball and the body perfectly combined together, the entire body internal simulation into an “internal universe”, the normal martial arts practitioners cultivate each level of genetic evolution, is naturally occurring.

This set of mysterious cultivation secret code, but let the body simulated into the internal universe began to slowly move the body gene evolution.

The genes evolve every bit.

It was all a big advance in the body’s strength.

So the gene evolution was actually very slow and had to be done carefully, and once a mistake was made, it would result in the collapse of the body, the soul crystal sphere, and the Force crystal sphere.

“This, this is just too shocking.”

Dots and dots of energy, along the silk threads constantly passing, penetrating into the body cells, began to push the cell genes to change slightly.72,000 auxiliary crystal silk threads, there are 1,440 main silk threads, forming a perfect a cosmic cycle, constantly pushing the cell genes to change slowly, albeit slowly, but it was going on. The filamentary evolution of the genes would cause the whole body to undergo a sky-rocketing metamorphosis.


“Crack!” Luo Feng’s entire body’s muscles and tendons intrinsically made sounds.

“Too, this, this is too ……”

“Too shocking, too wonderful.”

Luo Feng closed his eyes, but his face showed excitement, not for the subtle evolution of his body’s genes. Rather, it was because of the perfect cosmic cycle that constituted.

72,000 auxiliary filaments, there were 1,440 filaments, the Force crystal sphere, the soul crystal sphere, and the body these few aspects surprisingly simulated the cosmic cycle. Luo Feng purely according to the secret code said, do not understand the fundamental mysteries, directly hard according to the secret code to cast out, but when sensed all this ……

I was mesmerized!

Incomparable intoxication! It was as if seeing the most most beautiful thing in this world.

Time was going on.

Luo Feng was completely mesmerized in the perfect universe cycle constituted within his body, while this genetic evolution was automatically and slowly pushed forward in the constant cycle of the universe.

One day, two days …… in the blink of an eye twelve days passed.


Luo Feng’s whole body suddenly jerked violently.

“Not good!” Luo Feng’s eyes rolled round, his eyes were crimson, only to see his entire body’s skin and muscles directly rupture and bones break, his entire body instantly became a bloody man. And the originally perfect cosmic cycle in his body was also affected because of his body, it shook noiselessly and Luo Feng’s entire body instantly turned into flying ash and crumbled.


The clothes fell to the ground, leaving only a trail of ashes, Luo Feng had disappeared.

Inside world.

The vast metallic continent was in mid air, endless golden air currents gathered crazily at the core of the mid air, forming a golden orb, a large amount of golden mist energy merged into it, getting stronger and stronger.


The golden orb seemed to crack as if it was an egg, and a completely naked black-haired man stood in the air, precisely the resurrected Earthman himself.

“What the secret code says is right.” Luo Feng nodded slightly, “This secret method of pushing genetic evolution is very dangerous, each of the nine robberies can provoke a collapse if you’re not careful. The way to increase the safety factor is one, the body is strong enough. Two, the universe cycle is constructed more perfectly.”

The stronger the body, the better, assuming it was some powerful immortal deity that had reached the point where a single cellular fragment could be resurrected.

Then cultivation wasn’t dangerous at all.

Even if it turned into flying ash it would be able to coalesce again to continue trying to cultivate!

Of course, Luo Feng had the same safety effect because of his bilocation.

And the simulation in the body constitutes a cosmic cycle, although the secret codex describes how to go about arranging it, it’s just a general description …… According to the secret codex, assuming that the cosmic cycle that is arranged is really close to perfection, close to the true cosmic cycle of the wonders of the universe, then even the weakest of bodies won’t have any problems when cultivating.

“A cosmic running cycle?”

“It’s incredible.”

“Who the hell is the one who created this secret method?” Luo Feng had disbelief in his eyes, “Could it be that he has reached the point where he can penetrate the essence of the universe?”

The universe, mysterious and unfathomable.

There are so many kinds of laws alone. And when the universe really runs, many laws are merged into one and entangled with each other to run together, just like many gears each fit together and roll up. Such as time, space – is not separated, only time and space as a whole, then there is the most basic framework of the cosmic space.

So the cosmic functioning cycle to be enlightened, than individually enlightened time law, space law, more difficult.

“What kind of great being is this to create this secret method of simulating the cosmic cycle to promote genetic evolution.” Luo Feng’s eyes had a wise light in them, it was as if he had to study through a math problem when he was in school, Luo Feng was now like looking through those 72,000 auxiliary crystalline filaments, 1,440 main filaments, the Force crystal sphere, the Soul crystal sphere, the body-

to observe the universe!

The laws of space, the laws of time, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, light, lightning …… these laws of cosmic origin were all just part of the universe’s operation.

“I simply can’t imagine that the incomparably abstract cosmic operation can be simulated through the 72,000 auxiliary filaments, 1,440 filaments, the Force crystal sphere, the soul crystal sphere, and the body. Even if it’s only simulating some of the characteristics, it’s still incredible.” Luo Feng had a feeling of being mesmerized by looking up at the starry sky.


Of course even more mesmerized, it was only mesmerized.

Luo Feng hadn’t even been able to realize one of the origin laws of the universe, he hadn’t even become an immortal deity yet, he simply didn’t even have the qualifications to peek into the true operation of the universe’s mysteries.

“This great power, what a cow.” Luo Feng could only lament this.


Luo Feng disappeared into the inner world out of thin air.

In the secret room.

Luo Feng appeared out of thin air naked, while the clothes that changed into the Mo Yun vine that fell to the ground quickly merged into Luo Feng’s body, forming clothes once again.

“Both the earthling essence and the golden horned beast are flesh and blood beings, the earthling essence failed, let the golden horned beast try.” Luo Feng sat on his knees.

Inside the body world.

The Golden Horned Beast was perched on the pale earth, as if it was a huge black mountain range.

The Golden Horned Beast was different from humans, first of all its Force crystal orbs were actually those four pointed horns on its forehead! Since birth, it has been pouring almost all of its Force into its horns. Secondly, its real soul “original core” is always in the body of the earthlings or in the body of the demon killers.

But ……

Consciousness needs carrier, have soul crystal ball can have consciousness.

Therefore, the Golden Horned Beast’s body is condensed a soul crystal ball, and the soul crystal ball of the Earthling’s original body is actually exactly the same.

In fact–

Regardless of whether the Earthling proper, or the soul crystal ball condensed within the Golden Horned Beast’s body, and the soul within the protocore were actually exactly the same. The only difference is that …… the soul within the original core is connected to the inner world, and once that soul collapses, the inner world will collapse and Luo Feng will truly be finished.

Whereas the Earthling proper, the Golden Horned Beast, and the Demon Slayers, these three detachments were finished, but it had no effect on the protocore.

“Let the golden horned beast try and see if it can be practiced.”

“I hope it doesn’t fail.”

“The Earthling’s original body is just a little bit bigger, if it fails, coalescing a physical body, consuming not much energy. But …… the Golden Horned Beast, simply bigger than a mountain range, a huge body, once it collapses, to coalesce successfully. The energy consumed that is more than ten million times that of a human body.”

The human body is less than two meters tall.

The main body of the Golden Horn Beast was 90 kilometers long, and its tail was also nearly 90 kilometers long, and its height was unknown how many times higher than any mountain on Earth.

Gathering the Earthling’s main body was a piece of cake.

A huge Golden Horned Beast could be birthed.

The amount of energy that the inner world would need to consume, I’m afraid that it would delay Luo Feng from stepping into the realm lord level for a few years!

In a flash of time, a month had passed.

Inside the secret room.

Luo Feng opened his eyes and revealed a smile.

This month cultivating the first part of that nameless secret code, of course he himself only had the first part of the content.

First of all the earthling essence had failed three times before and after, but his body strength had nearly doubled! The Golden Horned Beast, on the other hand, was careful to cultivate, not daring to mess around at all, each time following the experience of the Earthling’s own cultivation. Every time after advancing some stop, and wait for the earthlings original to accumulate experience, the Golden Horn Beast then continue to cultivate.

But even so.

The Golden Horned Beast still died once, the huge body instantly collapsed …… but to Luo Feng surprise, the collapse into a huge mountain of crumbs and fly ash was actually very perfect to be used to coalesce a new Golden Horned Beast body. That is to say, those shattered flying ash mountains …… are equivalent to the Golden Horn Beast from an energy perspective.

“Conservation of energy?” Luo Feng was happy then too.

Also right.

Whether the Golden Horned Beast collapsed or resurrected, it was all within the internal world, so it wasn’t strange for energy to be conserved.

“The Golden Horned Beast’s genes are stronger than the Earthling’s original genes. This evolution up …… is obviously more difficult. This month, the Golden Horned Beast’s body strength power-wise is about 1.5 times of what it was before. The progress isn’t as fast as the Earthling proper.” Luo Feng muttered, but his face was smiling.

Yes, the progress wasn’t as fast as the Earthling proper.

But go to …… the Golden Horn Beast was already terrifyingly strong, raising it by another 50% was already amazing.

“Whoosh!” Luo Feng got up and opened the secret room door.

Walking down the corridor, he asked as he walked, “Babata.”

“Luo Feng, what is it?”

“The Virtual Universe Corporation sent 29 technicians, and my Luo family arranged for over 10 million cosmic workers to carry out the construction to remodel the planet. I asked you to monitor it from start to finish, nothing went wrong.” Luo Feng asked, now that the earth remodeling had reached an advanced stage, of course it was because the virtual universe company was extremely high tech, that’s why the earth remodeling was so fast.

“Of course nothing went wrong, I was getting more than 10 million robots smaller than mosquitoes on those construction workers to monitor them at all times, once I found a substance similar to a black metal plate, I immediately came to report it.” Babatalian replied.

“How about it, did you find a second piece?” Luo Feng even asked.

When he was in seclusion, Luo Feng had ordered it.

It was obvious that the black metal plate he had gotten was crippled, at least the content of the secret code inside it was only the first part, the next eight parts were all crippled.

“Didn’t find it.” Babata replied.

“This way, carry out mass manufacturing of probing robots.” Luo Feng’s eyes glowed, this secret codex, is priceless, in Luo Feng’s opinion, I’m afraid it’s much more valuable than any other treasures he’s gotten, “If you can’t make it in time, go straight to customization, customize a large batch of small scouting robots, and give me a large scale search of the planet.”

“Understood.” Babata was also excited.

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