Chapter 96: The Golden Horn Race

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:52:16
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The universe army of the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom was composed of 100 group armies with over a hundred million universe warriors!

In fact, such a huge army wasn’t too much pressure for a cosmic country. First of all, there were hundreds of millions of galaxies in the Qianwu Cosmic Country, and even if they developed naturally, a galaxy could give birth to a cosmic level! Not to mention …… a large group of sector lords and domain lords, the Qianwu dojo is open throughout the entire universe country.

In the case of the teachings, the number of universe level powerhouses in the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom, on average, a galaxy is more than 10, and the overall is more than 1 billion!

Counting like this.

A cosmic army of over a billion cosmic warriors was indeed not too much of a load, there was plenty of blood within the cosmic country that could be constantly supplied.

“Luo Feng, this 9th army lord is from my virtual universe company and is also a member of my virtual universe company.” The black veil girl smiled and introduced.

“I’m afraid I’ll often trouble the ninth army lord in the future.” Luo Feng smiled.

“It should be.” The tall thin man looked at the black veil maiden, “We’re also under the jurisdiction of the Qianwu division’s ‘military department’ …… Envoy if there’s something you need to do, feel free to command, talk about no trouble.”

Luo Feng glanced at the large group of immortal deities behind the tall thin man.

The tall thin man saw this and said in a low voice, “These are all 100 military lords under my 9th legion, part of them are from the virtual universe company, part of them are from the Qianwu cosmic country.”

Luo Feng nodded.

According to the information he had gotten from reading the emails before, the universe army of the Qianwu universe country was a total of over 10,000 immortal deities holding military positions, and of these immortal deities, half were from the virtual universe company and half were from the Qianwu universe country, confusing each other in the various group armies.

To ensure that the entire universe army would not split.

What’s more ……

The Dry Witch Cosmic Kingdom wouldn’t dare to engage in a split with the Virtual Universe Corporation.

“Envoy, I don’t know what I need from my 9th legion for this mission?” The tall thin man looked at Luo Feng.

“There’s no rush, I’ll send you the detailed mission process soon.” Luo Feng said.

“Hahaha …… then I’ll wait for you to give the order, envoy.” The tall thin man smiled.

Before this, the entire 9th legion knew nothing about the mission.

The mission, it had to be kept absolutely secret.

According to Luo Feng’s plan …… even if he ended up executing it, Luo Feng wouldn’t be able to tell the 9th legion all the information.

The 9th legion was just a resource, a pawn that he could use.

Time passed, Luo Feng contacted the company’s intelligence system side through the virtual universe network, confirming the detailed messages of the 120 million targets to be killed. And then a battle plan was swiftly formulated-

Tell the 9th army lord the details of these 120 million people, some of the planet locations where they are located.

Once the order is given, directly blockade the planet and capture them in a jar!

Make sure to leave no one behind!

Slaughter them all!

“The next step is to reach out to the Golden Horn Clan’s Ta Wen division.” Luo Feng sat in the virtual universe rain phase mountain primitive area, inside his own manor study, looking at the large number of messages displayed on the laptop screen in front of him, all of which were messages from the golden horn ethnic group tawen department.

“Golden horn tribe, it’s very similar to the name of the golden horn behemoth.” Luo Feng laughed.

Babata bristled, “The Golden Horn Beast, is one of the blood and flesh type beings ‘Star Beasts’. And this Golden Horn community …… doesn’t belong to blood meat beings at all.”

The major categories of life in the universe can be divided into blood-meat type life, metal type life, intelligent life, energy type life, plant type life, and rock type life ……

Even if they belong to the same kind of life, there will still be a big difference in looks, body structure and so on.

Such as rock-like life, some communities look similar to rocks, some like a big mountain, some like boulders, and some on the surface can not see the traces of rock, at first glance, some are even the same as humans, and some and some blood and meat monsters, only the internal composition of the body has a difference.

“What a marvelous race.” Luo Feng looked at the detailed introduction and marveled, “The golden horn race, belonging to a type of rock-like life, look similar to the bola race of humans, at least from the surface you can’t tell the difference at all.”

“And in reality, they eat dirt and rubber, and even if they poop, what they poop out are some crystals.” Babata said disdainfully, “Even if you cut open their bodies, it’s as if you’re cutting through some alloy, there won’t be the slightest trace of blood, much less organs such as organs such as organs and bowels, because rocky beings don’t even need to breathe by nature.”

Luo Feng nodded.

“The golden horn ethnic group, belongs to an ordinary ethnic group amongst the billions of ethnic groups in the universe.” Babata said disdainfully, “The strength is too weak, the population is quite large, and the required frontier territory is large. As a result, they can’t mix in the universe anymore, so they defected to the humans and became a subordinate group of the peak group of humans.”

The universe’s ethnic groups could be divided into four types: peak ethnic groups, powerful ethnic groups, ordinary ethnic groups, and weak ethnic groups.

The previous Amazing God Race was a powerful race.

The Golden Horn Clan, was an ordinary clan.

“Not weak, at least the Golden Horn ethnic group has many tribes, and the action squad sent by a random tribe is a Seal King level Immortal deity and seven Seal Marquis level Immortal deities.” Luo Feng lamented, “For one tribe to be that strong, the entire Golden Horn community is still very scary.”

“When I say weak, it’s relative to humans!” Babata bristled, “You have to understand, no matter what, it’s still a tribe!”

“Even the weakest communities in the universe can’t be underestimated, otherwise those communities wouldn’t be able to survive in the universe at all, and would have long been swallowed up by some powerful communities.” Babata said, “Let’s say this Golden Horn ethnic group, according to my estimation …… there are at least hundreds of Seal King level immortal deities, and there can be three or two strong cosmic country masters. Sweeping the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom, no problem!”

Luo Feng nodded.

Judging from what the intelligence information soil revealed, the Golden Horn clan could indeed easily sweep the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom.

However –

The peak strength of humanity was practically all gathered on the five major powers.

The forces revealed by the Virtual Universe Company alone …… such as the Initial Universe that is independent of the Primordial Universe! Such as easily suppressing the Blood Luo World! Such as easily creating a side of space-time! Human strength was indeed unfathomable.

“Of course, they are merely human vassals.” Babata said, “Dirty work and dangerous work, they are on! Good things, happy things, precious things, we humans are on.”

Luo Feng smiled, while sighing in his heart.

It was indeed not easy for communities to survive in the universe, the Golden Horn community was so strong that they could only be human vassals, selling their lives to humans in order to obtain the resources needed for the development of the entire community.

“They are considered good, some weaker ethnic groups don’t even have the qualifications to become vassals.” Babata said disdainfully, “They are directly captured and enslaved like slaves.”

Luo Feng nodded.

A thought also arose –

Himself, it was time to become one of the pillars of humanity’s foothold in the vast universe! So that the countless humans in the 1008 universe countries within the human frontier could live this relatively peaceful life.

While the Meteor Ink Star was still in the dark universe, rushing towards the Red Morning Star, a mysterious and powerful squad had already arrived at the Red Morning Star.

The Red Morning Star, a very ordinary life planet, was within a station of the Virtual Universe Corporation.

Inside the luxurious, gold-colored hall.

Nine strong men were sitting down scattered, all of them had greenish-colored skin, with vertical golden traces on their brow area, while the plates in front of them all contained delicate one-by-one either bar-shaped compounds or round materials.

“Click click click click click.” One of the youths wearing a gold-colored battle armor took a round metal and took a big bite, exclaiming, “The taste is really good, this alloy match is absolutely beautiful.”

“Everyone take a look at the information.” An old voice rang out.

The old man sitting at the very top who was shrouded in golden armor, only revealing a pair of pale eyes, said in a low voice, “This is some information about the human who arranged for us to be our connector this time, and the human we need to listen to our orders. Kashna, you can have it later! Look at this information first.”

“Yes, teacher.” The battle-armored youth even nodded.

The other seven immortal deities also looked at the information on that projected light screen.

“Luo Feng?” The battle armored youth recited, “A young man from the indigenous planet ‘Earth’, who participated in the Virtual Universe Corporation Genius Battle when he was at the stellar level, and instantly became a sensation, winning the top ten in the countless pinnacle matches of supreme geniuses from the 1008 universe countries, and entering the Tai Chou secret realm. Hey teacher, this guy is pretty impressive.”

“Keep looking!”

The old man said in a low voice.

“Oh.” The battle-armored youth obediently continued to watch.


The battle-armored youth glared, “Surprisingly, the internal first qualification battle rushed into the Primordial Mysterious Realm, belonging to an exceptional genius that is rare to come out even in tens of thousands of epochs of mankind? Well, serving as a Supervisory Envoy, tsk, this has been serving as a Supervisory Envoy for 50 years, and there’s not a bit of new news.”

“Everyone has already seen it.”

The old man looked around, then his gaze landed on the battle-armored youth, “Kashna, this time, I brought you here at the request of the chief, however, you are merely of Boundary Lord strength, so listen and watch obediently, and don’t cause any trouble for us, understand?”

“Understood, teacher.” The battle-armored youth nodded, but his eyes darted around.

The old man stopped looking at this disciple and said aloud, “Judging from the information, this is not an ordinary Primordial Mystic Realm genius, his rate of progress is very astonishing. Even if we include all the sector master geniuses of the human virtual universe company’s primordial secret realm, this Luo Feng’s potential has to be ranked in the top few!”

“Hmm.” The seven Immortal Deities of the Golden Horn Clan’s Ta Wen division all nodded their heads.

“According to the clan’s rules and regulations, this kind of human’s supreme genius who has a chance to be in the human hierarchy in the future must be befriended.” The old man shrouded in golden battle armor, his voice gradually became harsh, as if swords were clashing, “This mission is the perfect opportunity to befriend this human named Luo Feng, our Golden Horn Clan has to survive, even if it’s hard to befriend the human’s top brass, we have to befriend their future top brass. Everything, for the sake of the clan!”

“Everything, for the sake of the clan!” The seven Immortal Deities, including the battle-armored youth, also solemnly responded.

“Enjoy the meal.” The golden battle-armored elder said.

The members of the elite team from the Tavin Ministry began to eat the alloys and special compounds that the Virtual Universe Company had customized especially for them, and laughed loudly.

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