Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:13:40
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The high altitude of the endless continent had a thin film of seven-colored light with extremely strong resistance, which Luo Feng naturally passed through easily.

“This resistance, it’s estimated that only a realm lord can penetrate.” Luo feng nodded slightly, then he fell towards the bottom, in the air alone, Luo feng felt a super strong “suction” coming from below, the attraction was so strong that Luo feng was secretly surprised, “such a strong attraction, I’m afraid I need to be a cosmic level to keep flying.”

In mid-air just flickered and landed on the vast land, once he landed on the ground, his feet stepped on the ground for a split second, the attraction instantly weakened to the point of almost negligible, softly said: “Lord Gaki Ao came up with these 12 continents, really spent a lot of effort.”

“One large land, one seven-colored film of light. Between the two then one must suffer from strong repulsion, falling to the great earth to not suffer from this repulsion?” Luo Feng couldn’t help but marvel at the ability of the Lord of Gaki Ao who existed in the very early days of the birth of the universe, at least the creation of these 12 continents was feared to have taken a lot of thought.

Luo Feng swept his gaze around.

This was a black wasteland, at a glance, countless skeletons were left on the wasteland, many of the skeletons had already decayed, but some were still very sturdy apparently the years of death were not that long.

“This battlefield probably has a range of tens of thousands of kilometers, there are high and low strengths in the bones, the highest is just a sector lord.” Luo Feng secretly said, with his virtualization divine power, he only found three realm lord bones on the entire battlefield, one was buried deep in the ground, and two more were in the mountains.

The two edges of the battlefield each had an incomparably majestic and ancient city, that stretched for tens of thousands of kilometers on the city wall also had a large number of warriors patrolling, those warriors can be seen from a different race, and the bloody atmosphere emanating from the city wall also tells the history of the cruel war.

“Battlefield? Two majestic passes?” Luo Feng quickly changed, his feathers turned into a deep green color, his hair turned into short fiery red hair, and his skin turned into a deep green color. This appearance was quite similar to one of the races of those soldiers that his Voiding divine power had probed.

“I can’t believe I can’t recognize this race.” Consciousness quickly probed through the virtual universe, but a check made Luo Feng startled.

“The khawasu race?”

“This kind of weak ethnic group even faded away in the universe a long time ago, only some remnants remain in the Kaki O mystery realm.” Luo Feng secretly sighed, “Back then, the Lord of Gaki Ao went on a looting spree, but I didn’t expect to leave behind this lineage for the Kahuu clan.”


Luo Feng with a single step had already crossed that majestic border city and arrived hundreds of millions of kilometers away, it was over an incomparably luxurious and expansive city, tens of millions of subjects within the city were bustling with activity, while Luo Feng appeared in the sky above, naturally those ordinary beings couldn’t possibly see Luo Feng at all.

“Still gray.” Luo Feng had a golden toad in his left palm, the toad’s eyes were still gray.

“Every continent is huge, this gray toad has to get me 100 million kilometers closer to the target to sense it. How long will this take?” Luo Feng took another step …… to 100 million kilometers away to continue probing ……

Luo Feng began the long days of probing, noting that the diameter of these 12 continents was more than 1 light year for small ones and nearly 8 light years for large ones!

Luo Feng keeps 100 million kilometers per transient, even if he transients 10,000 times a day …… ten days to penetrate a continent of 1 light year. Must know that the width is also 1 light year ……

“To probe through 12 continents, I’m afraid it would take tens of thousands of years of age.”

“Luckily, probing only takes some effort.”

Luo Feng only separated a sliver of his consciousness to start this long exploration journey, while the rest of his consciousness was completely invested in the “Beast god way” and “secret pattern flow”.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Feng had already spent half a year on this continent.


“Not here either.”

“Here …… Huh! It’s red!” Luo Feng who was instantly moving again and again suddenly stopped, sticking the golden toad in his hand, the toad’s eyes had become fiery red. For the first time in half a year of exploration the golden toad’s eyes were red, naturally causing Luo Feng to have a jolt, the doppelgangers all temporarily stopped cultivating.

“It’s in that direction.” Luo Feng raised his head and looked into the distance, and then an instantaneous shift took him to about a million kilometers away from the target, and then Luo Feng began his flight ……

“A million kilometers, a few moments to fly to.”

“I need to check and see what’s going on around the target. It’s amazing that it can make the Ancestral God of the universe’s number one power, the ‘Ancestral God Cult’, pay such attention to it, and say that it’s something unfavorable to the primordial universe that’s happening.” Luo Feng didn’t dare to be the slightest bit careless, something that the Ancestral God said was “unfavorable to the primordial universe” wasn’t that simple.

Flying high in the sky, his virtualized divine power probed the surrounding 100,000 kilometers, Luo Feng didn’t even dare to probe too far. He didn’t dare to probe too far in case he spooked the target and let them escape.

This was also the first time Luo Feng carefully probed on this vast road, this probing, immediately saw a scene, many love-hate relationships happened on this land, and this “Jue dark continent” unique civilization was also revealed in front of Luo Feng, making Luo Feng quite happy.

“Interesting little guy, unlucky little guy.” Luo Feng’s vaporized divine power suddenly locked onto a spot in the earth below.

“Wei flame family, just wait! I, Bua, will definitely become a great saint and raze the entire Weyflame fortress to the ground!” A magical beast with huge fangs had a majestic knight on its back, the knight was tall and lanky, wearing thick full-body armor, and there were two huge blood-colored battle axes hanging next to the magical beast, and his face was exposed, and there was a scar that cut across half of his face, making him look more and more hideous.

“To have insulted me like this! I served him and fought in life and death, yet I dared to insult me like this, even my original maid was given to be taken away directly and given to someone else.”

“I will take revenge, for sure! When I come back again, I will definitely become a Great Saint and step on the entire Weyrflame Fortress.” This Wraith Knight cursed, and the Wraith darted on all four hooves.

Rumble …… after while the hooves rumbled.

Wraith Knight towards the back to see, suddenly a stare, face are white, only to see the rear of the full hundreds of Wraith Knights dashing to kill, “gaga gaga gaga ……” high in the air there is also a piercing cry, making this Wraith Knight, Bua, turn back to look at the mid-air, mid-air There is a huge beast in the air, and that beast has a fire-red color all over its body, and the edges of its scaled wings are surrounded by flames.

“Fire Winged Dragon! There are only nine Firewing Dragons in the Weifang Fort, in order to kill me, a fifth-order Knight even deployed a Firewing Dragon and hundreds of Magical Beast Knights.” Bua’s eyes revealed a color of madness, and he fiercely grabbed the twelve-meter-long knight’s lance that was resting on the back of the magical beast.

He grasped the lance with both hands and pointed it remotely at the Firewing Dragon that was flying rapidly high in the sky, which caused a bead of sweat to roll down Bua’s face, and his whole body trembled slightly as he gritted his teeth and stared. It wasn’t that he was afraid, but the oppression of the Firewing Dragon in the sky was too strong.

Fire winged dragon, need to be second only to the saint’s “ninth-order knight” to be able to match.

He a fifth order knight …… even if he came to a thousand can not defeat a fire wing dragon!

Boom! The magical beast he sat down on fell down directly when his knees went weak, causing Bua to directly roll over in mid-air and quickly fall to the ground, although his body and mind rolled over and fell to the ground, the huge lance in his hand was still pointed at the mid-air from afar.

“The Mighty Flame Family! Mighty Flame Family! Damn it! Even after you, Grandpa Bua, die, you will turn into an evil ghost knight to come for you.” Bua roared.

“Hahahaha ……”

“Evil Ghost Rider?”

“Dream on.”

The fire-winged dragon in the sky was circling, while the other Wraith Riders quickly caught up and soon surrounded Bua in the center. This group of magical beasts riding life …… in the air Luo Feng’s judgment, should be from three different ethnic groups, on the strength, that flying beast should be “stellar level seven order eight” level, although the normal must be cosmic level to fly, but this beast by virtue of the wings of the borrowed power and This beast was almost able to fly by virtue of its wings and its own ability.

As for the other knights, they were all of planetary level, with the highest being of planetary level 9.

“Bua, I won’t bully you, my men won’t do anything, just me …… to take on bamboo you.” The knight who wore the most gorgeous armor rode a snow-white unicorn alien beast with a snow-white body.

“Come on, come on, let Master Bua beat your ass.” The Bua holding a huge lance grinned as if he was crazy, staring at the handsome knight, he understood …… that in front of the Wei Flame Family, he was a small mole, knowing that resistance would die, but he just couldn’t hold back that breath.

Suddenly …… heaven and earth are quiet, time seems to have come to a standstill, the weeds on the roadside are also frozen and motionless after being bent by the wind, and those knights and the foreign beasts circling in mid air also stopped and did not move.

“What, what’s going on?” Bua was holding his lance in horror.

A figure slowly walked up with a smile on his face and looked at Bua.

“It’s just you.”

The man with dark green feathered wings looked at him and said, and then invisible power bound Bua.


Thousands of kilometers away in the wilderness, Bua fell to the ground, and he immediately stood up on his butt with his mouth still chanting, “Hell, did Master Bua meet the devil? Well …… where is the fire wing dragon? This, where is this place, ah ……” This charismatic and majestic big man looked at the figure standing in front of him in horror.

That figure is wearing a seemingly simple black robe, with dark green feathers, dark green skin, short fire red hair, the whole person has a hidden evil strange atmosphere.

“My lord.” Buallian bowed.

“I came to this world, I needed to find a being to ask something, you, were picked by me.”

Luo Feng looked at this Bua, “I know you’re in fear of that mighty flame family, don’t worry, the team that’s chasing you they’ll just think you’ve fled far away. Oh? You’re guessing my identity? A saint? Legend? Demigod?”

Bua was getting more and more terrified, this being in front of him actually knew exactly what he was thinking.

Luo Feng laughed, a cosmic level could easily conduct a soul search on a planetary level, how could the fluctuations of this weak little guy’s thoughts in front of him escape probing with his current prowess ……. Luo Feng casually provoked this little guy, but also quickly swept through this guy’s memories, carefully probing through it.

“Interesting world.”

“Interesting little guy.” Luo Feng looked at this Bua while turning his head to look at the distant mountain range from afar, “The direction that caused the golden toad’s eyes to turn red is inhabited by what these natives call a legend?”

“I appreciate your heart, it’s just that I’m curious as to what you would become if you possessed great power.” Luo Feng looked at the somewhat frightened and uncertain apprehensive “Bua”…… in front of him, at that moment, a very common exotic fruit originating from the universe amongst the vast amount of materials hidden in Luo Feng’s world ring appeared in Luo Feng’s palm, followed by instantly transforming into a green stream of light, enveloping the Famous Bua.

“Ah!” Bua was startled, instantly enveloped by the green light.

Under Luo Feng’s divine power subtle manipulation, causing Bua’s body to continuously absorb the energy essence to break through again and again, his life genes instantly soared at a terrifying speed, the energy in his body was constantly bursting …… in a few moments, a cosmic level ninth rank was born. And Luo Feng smiled as he watched the scene, since he had already gotten the message he wanted to know, what he did to this Bua was merely spontaneous, and the value of a fruit in the universe for a great Lord of the Universe …… is negligible.

With that, Luo Feng turned around and left with a single step.

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