Chapter 25 – The Crazy Scramble

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:14:17
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Drawing map is after all just a map of the Tilting Peak Realm made of special materials, and the strength of the Lord of T’ang Ao can even directly tear and destroy ordinary supreme treasures, and a single drawing map is naturally split into dozens of parts in an instant, but it’s very similar to the black metal plate that recorded the Nine Robberies Mysterious Dictionary back in Luo Feng’s day……. Although it’s already shattered, but each drawing map fragments still had parts of the diagrams recorded on them.

Combining the dozens of copies, it was the complete remnant map of the Pilgrimage Peak Realm that Spinning Yuan had left behind.

“Drawing silk diagrams!”

“Damnable Gaki Ao!”

The more than ten universe lords from all the major powers were angry in light, followed closely by even going to fight for the fragments of that drawstring diagram, because they knew very well that although it was only a fragment …… it was after all a legacy of Spinning Yuan, so even if the residual diagrams recorded in the fragments, they were afraid that they were all of extremely high value!

“Luo Feng, seize the drawstring diagram fragment.” The Lord of Ice Peak anxiously transmitted his voice.

“Understood.” Luo Feng was also desperately frantic.

“Don’t fight me!” The white face on the chest of the towering figure of the “Lord of the Canthus Demon” who had originally surrounded the Black Zeus Founding Founder roared fiercely, directly disregarding the Black Zeus Founding Founder, he even flew towards one of the nearest fragments of the drawstring diagram, which belonged to the larger one, “Get the hell out of my way! ”

Rumble ……

The Lord of the Canthus Demon grasped a huge whip in his hand, and violently flung it, the whip was more than a hundred million kilometers long, sweeping towards the “Lord of the Dimming Lotus” of the Insect Alliance, who wanted to snatch the fragments of the silk diagram, and in the midst of such a crazy siege, the Lord of the Dimming Lotus didn’t dare to call out a large number of Insect Warriors under his command at all.

“Canthus Demon!” The beautiful face of the Lord of the Dimming Lotus was also filled with anger.

“That’s mine, Insect Race, you don’t want it.” The Lord of the Canthus Demon then roared angrily and charged.

“Boom …… that’s mine, you go find the others.” The Lord of the Dimming Lotus suddenly began to appear around the endless ripples, a circle of ripples spread out, a powerful impact will be completely repelled by the surrounding “endless light domain”, naturally also suppressed to the Lord of the Canthus Demon.


The white face of the Lord of the Canthus Demon’s body roared, and at once, black waves spread out in all directions with him as the center, and black raging seawater spread out in an instant, impacting the surrounding Endless Light Domain and Endless Ripple Region.

The Cosmic Lords of the nine great powers present were all prepared for this trip to the Waki Ao Mysterious Realm.

There were three of them who had Peak Collaboration-type supreme treasures – the Lord of the Golden Horn, the Lord of the Dimming Lotus, and the Lord of the Canthus Demon.

Before dealing with the Lord of Gaki Ao, the Lord of the Golden Horn alone could use the Peak Domain-type Supreme Treasure, and everyone still went all out, but now in order to fight for this Marginal Silk Diagram …… how can we possibly be united, naturally they are all desperately trying their best to get a share or even more than one share of the Marginal Silk Diagram fragments of the large area. ……

“You guys fight for the Drawing Silk Diagram, I don’t want it, I just want that oddity.” The Black Zeus Founding Founder let out a fierce low roar.



“Black Zeus Founders, we won’t fight with you.”

“The curiosity belongs to you.”

“The curiosity belongs to you, and the drawstring diagram belongs to us.”

All parties of the strongest people at once each a sigh of relief, on the strength of the black zeus founding father is definitely force pressure them, before they united when they can completely suppress one of the strongest people in the universe, but once everyone is no longer united when …… the black zeus founding father if you have the heart to seize, is unlikely to seize the majority of the, but to seize a ten eight is very hopeful.

“Humph.” Black Zeus Founding Father secretly coldly snorted, “If it is the complete copy of the Tilted Peak Realm remnant map left behind by Spinning Yuan, it must have recorded the detailed situation from the outside world to the depths, but now it’s broken I even if I get ten copies, I’m afraid that it’s also from all the fragmented corners and can’t form a clear route. The value would be greatly reduced …… it would be better to get this strange object in my hands, with the strange object in my hands, my strength in the Cosmic Sea can explode to another level!”


The Black Zeus Founding Founder hurriedly chased after the escaping Lord of Gaki Ao.

Although all parties were fighting each other now, the Lord of Gaki Ao would be deliberately suppressed no matter if he was in the Endless Light Domain, the Endless Ripple Domain, or the Endless Black Water Domain. Since he had promised that the strange object would belong to the Black Zodiac Founder, he would naturally sell a favor to the Black Zodiac Founder. Moreover, the previous action of the Lord of Gaki Ao shattering the drawstring diagram had also made these universe lords a bit annoyed.

“Lord of Ice Peak, give me a hand and manipulate your Ice Mountain Hall with all your might.” The Black Zeus Founders said, “Afterward, I’ll reward you with a peak supreme treasure.”

“Can do.”

The Lord of Ice Peak detached a portion of his consciousness to fully manipulate the Ice Mountain Hall, desperately wanting to swallow the Lord of Gaki Ao inside. As for the Lord of Ice Peak himself, he naturally went crazy to fight for that drawstring diagram fragment just like the other universe lords.

“Lord of Gakiou, you don’t have a shred of hope.” The Black Zephyr Founding Lord quickly loomed closer.

“Damn it.”

The Lord of Gakiou was ridiculously slow.

With the spatial bindings controlled by the Black Zeus Founders, the peak domain type supreme treasure bindings, and the swallowing …… of the peak suppression type supreme treasure under the triple bindings, the Lord of Gaki Ao’s speed was pitifully slow, while the Black Zeus Founders were able to maintain their extreme speed.

“Black Aegis Founders, how about you let me off the hook if I hand over the strange object to you?” The Lord of Gaki Ao even transmitted his voice, the void around his voice had long been distorted by the Ice Mountain Hall swallowing all of it, even his divine power was somewhat collapsed, causing the Lord of Ice Peak to notice this transmission.

“We can’t let him go, Black Zeus Founders, he has to die.” The Lord of Ice Peak was also momentarily splitting his mind over here from afar.

“Kill him.”

“Kill him.”

How powerful was the consciousness of the Cosmic Lords, even though they were going all out to fight for the fragments of that Drawing Silk Diagram, they likewise noticed that one scene of the Black Zephyr Founding Fathers chasing after the Lord of Gaki Ao. All of them obviously wanted to make the Lord of Gaki Ao die, once the Lord of Gaki Ao perished, then all of their major forces would be considered to have great merits, and the clan forces and so on would receive the gifts of the primordial universe.

“A strange object for me?” The Black Zephyr Founding Father said.

“Yes, give it to you, let me go.” The Lord of Kakio was anxious.

“If I kill you, I’ll get the wonders just the same, and I’ll also get a large number of other supreme treasures on you. And I’ll also be able to get big credits. Even though it’s not very important to me, it’s natural to get more credit for the Primordial Universe.” The Black Zeus Founding Father laughed, “Gakiou, die.”

“Credit, what credit?” The Lord of Kakio asked after him.

“Guys who are going to die, there’s no need to know that much.” The Black Zephyr Founding Lord quickly rushed over.

Because the Black Zeus Founding Founder was not involved in the nine parties’ power struggle for the Drawing Silk Diagram, the cosmic space he manipulated also shrunk to just the area around him and the Lord of Gaki Ao, and it did not affect the other parties at all.

So ……

Luo Feng took advantage.

“Golden kingdom!” Luo Feng’s wings vibrated, endless hazy golden light instantly covered a radius of 1 light year area, except for the part of the area controlled by the Black Aegis Founders, all the other areas were under control.

“Pretty strong control.” The Black Zeus Founders all looked distantly at the silver-winged figure in the endless fragments of broken space in the distance, and then continued to deal with the Lord of the Waki Ao.

Clattering ……

Golden waves spread out, and the Nine Roaring Tigers River instantly filled the surrounding area for 3,000 kilometers. With the support of the “Golden Kingdom”, the Nine Roars River was simply arrogant, except for the “Ripple Region”, “Black Water Region”, “Radiance Region”, and the “Three Too Many Regions”. Apart from the “ripple area”, “black water area” and “light area”, the top level domain treasures used by some other powerhouses were all crushed by Luo Feng’s Nine Roars River.

Everyone knew the rules very well.

Although Luo Feng’s “golden kingdom” had a huge range of control, he definitely wouldn’t intentionally sabotage other areas because even if he did, he wouldn’t be able to get it from a distance, but instead he would offend other powerhouses.

As for the Lord of the Golden Horn, the Lord of the Dimming Lotus, and the Lord of the Canthus Demon, who possessed the peak field-type treasures, they were also clear about their own capabilities, so the peak field-type treasures were also more restrained, not to sabotage the actions of many other powerhouses, and once they did that, then they would become a public enemy, and would be under siege.

“Damn it!”

“Luo Feng, you dare to take it from me? Seek death!” Emperor Amazing shouted angrily, he was about to get his hands on a fragment of the drawstring diagram but Luo Feng smashed apart his supreme treasure domain and enveloped the fragment of the drawstring diagram through the Nine Roaring Tiger River.

“Amazing Emperor, this treasure is for the capable. If you’re capable, come and take it.” Luo Feng laughed.

The fragment of the drawstring diagram was in the Nine Roaring Tiger River and quickly flew towards Luo Feng.

“That’s mine.”

The Nine Roaring Tiger River but turned into streams of light and directly impacted into the Nine Roaring Tiger River, rumbling …… holding the Amazing God Halberd, the Amazing Emperor roared as he split the endless golden waves with his Amazing God Halberd and chased after the fragment of the drawstring diagram towards that.

This made Luo Feng jump in fright.

The drawstring diagram was still 20 million kilometers away from him, it would take ages to fly over, and by the looks of it, the Amazing Emperor was perfectly capable of stopping it midway.


Luo Feng was holding the peak supreme treasure “Jedi Guest”.


He directly rushed over, at the same time through the Nine Roaring Tiger River intentionally maneuvered the fragment of the drawstring diagram to make a detour, the fragment of the drawstring diagram and himself were rapidly closing in on each other, and then with a move of his hand, he quickly put the drawstring diagram into the world ring. This was the first Altair Diagram fragment he had gotten!

“Hahaha, Amazing Emperor, thanks a lot.” Luo Feng looked at the Amazing Emperor, “We’re also being courteous.”

The Amazing Emperor’s face turned blue.

Of course he understood what Luo Feng meant, back then, when Luo Feng went to his place to get the “robber armor”, he secretly released the news to attract a large number of universe venerable, universe hegemon to siege and hunt Luo Feng, making Luo Feng almost play with his life, and even in the end when Luo Feng arrived there, the Amazing emperor didn’t want to give it to Luo Feng, he still took out his sitter to pressure the Amazing emperor, only then did he make the Amazing emperor hand over the robber armor.

Back then the Amazing emperor did not do the right thing, Luo Feng this time, also counted as a payback.

“Hmph, if it wasn’t for teacher favoring you and letting you get this strange powerful treasure that can control space, how would you have been able to snatch the fragments of the drawstring diagram from my hands.” The Amazing Emperor coldly transmitted his voice, “In terms of strength and ability, you’re not my match at all.”

“Hahaha, if you didn’t snatch it, you’re saying that teacher is favoring.” Luo Feng snorted.


Luo Feng turned his head then flew straight away, not bothering with this Amazing Emperor.

“Damn it!” The Amazing Emperor’s face was livid, then he clenched his teeth and turned his head towards the other most promising fragment of the drawstring diagram in the distance.

“Suppress it!”

The Founding Father of Black Zeus had expended a lot of effort, and with the cooperation of the Lord of Ice Peak, and the cooperation of the Peak Realm-type supreme treasures, the Lord of Gaki Ao, who had been seriously injured, finally flew towards the gigantic door of the “Ice Mountain Hall”.

The Lord of Kakio roared madly, “Want me to die? Want the most precious treasure? You guys don’t think it’s that easy either! Explode me!!!”

Boom ……

A million kilometers high Lord of the Universe’s divine body, the divine power contained is how terrifying, in a moment of self-detonation …… The power of self-detonation is so strong that it even exceeds the strongest attack of the Lord of the River of Stars, and completely reaches the limit of the entire “primordial universe” bound by a limit value.

Endless waves of energy, instantly impacted in all directions.

“Kakio has self-destructed.”

“Protect the silk drawing!”

“Protect the fragments of the Drawing Diagram!”

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