Chapter 31 – The Broken Universe

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:14:33
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Toya black hole, the primordial universe can be called the strongest one.

“Hohoho ……” The powerful devouring twisting force acts on the body, if a universe honored one is afraid that it will instantly turn into flying ash, but to Luo Feng …… after the robbing armor is weakened to one hundred thousandth of one percent After the armor was weakened to one hundred thousandth of a percent, there was no threat at all. Side by side, Luo Feng and the Chaos City Lord quickly arrived at the deepest part of the Toya Black Hole.

“That’s the Toa Black Hole proper.” Chaos City Lord pointed ahead.

Luo Feng took a glance.

It was a sphere that was about three meters tall and black in color, the surface of the sphere had dark golden secret patterns, countless of which formed a very strange pattern …… This sphere with dark golden patterns was the black hole proper, generating that endless terrifying twisting devouring force.

Around it was one of the membrane walls of the entire primordial universe, and the membrane wall was also torn out by this twisting force into a hole with a diameter of nearly ten thousand kilometers.

Swish! Swish!

Luo Feng, Chaos City Lord flew past that black hole body in a single bound, completely resisting the attraction of the black hole, and flew directly out along the hole in the irregular membrane wall that had been torn out……. Outside of it, was the cosmic sea!

“Ha ……”

As soon as Luo Feng flew into the cosmic sea, he looked at the surrounding chaotic air currents that filled the area as if they were mist, the endless chaotic air currents generated monstrous pressure, the oppression was so strong that it was simply appalling, although these chaotic air currents didn’t intentionally attack, the pressure that naturally emanated from them alone was enough to cause an immortal deity to fly into the dust.

“What a strong pressure, much stronger than the chaos airflow of the miniature universe I cast.” Luo Feng secretly sighed.

“Chaos airflow, a universe’s energy source.” Chaos city lord stood in the void, looking at the endless chaos airflow in front of him, “I’m not sure about the primordial universe, but the mini universes of the strongest people in the universe, each and every one of them use this chaos airflow as their energy source. The chaos airflow in the cosmic sea has the highest purity, at least it’s much purer than those in our human initial universe.”

Luo Feng nodded.

Just kidding!

The initial universe was merely a small universe, only in its initial state, the chaos air currents in it had no compression at all, so back then, Luo Feng and some of their little guys of the ninth level of the stellar grade were still able to be incomparably relaxed and at ease in the chaos city.

“Leaving the primordial universe, it’s time to venture out in the cosmic sea.” Chaos City Lord turned his head to look back.

Luo Feng also turned around.

Standing in the void and turning to look, not far behind was the irregularly torn open hole in the membrane wall, at a glance, one could only see the huge membrane wall spreading out in all directions, as if it was a huge curtain wall that could never be seen to end, as if the entire cosmic sea had been directly given a cover over the other half.

“This is the primordial universe, the cradle that gave birth to billions of communities, and the cradle that gave birth to me?” Luo Feng said silently in his heart, at the same time he couldn’t feel the pressure of this primordial universe at all, it only felt unreachable.

An ordinary person looking up at the sun also felt the same lack of oppression.

It only felt that the sun was unattainable.

Luo Feng looked at the primordial universe and it was the same!

“How did the original ancestor dare to confront the primordial universe back then?” Luo Feng said softly.

“The higher you stand, the further you can see.”

Chaos city lord also looked at the endless membrane walls of the primordial universe in front of him, “Even the strongest people in the universe, or even the strongest people in the universe before the great destruction. I’ve never heard of anyone who dared to fight against the Primal Universe! Sensei is the only one, perhaps when you can also manage to traverse the cosmic sea, and even those strongest of the universes before the Great Destruction Era can’t stand up to you, you’ll understand why the Primordial Ancestor dared to resist.”

Duo Feng nodded slightly.

“Let’s go.”

The Chaos City Lord brought Luo Feng with him, and in a direct instant, he arrived in a void.

There were a full 39 twisted spatial holes around the void, they were all natural wormholes.

“39 natural wormholes, the holes vary in size and lead to different distances.” The Chaos City Lord laughed, “You should be able to accurately identify natural wormholes 1 through 39.”

“Uh-huh.” Luo Feng nodded, the description of that map was still very accurate, and there were multiple methods of description, lest he recognized the wrong one, it would be a terrible thing to go wrong in the cosmic sea. Luo Feng pointed remotely to one of the larger distorted space holes not far away, “Our route this time, is along this 15th natural wormhole.”

“Right.” Chaos city lord nodded in satisfaction, “Go.”

The endless cosmic sea was filled with chaotic air currents, but at the level of the Master of the Universe, they did not rely solely on their eyesight to see, for example, the divine power that permeated them could also allow them to accurately “see” their surroundings, and it was even clearer than their eyes could see.

Natural wormholes!

Instantaneous transportation! Teleportation! Teleportation!

The limit of each transient is 10,000 light-years, and the will consciousness of the Master of the Universe is capable of maintaining an extremely high frequency of transients.

In the blink of an eye, more than two days had passed.

Two figures walked out of a spatial vortex.

“Ah!” Luo Feng was startled.

He saw a huge celestial body not far in front of him in the void in front of him, a huge cosmic membrane wall spreading out, unable to see the end at a glance. It was just that this cosmic membrane wall was too tattered, at a glance, Luo Feng could see hundreds of broken irregular holes and cracks, causing chaotic air currents to completely travel through the cosmic sea and within that cosmic membrane wall.

“This is ……” Luo Feng was shocked, “This is that reference mini universe?”

“A small universe with a diameter of about 100 million light years.”

A golden robed Chaos City Lord looked at that small universe from afar and said softly, “A small universe that has long since perished and fallen into disrepair.”

“Broken?” Although Luo Feng had gotten the map, it was too complicated after all, he also simply understood some references and such, and didn’t watch the message in detail.

“The strongest person in the universe perished, his small universe naturally fell into disrepair.” Chaos City Lord looked at Luo Feng, “A strong person who cultivates to the highest peak is the strongest person in the universe, while a divine kingdom that develops to the highest peak is a small universe.”

“If an immortal deity perishes, his divine kingdom will be barren and broken.

“If the strongest person in the universe perishes, his small universe will also fall into disrepair.” The Chaos City Lord lamented, “Let’s go, let’s take you to see this broken small universe.”


With an instantaneous movement, he had moved Luo Feng, who was in shock, to the edge of one of the cracks in that cosmic membrane wall.

“Cosmic membrane wall.” Luo Feng glanced at it, only to see that the edges of the cracks in the cosmic membrane wall were trembling as the chaotic air currents kept wandering and impacting that crack.

Through the crack that was more than 30,000 kilometers high and also about hundreds of kilometers wide.

“This is ……” Luo Feng looked away.

Broken space fragments, there were continent fragments in the space fragments.

Huge mountain ranges were floating.

Some huge broken god corpses were also floating.

“Wow …… “The distant high cosmic membrane wall directly has a piece off, a glance, the entire universe is in, collapse, process, from time to time there will be cosmic membrane wall off, those space debris occasionally collide with each other to make the split again, so that some continent The universe is in the process of collapsing.

The whole universe is constantly collapsing ……

“The original universe was born and nurtured billions of communities and countless strong people, with the passage of time, the original universe will rapidly decline and even destroy after reaching a peak of prosperity! And then start a new breeding birth …… each reincarnation, will breed hundreds of millions of communities many geniuses, some of the universe’s strongest, a large number of the Lord of the Universe.”

“One reincarnation after another, it’s incredibly long.”

“Each reincarnation has a group of the strongest people in the universe, and each strongest person in the universe corresponds to a small universe.”

“Small universes drift in the cosmic sea, drifting farther and farther away, and many of them have long since exceeded the range of the cosmic sea we explored. There are 18,022 small universes that have been discovered alone!” Chaos city lord looked at the fragments of continents and shattered god corpses floating in that chaotic air current and slowly said.

Luo Feng held his breath.

“Think of this reincarnation of ours as the third universe era.” Chaos city lord said, “The one reincarnation in front of us think of it as the second universe era. One more reincarnation in front of us as the First Cosmic Era.”

“The entire Cosmic Sea …… except for the two great Holy Lands, only the strongest of the three Cosmic Ages have survived. The other reincarnations, all of them annihilated.”

“Three universe eras?” Luo Feng was shocked.


Chaos city lord nodded, “Yes, in the endless cosmic sea, the first cosmic era, the second cosmic era and our third cosmic era.”

“Our Third Cosmic Era, is still in the process of reproduction, while the previous two reincarnations have had complete reincarnations, and naturally the number of powerful people that were birthed far exceeds us.” The Chaos City Lord said, “Our third era is the weakest one. The first era on the other hand is the strongest.”

Luo Feng also understood.

Universe development, at first the birth rate of strong people was slow because secret methods and such needed to be created and perfected, the further back one went, the efficiency of cultivating strong people would continue to increase. This third universe era of his own was perhaps only halfway through the cycle, the first two cycles were complete, the number of strong people was naturally different.

The Chaos City Lord shook his head and smiled, ”Of course there is no need to be presumptuous, the Original Ancestor he was absolutely invincible back then when he crossed the Cosmic Sea! The strongest people in other universes were all walking around.”

“Teacher, you’re saying three cosmic eras …… two holy places?” Luo Feng frowned, “Where are the holy places?”

“Actually, we know from the more than 10,000 small universes that have been discovered …… how many of the strongest people in the universe were once born, but across 90% of the small universes have all fallen into disrepair.” Chaos City Lord said, “Obviously the strongest people in those universes have all fallen.”

Luo Feng nodded.

When small universes fell apart, it meant that the strongest people in the universe had fallen.

“In addition to the three great cosmic eras …… there are two other forces in the cosmic sea, they each belong to a small universe.” Chaos City Lord lamented, “Those two small universes should be the small universes of the strongest people in the universe before our first ten reincarnations or even the first hundred universe reincarnations.”

Luo Feng was shocked.

The primordial universe had reincarnated time and time again, in some reincarnation era far ago, there were actually still alive?

“Those two small universes are also extremely large in size.” Chaos city lord said, “The small universes of the strongest known universes are usually at most 100 million light years in diameter. Those can be two small universes, one is 2.1 billion light years in diameter. One is 3.2 billion light years in diameter, belonging to the largest two small universes, the era of reincarnation that existed is no longer verifiable.”

Luo Feng was secretly shocked.

Countless reincarnation eras had been annihilated.

But those two small universes survived, this was naturally extraordinary.

“Three cosmic eras and two great holy lands, this is the power in the endless cosmic sea. It’s true that every universe era is not united, just like our Third Universe Era is also divided into nine super powers, twelve top powers, and so on. That First Universe Era and Second Universe Era are similarly divided into dozens of forces, so in the Endless Universe Sea, it is said to be very chaotic, and any force that is not on your side may suddenly attack you.” The Chaos City Lord said.

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