Chapter 40 Vigilance

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:14:56
A+ A- Turn Off Light

It was also a bit unbelievable that the high endless wings of light, the mere pressure that emanated from them caused one’s Lord of the Universe level consciousness to instantly come to a standstill.

“Could it be that the relationship between the two pairs of feathers on my body and that pair of light wings is just like the relationship between the tower bead, the sealing star and the star tower?” Luo Feng secretly guessed, “I’m merely two of the tiny parts of that light wing?”

Just as Luo Feng was pondering, suddenly –

Boom ……

The entire deep cave was suddenly filled with endless icy white sand particles, countless sand particles flowed, filling every place, even easily penetrating that thick rock, sweeping any place, at the same time those sea of sand also swept through the light screen, the light screen slightly rippled, as if the surrounding space and time had already been distorted.

Any probing …… could not discover the mystery.

“Domain type supreme treasure …… ice sand sea?” Luo Feng was shocked.

Icy sand sea, was the domain class supreme treasure of the Lord of An Yong, he himself had once learned about it when he saved the Lord of Flint.

“Hahaha, human galaxy lord Luo Feng?” A voice directly rang in Luo Feng’s ears through that endless sea of sand.

Wow ……

The surrounding spatial fluctuations instantly condensed and space was blocked!

“He’s even here, what’s with the coincidence?” Luo Feng cursed in his heart, that pair of light wings was undoubtedly a supreme supreme treasure, incomparably precious and heaven-defying in its might, and it had an unusual relationship with his own Wu Slayer Feather. Even though the Demon Slayer Clan bilocation had only briefly swept it, it was able to judge that it was extremely good at attacking.

If you have a star tower, feather wings, two strongest treasure ……

that could really be heaven-defying!

“A supreme treasure, how precious is it? I’m afraid it’s not easy to get your hands on it.” Luo Feng secretly muttered, the star tower was the one that made many of the strongest people in the universe helpless, they couldn’t do anything about it in front of their eyes, even if Sitting Mountain Guest left it to himself, he also spent a lot of effort to go through life and death robberies before he could really get it.

This light wing is afraid that it is similar, but now the Lord of An Yong suddenly appeared.

“We can’t let him discover the cave mysteries.”

“The God’s eye clan is monstrously powerful, it is a super power, it’s too much stronger than my human community, once he knows that the notice was given to the God’s eye clan, I won’t be able to get this light wing.” Many thoughts instantly swept through Luo Feng’s mind, followed by a decision, he immediately turned into a stream of light and swiftly flew towards the outside.

The Lord of An Yong stood at the top of a mountain deep in the waters, looking at the mouth of the cave in the distance from afar, and there was a rare excitement on his face.

Over the years he had been in the 193293rd reference system area to slowly search, incomparably meticulous search, but this kind of one cave, valley, mountain belly, aquatic plants in the bushes and so on one place to slowly explore is really too slow, generally every time he searches for a period of time, feel bored he will be through the field type supreme treasure, in the surrounding a piece of hundreds of light years area sweep once.

A combination of detailed exploration and brief exploration.

Occasionally this kind of large-scale sweeping, perhaps can find some clues, I did not expect this belongs to the boredom of random sweeping exploration, but surprisingly made him discover that primitive universe human Luo Feng! In fact, over the years he had this kind of large scale sweeping exploration, he had also encountered two alien universe lords passing by …… Luo Feng was the third to be swept out.

“Surprisingly let me find this human Luo Feng, haha …… what luck.”

“Right, he’s weak and doesn’t dare to enter the inner domain. Probably just exploring in the outer waters, surprisingly coming to my 193293rd reference area, so I can’t be blamed.” The Lord of An Yong had a complete sense of superiority towards Luo Feng, because in his eyes, Luo Feng was just a freshly entered Lord of the Universe, and his strength was barely ranked at the second order.

He was only stronger at escaping.

“His domain is quite powerful, one on one, I’m afraid I won’t be able to kill him.” The one-eyed silhouette in the aperture behind the Lord of An Yong all looked a bit grim.

In the Cosmic Sea, the God’s Eye Clan had a total of seven small universes, of which the Seventh True Lord’s small universe was within.

“I have intercepted the primordial universe human Luo Feng, and am now in the 193293rd reference system 329491, 100939 point area, that Luo Feng is extremely strong in domain mastery, there are peak domain type supreme treasures coming to help, the supreme treasures are equally divided, who can arrive the fastest?” The incarnation of the Lord of An Yong stood in front of a mirror.

Avatars surfaced on the mirror one after another.

“Haha, Yasunaga, you’re so lucky.”

“It has long been rumored that Luo Feng, the Primordial Universe Human’s newest Cosmic Lord, has a special supreme treasure that controls space and time, and is very difficult to deal with. It does have to be one with a peak domain type supreme treasure to be possible.”

“An Yong, it will take me nearly 40 minutes to arrive.” (God’s Eye Clan text translated that should be 3 by hours, equivalent to 40 minutes)

“An Yong, I’m also in the Tilted Peak Realm, but it’ll take a few days to get out from the Inner Realm.”

“Unfortunately, I’m on the Cosmic Boat side.”

“It will also take about 2 hours for me to instantly rush there.”

Only to see one avatar emerge on the mirror and speak one after another, and then the fastest one that could arrive would take nearly 40 minutes.

“Lord of the Golden Spyre, please come quickly.”

“I’ll come as fast as I can, that primordial universe human Luo Feng will have to rely on you to hold him back first.”


“Jin Spy, An Yong, I wish you two success, but don’t get beaten by the human community’s strongest instead and flee back.”

“The human community will definitely protect that human Luo Feng, you guys move slower, that primordial universe human powerhouses might be arriving, especially that Chaos City Lord …… can be very bad to mess with.”

Wow ……

In the inner domain of the Tilting Peak Realm, the wind was howling, countless sandstones were flying at a hundred times the speed of light, among these sandstones there were occasionally some transparent sandstones, when they whistled and flew by, the cosmic space was silently appearing with a crack.

“Clang! Clang! Clang!”

A golden-colored airship supreme treasure whistled past, but it couldn’t help but vibrate as it was hit by some sandstones.

Yet it also penetrated through with difficulty.

Inside the airship.

A humanoid creature with golden armor all over his body, his entire body emitting a blinding white light, with a circle of light at the back of his head, and a one-eyed silhouette within the circle of light.

“Human Luo Feng, a supreme treasure that can control space and time?” The God’s Eye Clan powerhouse chanted softly.

While the incarnations of the Lord of the Golden Spyre and the Lord of An Yong agreed with each other, deep within the 193293rd reference area of the Tilted Peak Realm waters, Luo Feng and the Lord of An Yong had already met.

Luo Feng flew out of the cave and hovered in the center of the waters.

Not far away on top of a mountain peak, the Lord of An Yong was standing overlooking Luo Feng.

“Boom ……”

Golden flames swept through everything, all the countless grains of sand dissipated, with the aid of the “golden kingdom”, the endless flames formed by the flaming sand cup drive covered the surrounding area for several light years. Luo Feng was in the center of the endless flames, his four wings spread out, facing the Lord of Eternity from afar.

“Lord of An Yong really can see you anywhere!” Luo Feng roared lowly.

“Hahahaha ……”

The Lord of An Yong laughed, “I didn’t intentionally look for you, I’ve been exploring the waters of this reference system for a long time, it was you who came here by yourself exploring for treasures. If you don’t take this living path and you take the dead path, who can you blame?”

“Dead end road?” Luo Feng snorted.

“Life is limited, eternity is hard to find.”

The Lord of Eternity looked at Luo Feng, “Killing is the only path!” Lord of An Yong wasn’t in a hurry to make a move, he was deliberately stalling for time, because one on one he was fully confident of defeating Luo Feng, but to kill Luo Feng was something that was simply impossible.

Luo Feng coped with this on his lips, but in his heart he was on guard.

“He’s been exploring this reference area for a long time?” Luo Feng instantly became wary, “Why did he explore for a long time, did he get some message?”

That pair of light wings were endlessly powerful.

Luo Feng was afraid of any twists and turns in the middle, he had to minimize all unexpected factors.

“Well, it looks like he doesn’t seem to know, he’s just busy exploring one place at a time, the entire bottom of the waters are all endless celestial mountains and rocks, there are countless caves, canyons, peaks and so on on that celestial mountains and rocks, so exploring for fear of tens of thousands of epochs it’s unlikely that he’ll find that cave of mine.” Luo Feng secretly nodded.

Before, when he came out of that cave, it looked like the Lord of An Yong didn’t suspect anything.

In fact, it was normal not to be skeptical because there were countless caves in the waters, and a lot of searching for treasures in the waters was drilling all sorts of caves. When the Lord of An Yong discovered Luo Feng …… Luo Feng was in a cave, the Lord of An Yong only thought that Luo Feng was also searching for treasure and didn’t realize that there was anything special about that cave that looked the same as the countless caves.

“Killing is the only path?” Luo Feng grinned sardonically, “Who kills who, I’m afraid it’s hard to say.”


Luo Feng held the Jedi warrior sword and instantly turned into a stream of light and rushed directly towards that Lord of An Yong.

“How dare you engage me in battle?” The Lord of An Yong was surprised that Luo Feng didn’t immediately flee, his eyes were filled with killing intent, “Little fellow, for endless years, I’ve killed more powerful people than you’ve ever seen, I’m afraid. Fight with me? Perish.” The scepter in his palm was suddenly incomparably dazzling.

The scepter made a straight thrust, and in an instant, a straight stream of light appeared in all of space.

There was only one word – fast!


The poignant golden blade light flashed and cleaved on the scepter’s head, the powerful mighty impact caused Luo Feng’s entire body to be thrown away, “So fast, so fast that I just barely blocked it, no wonder the Lord of Flint was too late to resist.”

“The might isn’t small.” The Lord of An Yong looked at Luo Feng and complimented, “Your sword is good, but unfortunately the divine power might seems to be weaker, and the sword technique is feared to be merely an ultimate secret method ……” While complimenting, he was terribly fast, a few hands followed closely after the thrown away Luo Feng and chased after him again.

Luo Feng only felt his whole body tremble.


I have “Wuicide Feather” “Flame Sand Cup” double suppression to assist my sword technique, still in absolute disadvantage.

“I’m afraid I’ll have to cast I am the universe to assist in order to fight him.” Luo Feng secretly said.

“Haha ……”

The Lord of An Yong’s pace was slow, one step but had passed through the heavy flame obstruction and arrived beside Luo Feng, the huge scepter in his hand instantly waved, it was as if the entire cosmic space might was gathered on the scepter’s head, and directly smashed fiercely towards Luo Feng, this smashing …… was absolutely heavy!

The previous move was fast, this move is heavy.

“Thumb ……” lightning like dazzling a stab suddenly lit up.


The Lord of Eternity immediately roared harshly, wanting to swing the scepter in his hand to change direction, however, this “sudden sneak attack” was too sudden.

“Poof!” The tip of the incomparably dazzling long shuttle pierced directly into the center of the left palm that the Lord of Eternity was trying his best to shield.


A low roar rang out.

A red figure vaguely appeared in the distance, its tail slightly sweeping, holding a huge long shuttle …… precisely the Blood Cloud Hall Lord!

“Rumble …… “The long shuttle that the Star Tower transformed into, the second layer of the might of this one of the strongest supreme treasures triggered, stabbed in the body of the Lord of Anyone without any weapon blocking, the Lord of Anyone immediately howled his whole body violently trembled, and he only felt that the breath of his divine body instantly Sharply weakened down ……

“I am the universe!” Luo Feng also executed his strongest secret technique at the same time.

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