Chapter 43: Get out of the way.

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:15:04
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The speed of the Star Tower, which was as big as a speck of dust, was soaring, but the entire space was filled with an endless storm of blades, each blade of light was incomparably huge, and the number of blades was just too much, causing the Star Tower to be chopped into from time to time, causing the flight to be askew, unable to guarantee a straight line.

“So far.”

Luo Feng looked at the huge light wing that was still dazzling in the distance, “The entire mysterious space, I’m afraid it’s more than 10 light years in diameter. From me here to the light wing there, it’s also several light years away. And this side of space was swept by that endless blade storm, space and time are all completely shattered, and it’s all impossible to go for an instantaneous transfer.”

Instantaneous transfer, is the need for spatial fluctuations to go as a medium.

A hint of fluctuation would suffice.

However, those dazzling blade-like rays of light, each of which was even more terrifying than the attack of the strongest person in the universe, and the endless storm formed by the countless blade rays of light had long since caused space and time to be completely shattered into nothingness, with no hint of spatial fluctuations. To reach the light winged one, one could only rely on flying!

“Luckily it’s in the cosmic sea, the maximum speed of the cosmic sea far exceeds the limit speed of the original universe.” Luo Feng secretly said, “The limit speed in the cosmic sea is 100 times the speed of light, because of the blade storm, the star tower can’t maintain the highest speed, but it can accelerate and decelerate from time to time, about 50 times the speed of light upwards.”


The Star Tower, which was so small that it could almost be ignored, transformed into a bit of starlight and rapidly flew in the endless blade storm space.

Time passed.

In the blink of an eye, a month had already passed, and the Star Tower had already flown over 5 light-years, and was very close to that looming huge light wing.

“So these blade storms are all emanating from the light wing.” Luo Feng looked at everything in the outside world from within the Star Tower in awe, only to see that the edges of that incomparably huge dazzling light wing were releasing endless blade rays every now and then, countless blade rays sweeping through the mysterious space.

Some of the blade storms were absorbed without a sound when they touched the light wings.

Spewing blade storms! Absorbing blade storms!

“Ejecting and absorbing, making energy conservation?” Luo Feng secretly said, “It seems like the power is endless, in reality, that light wing energy consumption is extremely small, awesome, really awesome, a supreme treasure can reach this level, at least it’s much stronger than the multicolored aurora lake I’ve seen.”

The Five-colored Aurora Lake is a domain-type supreme treasure, and it is inherently inferior in terms of attack.

And when the two-sided ancestor god and the false true demon god battle, the five-colored aurora lake was not catalyzed to the limit of power, not intentionally did not catalyze, but the two-sided ancestor god has not really understood …… after all, a supreme supreme treasure, want to play its strongest power, is not an easy thing.

After flying for another three days, it was extremely close to that eye catching huge light wing.

“This ……”

Luo Feng’s face suddenly changed, before he was still in awe, at this moment he was full of shock, “This, this, this is simply ……”

“Not a giant light wing!”


When viewed at an incomparably distant distance, it was indeed a huge incomparably beautiful, gigantic light wing that was more eye-catching than billions of stars. But when Luo Feng riding the Star Tower was already incredibly close to that huge light wing,…… but already saw clearly, where is the huge light wing, simply is by countless densely packed “blade light” constantly superimposed, formed by the super huge light wing!


Luo Feng looked at everything in front of him in shock.

In the distance.

Countless blades were stacked one on top of the other, at the very edge of the entire “huge light wing” was the sparsest, countless blade storms directly spread out in all directions, sweeping the entire space.

However, the closer the entire wing of light was to the bottom of the core, the denser the blades became, and they were even completely stacked on top of each other.

“Countless blades forming a light wing?” Luo Feng softly marveled, “And how did this countless blade rays form?”

“There must be a terrifying supreme treasure.”

Luo Feng grew more and more excited.

Continue flying into the ……

The star tower flew for almost another day, Luo Feng stared every moment, he finally saw it clearly. In the core of the entire huge light wing, about the lower middle position there is a white feather, that white feather has a ring of vacuum like nothingness around it, this ring of vacuum naturally resembles the shape of the feather.

Outside the vacuum around the white feathered wings, there is an endless accumulation of dense blade rays.

“Those blade rays, the huge wings of light that form several light years, and even the blade storms that sweep through the entire space …… source is this white feathered wing.” Luo Feng’s eyes glowed, at the same time the Wu Slayer feather wing on his back trembled like a complete seizure, seemingly about to roar and fly away to fly towards that white feather wing.

“Must get it.” Luo Feng held his breath.

The distance was getting closer and closer and the speed of the star tower gradually slowed down.

100 million kilometers, 10 million kilometers, million kilometers ……”

“It actually looks like this.” Luo Feng looked carefully, with his eyesight he could naturally see clearly, the white feathers were about a hundred meters high and were unfolding, the reason why it was said “white” was because the feathers themselves had a layer of white light, the material of the feathers itself was mainly white, but it was vaguely a bit gray and dirty.

“Get closer!”

As he got closer, Luo Feng saw more and more clearly, the hundred meters high white feathered wings gray and dirty, and vaguely have blood stains.100,000 kilometers, 60,000 kilometers ……3 million kilometers ……”

“Get away, get away, get away!!!”

An endless will suddenly crushed towards Luo Feng, causing Luo Feng’s entire person to be blinded, that crushing will has absolute superiority and crazy hideousness in it, in front of this will …… Luo Feng felt as if he was shivering as if he was a small ant in front of a tiger, but Luo Feng stayed towards awake.

“Not right.” Luo Feng suddenly realized that this crushing will impact was “false”.

Get away!

A furious rebuke from the will came one after another, but Luo Feng became more and more calm.

“It’s empty, it’s very empty, although it seems terrifying, even more terrifying than the giant axe founders …… but it’s the feeling of a paper tiger.” Luo Feng willed himself, “Keep going, slow down.”

20,000 kilometers, 15,000 kilometers, 10,000 kilometers ……”

Although that incomparably lofty and crazy will was roaring and pounding again and again, the initial sensation seemed terrifying, but it wasn’t really a struggle to resist.

“Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way!”

The crushing will kept howling, but Luo Feng was calm and composed, not afraid in the slightest, with the star tower in his body, the star tower itself had the role of suppressing the soul, the soul attack was completely easy to block, and the material attack wasn’t enough to be afraid of. As for the will crushing, it is actually similar to the initial baneful impact ……

Once you can’t resist it, at most, your will will temporarily collapse, as long as you quickly move away, you will soon recover. No one can die!

The Star Tower’s speed gradually slowed down.

5000 kilometers, 4000 kilometers, 3000 kilometers ……

The distance is constantly approaching.

That crushing will impact was also getting stronger and stronger, with an incomparably lofty feeling, roaring over and over again, “Get out of the way, scum, get out of the way, get out of the way, or I will kill you, kill you!”

“If you want to kill me you would have killed me a long time ago.” Luo Feng snorted, “What’s more, I’m inside the star tower, even if the strongest person in the universe comes in person, they can’t do anything to me, they’re still afraid of the will shock of a monotonous stupid paper tiger like you?”

Monotonous stupidity, Luo Feng indeed wasn’t wrong.

Just a sense look, that crushing will seems to be very high end, but it seems to just only be stupid to roar angrily over and over again, like when the fusion of blood Luo crystal, when the baleful gas attack will also form a lot of impact illusions and so on, instead of being more intelligent.

This crushing will seems to not know how to think, very stupid …… only knows how to roar, drink and intimidate.

“You scum.”

“Lowly scumbag …… Get out of my way, otherwise I will definitely kill you and strip your soul, so that you will suffer the pain of soul torment forever, so that you regret it, so that you regret it!” The crushing will grew crazier and crazier, as if Luo Feng’s proximity drove it mad.

Luo Feng however was completely lazy.

If this will could really deal with itself easily, or if it was really fully certain, it wouldn’t have intimidated at all. What’s more,…… intimidating to intimidate to intimidate with just those words, it’s too low IQ, it’s probably the slightly more powerful monsters on earth back then that had much higher intelligence.

“Scumbag, scumbag, I will kill you, I will definitely kill you! You will regret it!!!”

2000 kilometers……1000 kilometers……

That will impact got stronger and stronger, making even Luo Feng feel strained, which made Luo Feng’s heart shake, his own on will was definitely at the level of a universe lord, if it was another universe lord who had a will impact on himself, it had no effect at all. I’m afraid that only the strongest person in the universe would feel threatened by his will.

However, this “will” should not be a certain strong person, otherwise the IQ would not be so low, but the strength of the will was so terrifying.

“So strange.”

“Generally speaking, for super strong people, within a certain range, distance has no effect on the will impact.” Luo Feng secretly said, two super powerhouses fighting, hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from each other, the will shock that was cast was no different from the one cast 10,000 kilometers away from each other.

“Could it be amplitudinal?” Luo Feng’s heart stirred and he immediately maneuvered the change in the direction of the Star Tower’s flight.

Originally it was approaching in a straight line.

Now it was curved forward.

“Several positions at a distance of 800 kilometers are receiving the same shock. That will shock, it seems to be omnipresent.”

“The intelligence is extremely low! The will shock can’t converge to gather in one direction again ……”

Although he was full of doubts, Luo Feng still continued to advance, 800 kilometers ……600 kilometers ……400 kilometers ……200 kilometers… …

The crush of that will on Luo Feng grew stronger and stronger.

Drops of sweat seeped out of Luo Feng’s forehead, and his eyes became more and more glaring and crazy.

“So strong.”

“100 kilometers!” Luo feng continued to insist on advancing, but very slowly very slowly, the will crush that was brought about became more and more terrifying, if the will crush at a distance was a paper tiger, then at close range that will crush density seemed to be a lot higher, the oppression was going to be unknown how many times stronger. The closer they got, that crushing was geometrically rising.

“80 kilometers!” Luo Feng’s face was ugly.

“60 kilometers!” Luo Feng’s god body was vaguely trembling.

“50 kilometers!”

Luo Feng knelt down on one knee, his godly body trembling as he gritted his teeth and watched.

It was as if he was facing the willful onslaught of an incomparably terrifying beast ……

“Huh?” Luo Feng was shocked and looked at the white feather 50 kilometers away that was 100 meters high, the white feather was dirty and had three blood stains on it, this was seen before, but at this moment in 50 kilometers away …… Luo Feng found that the incomparable exquisite pattern carving on the white feather had three struggling scratches on it!

It was as if the three scratches were left behind by a weapon, and those scratches also caused some direct damage to the beautifully carved lines.

“Broken feathers?” Luo Feng was baffled.

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