Chapter 49 – Another Passage

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:15:20
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“This is the strongest impact of the blood on the feather.” Luo Feng communicated with the Wuicide feather on his back, “Wuicide, can my current will recognize that white feather as its owner?”

It was clearest to ask Wu-Slayer, Wu-Slayer was after all a part of that supreme treasure.

“Not even close!”

“Master, your will has enhanced a lot in these 1,200 years, and it is already considered to be the top amongst the Lords of the Universe, but from the Lord of the Universe to the Strongest of the Universe, it is a fundamental leap! And the will also undergoes a fundamental leap, master you are still so much short of the threshold right now.” Kingslayer Wu said unflinchingly.

Luo Feng was also still calm, after all, this time he had already gained a lot.

When he was in the beast god realm for hundreds of millions of years, he couldn’t even catch up with these thousand years in terms of improving his will. One had to admit that high intensity oppression, was indeed a way to sharpen the will, but if one was under extreme oppression for a long time, it could also cause a collapse, instead damaging the will, which was a double edged sword.

Will, unlike law perception.

Law perception has to move forward step by step, while the will, to the examination of the inner strength!

“I’ve been here for over a thousand years, it’s time to go.” Luo Feng looked deeply at the white feathered wings, then the star tower began to fly, he had to continue to sharpen his will! And there are too many dangerous places in the cosmic sea, just the three great jedi alone, what kind of treacherous environment is not there? Illusion class, will impact class, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, lightning, light …… and other various and natural might, in short, all kinds of.

The three major Jedi, all have several places to sharpen the will.

It just depends on dare to go dare not go!


“I will make you regret it, and make your four-winged spirit regret it as well.” A wave came through.

“When I come over next time, it will be the moment I collect you.” Luo Feng directly transmitted a fluctuation of consciousness.

“Impossible! You’re delusional!”

Wow ……

The star tower had already flown away, Luo Feng no longer cared about the white feathers. Just like back then when countless powerhouses in the primordial universe couldn’t do anything about the star tower, it was true that Luo Feng couldn’t do anything about the white feathered wings now! I’m afraid that the strongest people from other universes would come and likewise only give up with dumbfounded eyes.

“Next time.” Luo Feng silently said.

“The Wusicide feather has changed drastically, I don’t know how powerful it is.” Luo Feng secretly said, the aura that was released from the Wusicide Feather Wing that was expanded to its maximum before definitely belonged to the very best even amongst peak supreme treasures! I’m afraid that it should be comparable to even the wondrous divine wood. This was Luo Feng’s feeling.

“Try it!”

“Golden kingdom!” Luo Feng instantly burned divine power to catalyze it.

Noiselessly ……

A hazy and very thin golden light was instantly born, enveloping the entire mysterious space and even invading some of the rock walls at the edge of the mysterious space. The radius of this golden kingdom can reach a maximum of 80 light years, which can far exceed the size of this feathered space …… Naturally, it can be completely enveloped.

However, the endless blade storm is still raging, so that space and time have long been incomparably shattered, even the golden kingdom can not control the space and time here.

It is also that stable space before and after the white feathers, and some space within the edge rocks, completely controlled.

“Too, too powerful ……”

Luo Feng was blinded.

He instantly felt that the “golden kingdom” cast by the Wufei feather wing in its peak perfect state was comparable to the “miniature universe”, “golden kingdom” and “ocean of flames” before he came here. “Ocean of Flames” stacked on top of the three.

“This is also ……” Luo Feng was incomparably surprised.

He knew that his divine power was worse than many of the masters of the universe, but the “golden kingdom” was so strong that he was afraid that it was really a treasure comparable to the divine wood.

“Hm? Where is-”

Luo Feng was stunned.

He couldn’t be bothered to marvel, instead he was a bit surprised as the golden kingdom enveloped the entire mysterious space, all penetrating into the rocks at the edges. So it was also shocking to realize – this mysterious space, apart from the cave passage that Luo Feng came in before, there was actually another cave passage in another direction.

“There’s another cave passage? Where does it lead to, yes, it’s always impossible for this white feather to be born out of thin air, it should have drifted over from somewhere.” Luo Feng instantly swept through many thoughts.

“Go take a look.”

Luo Feng immediately made a decision.

Firstly, he was worried that the cave passage would cause other powerhouses to discover this, and secondly, he was curious, so Luo Feng took the star tower and flew over there in a hurry, but it took more than a month before the star tower finally arrived at the cave passage.

“There’s a light curtain too.”

It was a dark red cave passage, the star tower directly drilled through that light curtain and entered a dark glowing with hints of dark red.

The Star Tower continued to fly.

Continuously drilling through nine layers of light curtains …… and then there were no more light curtains, the Star Tower carefully flew.

“Dark red channel.” Luo Feng was inside the Star Tower letting the Star Tower advance through this million kilometers high, endlessly deep dark red passage. He himself didn’t dare to venture out, instead he had the Demon Slayer detachment try it out.


The Demon Slayer Race bilocation exited the Star Tower and flew in front of it.

Demon slayer race bilocation, star tower, the two of them flew in the dark red channel one after the other, and Luo Feng also executed the “golden kingdom”, only maintaining a range of 10 billion kilometers to warn of all dangers.

“So hot.” The Demon Slayer Clan bilocation was flying within the passageway, but it felt like the surrounding air temperature was blazing hot to the point that it was unbearable for him.

“The rock walls are dark red.”

With a flash, the Demon Slayer Clan Split flew to the rock wall and reached out to touch the dark red rock wall of the cave.

“Thumb ……” a strange heat energy quickly passed along the palm of the Demon Slayer Race, only to see the arm of the Demon Slayer Race as if it was a melted candle quickly rolling down, and this heat energy was rapidly passing towards the body, frightening the Demon Slayer Race detachment violently vibrated, and threw half of his body directly And then the life crystal nucleus surged again.

And then the life crystal core once again surged with energy to condense the divine body.

“I am at least a Cosmic Exalted God Body.” The Demon Slayer Clan’s detachment looked at the rock wall in surprise, “The strange heat energy contained in the rock wall can incinerate me?”


Luo Feng grew more and more curious.

The devil slayer race bilocation, the star tower, one after the other, kept moving forward at a high speed, and at times also billion kilometers billion kilometers short distance transient.

“It’s so far, I’ve already advanced several light years along this cave passage.” Luo Feng marveled at this, several light years away, this cave passage has forks in the road from time to time, Luo Feng naturally chose the biggest forks to move forward and write down the map, knowing that the consciousness of a super strong person is extremely fast in every calculation, writing down the map is a breeze.

Keep moving forward.

“Feather space, it should be at the edge of the main mountain peak of the Tilted Peak Realm mountain. And now that I’ve advanced several light years in this direction …… isn’t it that I’ve entered the belly of the mountain?” Luo Feng secretly said.

In the Tilted Peak Realm, the main mountain peak was lofty and mysterious, and it had a single cave that led to the outside world.

Often there would be supreme treasures drifting through those passages into the waters …… Generally many strong people didn’t dare to go against the caves into the belly of the mountain, after all it was too dangerous. Luo Feng is also relying on the Star Pagoda is the “sealing palace type strongest treasure”, plus curious about the source of the white feathers, so follow this cave passage to drill inside.

For a long time ……

A fork in the road, Luo Feng has always chosen the largest fork in the road, and as it advances, the temperature is getting higher and higher,……, even the Demon Slayer tribe split has been put away. Because the temperature of the outside world is already hot enough to make the “Demon Killing Clan’s split” directly incinerate into flying ash in the air.

“Legend has it that the inner domain of the Tilted Peak Realm is full of dangers. Chaos City Lords and the like can perish. In the core land, the strongest people in the universe could perish.” Luo Feng was secretly terrified, “Even the blazing temperatures of the outside world here made universe honored ones incinerate. The belly of the mountain is truly terrifying!”

Star tower, again, blocked material attacks and subdued the soul.

Dual defense of matter and soul.

Only then did Luo Feng dare to take a risk.

“What exactly is at the end of this cave.” Luo Feng secretly said.

It took more than thirty light years of flying before he finally saw the end in the distance, at this moment the star tower had already flown to a vast huge flame like cavern, rumbling …… a white flame plasma stream rumbled and rolled, hundreds of flame plasma stream trunks crisscrossed through this huge flame cavern, stretching out to an unknown end.

Those plasma streams, all surrounded by a red, cyan, and gray halo.

And there were also endless flames permeating the surrounding space.

The surrounding space is strangely incomparably condensed, without the slightest fragmentation, and without the slightest spatial fluctuation. Here …… it is no longer possible to instantly move.

“Snort …… “Luo Feng tried a trace of divine power to penetrate out of the Star Tower, it didn’t even touch those flames, it instantly burned and annihilated just in the surrounding space.

“If the master of the universe didn’t have armor to protect him, he would have to annihilate in the surrounding air.” Luo Feng muttered secretly, “I came here by drilling in against the backdrop from the cave in the mysterious space. I don’t know if this is an inner region that belongs to the Tilted Peak Realm or the core place.”

The mind moved.

The Star Pagoda slowly flew forward, touching a trace of flames that escaped the surroundings.

“Snort ……” The flames scorched the Star Tower.

Inside the Star Tower, the temperature didn’t change a bit.

“A supreme supreme treasure is a supreme supreme treasure.” Luo Feng quipped, this was expected, after all, according to common sense, in the three great jedi supreme supreme treasures wouldn’t be damaged! Although I saw the previously damaged white feathers …… but that was also caused by a battle for the ages.

“What a big cave.”

Luo Feng didn’t dare to wander along those one flame slurry streams, after all, if you wander further into the unknown, I’m afraid it would be hard to turn back. Luo Feng took the star tower and flew in this flame cave, the star tower didn’t even enter that flame slurry stream, occasionally the rushing flame slurry stream had spattered out, touching on the star tower was no big deal.

“A cave stone pillar that can be undamaged under these flames and pulp streams is also very peculiar.” Luo Feng was carefully observing.

He realized that the one stone pillar, at first glance, looked ordinary, but upon closer inspection, it seemed that each grit of the stone pillar could refract light, vaguely as if there were many spaces.

Swish ……

The Star Tower suddenly disappeared in front of a stone pillar, followed by instantly reappearing in the outside world.


“Each gravel remembers a space?” Luo Feng was also startled just now, before the star tower just touched the gravel and then the whole thing entered the space inside, that withered and void space, Luo Feng after all realized the whole law of space, very easily the star tower quickly came out again.

“Each stone pillar is afraid that there are countless gravel composition, each gravel has a space? This and the stone column is what kind of thing? How come I haven’t had this type of seniority, could it be that this place is in an extremely dangerous place in the tilted peak realm, my human race hasn’t had any strong people come here?” Luo Feng secretly wondered, there was no record of this kind of stone pillar in the human race.


Soon, Luo Feng was attracted by another stone pillar not far away, “That’s ……”

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