Chapter 5. I told you.

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:13:25
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While Luo Feng pondered doubting the relationship between Rong Jun and the Giant Axe Founders, the Giant Axe Founders looked around at all the universe lords and laughed, “It’s been a long time since this scene has occurred in our human community, haha, all the universe lords are gathered together.”

The 19 Universal Lords seated on both sides of the long table all laughed as well.

“Gathering here today is also to collectively welcome Luo Feng as one of us as well.” The Giant Axe Founders looked towards Luo Feng, “From today, the number of Cosmic Lords in our human community has increased by one. Luo Feng has the ability to be gifted with the ability to split, and his ability to survive is even ranked in the top ten in the universe …… This is also a blessing for my human race.


Most of the universe lords looked towards Luo Feng, some of them even quietly transmitted their voices to discuss, obviously the giant axe founder’s words “top ten survival ability” surprised them.

“It seems like the Giant Axe Founder knows about my Phantom Sea split.” Luo Feng swept his gaze and secretly said, “The universe lords of the other factions shouldn’t know yet. Otherwise they wouldn’t be so surprised!”

“According to my human rules.”

The giant axe founding father smiled, “Every person who becomes a universe lord can be gifted a treasure of the value of a top grade supreme treasure weapon by their clan, Luo Feng, what are your requirements?”

When Luo Feng heard this, he couldn’t help but secretly sigh.

This was the difference between peak ethnic groups and some small forces, even the northern frontier alliance, although it was also one of the nine super forces, there were too many strong people in too many ethnic groups, unless they were inviting some very powerful masters of the universe to join them they would prepare a huge gift, generally a certain universe zuni within the group broke through to become a master of the universe, the gift they got was very little and very little, they still mainly relied on the individual to make an effort.

“Luo Feng, feel free to say.” The giant axe founder looked at Luo Feng.

The many universe lords also looked at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng turned his head to look at the giant axe founder on the main seat and smiled, “I’m not looking for any other supreme treasures, I hope that the clan can give my territory ‘galaxy’ a makeover, I’m planning to reside in the galaxy forever in the future! Forever stationed in my hometown, so I hope that it can be built more solidly there.”

“Reside in the Milky Way forever?” The Chaos City Lord, Dark Lord, and the others were all a bit surprised, usually the Lords of the Universe were in some secret land such as the Primordial Secret Realm.

It was very rare for a universe lord to be stationed in a galaxy, but Chaos City Lord and the others didn’t say much to obstruct them, because when Luo Feng titled himself “Galaxy Lord” earlier, Chaos City Lord and the others understood …… Luo Feng’s importance to his hometown.

“This Luo Feng is permanently stationed in the galaxy?”

The other universe lords were also secretly surprised.

But the virtual universe lineage didn’t even say anything, so they could only hold back their doubts.

“Since you have something to ask for, you should oblige.” The Giant Axe Founders nodded, “The Milky Way is merely a galaxy with a very small range, and there is still something left over to build it solidly with the value of a top-tier supreme treasure to create the most solid galaxy.”

“This is already enough.” Luo Feng said.

Galaxy great construction, to build with the place where a universe lord was stationed, the cost required was extremely huge, even if it wasn’t as good as a top tier supreme treasure value, it wasn’t that far off.

Moreover, Luo Feng had quite a few supreme treasures on him, he really didn’t look at ordinary supreme treasures.

“Remember last time Luo Feng had wanted to return to his home planet Earth.” The giant axe founder then spoke again.

Luo Feng’s eyes bristled.

The other universe lords were also instantly quiet, each looking at the Giant Axe Founders.

“Since Luo Feng has become the Lord of the Universe and is sitting with us, the other ownership rights of …… Earth have also been returned to Luo Feng, and naturally, Earth will be completely under Luo Feng’s control.” Giant axe founding father.

“Giant axe.”

That scaled giant with three pointed horns then suddenly spoke, “We, the Lords of the Universe are the ones who need to dedicate and carry the entire community! Other than the only gift after becoming a Master of the Universe, we need to give at all other times if we want to get it! If you want a powerful supreme treasure, you also need to dedicate the treasure in order to get the supreme treasure points in exchange. A reason …… since the free gift has been given, the Galactic Lords can not get anything for free again. Half of the Earth’s ownership is the pack’s, and since the Galaxy Lords want to get it, they should pay for items of approximately equal value!”

“To want to get the Earth, it is time to pay for something of equal value.” There were also universe lords who spoke in agreement.

Luo Feng looked towards the three pointed scaled giants, it was none other than the Lord of Desolate Judgment.

The Lord of Desolate Judgement even nodded his head towards Luo Feng.

“Desolate Gaze!”

The Chaos City Lord then said, “Half of the ownership of this earth was signed by my virtual universe company and Luo Feng in the first place, and half of the ownership is under my virtual universe company’s name. Even though all of your major factions have descendant sons and daughters on Earth, back then, those 50 billion hybrid units were from my Virtual Universe Company, and half ownership was also in my Virtual Universe Company’s hands. It is not a common belonging to the ethnic groups. Now returning half ownership of this Earth to Luo Feng is naturally fine.”

“The Virtual Universe Company, too, is a part of the human community.” The Lord of the Desolate Appraisal then said, “How can the huge property of the Virtual Universe Company be given away at will? It’s axiomatic to give in order to receive!”

“Haha, when my Virtual Universe Company bought it for 50 billion hybrid units, Luo Feng …… you then spent another 50 billion hybrid units to buy back half of Earth’s ownership from the Virtual Universe Company.” Chaos City Lord said.

“Yes, teacher, disciple is willing to pay this 50 billion mixed yuan units.” Luo Feng said.

50 billion mixed yuan units?

What a joke.

Any random heavy treasure was far more than this value, for the universe lords, 50 billion mixed yuan units was a drop of seawater, while the earth was the endless tooth of the sea! The value can’t be compared.

“We know all about the value of the Earth.” The Lord of the Desolate Appraisal frowned, “If you want to buy it back with 50 billion dollars, isn’t it the same as giving it away for nothing? Let’s not talk about buying it back with 50 billion back then, back then, firstly, we weren’t clear about the might of the earth, and secondly, back then, Luo Feng was very weak, 50 billion hybrid units was already enough for him.”

“Oh, Arakan, you’re going to interfere in my Virtual Universe Company’s dealings?” Chaos City Lord said, “Are you the person in charge of my virtual universe company, or am I?”

“It’s not that I’m interfering with the transaction, it’s just that everything has to have situational guidelines. If it’s your Chaos’s personal belongings, naturally I don’t care how you want to give them away, but this is the property of the Virtual Universe Company, the Virtual Universe Company belongs to the Original Ancestor, how can the treasures of the Virtual Universe Company be given away at will?” The Lord of the Desolate Appraisal said.

Only the Chaos City Lord and the Lord of Desolate Forensics were seen arguing with each other.

The two of them one was the person in charge of the Virtual Universe Company. One was the founding member of the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance, and both of them were the topmost existences among the Lords of the Universe, and their statuses in the clans were also very close to each other…….

The other two factions, the Lord of Qing Dong and the Lord of Peng Gong, were silently watching.

After all, on Earth, there were also their interests at stake.


The Giant Axe Founders spoke.

The Lord of the Desolate Appraisal and the Lord of Chaos City all looked at the Giant Axe Founding Founder.

“I said it!” The Giant Axe Founding Master frowned, “When Luo Feng can sit with us, that’s when the ownership of Earth is returned to Luo Feng! I made a promise …… that I have since honored! Since half of the ownership of this Earth is owned by the Virtual Universe Company, I will transfer a peak supreme treasure to the Virtual Universe Company to make up for this loss.”

“Giant Axe.”

“Giant Axe.” The Lord of Desolate Appraisal and the others immediately opened their mouths in succession, how could they let the Giant Axe Founders give out their supreme treasures.

“Giant axe founding father.” Luo Feng couldn’t even help but shout.

“This matter ends here.”

The Giant Axe Founding Founder swept his gaze and instantly all the universe lords quieted down.

This meeting was mainly to greet Luo Feng, and after that, they talked about the primordial star and the cosmic sea, and then the meeting was dissolved.

The universe lords of the virtual universe lineage also dispersed, except for Luo Feng who was called over by the Chaos City Lord.

“Teacher, this matter, how did this matter end up becoming the Giant Axe Founders transferring the pinnacle supreme treasure to my Virtual Universe company?” Luo Feng couldn’t help but say, he also felt that he owed the Giant Axe Founders for this.

“No need to think too much.”

The Chaos City Lord shook his head, “The Giant Axe Founding Founder is the strongest person in my human race universe, and the one with the most supreme treasures! Even in normal times, he would give away supreme treasures to the clan without asking for anything. Like many of the extremely powerful supreme treasures that can be exchanged within the human race, they are all directly gifted to the human race by the giant axe founder, it’s fine to transfer one to my virtual universe company now, when the matter comes to an end, I’ll then gift that supreme treasure to the human race.”

Luo Feng secretly nodded.

Secretly sighing ……

It wasn’t easy to hold up a clan! Like a weak person alone would be at a disadvantage, but the strongest of the universe who traveled alone was very dashing, their strength stood at the top of the cosmic pyramid able to get many supreme treasures, and they alone would need so many supreme treasures, the others were generally useless. Therefore, they are very elegant and comfortable, but if they have a clan to hold on to, firstly, they have to be careful in what they do, and secondly, they also have to continuously contribute to the clan and cultivate those who come after them.

“I understand.” Luo Feng nodded his head and secretly sighed, the giant axe founder’s favor this time, he himself would have to work hard to repay it in the future.

“Don’t hate the Lord of the Desolate Appraisal for them obstructing you because of this.” Chaos City Lord said, “Everything is interest, you see why the other universe lords don’t open their mouths, because it also involves the interests of the other four factions, the Lord of the Desolate Appraisal opening his mouth is actually opening his mouth for them……. There are many codes of conduct in the universe, and almost all of them are interests in them. Either individual interests, faction interests, or community interests.”

Luo Feng nodded.

“Right.” Chaos city lord looked at Luo Feng, “Do you really plan to, permanently reside in the galaxy?”

“Right.” Luo Feng nodded, “Reside in the galaxy forever!”

“The universe lords of the human race are usually stationed in the heavy areas of my human frontier. For one thing, there are universe honors, immortals, and some geniuses of my race gathered there and so on. It needs to be guarded by super powerhouses. Secondly, there are usually several Cosmic Lords in the important areas of the clan, so that in the event of a great calamity, they can also help each other, making it easier to get through the threat. If you are alone in the Milky Way, if you are suddenly attacked by a foreign race, even if the other strongest members of the community want to rush there, it will take some time. Of course there are some of the strongest people in the universe stationed at their hometowns, but most of them just leave a detachment at their hometowns.”

“You’re not changing your mind?” Chaos City Lord said.

Luo Feng smiled, smiling fiercely and easily, “No change, just stay in the galaxy forever, forever guarding my hometown.”

Long years of fighting over and over again, life and death battles, for what?

It was to one day be able to truly stand at the peak of the universe and guard his hometown.

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