Chapter 60: Fighting for a chance of survival

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:15:48
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Luo Feng, the Lord of Five Huns, the Lord of the Inquisitive Arrow also all looked towards the endless towering lava demon god, each of them knew clearly that it was indeed too late, especially since Luo Feng and the Lord of Five Huns had stalemated and fought each other before, the miniature universe and Five Huns realm collided and shattered, and that stalemate consumed 1 second, which had also cut off one of the safest paths they could have taken.

The safest path is to fly towards the ground, drill into the underground cave, rush to the cutting point …… and then immediately walk away with an instantaneous transfer.

But now that they had lost a second, it would be completely too late.

The distance between the three.

Indo, who had executed the Golden Sulfone Armor and transformed into a golden unicorn lizard, was closest to the Lava Demon God, Luo Feng was second closest, and the Lord of the Five Huns and the Lord of the Inquisitive Arrow were a little farther away.

But even further away …… their four great powerhouses were no more than 10 billion kilometers away from each other, just one step from that lava demon god.

Although before Luo Feng said that he would let the three of them escape by handing over the water wave prison, forbidden elucidation hall, extermination divine armor, blade core realm, and golden sulfone armor.

But who would be willing to do so?

There were their most important supreme treasures, or they could fight for that last thread of life, no matter what they had to struggle.

“I’m not willing, I’m not willing, I’m not willing ah!!!” The golden one-horned lizard hissed madly, only to see its size rapidly begin to collide, it was originally the supreme treasure golden sulfone armor composition, transformed into the form of a beast god, at this moment, with the urging of the in its inner Innate Tuo, it suddenly began to crazily become larger.

In the blink of an eye, it became a gigantic golden one-horned lizard of hundreds of millions of kilometers.

“Lord of the Inquisitive Arrow, come in.” The Lord of the Five Huns flipped his hand, and a treasure hall surrounded by a thread of thunderbolts immediately appeared in front of him, which was precisely the peak flying palace-type supreme treasure, the “Forbidden Explanation Hall”.

“Yes.” The Lord of the Exploratory Arrow didn’t hesitate and even drilled in.

The Lord of the Five Huns coldly glanced at Luo Feng in the distance before he too whooshed into this forbidden expanse hall.

Luo Feng similarly flipped his hand and a blood red pyramid appeared in front of him.

This blood colored pyramid was actually the star tower.

Inside the tower there is the golden horn beast split, because the golden horn beast split has the “blood cloud bead”, through the blood cloud bead is the most skilled at camouflage, camouflage god body appearance, breath, treasure appearance, armor and so on can be, before the star tower camouflage long shuttle, at the moment it is camouflaged into a bloody pyramid.

Mainly are tower type structure, before the nine layer tower, simulation into a blood-colored pyramid is relatively easy.

“Whoosh.” Luo Feng also quickly drilled into the blood colored pyramid.

Previously, Luo Feng had dragged them along, causing them to miss their best chance. But as a super strong person would never be willing to die, they would definitely go for a fight! At the last moment ……In Tuo’s side, the side of the Lord of the Five Huns Lord of the Inquiry Arrow, and Luo Feng’s side, all three parties began their own means of struggle.

Struggle for the last ray of life!

At this moment–

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Endless black rocky earth one place shattered cracked, towering huge lava demon god whole body is full of hot magma, it’s three eyes burning endless crazy war intent, even Luo Feng, In Tuo, five muddy lord, the Lord of the arrows do not dare to and lava demon god’s eyes look at, once look at, that contains the impact of the will will is enough to make their strength are afraid of difficult to play half.

Its fangs appeared outwardly, and a low roar erupted from within the cavity of its massive divine body, causing the surrounding space that had long been condensed to twist and shatter.

“Great, great, great.” The life-colored unicorn lizard had already reached a massive size of nearly a billion kilometers.


The lava demon god’s three eyes had already set their sights on the small reptile “golden unicorn lizard” in the distance, an invisible fluctuation was emitted from his mouth, although he hadn’t heard of this text, Luo Feng and the Lord of the Five Huns who had already started to run for their lives all understood its meaning.


Lava Demon God’s right leg moved, different from the previous darting stomp, this time the leg has been fast to an incredible point, that kick …… even let the fleeing Luo Feng, the Lord of the Five Huns and so on feel that a foot may be able to kick through a small universe like completely unable to resist, and that foot contains the subtle, but it is far beyond Luo Feng’s imagination.

“Boom!” The kick hit the huge golden unicorn lizard.

The golden unicorn lizard let out a painful hiss, followed by the sound of pang completely shattered, a large number of fragments splashed in all directions, even many of those fragments had cracks in the material itself, obviously just one strike had already caused this peak extreme ninjutsu weapon treasure to break.

At the same time as the countless fragments were flying about, there were also countless water droplets splashing, dripping down on the vast and endless black rocky ground.

Countless drops of water, along the cracks of the rocky earth that had long been shattered mulberry, seeped and dripped rapidly towards the bottom.

“Hmph.” The Lava Demon God seemed to sense that there was still breath below, so he stomped downwards again, and the rocky earth trembled and roared again, and a large number of water droplets were instantly annihilated by the shock.

Immediately following the Lava Demon God looked up, only it noticed the two small flying objects that drilled into the magma sea, it could feel that there were two living beings in each of those two flying objects.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Within the Scarlet Pyramid (Star Tower) was Luo Feng and the Golden Horned Beast split, within the Forbidden Elucidation Hall was the Lord of the Five Huns and the Lord of the Inquisitive Arrow.

The two flying beings, almost one after the other, both shot up into the sky.

Swish! Swish!

At the same time as the Lava Demon God crushed the golden unicorn lizard with one foot, and then added another foot, both flying objects drilled into the vast magma sea above.

“Die ……” The Lava Demon God let out a fluctuation in his throat as he violently waved his hand and fished directly towards the magma sea above.

In the depths of the endless black rocky earth.

A drop of water has already dripped down to the extreme depths …… Here there is already a space fluctuation, swish! It had already arrived at a place far away.

That is about two hundred light years away from the previous battle, the same endless rocky earth in the depths of an underground cave, this cave arrangement is quite exquisite, at this moment that is like a child’s red figure appeared out of thin air in this.

“Back.” Intuo’s body was vaguely trembling.

He was the unique and special life in the First Reincarnation Era, “Intuo”, because he was the only one, this species was also named Intuo. Its God body is not big, but there is a special place …… is any material impact his God body can directly weaken to one ten thousandth! If coupled with the treasure armor will enemy material attack weakened to one ten thousandth, that much is equal to weakened to one billionth.

How terrifying is that?

That’s why it was known as the undead Indu!

“The Lava Demon God deserves to be called a Lava Demon God! One strike caused my Golden Sulfone Armor to break, and the second strike caused my scattered and infinite God Body to annihilate 90% of it, fortunately, he merely stepped on the ground and rippled into me rather than attacking directly, otherwise I would be dead this time. Moreover, the Lord of the Five Huns, the Silver Winged Lord and the others attracted its attention, so I was able to escape.” Droplets of water appeared out of thin air around Intuition, and immediately followed by integrating into his divine body, causing his divine body to rapidly recover.

Those drops of water were all a part of his divine body.

Naturally, they would all come back out of nowhere.

Before he actually had two choices, one is the divine body does not decompose and then with the help of the supreme treasure armor, but he is clear, the supreme treasure armor in that kind of impact can be weakened to one-tenth of the good, and the divine body does not decompose I’m afraid that the result will be a total loss.

So he put away the supreme treasure armor, in the golden one-horned lizard collapse instant, the divine body is also in the trend of complete decomposition, into countless water droplets.

The second time he stepped on it, although he shook out 90% of the water droplets, but the water droplets were scattered everywhere, some of them had long since dripped down extremely deep, and all of them were detached from the Master of the Universe, so there were still some that survived.

“Surprisingly, only 11.2% of the God Body remains.” Yingtuo’s eyes were full of unwillingness, “And my Golden Sulfone Armor is also broken, I’m afraid that it doesn’t have 10% of its previous power, and it’s also lost there. I don’t know if I can get the Golden Sulfone Armor back.”

“Damn it, damn it.”

Intuo’s heart was filled with anger and unwillingness.

“Lord of the Silver Wings! Lord of the Five Muddy Matters!” Intuo was filled with resentment.

“Crazy, that human is crazy, if he hadn’t gone crazy, how could I be so miserable!”

“The Lord of Five Huns, this idiot, couldn’t even kill that Luo Feng, if he had killed him earlier, I wouldn’t be so miserable! My golden sulfone armor ah, my divine body ah ……” Intuo gritted his teeth, he lost too much this time.

“I will not let you guys have a good time.”

“Silver wing lord, your silver wing supreme treasure that is so powerful …… surprisingly has been hidden, the degree of preciousness is no less than the Lord of the Five Muddy’s Extinction God Armor.” Intuo’s eyes were full of ferocious light, “You don’t want the outside world to know, I’m inclined to make this news no one doesn’t know!”

“And the Lord of Five Huns, as proud as you are, you’re afraid that you’ll perish your own split by Luo Feng this time, haha, scandalous, greatly scandalous, I’ll definitely spread the word, wantonly spread the word.”

“Both of you, one of you don’t want to be good.”

Intuition incomparably hated these two fellows.

In the endless magma sea.


Huge arms waved and grabbed in the endless magma, while the Forbidden Expanse Hall, which was as big as a glass ball, carefully and swiftly dodged forward, while the faces of the Lord of the Five Huns and the Lord of the Inquisitive Arrow inside the Forbidden Expanse Hall were all tightly tensed.

“Lord of the Five Huns.” The Lord of the Inquisitive Arrow couldn’t help but say.

“This is the only chance of survival.” The Lord of the Five Huns gritted his teeth and said, “Cross the heavy magma sea and rush to the uppermost end of the magma sea-arriving at the Flame Water Lake. During this process we need to go through up to possibly seven deaths, the first being the pursuit of this Lava Demon God, but since the Lava Demon God has awakened, he won’t rush into the magma sea again, this is the law of the ages.”

The Lord of Inquisitive Arrows also nodded his head.

From the God Destroying Stream, penetrating through the endless lava sea, one would directly arrive at another dangerous place, Flame Water Lake.

This path was definitely a dead end!

I’m afraid that even the strongest people in the universe would dare to make a break for it.

“Sevenfold Death Tribulation, must pass, must.” The Lord of the Five Huns gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with madness, “Human Silverwing Lord! Silverwing Lord!” He hissed madly in his heart, he wouldn’t forget that all of this was brought about by that crazy human Silverwing Lord.

The “core of the magma vortex” of the magma sea.

The Scarlet Pyramid was originally very close to the Magma Vortex, and as soon as it was drilled into, it quickly approached the Magma Vortex, allowing the vortex to swallow and suck, and was soon sucked into the center of the Magma Vortex, the most central and core area of the “Magma Vortex”.

“From the God Destroying Stream, to the Flame Water Lake, another dangerous place above. There’s a shortcut, and that’s to directly penetrate the magma sea upwards.” Luo Feng secretly said, “According to Jie Fanzi’s legacy records, normally crossing the magma sea, there are usually six deaths. Even if I have a star pagoda I could be stuck in the magma sea forever and not be able to get out.”

“The only way is to enter the core of the magma vortex.”

“The core of the magma vortex, affecting the void below all produces the ‘Annihilation Cyclone’. And inside the magma sea this vortex core is even more terrifying …… The more it continues to pass towards the depths, the stronger the strangulation force, the peak class palace supreme treasure will shatter.”

“But if you have a supreme palace class supreme treasure, you can resist the strangulation force, and pass along the vortex channel …… continuously towards the depths of the magma sea, faster and faster, breaking through a hundred times the speed of light, and directly sent to that flame water lake.”

“To others it’s a dead end.”

“But to me, who has a supreme palace supreme treasure, this seemingly most terrifying magma vortex core …… is a safest path.” Luo Feng had anticipation in his eyes, “Even though Flame Water Lake isn’t in my planned route, but it’s just a slight detour, it’s worth it!”

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