Chapter 72 – The Island

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:16:21
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The light of the gigantic secret pattern diagram imprinted on the endless layer of ice warriors suddenly rose up into the sky.


The dark green mountain peak then disappeared into thin air.

“This is a special means of teleportation.” Within the mountain peak Sitting Mountain Guest then smiled, “It’s a bit like your Star Pagoda, there are tons of spaces within your Star Pagoda, and a teleportation channel will easily appear from one space to another. This is also the way of approaching, only the teleportation channel is reduced to nothingness condensed into a point.”

Luo Feng listened, but there was still some doubt in his eyes, he understood the meaning, but he didn’t understand the mystery.

“Haha, as I said, three reincarnation eras and two great holy land universes, I’m afraid that no more than three can recognize it. And they can’t recognize it as fast as me.” Sitting Mountain Guest laughed, “Even the strongest of the many universes don’t understand it, so how could you understand it, as long as you know that this is one of the abilities contained in the Cosmic Boat itself. In fact, in my opinion …… the universe boat is an incomparably amazing supreme treasure! It’s just that it’s much more magical than the supreme supreme treasures that we know.”

“I also feel like it.” Luo Feng nodded.

“What do you mean you feel like it too, this universe boat, in the shape of a ‘boat’, the traces of refining are so obvious that the majority of super powerhouses suspect it to be an incomparably terrifying supreme treasure. Alright, the teleportation is over.” Sitting Mountain Guest said.

The outside world glowed faintly.

Time and space flowed.

In a tranquil space, Mount Sitter appeared out of nowhere.

“Look outside.” The Mountain Sitter pointed to the outside world, while the dark green mountain rock itself quickly turned into nothingness, not obstructing the view in the slightest.

“Beautiful, a very simple space.” Luo Feng took a glance at this space wasn’t big, in the center of a huge lake there was an island, there weren’t any plants on the island, all there was was just a beautifully carved out stone palace, the ancient palaces rose and fell.

“Teacher, I can feel that the two scales are within the lake.” Luo Feng said.

“I already know how you got these two scales.” The mountain sitter pointed downwards, “This huge lake, the water of the lake …… is that vast domain of icy water about three days away from here, it’s estimated that your two scales fell into the domain of icy water and perhaps flowed here through some hidden passageway.”

“Teacher I’ll go down first.” Luo Feng but his heart was burning, how could he have time to talk to his teacher here slowly.

“Haha, go go go.” The mountain sitter smiled and nodded.

Flying out of the mountain peak on a blood colored pyramid.

Whistling down, he directly drilled into the icy waters.

Continuously drilling towards the bottom ……

Luo Feng had collected hundreds of thousands of scales in the previous icy waters, so he knew very well that these icy waters were not a threat, to be precise, the entire abyss couldn’t be a threat to the “Star Tower”. At most, it would trap and prevent Luo Feng from ever getting out.


Luo Feng’s senses grew stronger.

In the depths of the lake, the blood-colored pyramid continued to sink, followed by the misty golden light that quickly condensed into a golden hand that grabbed the two scales.

“Haha, it’s in hand.”

Back to the core space within the mountain peak.

The mountain sitter stood aside with a smile.

Luo Feng was however thrilled beyond measure, and then the two scales in his hand were also quickly recognized, at once even the original half finished extinction god armor instantly disintegrated, together with the large number of scales that hadn’t been integrated before, in a flash, a full 8,999,999 scales were all suspended around Luo Feng, the vast majority of the scales were black, and a very small portion of them were golden in color.


Instantly combining, combining with incomparable precision, this also made Luo Feng sigh and sigh, first of all being able to create the many secret techniques and compose them in a secret pattern situation. It was also broken down on nearly 9 million scales, defense, melee, long range attack and many other secret patterns were combined in a subtle manner. It was also incredible to be able to create such a supreme treasure.

“Not bad.” Sitting Mountaineer nodded in admiration.

Luo Feng was in this black scale armor, while behind him were four silver wings spread out. Suddenly the color of the scale armor changed and became all silver armor, even the golden right hand position became silver and the style changed slightly.

“In this way, it’s the Lord of the Five Muddy Matters who won’t be able to recognize you when he sees you.” Sitting Mountain Guest smiled and nodded.

“Hmm.” Luo Feng was also a bit excited.

“But that Five Huns, he even used this Mad Demon Destroyer Armor like it was a palace supreme treasure, this armor is slightly broken.” Sitting Mountaineer said, “It should be that Five Hun, the injuries he received in the magma sea.”

Luo Feng nodded, he could also sense that the Mad Demon Destruction Armor was indeed slightly broken.

“Give it to me, I’ll help you repair it.” Sitting Mountaineer said.

“Yes.” Luo Feng didn’t make any pretense, he just became more and more grateful.

“The breakage is actually very slight and doesn’t cost much, but this kind of treasure that is second only to a strongest supreme treasure, when you look at the cosmic sea, there aren’t many that can be repaired.” The mountain sitter said confidently, “To say that there is one in the cosmic sea that can repair it, that would naturally be me.”

Luo Feng was speechless, teacher was indeed very confident when it came to refining supreme treasures.

However, he had a request from his teacher, it was better to coax him.

Gave the mad demon exterminator armor to teacher for now, but teacher didn’t rush to repair it, instead he said, “Go, go to that small island and take a look, this mysterious space, independent of many places, it should be the space where a certain powerhouse of the universe boat back then resided.”

“Hmm.” Luo Feng nodded.

Cosmic boat, a long, long time ago …… accurately said that before the two holy land universes were even born, when this cosmic boat wasn’t even the three great jedi, there should have been a user. Because of the black token, cyan token, silver token, the corresponding secret room independent space. That was actually a special space for rest and cultivation.

If the Pilgrimage Peak Realm and the Flowing Heavy Mountain were as if they were born naturally.

That Cosmic Boat, the traces of refining were very obvious.

“Wow!” The mountain peak quickly flew away and soon flew to the sky above the island in the center of that lake, and then it slowly landed and landed on the ground, revealing a cave on the mountain peak.

“Go out and take a look.” Mountain Sitting Guest was the first to head outside.

“Teacher, this outside ……” Luo Feng couldn’t help but open his mouth, the abyss can be careful everywhere.

“There’s no danger on the island.” Mountain Sitter was however already walking outside.

“Yes.” Luo Feng could only follow, but his own Golden Horned Beast alter ego was inside the Scarlet Pyramid.

One after the other with his teacher, he walked out of the mountain to land on the island’s ground.

“Small island, just a million kilometers in diameter, it’s not that big.” Luo Feng secretly said, to him, one step would be enough to rush from one side of the island to the other.

The mountain sitter however was looking at the rolling palaces from afar, silently looking at them, seemingly immersed in them.

Luo Feng also turned his head to look at those palaces can be recognized at a glance, all are the island itself, such as mountain and stone carvings hollowed out, forming a stone palace, in the walls of the palace, there is also an ancient pattern of a pattern with a huge boat flying pattern, there are strong kill pattern, there is a headless human-like strong man suspended in the air below the kneeling tripod silhouette of the pattern … … …

Many patterns, as if telling some ancient history.

The breath that comes to the face that is the breath of another ancient civilization, and just the carving of the strokes, will contain endless attachment. That and a strong attachment that even affected Luo Feng’s state of mind ……

“What a terrifying civilization.”

“What a terrifyingly strong person.” Luo Feng said softly.

The mountain sitter looked at Luo Feng: “You see it?”

“I didn’t see anything else, I just saw that the ship boat flying air map …… looking at the mold, that ship boat is a universe boat. To be able to come up with such incredible treasures like a universe boat, how can such a civilization not be terrifying?” Luo Feng sighed, “And the carver, his strength should be terrifying.”

“Teacher.” Luo Feng turned his head to look at the mountain sitter, “Could it be true that an extremely powerful civilization was once born?”


Sitting Mountain Guest sighed, “Even if there was, it was unknown before that reincarnation era. The two great sacred universes have both existed for a long time, and when they were here, this universe boat was already in disrepair and was already one of the three great extinct places. Only from some of the monuments, some traces could be found. My means of refining the most precious treasure is also some special encounters, coupled with my own comprehension eventually reached. Like the God’s Eye Clan’s Seven Great True Lords, they had also obtained some monumental inheritances, carefully studied them, and even had some joint combining methods. Like the two great Holy Land Universes, their fighting styles and cultivation methods are very unique, one is because of that Holy Land Universe Patriarch’s teachings, and the other is afraid that it’s also because of the many monuments that have been discovered.”

“Holy land universe.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but say, “Teacher, that, the originators of those two holy land universes, no one has ever seen them.”

“That would involve the secrets of the strongest people in the universe.” The mountain sitter looked at Luo Feng, “Don’t think too much, cultivate hard, when you become the strongest person in the universe! You will naturally know the many mysteries, if you don’t reach that level, you know, you’re just asking for trouble.”

“Hmm.” Luo Feng nodded.

“Go, go in and take a look.” The mountain sitter went directly towards the inside.

Along the temple door of a palace, stepping into it.

Luo Feng and Sitting Mountain Guest walked side by side and watched, the entire palace had ancient carvings everywhere, there were countless diagrams of life rejoicing, diagrams of killing, and diagrams of chiefs roaring …… countless patterns that were revealing that ancient civilization, that was a very magical and powerful civilization.

“Attachment ……” Luo Feng felt the attachment that the carver contained, even Luo Feng suspected that this one palace, should also be imitating some of the famous buildings of the ancient civilization, because some of the buildings in the carving patterns were the same as some of the ones that were partially in the entire stone palace complex.

For a long time –

After seeing an ancient palace, Luo Feng and the mountain sitter also entered the hinterland.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng suddenly realized that Sitting Shanke had stopped.

Luo Feng also followed Sitting Shanke’s line of sight and looked, the huge wall in the distance had complex writing, the writing was ancient and mysterious, it was exactly the same writing that was used when a large number of supreme treasures were sending messages, even though he didn’t recognize it, he could clearly understand the meaning.


“This is a mistake!!! Paying such a big price, all it brings is death!!!”

“One death after another, one death after another, haha, I broke through, so what if I broke through, it’s still death, death!!!”

The words left on that wall contained anger, sadness, unwillingness, and regret …… making both Luo Feng and the mountain sitter stand in stunned silence for a long time.

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