Chapter 80 – Lord of the Swallow Eagle

Release Date: 2024-07-12 13:16:42
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At that level of the top powerhouses, the difference in divine power was negligible, and they placed more importance on a supreme treasure that suited them as well as a powerful secret method! Only Luo Feng, in terms of supreme treasures, secret techniques, and many other aspects was not even close to the top universe lords, with only divine power being one step weaker, the strength exertion dropped by a level.

“I know you have plans of your own, you just lost your silver winged supreme treasure and have another treasure armor that is only second to a supreme treasure. Obviously, you’re only a Cosmic Exalted, but you’re already a Master of the Universe in terms of secret pattern flow attainment.” The Chaos City Lord shook his head and smiled, then instructed, “I won’t hinder you, but you must also be careful and vigilant, and if there is any danger that you can’t carry, tell me to tell the Giant Axe.”

“Yes.” Luo Feng nodded.

In the eyes of Giant Axe and Chaos City Lord, he was a bit special.

Treasures were endless?

Unpredictable progress in strength?

“With your current rate of progress, when you truly become a universe lord, a little sharpening will make you comparable to me.” Chaos city lord looked at Luo Feng with a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

Since hundreds of years ago in the wave star sea battle Luo Feng’s outburst, let him and giant axe are shocked, first personally go and Luo Feng sparring conversation, then he and giant axe went to see the original ancestor, and the original ancestor to discuss, although the original ancestor was permanently suppressed, but can perform “virtual universe” this heavenly secret method, naturally is able to communicate with chaos, giant axe and their communication! ……

The result of that negotiation was that the Original Ancestor and the Giant Axe both decided that…

Before Luo Feng had risen to power, Chaos was the next most promising person to become the strongest in the universe, followed by the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Pangong.

But now, according to the likelihood of becoming the strongest in the universe, it was feared that Chaos City Lord, Luo Feng, Lord of Pangong, and Lord of Darkness would be the next most promising!

The Original Ancestor and the Giant Axe, the two major existences, were extremely optimistic about Luo Feng.

Since then ……

Chaos City Lord naturally pay more attention to this disciple, if the teacher disciple have become the strongest in the universe, that is a great story in the universe sea, know that the original ancestor is Chaos’s teacher, Chaos is Luo Feng’s teacher, this lineage successive three into the strongest in the universe? Thinking about it, the Chaos City Lord was looking forward to it.

With anticipation in his heart, Chaos city lord also laughed: “And with your understanding of the universe’s operation, when you become a universe lord, I’m afraid that you will also be able to quickly try to sprint to the strongest in the universe, but for that, I don’t have much advice, after all, the path of the strongest in each universe is different, and I’m looking for it too.”

Luo Feng was aghast in his heart.

It was.

It’s not hard for him to become a universe lord, because the secret attainment of the light law perception will be smooth sailing, coupled with a long time ago realized the “heart of the beast god”, in the future to achieve the path of the beast god is still very easy! But want to become the universe’s strongest, it is too difficult …… because each universe’s strongest, must take a different path.

The Secret Pattern School, the Beast God School, and so on, all have ancestors who have traveled, and all need to give up!

But wherever there are forefathers who have traveled, they need to be discarded.

In this way, the path was narrow.

“Haha, it’s too far.” The Chaos City Lord laughed when he finished speaking, “It’s still far away for you, first focus on cultivating into a Cosmic Lord.”

“Yes.” Luo Feng responded.

“If there’s trouble and danger, you can tell me to tell the giant axe! The current you no longer belongs to your earth lineage alone, it belongs to you. It also belongs to our human community!” Chaos City Lord laughed, “Go go go, I’m not worried about the Black Stripe Stone Pillar there, it’s the territory of those three old guys.”

“Disciple understands, disciple excuses himself.” Luo Feng immediately retreated, his figure dissipating.

Black grain stone pillar space, is one of the few areas without danger amongst the entire universe boat inner area, the danger of strong people killing each other of course doesn’t count, where there are strong people fear there will be grudges, and where there are grudges fear there will be killing. The whole space, is by 16 high thousands of light years of black grain stone pillar support, in addition to close to the black grain stone pillar area space condensation can not transient outside, the whole space of the other area is able to transient.

And ……

The black grain stone pillars are natural monuments! These 16 stone pillars that were thousands of light years high had extremely profound black secret patterns on them, and the level of the secret patterns was so high …… that even the strongest people in the universe couldn’t understand them. But just like the strongest mastery of that ancient being that Luo Feng saw in the hidden space, because there was no step by step, no gradual overload from easy to difficult, the black secret pattern diagrams that were all over the stone pillars were simply unreadable!

Each black patterned stone pillar was monstrously powerful, more heaven-defying than the strongest supreme treasures, which could be revealed by its thousands of light-years length alone. And so far, no one can really touch the black stone pillar, because the closer the “black stone pillar”, that will impact is more and more terrible, even the universe’s strongest, can not do to the black stone pillar in front.

But no matter what, this is a natural ancient relic that can be easily viewed, and the level of the secret pattern is very high, and the distribution of thousands of light years of stone pillars, there are as many as 16, naturally caused some dormant old man entrenched in this.

Safe, can instantaneous transfer, fast time flow, monuments ……

Many factors made this place a place for breaking into the depths of the Cosmic Boat, where strong people rested and practiced.

The fog filled the air and was far away without end.

A silver armor Luo Feng twice short distance transient, the fog in front of him became very thin, because the black grain stone pillar space, and only the highest place the lowest, around the most edge of the area of the fog is thick, while the central dispersion of the 16 black grain stone pillars around the center does not have the slightest fog.

There was another saying that the junction zone between instantaneous and un-instantaneous, the fog had thinned to near nothing.

“Shoo!” A silver-colored rainbow light sliced through the void.

“Haha, after spending 620 years and years, I’ve finally arrived at the Black Stripe Stone Pillar space.” Luo Feng transformed into a rainbow light, his face full of smiles, his heart unbridled and unbridled, “But the two teachers, Sitting Mountain Guest and Chaos City Lord, are right, fighting is the best sharpening. I entered the universe boat, and came all the way through a great deal of dangerous places, life and death battles a number of times, causing me to finally have a breakthrough during the battle of the Sea of Wave Stars.”

Although he himself was not the Lord of the Universe.

But in the secret pattern diagram school, he was already a Master of the Universe in attainment! In the years after the Battle of Wave Star Sea, he had even created a set of “Lord of the Universe’s Strongest Secret Methods”, which was comparable to the strongest secret methods of the Micro Universe, and it was an attacking secret method, and it was important that he had created it with his own hands, which also proved his own ability.

At the beginning, he had traveled as the “Lord of Cracking Gold”, and then after creating this set of the strongest secret method, he directly named it “Cracking Gold”.

“Cracking Gold” was a secret technique that he himself had created.

However, one’s strongest move was the third secret pattern on the right hand of the Mad Demon God Destroying Armor, which was specially named “God Destroying” by oneself.

“Eh?” Luo Feng turned his head to look into the distance.

Even though he was flying at high speed as a silver rainbow light, he was still releasing the “snow fire realm”, the snow fire realm was one of the several treasures that he had obtained since he had broken into the universe boat this time, it was a top level realm type treasure! It was because of it that some of the strongest people in the Wave Star Sea fought over it.

“Surprisingly, I ran into the Hong Alliance.” Luo Feng smiled.

“Galaxy lord!” A dark green colored rainbow light flew in, although it was extremely fast, Luo Feng could see the other party’s appearance with his naked eyes.

It is the Hong alliance of a foreign race universe lord “Yan eagle lord”, Yan eagle lord in the Hong alliance status is also considered high, because of its strength is extremely strong, belongs to and the ice peak of the lord of a level, usually in the three great jedi in the inner domain of the intruder, but also has a lot of means in the body, very good at life preservation, is also extremely difficult to provoke.

“Earlier I heard that the Galaxy Lord had obtained a new domain supreme treasure, presenting an endless blue flame shroud, as soon as my previous domain was discovered, I suspected that it was the Galaxy Lord you, so I rushed here, and took a look to see that it really was. Haha, to be able to discover our Hong League in the inner domain of the universe boat, really happy.” A bird of prey with a dark green body stretched out its wings, and on top of its head was a golden plume, while directly transmitting a common human language.

Within the Hong Alliance, there were more conversations in the universal human language.

“It’s also delightful to see the Lord of Swallow Eagles.” Luo Feng said joyfully.

“I heard about the Galaxy Lords long ago before, the Lord of the Inquisitive Arrow and the Lord of the Five Huns split, perished one after another. And then you, Galaxy Lord, acted as the Lord of Split Gold …… all the way up. I’m afraid that I’m not even a match for Lord Galaxy anymore.” The Lord of Swallow Eagle boasted.

Luo Feng smiled.

The other party mentioned a real event that he had done, and it was a super strong person who came to “kiss his ass”, so naturally it was very pleasurable.

“Lord Yan Ying is modest.” Luo Feng laughed.

“I don’t know what you’ve come to this black striped stone pillar space for, Lord of the Milky Way?” Lord Yan Ying was beside Luo Feng, the two were flying in parallel as two rainbow lights and were talking to each other with divine power as their medium.

“I came here to prepare to sharpen my will with the help of the black grain stone pillar.” Luo Feng directly said.


Lord Yan Ying was surprised, “Sharpening your will? In the three great reincarnation eras of the cosmic sea and the two great holy land universes, there aren’t too many that specifically come here to sharpen their will. Most of those who are here are resting here temporarily. Or they are attending to the secret patterns on that black patterned stone pillar. I have been here for some years now, and there are some that I would rather tell you first, Galaxy Lord.”

“Please speak, Lord of the Swallow Eagle.” Luo Feng said.

“The black patterned stone pillar space is extremely safe because it’s extremely safe and has monumental secret patterns that are extremely profound. That’s why there’s a group of strong people coiled up here one true. Especially the three strongest existences among them.” The Swallow Eagle Lord said, “Those three existences can all be the strongest in the universe! There are solo Universe strongest, and there are also those with clans, namely the Bei Zhi Star Lord, the Blood Orchid Patriarch of the First Reincarnation Era, and the Rampant Demon God of the Second Reincarnation Era.”

“That I know.” Luo Feng nodded.

“What I want to tell you is the temperament of these three.” The Lord of Swallow Eagle said, “Star Lord Bei Zhi has an extremely good personality, as long as you treat him with respect, it’s fine. But the Blood Orchid Patriarch is a plant life …… it spreads over the area, absolutely cannot approach it within a million kilometers, otherwise there is a danger of perishing. These two are okay, one has a good character and one is extremely evil, both can be easily dealt with. The most troublesome one is the rampant demon god.”

Luo Feng nodded.

He had also heard something about the Hengxing Demon God, an existence that was very dangerous and hard to deal with. But the black striped stone pillar space, was the territory of these three old guys, one had to be vigilant not to offend these three old guys.

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