Chapter 0001 The Flying Flyer

Release Date: 2024-07-15 10:59:35
A+ A- Turn Off Light

December’s Zhonghai City night is long and day is short, just after six o’clock outside the sky slowly darkened, the street lights on both sides of the road gradually lit up, so that the city continues to be bright, off-duty crowds like a large spider’s web generally filled the streets and alleys of this metropolis, a variety of voices echoed in the sky above the city.

“Wow ……”

Zhuang Rui pulled down half of the store’s roller shutter door, the itemized and sealed several tin boxes carried to the counter inside, and casually closed the security door, these items inside the box is worth millions of things, usually there are two security guards and Zhuang Rui together with the handover, but today is the weekend, the security company training, temporarily recruited them back.

A day’s work is coming to an end, although it is not very busy, but Zhuang Rui’s young face still shows a trace of fatigue, may be to the end of the year’s sake, has not been home for a year Zhuang Rui some homesick.

Zhuang Rui is 24 years old this year, was born in an ancient city in northern Jiangsu single parent family, one meter eight tall, appearance, although not handsome, but smiled to give people a kind of affectionate feeling, hands and feet reveal a trace of composure, looks older than the actual age of a few years.

Zhuang Rui in the university era is also a lively people, only out of school, things do not go well so that Zhuang Rui introverted a lot of people have become mature and stable a lot of people, in addition to watching the game scolded a certain association, after work more time is in the rented house to read some historical novels, just a few days ago to buy a set of February River by the “Kangxi Emperor”, if not for fear of the impact of the bad, he would like to take to the unit to see.

In 2000, Zhuang Rui graduated from a prestigious university in the city of China Sea, finance and accounting profession, according to the reasoning of that time to graduate college students or a good woman does not worry about marriage, the work is not difficult to find, just Zhuang Rui’s luck is not very good, just graduated a few days on a disease, did not catch up with the civil service exams that year, after the disease is well, in his hometown, a few days of a small company on the class, the feeling that nothing to develop, and then back to the sea, into this The company has a lot of money to spend on accounting.

General private nature of the company, please financial like to please have many years of experience in the old financial, and into the government sector will need to relations, just to the time of the sea, Zhuang Rui more than a month did not find a suitable job, and finally or Zhuang Rui family in the sea of university students and dormitory boss help, only to be able to enter the establishment of a long time pawnbroker to work.

Speaking of pawnbrokers, it is estimated that people’s first impression is the pawnshop, and think of the pawnshop, just finished the screening of the TV series, “insects eat rats and mice bite, light body hairless, tattered coat a child” words will immediately appear in people’s minds.

In fact, with the development of the times, pawnshops have become a set of financing, Taobao, hosting in a multi-functional place.

In the Zhuang Rui work of this pawnshop pawnshop area is set up with a diamond ring, emerald bracelet, brand-name watches and other absolute pawns, due to the collection of the price of these items, generally in the original price of about half, therefore, these when the goods once absolute pawns, the price of the sale will only be slightly higher than the price of the receipt of pawns, which is some of the shy, but also the pursuit of brand-name luxury goods, has a lot of attraction.

Zhuang Rui has seen a lot of beautiful women and men wearing gold and silver, come here directly to the jewelry they do not like to pawn, and then go to the pawn area to look for their favorite items, in this way, not only the circulation of the items to be pawned, but also will not cause a backlog of funds.

The personnel structure within the pawnshop is very simple, the chief appraiser Uncle De is also the manager of the pawnshop, and there are two young appraisers who came back from abroad, mainly responsible for the appraisal of some foreign works of art and luxury goods, are in their early thirties, have been mixed up in this circle for some time, and also are all from the class, but these two are usually high on their own opinion, and have never been treated well by Uncle De. The other is the cashier Xu Ling and Jedong district salesman.

Uncle De’s name is Ma Delin, in the absence of liberation, in Zhonghai when a store as a small fellow, and later has been engaged in cultural relics excavation and identification, specializing in miscellaneous and calligraphy and painting, in the Zhonghai cultural relics and antiques collection has a very high reputation, pawnbroker before the opening of a great deal of thought before the museum has been retired from the Zhonghai De’s uncle asked to pawnbroker’s chief appraiser and manager of the pawnbroker in the previous pawnbroker, that’s called the big shopkeeper! In the former pawnshop, it was called the big boss.

Uncle De likes Zhuang Rui this practical and diligent young man, want to bring him to this line of work, but Zhuang Rui although he likes to read historical novels, but for these antiques is not very interested in Uncle De’s teaching is the left ear into the right ear out, talking about the topic will be pulled to a historical figure or a story on the, often to the uncle De’s angry blowing his beard and glaring at the.

In accordance with the provisions of the original cashier Xu Ling is supposed to be at the end of the day, and Zhuang Rui together with the absolute pawn area of the items handed over to the bank deposit car, but that gold-digging girl today to go to the Pearl of the Orient dinner with the Nth boyfriend, early, Xu Ling is a local in Zhonghai, every day there is such and such a thing as an excuse, this is not the first time, Zhuang Rui are also used to it.

Pawnshop is six o’clock in the evening off, and the bank’s escort car will generally be around six thirty minutes, to six o’clock, Uncle Te and the absolute pawn area salesman have left, the two highly paid appraiser is pinching the stopwatch to and from work, only left Zhuang Rui a person, he pulled down half of the roller shutter door, after sitting on the counter inside the bank to wait for the bank, in accordance with the provisions of the cash box and the storage of precious jewelry items box According to the rules, cash boxes and boxes of items storing valuable jewelry are to be picked up by the escort and checked for the integrity of the seals.

The last trace of the setting sun shot into the store through the glass door, suddenly, Zhuang Rui felt a darkness in front of him, and three silhouettes drilled in from underneath the half-closed roller shutter door.

“It’s only 6:10 ah, the bank’s cars usually don’t come this early ah!”

Zhuang Rui froze for a moment, although on weekends, the deposit car would arrive a little bit earlier, but it would still be around six twenty, since the few people who came in were backlit, Zhuang Rui didn’t get a good look at a few people for a moment, but he also knew that these few people were not bank deposit clerks, and he could see that there was no bank deposit car parked in front of the door.

“Several gentlemen, we are off duty, please come back tomorrow if you need anything, we are open on Saturday and Sunday, eh?”

Zhuang Rui said halfway, suddenly realized that the three people who came in were all men, what made him not continue was that these three people had a knitted hat on their heads, that is, the kind of hat that can be turned down to cover the face with only the eyes exposed outside, this kind of hat was very popular a few years ago, but now it is already rare to see people wearing it, although it is December, but the weather in Zhonghai is not cold enough to wear such a hat, Zhuang Rui’s heart was filled with a feeling that he could not see anyone wearing this kind of hat. The degree of the hat, Zhuang Rui heart immediately rose a bad feeling.

“Kid, cut the crap, hand out the case you have in hand.”

Two people stood in front of the counter, the other one ran directly towards the absolute pawn area, looking at their movements, they should be quite familiar with this pawn shop.

“You guys are committing a crime, there will be the bank’s security personnel coming soon, if you don’t run now, you won’t be able to run away even if you want to in a while.”

Zhuang Rui knew that he had encountered robbers, although the precinct police station had come to engage in several drills, he had never expected that in addition to the bank, even the pawnshop had actually become the target of these people.

However, in addition to the initial panic, Zhuang Rui quickly calmed down, because the pawnshop’s counters are all in accordance with the bank’s anti-theft and anti-robbery counter design, the steel window pane makes the counter and the outside completely isolated, if they come a while earlier, but can rob the items in the absolute pawnshop area, but now he received all these things to come, Zhuang Rui believes that with these few people, within a short period of time, there is no way to break through the security door. That security door.

Mouth while talking to the robbers, Zhuang Rui sat back in the chair, his hand has reached to the alarm button, as long as the press down, 110 police and the nearby precinct police station will immediately receive the alarm, the fastest in five minutes, they can arrive, this is not a movie, in the middle of the year, the scene of the exercise was also carried out a few times, Zhuang Rui for each time is the rapid arrival of the police officers, or a lot of confidence.

“Damn big brother, this side of the things are put away, gross things are not, the old clean, big brother you last time is not personally stepped on the point?”

The person who ran to the Jedang area naturally could not find anything, and shouted towards Zhang Yang’s side, with a mouthful of authentic northeastern accent.

“Who the hell are you cursing, told you guys to be civilized, my ass, how many times have I told you guys to speak Mandarin.”

And Zhuang Rui separated a security net of the bandit leader annoyed cursed, he is very dissatisfied with the quality of his men, it may also be because he was questioned by his men, listen to the Zhuang Rui heart straight want to laugh, these days there are still five speak, four beauty, three love robbers ah! However, he immediately could not laugh out, because a black hole of the muzzle through the security window aimed at him.

Zhuang Rui was jolted, the finger that had already pressed on the alarm button pressed down hard, the ear-piercing sound of the alarm sounded with it, he believed that as long as he dragged on for a few minutes, these people would never be able to run away, but just at this moment, there was a sudden sound of brakes coming from the entrance of the pawnshop, Zhuang Rui looked out, his heart was overjoyed, it turned out to be that the bank’s escort car arrived early, which is very normal in weekends.

Seeing the head of the bandits standing in front of the counter seems to be distracted by the sound of brakes outside the door, Zhuang Rui took the opportunity to lie down towards the bottom of the counter, where is the dead corner of the shooting, the bandits can’t help him outside, only the swivel chair Zhuang Rui sits on slipped, resulting in Zhuang Rui didn’t lie down, but backed up more than a meter, becoming face-to-face with the head of the bandits.

“Kid, you play tricks!”

With the bandit leader’s angry shout, he violently pulled the trigger at Zhuang Rui, Zhuang Rui subconsciously sidestepped when he opened his mouth to speak, the bullet grazed his eyes and flew past, Zhuang Rui only felt that first a fire light flew past his eyes, followed by Zhuang Rui feeling a tingling burning at his eyes.

Eyes are the most developed and sensitive place of the nervous system in the human body, Zhuang Rui covered his eyes with his hands in the finger cracks have seeped blood outward, the intense pain makes Zhuang Rui’s body turned a circle and fell backward, he could not see, the position that the back of his head fell toward, but the position where the alarm button is located.

“Bang ……” sound came out, Zhuang Rui’s back of the head hit hard on the glass box outside the alarm button, the huge impact made the quadrilateral glass box broken open, blood instantly stained the side of the counter where the alarm button was installed, Zhuang Rui’s head leaned on the counter, the whole person was already fainting. Zhuang Rui’s head leaned on the counter, and the whole person was already unconscious.

The sound of the gunshot and the alarm alarmed the bank escrow officers outside the door, the bank escrow officers with real guns and nuclear bullets quickly rushed into the pawnshop, and the pistol of that bandit leader seemed to be homemade, after hitting the sinister bullet that was shot at Zhuang Rui, it never fired again, and there were no hostages for them to hijack inside the pawnshop, and after some fights, it was obvious that the professional skills of these robbers weren’t very skillful, and soon the three robbers were subdued by a couple of bank security guards subdued.

“Xiao Zhuang, Xiao Zhuang, how are you? Can you talk?”

The bank escrow officer who was familiar with Zhuang Rui shouted anxiously for Zhuang Rui who was inside the counter, but never heard an answer, the hall where the gun had just been fired was filled with a strong odor of bad gunpowder, and their hearts gradually sank.

Standing outside can see the blood inside the counter, just can not open the security door, outside the crowd are helpless, after a few minutes, received the alarm 100 police officers also rushed to the scene, the pawnshop periphery pulled up a cordon, a few robbers were blindfolded and then brought to the police car, but all the people are nervous to look at the counter inside the just reveal a piece of scalp of Zhuang Rui, waiting for the notified pawnbroker to come to the people Open the security door.

No one found, Zhuang Rui blood seeped out of the back of the head slowly infiltrated into the gap of the alarm button, a blue electric current along the blood into Zhuang Rui’s brain, making his body slightly twitching up, covered in the face of the hands have long been hanging down, if someone can see Zhuang Rui’s face now, it can be found that, in the Zhuang Rui’s eyes around, appeared a colorful halo, but just a In a short ten seconds or so, that halo disappeared.

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