Chapter 0010 – Deadpool

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:00:00
A+ A- Turn Off Light

To uncle De after a phone call, Zhuang Rui put down the mind, only then feel the stomach “cooing” called up, look at the time, is already more than two o’clock in the afternoon, under the excitement, actually even forgot to eat lunch.

Looked up and looked out the window, outside the cold wind howling, snow more and more big, Zhuang Rui also do not have the heart to go out to eat, simply to the kitchen to open the refrigerator, find a packet of frozen dumplings to the pot, and then peeled a few cloves of garlic with a garlic mortar crushed, poured on the sesame oil vinegar and other seasonings, and other dumplings boiled, while hot to eat up.

“Jingling ……”

Zhuang Rui had just finished eating and cleaned up the dishes, and was about to continue to sort out those letters from his grandfather, wanting to see if he could still find out something good when the phone rang at home.

“Hello, wood? You brat is not decent ah! Back home for two days also do not know to buddies say, a moment to my store, the night we drink, finished brother to take you to the sauna, a good steam, this ghost weather, freezing people.”

Zhuang Rui just picked up the phone, not yet put on the ear, heard the microphone came roar, no need to ask, sure is that guy Liu Chuan, every time you call is with the roar, last year, he called home, he called to be received by the mother, and then called to the home of the mother carrying the ear training for half a day.

Liu Chuan’s mother and Zhuang mother is a colleague, from the third grade to high school graduation, has been and Zhuang Rui is the same classmate, the two character one is impulsive and strong, the other is calm and heavy, who did not expect them two will get along so well, the elders of the two families do not take each other as outsiders, made mistakes as usual to get board, as a child Zhuang Rui was Liu Chuan dad repair, but meet or godmother and godfather called, also not less than Liu Chuan home, and the mother of the two families, the mother and the father, the mother and the mother, the mother and the mother, the mother and the mother, the mother and the mother, the mother and the mother, the mother and the mother. There is no shortage of meals at home in Liu Chuan.

Liu Chuan dad is in Liu Chuan eight years old, from the army transferred to the Pengcheng City Public Security Bureau work, playing in the army compound grew up in Liu Chuan, character is very like his father, encountered what disputes, are generally fists to expound the reasoning of the interest in learning is far less than the interest in the game room on the street.

Strange to say, from elementary school to high school Liu Chuan and Zhuang Rui is almost inseparable, Zhuang Rui used to play above the time, not at all less than Liu Chuan, but the academic performance is always the top of the class, never fell out of the top three, and Liu Chuan also regularly get the third place, only counting down, even high school is hard pressed by the family to finish, from the relationship between these two people. From the relationship between these two people, the phrase “near Zhu is red, near ink is black” is not absolute.

After graduating from high school, Liu Chuan’s father to find him a few jobs, the kid is not long, not accustomed to the leadership, is fighting with colleagues, and then Pengcheng Bird and Flower Market rebuild, love to raise dogs and feed cats Liu Chuan, and simply encourage the family to buy a storefront there, their own bosses sell pets, cats and dogs, caddisflies, crickets, turtles and tortoises are what are all pouring a few years down to have earned a lot of money every day, the people like a dog! Holding a cell phone, driving a second-hand Toyota, anyone can not see this girl is a dog.

In the past few years, Zhejiang and other places such as the prevalence of gambling fighting crickets, Liu Chuan ran to the rural areas of Shandong collected a lot of crickets, a few months ago when the delivery to the Middle Sea, but also in the Middle Sea Zhuang Rui that cool winter and warm summer rental house crowded for a few days, according to his words, buddies are not unable to afford to live in the hotel, to the brotherhood of the family, which have to live outside the reasoning.

Hang up the phone, Zhuang Rui to his mother left a note, wearing the old sister weaving woolen cap, took a Zhonghai cigarettes clamped in his arms, locked the door and went out, due to the snowy days do cab people, Zhuang Rui stood on the side of the road half a day can not hit the car, simply playing the umbrella slowly to the flower and bird market to go, anyway, is not very far away, walk for more than ten minutes to the.

Near the end of the year, although it is snowing outside, the road is quite a lot of pedestrians, walk around, not long to the flower and bird market where the street.

Pengcheng’s flower and bird market is connected with the antique market, divided into pets, birds, flowers, antiques, jade, calligraphy and painting, books, stamps and other districts, have the strength of the businessmen or rent or buy, there are stores, and some enthusiasts are in the aisles on both sides of the stores set up stalls, every day, as long as the management of the market management office to hand over a little bit of the management fee on the can.

Zhuang Rui has been here a few times before, every time to come are crowded, lively, sometimes are crowded can not move body, but this period of time in a row for several days of snow, the retailers basically did not come out of the stalls, only a few people in the relationship between the good store below the stalls, and the people have to hide inside the store to warm up, but it is a lot more than the past quiet.

Walked to Liu Chuan’s pet store, Zhuang Rui found in front of his store stood an old lady, age in the fifties or so, wearing a very simple but very clean, carrying a flower cloth package in his hand, his face seems to be with a trace of sadness, Zhuang Rui didn’t care, pushed open the glass door directly, walked in.

Liu Chuan’s pet store probably has more than twenty square feet, he bought down when only seven, eighty thousand dollars, and now if the bidding, three hundred thousand people are snatching, which is only four or five years, see how much housing prices rose.

Pet store sparsely placed a few cages are empty, almost New Year’s Eve, coupled with days of heavy snowfall, it is estimated that he does not have much heart to do business, the house burned a fireplace, the temperature is 278 degrees, into the store, Zhuang Rui immediately felt frozen some stiff face warmed up.

Liu Chuan the boy pouting buttocks to the computer do not know what to drum, heard the glass door rattled, head did not lift, shouted: “The store is out of stock, what do you want to say first, after New Year’s Day and then come to get.”

“There is a great general no, I want one ……”

Zhuang Rui said jokingly, the last time Liu Chuan went to Shanghai, in his ear for several days, said in Shandong to collect crickets, went a few days late, there is a great general was taken by someone else first, then that look than his wife was robbed more frustrated.

“Great general? I still want …… to, shit, it is your kid, sit on one side and smoke to go, I finished playing this disk …….”

Liu Chuan see is Zhuang Rui, threw over a pack of cigarettes, Zhuang Rui to come over to see, can not help but some tears and laughter, this guy is actually playing Super Mario, the old antique game, rare this goods still play with great flavor.

“Damn, and did not pass, I say you kid, back also do not come to me to report, if not my mother said up, I still do not know it now, listen to my mother said you were shot some time ago, all right! I look, I look ……” Liu Chuan threw down the game handle in his hand, walked over to Zhuang Rui, snatched the cigarette in Zhuang Rui’s hand after, had to look at the wound on the back of his head.

“Not so delicate, the injury is almost good, or you kid comfortable, I know I also do not go to college, and you do more good ah! The computer has been used, did not see ah! You follow the trend.”

Zhuang Rui lit a cigarette, Liu Chuan’s hand aside, lying sitting on the sofa in the store, his addiction to cigarettes is not big, only when the mood is very good or very depressed to smoke a cigarette, sometimes four or five days can not finish a pack of cigarettes.

“If you don’t go to college, I’m afraid that even my old man can’t spare you, by the way, my old lady also said that you have no conscience, came and didn’t go to the house to see her, you said that this person retired how to be so nagging ah! I just can’t stand it before coming to the store.”

Liu Chuan first poured a round of bitter water, and then eyes brightened up, said: “You quit that job, forget it, and then do it, maybe one day will give away his life, seriously, brother, come and I do it! These years have not been together, I pour what feel bad, your brain is better than me, you want to do this business, to ensure that we open this store into the only one in Pengcheng.”

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