Chapter 0011 Broken Book

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:00:03
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Zhuang Rui just graduated from college, Liu Chuan encouraged him to do it together, just Zhuang Rui to feel that their four years of college can not be in vain, the second Liu Chuan’s business has been on track, their own to come is to eat the ready-made, nothing interesting, it has not been agreed to, and now the pawnbroker’s side of the house to promote their positions, but also to eliminate this mind, and did not pick up the head of the words of Liu Chuan.

“Rascal, you in the house heat rising, comfortable and happy, there is a woman outside to avoid the snow, how do you not let people to the house to warm down ah! Your kid is also learning from Lei Feng grew up, now how to become and Huang Shiren like, go back and I tell my mom, guarantee to let you have a bad year.”

Zhuang Rui through the glass door, saw that the old lady’s body in the cold wind frozen shivering, heart some intolerance, so spoke.

“Huh? Just now there is no one at the door, I’m not unaware of it, you must not give our mom to say ah! Or else you have to teach me a lesson again, I’ll invite someone in.” Although Liu Chuan has a long and cross-faced face, he actually has a cold face and a warm heart, after seeing the old lady outside, he quickly pushed open the glass door.

“Auntie, come in and warm yourself! You can leave again when the snow is smaller, it’s too cold outside.” Liu Chuan’s voice rang out, but probably because his face was more distinctive looking, that old lady stared at Liu Chuan and shook her head very firmly.

Seeing this, Zhuang Rui also walked out and said, “Ma’am, come in and warm up! This snow still has more to come, and we are not bad people.”

“Then …… then thank you.”

After the old lady saw Zhuang Rui, the vigilant expression on her face relaxed a lot, hesitated for a moment and agreed, looking at Liu Chuan depressed, this store is his own, the one who is thanked is Zhuang Rui, from childhood to adulthood this guy is a good person, really no heavenly reason ah!

There are outsiders in the store, Zhuang Rui two people also do not seem to be as just as reckless talk, let the old lady to the fireplace next to warm up, Liu Chuan began to play his Super Mario again, that gnashing of teeth, how to look like a good person, the old lady gripped the parcel in her hand, carefully moved the bench to the far end, it seems that and Liu Chuan keep a little bit more distance in order to have a sense of security.

“Ma’am, what are you doing here in such a cold day? Buying pets for the kids at home?” Looking at that old lady with some restraint, Zhuang Rui opened his mouth and asked.

“This little brother, don’t joke, we don’t have enough chickens and ducks in the village, how do we have time to raise these things! Isn’t this a waste of money?” The old lady saw those pictures of pets posted on the walls of the store and knew what was being sold here.

After Liu Chuan heard the old lady’s words, he crooked his mouth, what he wanted to say didn’t come out, but in his heart, he was definitely not happy, if it was all this kind of idea from the old lady, he wouldn’t need to do this business.

“Then you are ……” Zhuang Rui poured a cup of hot tea and gave the old lady over.

The old lady would have had a mind, this will meet Zhuang Rui, also bamboo tube pour beans in general, put their own things out.

This old lady was originally from Shandong Jiaxiang, surnamed Wang, according to her, her mother’s family in the past is also a big family, ancestors out of the big officials, but later fell down, the seventies that will be married to Tongshan County, Pengcheng, her man has a handful of carpentry work, the family is not rich but also can eat on the meal.

The family’s two sons are also competitive, the eldest son in Nanjing to read the fourth year, not a few months after the New Year will be graduated, the oldest two this year also got into the university, just so to tribute to the two college students to read, the family’s economy is also tense, owed a debt to relatives and friends, the East and West borrowed it was not easy to put together the tuition fees for the two sons, but his man in order to earn more money, their own mountain to go stealing logging, who knows by the forest ranger team found the wood, and the forest ranger team to find out the wood. But in order to earn more money, his man went up the mountain to steal wood, who knew that he was discovered by the forest ranger team, rolled down from the mountain in a hurry, and broke his leg, which not only injured him, but also fined him 5000 yuan, which instantly plunged the family into a sorrowful state.

When the old lady married over, her mother’s family did not have anything to dowry, just give a few ancient books, said in the heyday, these books are very valuable, the old lady also as a treasure to save, when the son went to school did not bother to take out, and now the old lady lying in the hospital, and then there is no money to save the treatment of a leg I am afraid that can not be kept, which is hidden from the two sons, turned out to be pressed under the box of books to the bottom of the Pengcheng, to see if they can be sold, and the family is in a state of emergency. Pengcheng, to see if they can be sold.

After arriving in Pengcheng, asked a few people to know that the book should be sold in the antique market, the old lady braved the snow to come over, but did not expect the market inside the cold and quiet, go to a few stores inside the ask, look at the book are said to be not worth the money, five dollars a book, love to sell or not sell.

Antique market is now on the ground are snow, but also can not set up stalls, this time the old lady does not know how to do it well, see the day are afternoon, she was thinking of another moment to find a car back to Tongshan County, just stood in front of the store in Liu Chuan is complaining about their own, things have not been done, but also spent a dozen of good money for a bus ticket.

Hear is a family heirloom of the ancient books, Zhuang Rui heart moved, his own couplet is not also a family heirloom ah! So he opened his mouth and said, “Ma’am, can you let me read those books of yours?”

The old lady was originally a book to sell, after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, opened the package in her hand and took out two books with yellowed pages and somewhat worn edges and handed them to Zhuang Rui.

Zhuang Rui carefully took over, in order not to let the old lady see the vision in his eyes, he raised the book flat to his eyes, blocking the old lady’s line of sight, and then gazed at it, to his dismay, the aura did not have any movement, the aura will be taken back to the eyes, and only then began to survey the contents of the book.

These two books are the upper and lower volumes, the name is: “Wei Jin Thought Theory”, the author is called Liu Dajie, Zhuang Rui looked at the date of publication, it is the China Bookstore published in December 1939, and is not any ancient books, at best, can only be considered as a relatively early printing, some of the larger libraries have preserved, Zhuang Rui has no interest in these, since it can not increase the aura in his eyes, naturally, is useless! Shaking his head, Zhuang Rui was ready to hand back the two books.

“Young man, I still have a book here, just now those people are not reasonable, I didn’t give them to see, you see if this is worth ……” Seeing Zhuang Rui carefully measuring the book in his hand, a ray of hope flared up in the eyes of the old lady, and carefully took another book out from the parcel and handed it to Zhuang Rui. A book came out and handed it to Zhuang Rui.

Zhuang Rui first put the hands of the two books on the table, and then took over the book handed over by the old lady, did not look at the frown, because the book is too worn, the words on the cover are almost unrecognizable, Zhuang Rui can only vaguely see the “incense ancestor pen words” four words, should be a brush handwritten, there is no inscription above. It is a little bit of the TV show “insects eat rats and mice bite, broken book a child” meaning.

Anyway, look will not consume the eyes of the aura, Zhuang Rui did not open the book, directly gaze at the past, but the heart does not hold much hope.

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