Chapter 0022 – Double-crossing (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:00:33
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“It’s me you’re shouting at?”

Zhuang Rui stopped his steps, some puzzled to look at the person who pulled himself, that person is also a young man, the age of about twenty years old when the appearance of the body thin and weak, a pair of eyes is a little small, smile squinted into a slit are almost invisible, looks a little like that sitcom movie ‘I love my home’ inside the Liang Tian.

This person’s dress is also particularly interesting, very comedic effect, the lower body wearing a somewhat bloated cotton pants, the upper body but in a white down jacket outside, set a yellow lab coat, sleeve length to the elbow, or armpit with buttons of the kind, only to wear in front of the body of this person, not much like Zhuang Rui in the TV has seen those who have been the imperial guards, but a little bit like the palace to pour spittoon to feed the horses of the small eunuchs.

“This big brother, I looked at the side of your old half a day, I can see big brother you are experts, this is to find you, I do not know you are interested in calligraphy and painting? Go to my booth to take a look! Are celebrities authentic, there is a Zheng Banqiao painting, usually do not take out.”

Feed the horse eunuch a look of familiar appearance, close to Zhuang Rui said in a low voice, came up is the first Zhuang Rui a pass of good praise, but a pair of small eyes around, dripping straight turn, how to see is a sneaky look.

“Oh? Where is your stall ah? Far away I can’t go ah!”

Zhuang Rui asked indisputably, if not within the market, he is absolutely not going to go, now this society, especially this kind of place, the three religions and nine streams of fish and dragons mixed, a careless, lose money is a small matter, send life is not not happened.

Liu Chuan once gave Zhuang Rui said a thing, in the last year, there is a young man in the countryside here stall, selling some rusty ancient coins, according to the young man’s own words, is in the planting of the time from the soil out of, at that time, I thought it was some broken copper and iron, and then listen to the people in the village said that these things have someone to collect, and only came to Pengcheng antique market want to take a chance, but the market inside the sale of coins, but the number of people! However, there are many people selling coins in the market, and his coins are not in good condition, so there is nothing to gain after one day.

The young man was about to close the stall at night, there is an old gentleman squatting in front of his stall does not go, the old man unique eyes, see out the coins he sold is really Qi knife of the Warring States, and one of them is actually Qi knife in the six word knife coin, six word knife of the number of survivors and excavations are traditionally the rarest.

As we all know, Qi is located in the present Shandong Province, the former Shandong Provincial Museum researcher Mr. Zhu live in his compilation of the “ancient money new dictionary” mentioned that the number of various types of Qi knives unearthed in various parts of Shandong Province for 4950, but the six-letter knife but only 16, which makes the six-letter knife coins are very precious, the price of one in the market at least 60,000 yuan, even so, there are still many favorite! Even so, there are still many collectors who love ancient coins are hard to find a coin.

This six-word knife coin although some broken, but the general quality is still intact, and the old man also found four relatively good quality five-word knife coin, five-word knife although the amount of survivors more, but one can also be sold to tens of thousands of dollars in price, the old man was excited, excited under the yell open, this yell does not matter, suddenly let the whole antique market stirred up.

To know, the loose stalls of these people, they sell things, to put it nicely called modern handicrafts, to put it badly is some fake blind goods, specifically to fool those who read a few books to Taobao people, this market has opened several years, have not heard of anyone’s loose stalls over the value of more than 50,000 objects it is, the general amount of larger transactions, most of which are carried out inside the stores, the deal! The items and the amount of the transaction are also confidential, so the stall appeared on the six-character knife this news, not a few minutes, like the wind spread throughout the market.

The old man shouted out after also know misspeak, the heart is naturally regret, this voice makes himself less of an opportunity to pick up, but the old man is really looking for six words knife coin for a long time, is sincere want to buy, and the young man at this time to hear the side watching the discussion of the people, but also probably know the value of their own these coins. Because the six-letter knife is not in good condition, the price to be slightly lower, the two discussed, and finally the old man to 90,000 yuan price will be a six-letter knife and four five-letter knife coins bought, and then took the rural boy to the bank to take out the money to the transaction.

According to the story here is also over, the old man said that he did not pick up the leak, for nothing more than a few million dollars, and most of the people watching the scene, can only sigh in their hearts that the countryside young man lucky, plainly made a fortune.

Just in this market, want to get rich and ill-intentioned people are not a lot, in the discovery of the value of those coins, a few pairs of greedy eyes stared at the two, and then even more in the name of watching the follow to the bank.

The old man in the transaction on a cab away, so that the few people have no way to catch up, and just got a huge amount of money in the countryside, but the world is inexperienced, then in the bank did not think to open an account and then save up, but excited to carry the money away from the bank, which also gave the opportunity to those who can take advantage of, follow the countryside to the boy to walk to a place with fewer people under the black hand, will be ninety thousand yuan! The robbery is empty.

Fortunately, the rural boy life, in the head was hit unconscious, was passing by the good Samaritans sent to the hospital, after craniotomy sobered up, he also pointed to recognize that a few usually loitering in the antique market on him under the black hand of the people, although the recovery of the money owed, but after this, 90,000 yuan of more than 30,000 by the gang of thugs squandered, there are more than 40,000 turned into a medical bill, those thugs are some of the one person eat well The thugs are some of the one person to eat, not hungry, penniless people, naturally no money to bear the civil responsibility to the young man to see a doctor, although the last are heavily sentenced by the law and severely punished, but the rural guy real loss but no one can help him make up for it, this is also regarded as a joyful sadness it!

Since this happened, the antique market has strengthened management, additional security, some all day loiterers reputation, were cleaned out, and the market business on some transactions amount of relatively large business, is more cautious a lot, but like last year, as in the loose stalls on the good things, but also did not happen again.

It is because of the things that have happened here, Zhuang Rui will have the above that ask, this year, in order to money desperate people more, have to prevent ah! Years ago unlucky encountered a robbery, now this New Year’s Eve, he does not want to ask for bad luck.

“Big brother, my stall is right next to this, you just walked by and didn t pay attention ……”

Feeding horse eunuch with a fawning smile, bowing, pointing at a stall on the way Zhuang Rui just came.

Zhuang Rui was relieved to hear the man in front of him say that the stall was on the street that he had just walked by, he was going back anyway, so there was no harm in taking a look.

“Brother Xiong, take out our piece of Zheng Banqiao’s calligraphy and give this big brother a hand ……”

When the two of them walked to the front of that stall, the eunuch who fed the horse grabbed a step ahead of them and shouted loudly to a han sitting behind the stall covered in red cloth.

Zhuang Rui’s eyes afterglow saw, that skinny youth in the shouting, eyes as if into the sand general blinking non-stop, can not help but in the heart of the bitter smile, this day is really knowledgeable, usually heard of the medical trust, wine trust, did not think that here can also meet a singing double reed antique toy trust.

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