Chapter 0056: Asking for trouble

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:02:29
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Zhuang Rui’s impression of these two big-nosed foreigners was quite good, because when that translator asked them to lie just now, both of them refused in unison, so he thought that they shouldn’t be the kind of people who are unreasonable.

“Both of you, how are you, welcome to China.”

Zhuang Rui opened his mouth to speak a mouthful of fluent American English, when in college, in order to learn to speak well, he was all over the Middle Sea to find the English corner, some foreigners are more English corners, is required to consume, so Zhuang Rui every time to pull the boss together to go forward, those two years but let the boss shelled out quite a lot of silver, but Zhuang Rui and his ability to listen to and speak in English, are a handful of the class.

“Oh, you speak English really well, fantastic, you can call me Smith, I think between us, is there some misunderstanding?”

The foreigner called Smith, wearing a very rich Chinese traditional big red cotton jacket, after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, he shouted happily, being brought to this kind of place, they also felt a hint of something wrong, that interpreter seemed to be hiding something from them.

“Smith? Dead or not ……”

Zhuang Rui slurred in his heart and was about to speak when he was interrupted again.

“This is Mr. Zhuang, right? You can speak to me if you have any problems, I’ll explain to my client, today’s matter is indeed a misunderstanding.”

Xiahou saw that this unimpressive young man in front of him actually spoke better English than himself, he was immediately anxious and hurriedly said to Zhuang Rui in Chinese, with a hint of pleading in his eyes.

“Misunderstanding? Is it a misunderstanding you guys can smash my stall? You can help these two foreigners bully us Chinese?”

The stall owner just walked into the management office at this time, heard the words suddenly angry, he just cleaned up the stall when he found that the family’s ancestral works of root carving are missing, must be in the stall was smashed, by some poor quality people to fish in the water, this is a good few thousand dollars of things it, can not help but he was not heartbroken.

“The foreigner is marvelous! Take out my root carving, I won’t sell the thing, this money will be returned to you.”

The young man was indeed angry, took out five hundred dollars from his waistband, heavily slapped on the table, his eyes stared at the two foreigners, he still didn’t understand what happened, until now he still thought it was the two foreigners who had gone back on their word, deliberately bringing people back to find fault!

The two foreigners did not know what happened, looked at Zhuang Rui with a confused face, hoping that he could explain, they are now clear in their hearts, they brought the translator, talking and doing things, seems to be a little less reliable.

“Two guests who came all the way here, this gentleman expressed his great dissatisfaction with the credibility of your business, he said that you are villains who went back on their word, and also smashed his stall, and now he is requesting to terminate this business, and that he return your money back to you, and that you need to return what you have purchased from him as well.”

Zhuang Rui processed the stall owner’s words slightly and translated them to the two foreigners.

“Oh God, it’s not like that, it’s our Mr. Xia who told us that this thing is fake, it’s not worth five hundred dollars, we’re all regular businessmen, we wouldn’t do something like that, and we didn’t have our hands on smashing this gentleman’s stall, Mr. Xia, can you explain to us what’s going on here?”

Smith heard Zhuang Rui’s words, waved his hands, told Zhuang Rui that the fact is not like this, they heard the words of the interpreter before returning to the market, and they did not have the hands to smash the stalls, it’s all this interpreter’s doing, that foreigner said while pulling out a palm-sized, black-looking root carving work from the backpack behind him.

Zhuang Rui has long roughly guessed the middle of the cats and dogs, at the same time will be the words of the foreigner original translation over, listen to the management office in a few people, at once are bursting into a rage, the eyes look viciously to the side of the face of the white face of the Xia translation.

“Damn, so it’s all you two devils in the middle to make things bad, I’ll beat you to death.”

The young stall owner couldn’t hold back any longer, rushed up and punched Xia Hou’s face, Zhuang Rui stood closer and hurriedly hugged the stall owner, looked at the interpreter who was knocked down to the ground and said to the stall owner, “Speak nicely, don’t make a move or else even if you have a good reason, you’ll become unreasonable.”

“How to speak properly! He just smashed my stall, so many of my root carvings were taken away, a few thousand dollars, who am I going to find to compensate!”

The young man’s arms were held by Zhuang Rui, and he also tried to use his feet to kick the Xiahou translator who had already been put down by one of his punches.

Xiahou originally combed oily hair also spread out, coupled with a head of cold sweat, hair in strands on the forehead, the body of that white suit, but also stained with dust, look incomparably woeful, no longer the previous high and mighty, lying on the ground to the two foreigners to cast a plea for help in the eyes of the two foreigners in his heart, or feel that the foreigners are superior, if they open their mouths to speak, they will be able to solve this matter.

“Mr. Xia, I don’t think this matter has anything to do with us, I hope you can handle it, otherwise, I will reflect your situation truthfully to your company.”

Smith’s words made Xia Hou completely despair, no one can help him again with the matter in front of him, but old inside his words, also revealed another layer of meaning, that is, if you solve this matter well, we will not complain to your boss.

Thinking of this, Xiahou climbed up from the ground, pitifully said: “This thing is my fault, I take full responsibility, this big brother lost things, I also in accordance with the original price of compensation, but also hope that all big brothers, see in the younger brother young and unintelligent on the part of, let me off this horse it!”

Zhuang Rui is not so-called, he is all the way through the soy sauce, really can not see, just come out to meddle in the affairs of others, now things have been very clear, as for how to solve, that is the young stall owner and this unlucky interpreter between the things.

“You two negotiate first, and then find us if you can’t discuss it well.”

Although Director Wang was also very dissatisfied with that interpreter, but they were not an administrative law enforcement agency and didn’t have any rights to penalize that interpreter, so they could only let the two of them resolve the matter first, and then intervene themselves to put pressure on that interpreter if this stall owner couldn’t get a satisfactory answer.

“I lost a total of seven root sculptures passed down from my family, and five root sculptures I carved myself, totaling four thousand dollars.”

The stall owner calculated in his heart, he was also an honest man, and did not make a wild price, only to see the root carvings held in that foreigner’s hand again, he was suddenly furious, and then said, “I won’t sell the things, I’ll refund the money to you guys, and give the things back to me.”

Hearing the figure of four thousand dollars, Xiahou’s face changed for a moment, hating himself to slap his face that much again, this is his salary for more than a month ah! Purely self-inflicted suffering, but now it is too late to regret, if this matter spread to the company, I’m afraid that his sister blowing the pillow wind can not protect him.

Now Xiahou can only nod and agree, but the stall owner’s last request makes him a little difficult, he also do not know he serves these two foreign masters, whether they are willing to return this root carving.

Seeing that the interpreter was hesitant to speak, Zhuang Rui pointed at the root carving in Smith’s hand and said to the two foreigners, “This gentleman of ours is very dissatisfied with your behavior, he insists on refunding the money you paid for your purchases, and he also asks you to return this item to him.”

“Oh no, we love this artifact, tell him I’m willing to add another five hundred dollars and ask him to sell it to me, okay?” Smith tightly grasped that root carving in his hand and said loudly to Zhuang Rui.

Zhuang Rui translated the words of the foreigner to the stall owner and let him make the decision, the young man shook his head very firmly and said, “No sale, please ask him to give it back to me.”

Zhuang Rui shrugged his shoulders, shook his head at Smith, Smith also knows that today’s matter, the fault is on their side, at that moment also did not insist, reluctantly handed over the root carving to Zhuang Rui.

Zhuang Rui received the root carving, but the hand was violently sunk downward, almost dropped the root carving on the ground, could not help but eat a shock, this is what tree roots carved ah! Actually so heavy, lowered his head and looked toward the root carving in his hand.

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