Chapter 0063 – Park’s Siblings (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:02:48
A+ A- Turn Off Light

This young man in front of Zhuang Rui, height in one meter seventy-five or so, handsome, a pair of eyes very god, skin slightly dark, but looks very healthy, rather like a deliberate tanning, a well-fitting dress, not like store goods, Zhuang Rui in the pawnshop work, also seen a lot of luxury goods, can see this is foreign handmade brand-name suits.

“Zhuang Rui, let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Park Meng An, this young lady is Park Meng An’s younger sister, Park Mengyao, well …… their siblings are the friends that Xuan Bing and I met when we were in Hong Kong …… ”

After the people entered the guest room, Lei Lei introduced the two strangers who followed her to Zhuang Rui, except that Lei Lei only introduced the name of the other party, and didn’t say much about their origins or anything.

As for Qin Xuan Bing, besides being dressed in a seductive and wild outfit, she was still the same as always, with few words, to say that there was something different, it might be that when she saw Zhuang Rui, she spoke out to say hello, which was never done before.

“Hello, Mr. Zhuang, I’ve heard Lei Lei and Xuan Bing mention you many times, please don’t be offended if my sister and I take the liberty of disturbing you this time.”

Bo Meng An had put down everything in her hand, at this time she came forward and extended her hand to Zhuang Rui.

Park dream an this time in nanjing met QinXuanBing is very fortuitous, originally he is in nanjing to deal with some family business things, their little sister must from Hong Kong to play with, but did not think that the little sister actually in nanjing a restaurant, see this year to go to the Qin family to pay tribute to the New Year, did not have in the house of QinDaMiss, get the little sister’s notification, park dream an naturally will not let go of the opportunity, after hearing that they want to go to Tibet, also bought two air tickets and flew over after them.

“It’s okay, Lei Lei and I are old classmates, we are all friends, just ……”

Zhuang Rui on the front of this and his own age of the youth, the first impression is quite good, look at its dress and demeanor, should be a good family, and has been well educated people, but there is no general rich son of the arrogance of the gas, which is quite rare at the moment, but just as he and the other party shook hands, but is the thought that, although the Hummer sat six people is not very crowded, but a man and three women stay in the In the rear compartment, but it is not very convenient.

“Oh? Is there something inconvenient for Mr. Zhuang?”

Seeing that Zhuang Rui stopped mid-sentence, with a difficult look on his face, Bo Meng’an couldn’t help but open his mouth and ask.

“It’s like this, we only drove one car here, but now there are six people, it might be a bit crowded then, but it’s okay, as long as Mr. and Miss Bo don’t mind.”

We are all young people, and the other party’s demeanor, is not like the general chicken-heartedness of that Xu Wei he encountered during the treasure appraisal, Zhuang Rui also voiced out his concerns.

“So that’s how it is! That’s okay, Mr. Zhuang, I’ve already contacted a buggy before I came, we can sit separately, surely we won’t let a few ladies be aggrieved.”

Bo Mengan sighed in his heart, of course he does not mind, and can not wait to and Qin Xuan Bing crowded together, the smaller the space the better, but before coming, with Qin Xuan Bing and Lei Lei said well, he will find a car to accompany, I’m afraid that this wish can not be realized.

However, Park Meng An for this car but a lot of work, his family although in Hong Kong, although the wealth and power, but the development of time in the Mainland is not very long, he beat around the bush to find some relations, only from Chongqing, a customer there, borrowed a modified Desert Prince off-road vehicle, he also has his own little plan in his heart, if the other side of the car does not have their own good, then Qin Xuan Bing can be natural with their own car! and traveled.

“Mr. Zhuang, listening to Sister XuanXuan and Sister LeiLei said that you are so good at identifying antiques! Luck is also very good, my brother is a big fool, buy a lot of fake things, when can you teach me ah! By the way, you can call me Yao Yao, that’s what my friends call me.”

Bo Mengyao who had been standing next to Bo Mengan, when she didn’t speak, she was quiet like a lady of the house, when she spoke, she immediately appeared to be quirky, especially with that pure expression on her face, if she entered the acting circle, she would definitely be a well-deserved teenage boy killer, however, apart from Bo Mengan, the crowd didn’t notice a hint of witticisms that flowed out of Bo Mengyao’s eyes.

The two siblings speak Mandarin with a hint of Cantonese and Hong Kong accent, which is much stronger than many Hong Kong people who can’t speak Mandarin, and Cantonese itself is somewhat similar to Suzhou dialect, which is why Bo Mengyao’s voice is soft and quite melodious.

Zhuang Rui smiled bitterly in his heart, Lei Lei said his own good words, that is still a little reliable, as for the good luck of these words, it is Qin Xuan Bing expressed the meaning of it! However, he is also very fond of this girl who is full of youthful vigor, and said, “Your sister XuanXuan is right, I’m really lucky, next time there is an opportunity, let’s go together and try our luck, well, you don’t have to call me Mr. in the future, we’re all young people, and we’ll call each other directly by our names!”

“Good ah! Good ah! Then I’ll call you Big Brother Zhuang from now on.”

Bo Mengyao was very familiar with herself and went forward to hold Zhuang Rui’s arm, but let Zhuang Rui’s heart jumped for a while, although it was winter and the clothes were wearing more, he still felt a shocking elasticity from the place where his arm and Bo Mengyao touched.

Qin Xuan Bing heard Zhuang Rui mouth said Xuan Xuan two words, the corner of the eye slightly jumped, eyes can’t help but to Zhuang Rui swept across the past, to be able to see Bo Mengyao’s action, eyes flashed a trace of displeasure, even she herself can’t say, why see Bo Mengyao and Zhuang Rui leaning together, the heart will be displeased with the feeling.

“Alright, you guys are also tired today, so don’t go out to eat, go to the hotel restaurant and make do! Lei Lei you guys take a rest in the afternoon and leave in the evening, Mr. Park’s car should be able to arrive in the evening!”

Liu Chuan waited for the plane waited for a morning, the stomach is also early hungry, this is Lei Lei, if another person, even if it is to pick up his old man, this guy is afraid that there is no such positive.

This is also almost noon a little, a few people heard also nodded in agreement, stood up and went out.

Jinjiang Hotel is also an old five-star hotel, accommodation is only part of its business, such as gyms, nightclubs, saunas, food and other industries are involved, Liu Chuan opened the room is on the sixth floor, while the hotel restaurant is in the twelfth floor, so they have to take the elevator to the twelfth floor to dine.

After the elevator to the sixth floor, Bo Mengan immediately took a step ahead of the elevator, into the elevator to reach out and hold down the OPEN button, until the last Liu Chuan entered the elevator, before releasing the finger, is very gentlemanly.

Just Liu Chuan that guy is not appreciated, mouth muttering, look at the mouth shape is “horse’s ass” three words, this goods now as long as found a man appeared in the Lei Lei side, immediately to the rutting penguin general, full of fighting spirit, but also do not think about it, whether others are running to Lei Lei and.

Zhuang Rui is from Bo Mengan body to see a real gentleman style, the so-called gentleman does not mean how handsome, how rich, learn to open the door, pull the chair, in front of their own interest in the woman to show one or two hands, the achievement of a perfect man’s performance.

Gentleman is a special group evolved from the British historical hereditary aristocracy, and gentlemanly manners are precipitated by the accumulation of profound culture, the spirit of which covers all aspects of speech, behavior, values of life, lifestyle, is a kind of heartfelt connotation, this spiritual trait is in fact the same as the connotation of China’s “gentleman” is very similar, but I do not know why this gentlemanly trait, but I do not know why. But I do not know why, this gentleman trait came to the modern oriental society has changed, often some dude or rich people, to the woman pull open a car door, think of yourself as a gentleman.

Zhuang Rui grew up with very good tutelage, although there is no kind of subtle influence in the big family, but he has the quiet confidence, honesty and integrity of the traits, but also makes Zhuang Rui no matter what the occasion, are very generous, only in the eyes of some women, it becomes petty, at least in the elevator in the Qin Xuan Bing is so think, because Zhuang Rui into the elevator, very consciously stood to the back of the Bo Mengyao, rather than standing in her side. not standing beside her.

In fact, Qin Xuan Bing originally did not have this Tibet trip plan, she planned a program in Nanjing, is ready to implement the time, but coincidentally encountered Park Mengyao, and provoked her brother, under no circumstances, only with Lei Lei to Chengdu, is to avoid this person, I did not expect that he underestimated the Park Mengyan, he knew that after he also bought two tickets with the same plane, with a small tail sister tailed, Qin Xuan Bing’s family and Park Mengyan’s family relations, the family’s relationship with the family, and the family’s relationship with the family. The relationship between Qin Xuanbing’s family and Bo Mengan’s family is a bit special, and he had no choice but to let him follow.

Qin Xuan Bing’s family company and Park Monan’s family over the years has been in various fields, there are many cooperation, the two are also recognized from childhood, only later Qin Xuan Bing went to the United Kingdom to study, did not continue to come and go, and so on Qin Xuan Bing returned to Hong Kong, has been in charge of part of the family industry of Park Monan immediately launched a quest for it.

Park dream an is very sincere, there is no those playboy habits, coupled with childhood friendship and the relationship between the two families, although Qin Xuan Bing Park dream an has no feeling, but is counted as one of her few friends, just fall in the eyes of the elders of the two families, but became a good son and daughter-in-law, Qin Xuan Bing this time to hide in the Mainland, to a large extent, is to be afraid of those elders of the family, take advantage of the New Year’s Eve, to agree to two families The request for marriage.

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