Chapter 0067: Entering Tibet (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:02:59
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In the eighteenth century, a bard, Cang Yangjiazuo, used his wonderful penmanship to liken Litang to a place where white cranes yearn for and are enamored of, “O white cranes! Please lend me your wings. Do not fly to distant places, only to the Litang turn around, fly back …… “Since then, this song of love song, cut through the boundless years, out of the season, through time and space.

Litang is one of the world’s highest county, known as the “world high city” county elevation of 4,200 meters above sea level, higher than Lhasa, Tibet, more than three hundred meters, the world called “hanging in the air in the city” since ancient times is the town of tea and horse trading, merchants gathered, It is a city of merchants and traders, rich in natural treasures and rich in people.

Chengdu from Litang County, although only 700 kilometers or so, but the two cars ran more than ten hours, to reach the realm of Litang, when it is already the next day at eight o’clock in the morning, due to the middle of the road to rest a few times, the crowd does not look very tired.

Sleeping overnight three women are more refreshed, chattering in the back to say non-stop, Zhuang Rui this is to know, the original people before the cold Qin Xuan Bing, in front of the same sex is still very normal, but Zhuang Rui classmates immediately produced a thought in his heart, Qin Xuan Bing will not be a lesbian right? But the more I think the more likely, intend to find a time to tell Liu Chuan, let him be careful point Lei Lei moved away from love, to know, Qin Xuan Bing’s beautiful, but men and women.

Car into the territory of Litang, vast and magnificent Mao Ya prairie on both sides of the highway as far as the eye can see, in early spring, deep and shallow grass also glows green, in the grass stretches undulating, stars scattered in the grasslands of small flowers colorful, cloud seams cast sunlight, constantly moving between the combination of large color blocks, bright string eye, in the high city of grasslands depicted a colorful and beautiful picture scrolls. .

“Sister Xuanxuan, Sister Leilei, it’s so beautiful! I’ve never seen such a beautiful view before ……”

This is the voice of Bo Mengyao, since the morning Lei Lei put up the automatic isolation plate, Bo Mengyao’s mouth has not been idle for a moment, either seeing the yak on the grassland screaming with excitement, or pointing at the eagle flying in the sky, if it is not Zhuang Rui went through the Hefei to Chengdu that section of the highway to practice, I am afraid that it would have been the Bo Mengyao’s screams of coldness, scared of the car to drive the ditch to go.

But the face of the scenery does let Zhuang Rui eyes bright, between heaven and earth actually have such a beautiful and magical place, Zhuang Rui can not help but the kind of life in the metropolis, feel a trace of boredom, not only he has this feeling, in front of the Desert Prince of the car in the Bo Mengan, is also looking at the heart of the happy, can not wait to live in this.

This will be Lei Lei several people are holding a map that introduces the Litang tourist routes, in the discussion of what place to visit first, and Liu Chuan this guy actually turned into a women’s friend at this moment, I do not know when to mix to the back of the car to go, the women’s proposal to express their hands, but also from time to time in the side of the advice.

Zhuang Rui heart can not help but feel sad for the employer Song Jun, how to think of letting the goods Liu Chuan, to help him buy Tibetan mastiffs, look at Liu Chuan this way, this trip is clearly to travel!

At this time the two cars have been driven into the Litang County, Litang rather than a county, it is better to say that it is a town is more appropriate, because the county is too small point, the streets are horizontal and vertical, the middle of the construction of a small plaza, a small street garden, stores and restaurants are also a room next to each other, the street to and fro, most of the local Tibetans, but the streets are very wide, and the whole city is very Clean.

From the car to look out, hummer on the several people feel very strange, because here people no matter men and women are wearing a big collar, wide waist, open right lapel, right lapel small, left lapel big fur Tibetan robe, rough Khamba man draped with long black hair, distinctive features, wearing a big sunglasses, masculine handsome, and the right crotch hangs a sheathed Tibetan knife, some even hang two or three Tibetan knives, looks very heroic and dashing.

Tibetan women on the head is with a large and beautiful ornaments, there are eggs large red coral or green turquoise, some fine braided a head of dense braids, and then adorned with colorful beads, exceptionally beautiful and style.

These Tibetans on the street, regardless of men and women, their faces are flushed.

Zhuang Rui know this is caused by plateau reaction, while driving, while explaining to Qin Xuan Bing and others, they do not know what is called plateau red, fortunately several people in the car usually pay attention to exercise, this will be in the car, although the people feel some tightness in the chest, but there is no particularly uncomfortable reaction.

At this time the front of the desert prince stopped by the side of the road, Bo Mengan jumped out of the car, waving his hand breathlessly, signaling Zhuang Rui to stop the car.

Zhuang Rui stopped the car and lowered the window, immediately a cold wind poured into the warm car.

“Let’s just eat something and get the hell out of here! There isn’t even a decent hotel here.”

Bo Mengan’s face at this time also revealed a wave of tiredness, obviously some plateau reaction, breathing is much more rapid than usual, this has not suffered much Hong Kong big young man, or underestimated the hardship of this journey.

“No, we want to go to the Litang Temple, to see the horse racing festival ……”

When Zhuang Rui was about to reply, a few women’s voices came from behind him.

“Miss, the Horse Racing Festival doesn’t start until June, where are we going to see it now!”

To Bo Mengan smiled bitterly, signaling him to go to deal with his sister, Zhuang Rui simply opened the door and walked out of the car, stretched out, lit a cigarette, beautiful smoke up, as for Bo Mengan how to go to persuade and educate the three ladies, he is no matter, then again, Liu Chuan, the master of this matter is not anxious, what kind of hurry he is in ah!

“Xiao Zhuang, put out the cigarette! Otherwise you’ll feel bad after smoking.”

Zhuang Rui has not yet smoked on two mouths, the off-road vehicle came from Zhou Rui’s voice, and at this time he also felt the chest stuffy uncomfortable, and hastily put out the cigarette, and successively inhaled a few long breaths, only slowly recovered, and this time Zhuang Rui felt that the plateau life is not so good as imagined.

Now it is more than eight o’clock in the morning, the rising sun shines on the face, slightly feel a touch of hot, not many tourists on the street, the coming and going are local Tibetans, very leisurely walking in the street, some of them are sitting on the corner of the street or steps chatting with a group of three or two, squinting to enjoy the sunshine gift, some of them from Zhuang Rui walked by, are very good to show the white surprised smile, said sound: “Zaxi Dele”.

Zhuang Rui knows that this is the meaning of hello, with the example of also one by one echo: “Zaxi Dele”.

“Eat first! Leave Litang after eating, stay here for a long time, I’m afraid we all can’t stand it.”

After Bo Mengan negotiated with the women inside through the car window, he came over and patted Zhuang Rui’s shoulder.

Or Zhou Rui lead the way, looking for a seemingly clean breakfast store, Zhuang Rui and others first sought two tables sat down, Liu Chuan grinning walk up to point to eat, but not a minute on the gray slipped back, the people have seen, where he even compared with the guessing and the owner of the exchange of half a day, others did not figure out what he wants to eat.

Has not been obvious after the Zhou Rui see the situation, stood up, the boss shouted a few words in Tibetan, the boss immediately smiled and smiled up, not a general meeting on the end over seven bowls of haggis soup, soup inside the intestines, tripe, liver, lungs, onions and parsley floating in the milky white soup, not fishy, not stinky, strong flavor, smell let a person eat finger.

After a while, the boss and send up a plate of barley flour steamed buns, Zhuang Rui bite, found that the steamed buns actually do more than white steamed bread fluffy, and there is a sweet flavor.

Zhuang Rui and Liu Chuan has long been hungry, after greeting, take the steamed buns with haggis soup, beautifully eat up, Zhou Rui do not look usually silent, but eat up, faster than anyone else, three or five under a plate of steamed buns was he solved half of the other half is naturally into the Zhuang Rui and Liu Chuan’s stomach, engaged in eating civilized a few ladies and Bo Mengan, can only look at the empty plate dazed.

“Oh, get used to it, the troops eat by grabbing.”

Zhou Rui showed a rare hint of shyness of his peers, and greeted the boss with two more plates of barley steamed buns and a dish of Tibetan pickles.

“Brother Zhou, help me ask this boss, in Litang County, is there anyone selling Tibetan mastiffs?”

Waiting for the crowd to finish eating, Liu Chuan this guy also seems to remember the purpose of this entry into Tibet, helpless language barrier, can only let Zhou Rui on behalf of the inquiry.

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