Chapter 0069 – Prairie Scare (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:03:05
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The crowd did not expect it. But it was only a short period of two hours, Zhou Rui actually managed to get two guns, it should be known that the state’s control of firearms is quite strict, even in the Tibetan area, this kind of military standardized submachine gun, it is not something that an ordinary person can get, just to see that Zhou Rui didn’t have any intention of explaining the origins of these two guns, everyone didn’t pursue the question either.

“Who among you knows how to use a gun?”

Zhou Rui took out a gun and looked at the several people in the car and asked.

“I’ve hunted in Europe.”

“I also know how to, practiced indoor shooting.”

“I shot a gun during military training in college.”

Three voices rang out, they were Bo Meng An, Qin Xuan Bing and Zhuang Rui, the reason why Liu Chuan didn’t say anything was because he still liked the Thunderbolt Deng hunting rifle he brought with him.

“Bo Meng An you will be in the same car with me later, we already have a gun, this one is for them to use, Brother Zhuang, remember to turn off the safety normally, when you encounter a situation, you should not shoot without seeing me shoot.”

Zhou Rui looked at Qin Xuan Bing and Zhuang Rui’s face for a while before. Still handed over the gun to Zhuang Rui, and then explained a few more things, in his opinion, that dainty little girl, obviously not as reliable as Zhuang Rui some.

And the side of Bo Mengan, although a little angry, also has nothing to say, he also wants to sit in the Hummer ah! Just too embarrassed to open his mouth.

“This thing you guys put one in the car, it’s convenient for everyone to contact each other, when we enter the grassland, there is no signal for cell phones.”

Zhou Rui pulled out two more walkie-talkies from his body and handed one of them to Zhuang Rui.

Seeing that Zhou Rui was showing such caution about this entry into northern Tibet, Liu Chuan and the others, who were still laughing and joking, also put away their smiles and became serious.

Zhuang Rui they take is the Sichuan-Tibet line road, this road across the Hengduan mountain range, rainy season more mudslides, winter more snow mountain, on the way to the four seasons are unpredictable, often at noon when the sun shines, the temperature can reach seven or eight degrees, and at night will be the temperature will plummet, sometimes will be as low as minus ten degrees.

But there is no doubt that the Sichuan-Tibet route is the land into Tibet, the most beautiful scenery after the route, this time is at the beginning of spring soon, the earth is gradually recovering, into the eye of the short mountain packs and flat ground, everywhere is a green, but also full of unknown wildflowers, only that far stands on the big snow mountain, is still the year-round snow does not melt. Blue sky floating in the white clouds, seems to be connected with the white snow.

At this time has driven out of the Litang County more than two hundred kilometers, has entered the Tibetan area, in front of a few dozen kilometers is the Tibet Mangkang County, and now the car is located in the terrain to be a lot of low, the car in the Litang people in the feeling of chest tightness and shortness of breath is also alleviated a lot.

This way the scenery is really good, Qin Xuan Bing hands have been holding a high-focus camera constantly shooting, Zhuang Rui is very doubtful, in the speed of nearly one hundred kilometers per hour above the car, but also to capture the picture?

Mangkang County is a livestock-oriented city, the car window of the blue sky and white clouds, and the far side of the slowly moving cattle and sheep, composed of a wonderful picture, although a few people in the car are already two whole days did not lie in bed to sleep, but look at the picture in front of you, still brings a kind of refreshing, relaxed and happy feeling, from time to time out of the car camera “click, click! “Click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click.

“Zhuang Rui, Zhuang Rui, hear please answer. Hear please answer.”

Zhuang Rui, who was sitting on the passenger side squinting and resting, suddenly heard the walkie-talkie placed next to the gearbox first rustle for a bit, and then Zhou Rui’s voice came out.

“I’m Zhuang Rui, something is wrong, please speak!”

Zhuang Rui picked up the intercom and replied.

“Let’s enter Mangkang County for dinner, put the guns away!”


After Zhuang Rui replied, he flattened the seat, picked up the Type 5-6 submachine gun that was originally placed at his feet, and shortened his body to walk to the compartment, opened the safety compartment, and put the Type 5-6 submachine gun in.

“Hey, there’s still a gun here!”

Bo Mengyao had sharp eyes and saw Liu Chuan’s Thunderbolt Den shotgun at a glance and shouted.

“That’s what brother I brought, hey, don’t think that only Zhou Rui knows about the dangers of the Tibetan wolves!”

Liu Chuan, who was driving in front of him, said smugly, his hands were not idle, following the Desert Prince in front of him as he turned into a fork in the road and entered the middle of Mangkang County.

Zhou Rui seems to be very familiar with Mangkang County, directly drive the car to the entrance of a restaurant, this restaurant does not have a private room, the people can only sit down in the hall, the ears are Tibetan, they do not understand and will not say, or Zhou Rui went to order the food.

“Brother Zhuang, look how barbaric they are! Raw meat is also eaten.”

Bo Mengyao is still sitting next to Zhuang Rui, this will be the eyes are open next to a table of several Tibetan Hanzi, quietly said in Zhuang Rui’s ear.

Zhuang Rui only felt a tingle coming from his ear. A young girl’s body fragrance filled in the tip of the nose, the mind can not help but a swing, and then look to Bo Mengyao, this girl has long been sitting upright, and Qin Xuan Bing’s eyes also intentionally or unintentionally to this side, Zhuang Rui know, he was again a chick to play, the heart can not help but laugh bitterly, this way, Bo Mengyao but no less tossed himself.

Along the way, Bo Mengyao almost “big brother Zhuang” the three words did not stop mouth, but also from time to time to make some intimate action, caused Qin Xuan Bing and Lei Lei look to him when the gaze is very strange, Zhuang Rui and not how to get along with the girl, although it is a person in the countryside, but it is a bitter experience.

Ignoring Bo Mengyao, Zhuang Rui looked toward the next table, those people are indeed eating raw meat, to be precise, is eating a raw leg of lamb, each of them holding a knife, pick the most delicious parts, frequently cut. And with the tip of the knife picked into the mouth, the technology is very skillful, eat with relish, but also very rhythmic, a large piece of meat with bones, was soon eaten clean, only a skeleton left.

Zhou Rui at this moment has finished ordering dishes, do not know how his ears so sharp, will be Bo Mengyao in Zhuang Rui ear words heard clearly, spoke for Zhuang Rui answer: “This is very normal, Tibetans and our food culture is different, beef and mutton is their staple food. Their method of slaughtering cattle is mainly for smothering, the purpose is to make the blood stay in the body, so that the meat will be tender, but now the people who eat raw meat is also less, Mangkang is also only this restaurant still retains this tradition, so I bring you to see it.”

“Big Brother Zhou, you won’t let us eat raw meat too, right?”

Bo Mengyao asked with a bitter face, the next few people were also nodding their heads, this custom was something they couldn’t accept, even Liu Chuan, the foodie, was looking at it with his eyes glazed over, not to mention going to eat it.

“Oh, it won’t be, today I bring you to eat the ‘four treasures’ of the Tibetan diet.”

May be all young people’s sake, these days together, Zhou Rui’s words are more than before, seeing the crowd look puzzled, explained: “Ghee, tea, tsampa, beef and mutton, is the four treasures of Tibet, but some people may not be accustomed to eating it, later you guys like that don’t like to eat it, then eat something else first.”

Not much assembly, the store waiter first sent on the ghee tea, each person in front of a big bowl, thick like soup in the tea, but also floating oil, Zhuang Rui has long heard of the ghee tea nutrition is exceptionally rich, immediately picked up the bowl to drink a mouthful of tea, the body immediately feel a sense of warmth, and so on a bowl of tea, Zhuang Rui previously there is a little dizziness, shortness of breath, panic reaction to the plateau, actually disappeared all the way.

At this time the food also came up, beef and sheep hand-meat, cold yak tongue, buns, and sweet tea, milk tea, yogurt, roasted sausage, air-dried meat full of a table, the staple food is tsampa rake, only to use their own hands and ghee tea stirred together, the people feel not very hygienic, but also did not consume, only Zhou Rui a person to eat a lot of flavor.

After eating. It is already more than one in the afternoon, they are ready to rushed to the eight sleep county accommodation in the dark, this section of the road is not very good, before leaving, Zhou Rui actually bought two just slaughtered and skinned lambs, wrapped in tarpaulin, thrown into the trunk of the SUV.

From Mangkang, over the altitude of more than four thousand meters of the foot of the Ba Mountain, crossing the Nujiang River Bridge, all the way to the picturesque, although the time used in this journey is certainly longer than the planned time, but Zhuang Rui still think it is worth it, here, he felt very pure in mind, it seems that the wind and snow here, can be a person’s heart of the dust washed clean in general.

Arrived in Baju County has been nearly twelve o’clock at night, the first time to Tibet several people also feel exhausted, although the two cars of the anti-vibration function are good, but in the mountain road bumpy for ten hours, the body also seems to be like a frame like, even on the hygiene of the environment is quite picky Bo Mengan, are into Zhou Rui arrangements for good hospitality, a head of the bed on the dreamland.

The next morning at six o’clock, all the people were woken up by Zhou Rui, they have to rush to Naqu today, if it goes well, it may take two days, that is to say, they have to stay on the road for one night, if they are unlucky not to meet the herdsmen, then they can only sleep in the prairie, so they have to go earlier, try to find the herdsmen’s families that can stay before dark.

“Brother Zhou, it looks like we can’t find these herders, we can only make do in the car for one night.”

Zhuang Rui at this time is inside Zhou Rui’s Desert Prince, he really can’t stand the harassment of Bo Mengyao, also saw the girl’s mind, simply put forward and Bo Mengyan change the car to drive for a period of time, Bo Mengyan naturally won’t refuse, just now the sky has darkened, but still didn’t see any human traces.

“There used to be a tribe in this neighborhood, maybe they’ve relocated now! At night everyone should pay a little attention, a few of us will take turns to keep watch.”

Zhou Rui’s face is not very good to see, according to his original plan, is to stay here in the herdsman’s home overnight, but look at the current situation, but it is impossible, this is a small road, across the grassland from Baju to Naju, may be a long time no vehicle through the reason, the dirt road is already full of withered grass, it is difficult to recognize the road in front of them.

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