Chapter 0074 – Battle of the Wolf Mastiffs (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:03:18
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Da da …… da da da ……”

The crisp sound of gunshots woke up Zhuang Rui in his slumber. When he sat up his body, he realized that the sky outside the car window was already dawning again.

The Hummer driven by Liu Chuan was in the middle of traveling, chasing the wolves around, and Zhou Rui, who didn’t close his eyes for the night, with bloodshot eyes, half of his body poking out of the car, using the gun in his hand, accurately pointing and killing the wolves that were fleeing around.

In fact, in modern times, the footsteps of mankind gradually compressed the living space of the prairie wolves, like before the liberation of the hundreds of wolves at every turn, in today’s has completely disappeared, Zhuang Rui they encountered this has more than a hundred prairie wolves of the wolves, has been the most powerful in the prairie of the Naju a wolf pack, just their luck is not very good, encountered a well-equipped, ammo enough Zhuang Rui and others.

Grassland wolves from ancient times, and all the creatures on the grassland have formed an indissoluble hatred, especially the man-wolf war on the grassland, is more cruel, people and wolves are using cruelty into cruelty. Use cruelty to retaliate against cruelty, use cunning to fight against cunning, if it is not Zhuang Rui they are traveling in a Hummer, if it is not a gun in their hands, I’m afraid that this car full of people are now all white bones.

“Liu Chuan, turn back!”

After Zhou Rui shot the last prairie wolf in his sight, he retracted his body back to the car, a choking smell of gunpowder immediately filled the Humvee, seeing that Zhuang Rui had already woken up, his face was more or less the same as usual, only a little pale because of blood loss, Zhou Rui also let out a long breath of relief, looking at this appearance, Zhuang Rui was not infected by the bacteria in the wolf’s teeth.

“Did you feel anywhere uncomfortable?”

Be careful, Zhou Rui still asked a sentence, the general after being bitten by a wolf, and was bitten by a dog is different, the rabies virus contained in the dog’s teeth, it is possible to incubate in the human body for several years or even more than a dozen years before recurring, but was bitten by a wolf, as long as there is no fever within a day, temperature rise and other diseases, basically will not be a problem again.

“It’s fine, it’s just that I still can’t make any strength in my left arm.”

Zhuang Rui moved his left arm and said to Zhou Rui.

“That’s good, wait until we get to Naqu, then go to the hospital and get a shot.” Zhou Rui completely put his heart down.

Just now, Liu Chuan drove after the wolves and ran out for several kilometers. Now when he returned to the beginning of the campsite, he found that the wolf carcasses that had been shot during the night had all disappeared, and must have been used as food by the living wolves, this animal is not only cruel to its enemies, but also has no sympathy for its own kind, and wolves that are dead or injured often quickly become food for the wolves, especially in the cold winter.

The prairie is very beautiful in the early morning, the sun shyly peeks out from the far side of the mountain, as if it is not yet fully awake, the dewdrops are still hanging on the fresh petals of the early awakening Joe’s crown flower, bitter bean flower and wild chrysanthemum, the prairie is between darkness and light, changing between the virtual and the real.

Mist in the distance, giving a sense of mist, early spring green pale meadow, with the curve of the rounded rumble of the mountain, bare fresh breast, in the rising sun’s comfort, rich and charming, if not the pungent smell of wolf’s blood, this is a beautiful poem in the picture.

The temperature of the grassland in the early morning was around three or four degrees. Not very cold, a few people in the air-conditioned car suffocated overnight, also have got off to take a breath, just the strong smell of blood in this place, there is really no way to camp again, Liu Chuan to the box is still left seven or eight bottles of Luzhou old cellar to move on the car, and Zhou Rui has already taken the tools, in the off-road vehicle to change the tires.

The two tires that were bitten by the wolf’s teeth had been completely destroyed, and the wire that was entrapped in the tires had been bitten off, so they couldn’t even be mended, fortunately Zhou Rui had brought two spare tires before he left, otherwise he would have had to abandon the car here first, and wait for him to go to the city to get tires to be able to drive the car away.

“Brother Zhou, do you think the wolves will come back? I’ve heard that wolves are very vindictive.”

Zhuang Rui was carrying an old five-six submachine gun in his right hand, guarding beside Zhou Rui, he was afraid that the wolves would come back again, if the people were not prepared, they would definitely suffer a big loss.

“It’s okay, I shot the wolf king in the morning, otherwise the wolves won’t scatter, this wolf pack won’t exist in the future, it can only be divided into several small wolf packs.”

Zhou Rui’s hands were busy, his mouth replied faintly, the army he used to serve in also carried the word wolf, and he knew a lot about the habits of wolves.

“Xiao Zhuang, you’re very good, you have a bloodthirsty nature, and you know how to judge the situation. If you work out in the army for a few years, you’ll definitely be a good fighter too.”

Zhou Rui changed the waste tire, casually threw it back into the back box of the SUV, clapped his hands, looked at Zhuang Rui who was holding a gun with one hand, and gave him a rare compliment.

“Big Brother Zhuang is so powerful, that was a heroic rescue yesterday! Hee hee.”

Bo Mengyao also jumped and ran over, followed by the hungover Bo Mengan, at this time Bo Mengan could no longer maintain his gentlemanly demeanor, looking at the messy campsite, as well as the dark brown wolf blood all over the ground, surprised with his mouth wide open, listening to Bo Mengyao beside him chattering and recounting about the things that happened yesterday.

“Ugh, why did I get drunk! Such an opportunity is rare even in Europe, a pure wilderness hunt!”

Bo Meng An exasperatedly blamed himself, for not being able to catch that big scene yesterday, regretful, listening to the side of Zhuang Rui straight rolled his eyes, the scene is not small, but you face three hungry steppe wolves alone to try.

“Zhuang Rui, come over here.”

Lei Lei’s voice came from beside the Hummer. Zhuang Rui followed the voice and Lei Lei was waving her hand at him.

“What is it! If Miss Lei has something, just order.”

Zhuang Rui put his gun on his right shoulder and walked over, since that night yesterday, Zhuang Rui’s character was more cheerful than before, in the moment of life and death, many things were easier to look away from.

“Come over here!” Seeing that Zhuang Rui was still three or four meters away from him, Lei Lei stomped her foot and walked forward herself.

“Xuan Xuan is a bit anxious internally. To urinate, you help to look around, she’s afraid there are still wolves.” Lei Lei put her mouth to Zhuang Rui’s ear and whispered.


Zhuang Rui shouted in surprise, this time his mouth, opened wider than Bo Meng An.

Zhuang Rui now left arm can’t exert force, is considered half crippled, here in addition to him, other people arms and legs are good, Zhuang Rui can’t figure out why Qin Xuan Bing let him go to the wind.

“Wood, what are you shouting about, what did my daughter-in-law say to you?”

Liu Chuan took the box of wine on the car, opened a bottle of hand carried in the hand, the left hand also took a packet of freshly torn open packaging of Texas steak chicken, is gnawing with vigor, anyway, in the prairie, as long as you do not drive to play drift, there is no danger of overturning the car.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, Lei Lei said that you were heroic yesterday, and waited until you got to Naqu to thank you with your body!”

“Go ahead you, both of you brothers are not good.”

Zhuang Rui’s mouth is talking nonsense while walking towards Qin Xuan Bing who is waiting at the front of the car, behind him comes Lei Lei’s laughing and cursing sound.

“Xuan Bing, this …… that …… what ……”

Zhuang Rui walked to the front of Qin Xuan Bing, a moment do not know what to say, after yesterday’s side-by-side battle, he felt and Qin Xuan Bing between the gap has disappeared, but it seems to be mixed with something else, so that he in the face of Qin Xuan Bing, there is no before the kind of volatile feeling, but a little bit uncomfortable.

“Puffing ……”

Looking at Zhuang Rui’s stupidity, Qin Xuan Bing couldn’t help but laugh, originally there was still some sense of shyness in his heart, but now it became natural instead.

“You’re watching from the side! Don’t let anyone get close.”

Qin Xuan Bing pulled Zhuang Rui and walked towards the grass behind the Hummer.

“Hmm… You put your heart down! I’ll watch over you.”

Zhuang Rui didn’t know what was going on in his head and popped out this sentence.

“It’s not for you to watch me, it’s for you to pay attention to whether there are wolves and people beside you.”

Even though Qin Xuan Bing was generous, after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, she couldn’t help but blush with her pretty face, and with an exasperated pause, she walked into the half waist high grass.

“Look at buddy this stinky mouth ……,” Zhuang Rui also realized that he slipped up, with his right hand gently hit on the face, and hurriedly chased after him.

“Xuan Bing, don’t go in first, I’ll turn around and look.”

Zhuang Rui pulled Qin Xuan Bing’s hand, seeing the bruised fingerprints on it, knowing that it was his own handiwork from yesterday, his face immediately became a little hot.

Didn’t wait for Qin Xuan Bing to reply, Zhuang Rui loosened his hand, took this piece of grass from the trip again, and used his foot to step on a meter or so square of grass, and only then greeted Qin Xuan Bing over.

“We are a gentleman, we are not a villain, well, we can’t do peeping things like that, but it doesn’t seem to be anything to take a look at!”

Zhuang Rui stood at a distance of three or four meters away from Qin Xuan Bing, in his ears came the sound of fine running water, his heart was in a fierce struggle, until the desire to peep prevailed, but found that Qin Xuan Bing had already stood up the body, the heart of that regret ah! He couldn’t wait to use the aura in his eyes to roam around Qin Xuan Bing’s body to make up for it.

Qin Xuan Bing at this time is also in the heart is like a deer in the headlights, heartbeat, full of red face from Zhuang Rui’s side to run through, back to the Hummer.

“Wood, gone, you stand there to herd sheep ah!”

Liu Chuan’s voice came out from the Hummer, but it was Zhou Rui who had already started the SUV and also recognized the road, and was preparing to leave the place!

The two vehicles one after the other to the grassland depths, due to Zhuang Rui injured, Bo Menghan naturally returned to the SUV, and the Hummer is by Liu Chuan and Lei Lei exchange driving, in fact, to say, including Qin Xuan Bing and Bo Mengyao, who’s driving skills are better than Zhuang Rui.

“Ow …… ooo, woof, vomit ……”

The car drove out about more than fifty kilometers, suddenly, in front of the car a few hundred meters, resounded a miserable wolf howl, seems to be mixed with the dog’s low growl, is sitting in the car to eat eight treasures of congee Zhuang Rui, suddenly tensed up, picked up the hand of the gun, short body walked to the position of the co-driver.

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