Chapter 0078 – Herdsman

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:03:28
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“Brother Zhou, what does much up mean?”

Liu Chuan followed behind Zhou Rui and asked him, Amala must be the mother, mom is the collective name for mothers all over the world, but the word Duoqi is incomprehensible to the crowd.

“Inside the Tibetan language, Duoqi is the Tibetan people’s name for the Tibetan mastiff, meaning that the family tethered up the big dog, but this mastiff king can not be tethered.”

Zhou Rui casually explained. At this time the little girl’s voice, but also the tent inside the adults shouted out, a head wearing a lamb skin hat, the body with a strong Tibetan man, to the crowd to welcome over.

Golden Tibetan mastiff saw the Tibetan man, immediately pounced on, intimate tongue licked the face of the man, the man saw the Tibetan mastiff forelimbs wrapped in gauze, the heart immediately understood that these guests to their own more up to cure the injury, when the smile on the face more and more bright up, for Tibetans, a purebred Tibetan mastiff in their homes, no less than the status of important members of the family, these foreign guests to help the Tibetan mastiff, is their greatest respect.

Tibetan man walked to the distance from the crowd there are five or six meters away, stopped in his tracks, stretched out his right hand to take off the cap on his head, his upper body bent forward to take in the hands of the cap almost hanging down to the ground, the man made a salute before opening his mouth and said: “Welcome to guests from afar, the prairie of the Rinzheng Tsom, the arrival of you to express the most sincere welcome. ”

The crowd was a little surprised to hear this Tibetan man, who was actually speaking Chinese, although he was speaking a little staccato. But all understood his meaning, just for the manners expressed by this Hanzi, Zhuang Rui and Liu Chuan and the others, but they did not know how they should return the salute.

Zhou Rui knows just now that the Hanzi line of etiquette, is the Tibetan people for the most honored guests, or face the elders only to perform the ritual, at the moment do not dare to be slow, step forward, bowed and returned a salute, said: “disturbing the prairie warriors.”

At this time next to several tents of people, all came out, Rinchen Tsom came out of that tent, a woman in her thirties, holding a few snow-white hada, came out, looks like it should be Rinchen Tsom’s wife.

In some of the more serious sinicized Tibetan area, almost come to the guests will be dedicated hada, but for these grassland herdsmen, dedicated hada, but the other side as the most respectful guests, husband and wife one by one to the crowd after the hada. Only then did they let the group into the tent.

From the outside looking at the tent, does not seem to appear to be very large, but after the crowd went in, only to find that the space inside the tent is very large, inside and even separated into two small rooms, the middle of the tent also lit a stove, making the tent full of warmth, hospitality is very wide, more than a dozen people sitting around the inside, does not appear to be crowded at all.

Because Rinchen Tsom will be Chinese, the crowd exchange is not difficult, his wife called Baima, is the meaning of the lotus, and the eight or nine-year-old girl called Dawa, is the meaning of the moon, this is a family of three.

Little Dawa head tied a few pigtails, red face some obvious plateau red, tilted his head to look at Zhuang Rui’s arms of the little puppy, eyes full of curiosity.

Renqing Tsom at this time also know Zhuang Rui and others to rescue the experience of the golden Tibetan mastiff, heard Liu Chuan recounted Zhou Rui a person on the Tibetan mastiff pressured to give its healing things, quickly stood up, to a young man beside him, said: “Damba, tell the nest, today I want to hold a grand banquet to entertain my most honored guests, so that the Maqin Tsidan go to the preparation of the bulls and goats, to let our guests, feel the warmth of the prairie.”

The hanyou who followed in from the other tent, promised. Nodded and smiled to Zhuang Rui and the others, turned around and walked out of the tent, and then his yell was heard, the whole tent area immediately became lively, and inside the tent, the hostess Baima also prepared ghee tea, took out a few small wooden bowls with silver rims, and one by one set them in front of the crowd, and when the water on the stove boiled, she immediately poured the tea for the crowd.

In this way, we all listen to Zhou Rui spoke of the customs of the Tibetans, know that this tea is necessary to drink, and must drink more than three bowls, in addition to Zhou Rui thought, the people of this ghee tea are not very accustomed to, barely drank three small bowls, and Liu Chuan that man drank five bowls of water, while drinking but also while sighing with praise of this tea, Ranching Tsoem look at him when the eyes of the natural is the most appreciated.

Only Zhuang Rui know, Liu Chuan this guy must be looking for Tibetan mastiff mind, fell in this Tibetan area.

After Qin Xuan Bing’s few girls finished their tea, they accompanied Baima and chatted on the sidelines. They are very interested in this tent decoration, from time to time praised Baima head of silver jewelry beautiful, listen to Baima giggle, the tent is full of cheerful atmosphere.

Zhuang Rui at this time also put the little puppy in his arms on the ground, only this little guy seems to be too attached to Zhuang Rui, just circling around Zhuang Rui, to the little Dawa hands of jerky but disdainful, look at the crowd are all tsk tsk.

“This is probably our family’s Duo Qi, cross-bred with someone else’s family!”

Rinchen Tsom said with uncertainty after looking at the little one, the Tibetan mastiff’s estrus period was only once in winter. His family’s Duoqi is the king of mastiffs in this area, with many mates, every year will give birth to a lot of small pups, this litter, only the best pups are left behind, the others are abandoned.

Zhuang Rui is not disappointed after hearing this, he likes this humane little guy more and more, besides the city inside is not allowed to raise large dogs, after he returns to Zhonghai, there is this little thing with him, it is not lonely.

“Big brother Rinzheng Tsom, it’s all ready, invite the guests over!”

The thick curtain of the tent was lifted, and the Tibetan man from earlier walked in.

After the crowd went out, they came to the center of this nest, and found that in the open space there, a large tent was set up, more than a hundred square feet, many people were busy going in and out, next to them there were also yells of slaughtering cows and sheep, and a group of Tibetan dogs surrounded the side, picking up and eating the livers of the cows and sheep that were thrown out.

Into the tent inside, has set up a long row of tables and chairs, Zhuang Rui and other people to the seat, accompanied by Bai Ma, while Rinzheng Tsom is standing in the tent door to meet the guests, not long, the nest of people have gathered over.

Some know Chinese herdsmen, are surrounded by Zhuang Rui and others, listening to Liu Chuan that guy big bragging, fooling these rustic Hanzi froze, during the period is the Wu Sung tiger paragraph, changed to Zhuang Rui kill the wolf, make every now and then there are some young Tibetans, ran to the front of the Zhuang Rui, thumbs up, pat Zhuang Rui’s shoulders.

After a while. Rinzheng Tsom invited the accompanying guests have come together, he stood up and said the toast, and then to Zhuang Rui and others toasting, even Qin Xuanbing several ladies have not been spared, just the cup in front of them is relatively small, several people have followed Zhou Rui’s action, both hands received the wine cup, and then one hand to take the cup, the other hand’s middle finger into the cup, lightly dipped it to the thumb and middle finger towards the sky, meaning to honor the sky god, then, and then second and the third, respectively, to honor the earth and the Buddha.

Drinking is also very delicate, to drink a small mouthful first, Rinchen Tsom immediately pour wine, fill the cup, and then drink a second mouthful, then fill it up, then drink a third mouthful, and then fill it up, and then, afterward, you have to drink a full cup of wine in one gulp.

Seeing these foreign guests, so respectful of their customs, Tibetan men have sung songs, while some young Tibetan women, went to the middle of the field to dance, a time of singing and dancing, lively.

Subsequently and on the original flavor of the roasted whole sheep, but also let the crowd ate a lot of fun, the whole after two or three hours, the feast is considered to be the end of the slightly drunken Liu Chuan, hands holding the several wolf skins, on the spot to the host Rinching Tsom, which makes all the guests are with envious eyes look at Rinching Tsom, we must know, such a gift, in the prairie is very difficult to get, but also explains the guests for the host family’s respect.

As the host, Rinchen Tsom also drank a lot, when he stood up, already a little staggering, but his face is very happy, bowed his head and said something to baima, then received the gift from Liu Chuan with both hands, for the Tibetans, the guest’s gift is a friend’s heart, can not be refused.

At this time, the golden Tibetan mastiff suddenly ran in, first to Zhuang Rui’s side, with a big head rubbed against Zhuang Rui, before lying down at Rinchen Tsom’s feet, this scene makes the people in the tent tsk tsk tsk, who all know that Rinchen Tsom’s family’s Duoqi, is the noblest of the noblest, in addition to the Rinchen Tsom’s family, who does not take care of it, and all these guests, but also the head of Duoqi brought, and now it actually shows goodwill to Zhuang Rui, but also make the people To Zhuang Rui’s attitude, more and more respect.

“Brother Liu Chuan, Duoqi is our friend, I hope you can treat them kindly in the future, the Goddess of the Snowy Mountains will bless you.”

Little Dawa followed the golden Tibetan mastiff into the tent, her arms also held two black little dog pups, Liu Chuan eyes light up, as expected, after Renqing Tsom received the dog pups, will be given as a gift back to Liu Chuan, which let Liu Chuan’s alcohol suddenly woke up most of the way, can’t wait to immediately the two have not yet opened their eyes of the little Tibetan mastiffs, sent back to the Hummer he prepared the thermostat box to go.

These two small Tibetan mastiffs, are the golden mastiff king’s offspring, even if the female mastiff breed is not so pure, these two small mastiffs are also worth a lot of money, is to Liu Chuan has that kind of performance.

“Rincheng Tsom big brother, can let us see the grassland warrior riding ah!”

When Liu Chuan and Rinchen Tsom finished exchanging gifts, Zhuang Rui opened his mouth and said to his master.

“No problem!” Rinchen Tsom agreed dryly and immediately had someone go and make arrangements.

Tibetans winter nest, is also built in a place surrounded by mountains on three sides, so that it can not only avoid the wind, but also effectively prevent the wolves from attacking, but after the mountain pass, is a flat grassland, there is not a tree, but the cattle and sheep into flocks, a herd of sheep on the grass, the horses are like rolling clouds dotted in the distance between the mountains and near the water, the white clouds on the blue sky and the reflection of it, it’s almost impossible to differentiate between them, trance such as in a dream.

Liu Chuan walked to the village entrance, the two small Tibetan mastiffs put on the Hummer, but Zhuang Rui has been holding that little thing, he has arm injuries, there is no way to ride a horse, just now the words, but to help Qin Xuan Bing said, these days down, he also knows that Qin Xuan Bing cool horseback riding.

At this time, little Dawa sat on a horse, followed by a few high headed horses, came to the side of the crowd.

“Brother Liu Chuan, how about we have a horse race!”

After Renqing Tsom rolled over and mounted a horse, he said to Liu Chuan.

Liu Chuan grew up so big, only in the park when riding on top of those old horses whose teeth have fallen out to take pictures, where dare to pick up this word, but it was Qin Xuan Bing who said on the side, “I’ll come than.”

“Good, you are the Bam of women, but you can compete with Dawa.”

Bam in Tibetan, is the meaning of women’s hero, but although Rinqing Tsom said so, but refused to compete with Qin Xuan Bing, instead, he pushed out his own daughter, which is also the pride of the Tibetan Han.

Qin Xuan Bing some hesitation, let himself and a child of eight or nine years old compared, even if the win is not face things, she did not know, Tibetan herdsmen home children, are from childhood in the horseback growing up, its technology than those professional horse racing horse division, is not much worse.

Dawa’s mother baima back a few saddles came over, to a white horse with pure white fur saddle, led to Qin Xuan Bing, looking at this tall and straight white horse, and the endless prairie, Qin Xuan Bing also can not care is and small Dawa competition, turn over and ride up.

Little Dawa is riding a date red horse, after releasing the speed, like a red lightning through the green grass, and Qin Xuan Bing’s technology is really good, actually closely behind the Dawa, and not be thrown off, a red and a white two shadows, chasing each other on the grassland.

At this moment, in addition to Zhuang Rui, the rest of the few people are also riding on a horse, Renchen Tsom whistled, the first to rush out, followed closely by Zhou Rui, and then after that is Bo Mengan, his horsemanship is actually also very good, moderate action, never been left behind, only Liu Chuan and Lei Lei some woes, the body of the horse in the back of the east to the west, see Zhuang Rui in the bottom of the ha-ha laugh.

Golden Tibetan mastiff heard Rincheng Tsom’s whistle, also scurried out, a time the horse hissed and barked, and the crowd’s bright laughter, resounded in the grassland above.

Waiting to leave this let the crowd full of good memories of the winter nest, has been more than three o’clock in the afternoon, but here is only more than four hours away from Naqu, they can be rushed to Naqu overnight, and Liu Chuan this time the purpose of Tibet has also reached the Hummer car a laughter.

A few ladies were happy that before they left, Baima gave each of them an exquisite silver jewelry, although the price may not be very expensive, but it is absolutely impossible to buy outside, which is enough to make them feel that this trip is not vain.

Pak Meng An also sat on the Hummer, but his mood was not very high, compared to Liu Chuan who was being a baby daddy to the two little puppies, and Zhuang Rui who was teasing the little one, it seemed that Pak Meng An’s trip to Tibet was not that wonderful.

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