Chapter 0079 – Conflict (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:03:31
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After observing some of Qin Xuan Bing’s demeanor in the Hummer. Bo Mengan knew, Qin Xuan Bing really have a good feeling about Zhuang Rui, perhaps not to the extent of non-jun not married and so on, but for always rejected the man outside the Qin Xuan Bing, has been a rare and precious.

Bo Mengan although some jealous of Zhuang Rui, but not to the point of cynicism into hatred, he himself in Hong Kong is often and some of the size of the star gossip characters, for the cold Qin Xuan Bing, has always held a desire to conquer, but now it seems that they seem to be no hope.

Zhuang Rui is a relatively slow to feelings of people, a car of people have seen Qin Xuan Bing on his undisguised favor, but this kid has always put his attention to the belonging to his little puppy on the body, Qin Xuan Bing occasionally look at his gaze, but also be considered by him for the love of the little puppy.

Seeing Zhuang Rui ignoring himself, Qin Xuan Bing stretched out her hand, teasing the little guy, saying, “Zhuang Rui, give this puppy of yours a name!”

“Name it? That’s also ah! We can’t just call it Little Thing or Little Guy!”

Zhuang Rui frowned at the words. The little guy was so cute, it needed a better name.

“Little White? White Snow?”

“No good, it’s hard to hear.”

Zhuang Rui thought of two names one after another, all of which were rejected by the crowd, and was also deprived of the right to name by Liu Chuan, so angry that he almost named the little guy Liu Chuan.

Qin Xuan Bing said, “Zhuang Rui, the fur on its body is white and it looks like a little lion, why don’t we just call it White Lion.”

“White lion is good, the lion in the Lion King there is also white in color.” Liu Chuan shouted out loud when he heard this name.

“White Lion, well, it’s not bad either, it reads well, let’s call it White Lion then!”

Zhuang Rui thought about it for a while, nodded, picked up the white lion, stuffed it into Qin Xuan Bing’s arms, and said, “Go thank your sister Xuan Xuan!”

“Bah, if I’m its sister, then you’re its brother.”

Qin Xuan Bing spat at Zhuang Rui, but immediately felt that her words had a speech defect, her face flushed crimson with shame, and she turned her head to the side.

Zhuang Rui didn’t think that much, he just felt that during this time, he got along with Qin Xuan Bing very happily. After hearing the words of Qin Xuan Bing also did not angry, silly straight smile, look aside the eyes of Bo Mengan fire, hate to incarnation of Zhuang Rui, take the opportunity to go forward to offer attentiveness, so as to obtain the heart.

A group of people after crossing the prairie, finally came to the Naqu, but did not stay, live on the night to recuperate, the next morning drove to Lhasa, which is also the last stop of their trip to Tibet, after two days of fun in Lhasa, ready to return, from the time, and Liu Chuan is expected to be more or less the same.

Lhasa is the holy place in the hearts of all Tibetans, on the highway from Nagqu to Lhasa, there are many Tibetans who go on pilgrimage to Lhasa on foot, and there are even many ascetics who, in order to express the piety of their hearts, bow down at every step. Zhuang Rui and others saw the clothes on their knees, all worn rags, but in the face of these people, see only calm, without a trace of worldly annoyance.

Lhasa is known as the “messa” legend has it that the seventh century AD Tang Dynasty Princess Wencheng married to the Tubo, this is still a grassy beach, after the construction of the Great Showa Temple and the Small Showa Temple with the back of the goat earth fill lying ponds, the temple was built, the missionary monks and the increase in the number of pilgrimage to the Buddha, around the Great Showa Temple around, it has built a number of inns and residential housing, forming The old city in the center of the great showa temple prototype.

At the same time, Songtsen Gampo expanded the palace in the red mountain (i.e., today’s Potala Palace), then, Lhasa valley plain palace built one after another, prominent Chinese and foreign plateau city from the formation of the “chaos” has gradually become the people’s heart “holy land” became the Tibet religion, Political, economic and cultural center of Tibet at that time. In general people’s impression, Lhasa is composed of Potala Palace, Barkhor Street, Da Zhao Temple, Sera Monastery, Drepung Monastery and Lhasa River, but Tibetans believe that only to the Da Zhao Temple and Barkhor Street, is considered to be the real Lhasa.

“Zhuangrui, come and see, this is so beautiful!”

In the bustling Barkhor Street, Zhuang Rui hand big bag small bag carrying a dozen, neck hanging a colorful hatha knot, jacket clothes, there is a small furry head poking outward, but it is the little white lion.

Zhuang Rui difficult to Qin Xuan Bing a few girls in the direction of the squeeze. But here, there are not many people pay attention to him, are from the south of the sky to the north of the tourists, for such a scene has long been accustomed to, just Qin Xuan Bing a few girls of the beautiful, attracted a lot of tourists eyeballs.

“I say aunts and grandmothers, we bought a lot of things today, you will not want to move this street all home!”

Zhuang Rui squeezed into a few girls standing in front of the stalls, said with a bitter smile, three girls decided to come shopping in the morning, Liu Chuan to take care of his two precious Tibetan mastiffs, Zhou Rui is not interested in shopping for a little bit, and Bai Meng’an after arriving in Lhasa, actually produced a plateau reaction, but also lying in the hotel room to suck in the oxygen, no need to ask, Zhuang Rui naturally caught up with the strong man.

Originally Zhuang Rui was trying to keep the white lion in the hotel, but the little guy saw Zhuang Rui to leave, dead bite Zhuang Rui’s pants leg is not loose, helpless, Zhuang Rui wore Liu Chuan’s piece of jacket, the white lion also took his own piece of jacket clothes. Early in the fight with the wolves, was torn and tattered.

Barkhor Street is the well-preserved old city of Lhasa, and is also the most famous meridian passage in Tibet and the traveling business center of Lhasa, paved with hand-polished stones, although not very wide, it is the place with the largest daily traffic in Lhasa, where there are many stores and more than a thousand mobile stalls, and almost all of the houses on the street are stores, dealing with various sizes of meridians, Tibetan robes, Tibetan knives, vivid and clumsy religious implements, and other assorted Daily necessities.

Since the hotel where Zhuang Rui and the others were staying was right next to this place. So early in the morning, was Qin Xuan Bing and others dragged out, this is a whole four hours of shopping, these girls are still not reduced, gleefully sweeping every passing stalls, and Zhuang Rui has become an active shopping cart, like a puppet like being pulled a morning.

But Zhuang Rui also gained, he bought a lot of Tibetan medicinal herbs, such as ganoderma lucidum, saffron, cordyceps, Tibetan antelope horns, snow lotus and so on, there are also some is said to be a lama, Tibetan doctor secret prescription, processing and concocting out of the various types of divine qi compound Tibetan medicines, although I don’t know the effect of how, but bring back to pay tribute to the elderly, there is no wrong, this is also in his out of the hotel before Liu Chuan repeatedly accounted for.

Qin Xuan Bing just bought a few pieces of women’s Tibetan clothing, on Zhuang Rui’s shoulders, and Bo Mengyao and Lei Lei drilled into the crowd, to continue their Taobao business, Zhuang Rui really can not imagine, half a month ago or cold as frost Qin Xuan Bing, now actually will become this way, see her with a Cantonese flavor of Mandarin, and the vendors bargaining look, Zhuang Rui can not help but doubt whether it is not a new person.

But this kind of Qin Xuan Bing, let Zhuang Rui feel very kind, there is a kind of friend feeling, after these days get along, Zhuang Rui found Qin Xuan Bing heart is still very kind, these days Zhuang Rui also often joke with her, if put in the previous, that Zhuang Rui to her is absolutely respect.

Although the mouth called bitter, but for these ladies to do hard labor, Zhuang Rui is still willing, after all, here come and go inside the people, mixed fish and dragons, their own side if not followed by a man, but also really do not rest assured. And the objects here are obviously modern handicrafts, there is nothing old, Zhuang Rui is also lazy with the eyes of the aura to distinguish, but to enjoy the joy of a shopping.

“Are you guys being reasonable, this thing is what we saw first, why sell it to them, can’t we afford the price?”

Zhuang Rui heard truly, this voice full of indignation, it is from Lei Lei’s mouth, it is estimated to be selling things and people quarrel, at that moment also can not care about their own play with the Tibetan knife, thrown to the stall after, to the direction of the sound crowded over.

“What’s going on? Lei Lei, don’t get angry first, speak slowly.”

Zhuang Rui easily squeezed to the front of the stall that had already been surrounded by several circles, and saw that Lei Lei was pointing at the stall owner’s nose and loudly chastising him.

“Zhuang Rui, you came just in time, tell me, are they being unreasonable.”

Lei Lei grabbed Zhuang Rui and asked him to judge.

“Missy, you also say what’s going on first! I don’t know anything!” Zhuang Rui looked at Lei Lei and said helplessly, she and Liu Chuan are really a pair, doing things and talking are a bit confused.

“It’s like this, we fancy that thangka, the stall owner started when he said to sell 500 dollars, we agreed, but he backtracked, want to sell 800, we also agreed, let a person angry, we have already talked about the price, this person came over to bid 1000 dollars, the stall owner is going to sell this thing to the person, so doing business, is not too dishonorable It’s not too dishonorable to do business like this!”

Qin Xuan Bing was telling Zhuang Rui what happened, she was always very calm, but at this time, she also had an angry face.

“This young lady, that’s not the way to put it! I sell things, other people give a high price, of course I want to sell to others, if you want, you offer a higher price than him, I will also sell to you, do I have money not to earn? Everyone say is not this reason ah!”

The stall owner did not wait for Zhuang Rui to speak, he gave himself to distinguish up, the crowd of onlookers also loudly agree, Lei Lei heard this is even more angry face white, was about to speak, standing opposite Lei Lei, a middle-aged man, with a disdainful face, said: “Can’t afford to buy, don’t buy, is not enough to lose face!”

This sentence is Lei Lei gas to, although she is not as rich as Qin Xuan Bing, but this time to the mainland to investigate the market, a million or a hundred thousand dollars or can be disposed of, and said: “I’m out of 1200 dollars, see who can not afford to buy.”

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