Chapter 0082 – Living Buddha

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:03:40
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After going upstairs, Zhuang Rui realized. This second floor also turned out to be open to tourists, only the number of people above is very small, but there are quite a few lamas busy inside.

From the open-air corridor on the second floor, one could see the crowd of people transmitting sutras below, listening to the Buddha’s Zen chanting, Zhuang Rui’s heart only felt unusually peaceful, and the irritation due to not being able to absorb the spiritual qi was eliminated quite a bit.

Zhuang Rui is immersed in the sound of the Buddha, downstairs came a group of tourists, should be a tour group, wearing a uniform hat, waving a small colorful flag in his hand, chattering sound, suddenly woke up Zhuang Rui, and at this time, he also heard his stomach came “gurgling” sound.

Looked at the time, it is already more than one in the afternoon, Zhuang Rui stomach is hungry, it seems that today this thing, that is also unsettled, he held a small white lion. Prepare to go downstairs to leave the Da Zhao Temple, I think this will be Qin Xuan Bing and Liu Chuan, they are anxious.

In Zhuang Rui walked back to the stairway just now, the arms of the little white lion suddenly jumped to the ground, to the end of the corridor to run, as if there is what food in the attraction of it, Zhuang Rui in the back of the shouts, were ignored by this little guy.

Under no circumstances, Zhuang Rui can only follow the back to catch up, now he can’t let go of this little guy, every day the car’s laughter, mostly caused by this little thing, Zhuang Rui is not the first time to raise pets, but for the feelings of the little white lion, but it is extremely special, not to mention that it is its life is Zhuang Rui to save it back, and the little guy is usually on the dependence of Zhuang Rui, but also make Zhuang Rui love him a lot.

Although born less than a month, this little thing running up the speed is not slow, coupled with the second floor corridors are numerous, if not the little guy stopped from time to time to look at Zhuang Rui, I’m afraid that Zhuang Rui at this time to follow the lost.

“Woo …… woo, woo ……”

The little thing ran to a door and stopped, using its small paws to pick at that door, but the heavy, thick wooden door was obviously not something it could push open. The little thing was considered eloquent, after making half a day’s effort in front of the door, it ran back to Zhuang Rui’s feet, biting Zhuang Rui’s pants leg and pulling in the direction of that door.

“You little thing, if you run around again I don’t want you.”

Zhuang Rui stooped down and picked up the little white lion, knocked on its head, the little guy licked Zhuang Rui’s hand with his tongue out as if to please, and then turned his head to the heavy red wooden door, “oooh” screaming.

Zhuang Rui heart some strange, usually as long as their own a look, this little guy will come to the side, today is not listening to their words, it seems that behind this door, there must be some weird place.

Although growing up under the red flag, Zhuang Rui does not believe in what ghosts and gods, and there is no faith, but since that time the eyes were injured, and appeared after the aura, Zhuang Rui on the world more than a trace of awe, do not understand things. Does not mean that does not exist, there are many unexplained phenomena in this world, such as the aura in Zhuang Rui’s eyes, which is also unanswerable by science, and Buddhism, is also one of them.

Buddhism and Christianity, Islam and known as the world’s three major religions, since the Han Dynasty after the introduction of China, in the subsequent dynasties, have been a great development, many dynasties of the emperor, and even Buddhism as a state religion, China’s Buddhism has appeared in many sects, the main eight sects, which is usually referred to as the nature of the eight sects, the phase, Taiwan, Xian, Zen, net, law, secret.

After the liberation, the country is the establishment of a Buddhist College, so that the doctrine has been a good continuation, only in recent years, in some places on the mainland, such as the Shaolin Temple, those famous temples, often pay more attention to the world of cultivation, and social integration, which also samples many people for the Buddhism has some cognitive bias, when it comes to monks, and then there is no respect for the ancients that way in the past.

But Tibetan Buddhism is different from the Buddhism of the Central Plains, it is in the middle of the eighth century, directly from India into the Tibetan region. 10th century, the second half of Tibetan Buddhism was formally formed, and since then more than three hundred years, the formation of the distinctive sects, the majority of people believe. All of them are Tantric Buddhism within the eight Buddhist sects.

Tibetan Buddhism mostly pay attention to austerity, inheritance of different, complex rituals, like set up a lot, is Tibetan Buddhism is different from the Han Chinese Buddhism of a distinctive feature, history, most of the Tibetan Buddhism sects and a certain political forces (including local power group or family forces) combined together, the formation of the unity of the system of politics and religion, the teaching of the government to do, the government holds the teaching of the establishment, and each other dependent on each other.

Although this system was abolished during the democratic reform of Tibet in 1959, the Tibetan people are almost all religious, which also makes this part of the land of Tibet full of mysterious colors, before Zhuang Rui did not come to Tibet, there is much to hear, like the reincarnation of the living Buddha and so on, in the minds of some people is considered impossible, but here, it is everyone who believes.

Due to the previous downstairs can not absorb the mural in the aura, Zhuang Rui’s heart, here is also some drums, afraid of their own intrusion and violated some taboos, have the heart to find someone to ask what this is in what place, but look around, on their own a lonely person. Even a lama can not be seen.

Looked at the foot is still constantly pulling their pants leg of the small things, Zhuang Rui thought to go in to see is nothing, besides, the dog through the spirit, this little guy will not harm their own right! Zhuang Rui while calculating in his heart, while walking to the door, reached out to the heavy-looking mahogany door pushed.

The seemingly bulky wooden door was flexible, and with just a gentle push, it was pushed open. A room of about thirty square feet, wooden structure, appeared in front of Zhuang Rui, and the little guy on the ground had scurried in when the wooden door opened.

And Zhuang Rui just at the moment when the wooden door opened, the aura in his eyes, suddenly became lively, like a gluttonous child encountered a delicacy in general, tumultuous, in Zhuang Rui’s eyes flowed rapidly, it seems that at any time will overflow out of the eyes.

Zhuang Rui’s heart was a little apprehensive, he didn’t know what this wooden house was, nor did he know whether the aura in his eyes, the sudden change was good or bad, it was just that he had already come here, and the little guy was refusing to come out, so he would have to go in no matter what.

Taking a deep breath, Zhuang Rui crossed into the room.

Something unexpected happened to him, when Zhuang Rui’s body just entered the room, he clearly sensed that in every space in this wooden house, there existed a large amount of spiritual qi, just like the air was omnipresent, and the flow of the spiritual qi in his eyes accelerated even more, and every time he rotated around the eye sockets in a circle, Zhuang Rui could feel that from the room, there was a trace of extremely weak spiritual qi that incorporated into it.

Although into the Zhuang Rui eyes of the aura, for this space, is insignificant, but for Zhuang Rui, that taste is no less than drinking the jelly general, the pores of the whole body is open, comfortable and almost moaned out, and this pleasure is endless, with the flow of the aura in the eyes, the filament can not be seen by the naked eye of the aura. Also in the non-stop into Zhuang Rui’s eyes.

Previously Zhuang Rui heard people say that people who use drugs will feel a kind of floating pleasure, Zhuang Rui has not taken drugs, but he absolutely believes that even people who use drugs can’t feel the free will in his heart right now, this kind of pleasure is not only physical, but also spiritual, at this time Zhuang Rui’s brain, there is no longer the existence of thinking, everything in the mundane world seems to have nothing to do with him, he simply immersed in He was simply immersed in this unspeakable pleasure.

At this time, if there are outsiders into this room, will find that a young man is stupidly standing there, eyes godless, seems to have lost his mind, only an empty shell flesh, and originally the first to enter the room of the little white lion, at this moment also disappeared.

That little guy, after leading Zhuang Rui to this room, from the other end of the room, a hidden door drilled out, in the back of that door, another long corridor, as if there is some kind of sound in the general call to the little white lion, it ran directly to the end of the corridor, claws scratching around the door in front of them.

It seems that the person inside the door heard the voice, opened the door, standing in the doorway, is a young lama, after seeing the little white lion, surprised to say a word to the back.

The little white lion, however, did not pay attention to the door in front of the young lama, but ran directly to the room, this room is not big, only more than twenty square feet, which placed a bed, a desk, in the bed around, full of all the bookshelves, the whole room in a circle, above the books, mostly some thread-bound books, the color of the old and slightly yellowed.

The room has a faint sandalwood flavor, the light in the room is very dim, in that bed, half-recumbent an old lama, it is difficult to see from the appearance of this old lama’s age, because the skin on his face has become a little wrinkled, and covered with old spots, but the eyes, but very bright, actually have a trace of childlike innocence, if only look at the eyes, I am afraid that many people will think that This is a small child.

The old lama’s hair is slightly messy, his body is thin, his face is pale, his color is not very good, just after seeing the little white lion running into the room, his eyes flashed a ray of light, and his hands exerted force, and he sat up from the bed.

The little lama who opened the door saw the old man sitting up, and hurriedly went forward to assist him, his mouth persuaded, “Zhu Bigu, your health is not very good, it’s better to lie down!”

If there are believers to see this scene, certainly will kneel down to this old man, it is difficult to let people believe that this old lama is actually the only two surviving reincarnation of the living Buddha one of the Da Zhao Temple, we must know, in Tibet existing living Buddha more than a thousand people, but experienced reincarnation of the living Buddha continued down, but only more than twenty, these more than twenty living Buddha are respected by the people of the people, with great wisdom of the people.

“It’s alright, the children from the Great Snow Mountain are here, I want to entertain them personally.”

The living Buddha waved his hand, and with the assistance of the little lama, he put on his shoes and made his way to the front of the desk.

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