Chapter 0084 – Enchantment

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:03:45
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“The color of the aura has changed again. Will it be able to see through more things?”

Zhuang Rui’s heart moved, raised his head and looked towards a thangka hanging on the wall directly in front of him, he was currently four or five meters away from that thangka, but the aura in his eyes, along with his line of sight, directly into the thangka, Zhuang Rui could clearly sense the flow of the aura inside the thangka, only to make him a little stunned, he was actually the same as downstairs, he still couldn’t absorb the aura.

Some of his heart is not willing, Zhuang Rui tried again, this time he found that the aura in the Tangka, but also has a color, this is not what he saw through the eyes of the aura, but purely a feeling, he can even feel the total amount of aura contained in this Tangka.

“The aura has upgraded, it shouldn’t be a bad thing!”

Zhuang Rui could only comfort himself so much at the moment, due to the fact that he was looking for the little white lion, he didn’t dare to delay here any longer. In case that little guy if he was carried away by some unscrupulous tourist, then Zhuang Rui would be left without tears, after spending so many days together, he had already treated this little thing as a relative.

“Huh, how is this door closed.”

Zhuang Rui turned back and walked to the door next to the door that he came in, slightly froze, he clearly remembered that after he came in, he didn’t go to close this door, could it be that the little guy was afraid that he would be disturbed and closed it?

Zhuang Rui shook his head and laughed at himself, that little thing simply did not have the strength to push this door.

This outer layer brushed with red lacquer wooden door, is pulled from the inside to the inside, Zhuang Rui reached out to pull the door handle, will open the door, but accidentally found, in the outside of the door, that is, they came in the place, stood a young small lama, from the face alone, that is, seventeen or eighteen years old appearance, Zhuang Rui even saw in his face is also a few youthful beautiful pimple pimples.

“Rinpoche, you have come out, ‘Zhu Bi Gu’ asks you to go for a moment.”

The little lama saw Zhuang Rui open the door of the room, immediately full of joy, looks like he waited here for a long time, just his Chinese is really not good, mixed with the Tibetan call, let Zhuang Rui listen to some confused. The general meaning was heard clearly, as if someone invited himself to meet.

“My name is Zhuang Rui, not Rinpoche, may I ask the little master, are you sure that the ‘Jubigu’ you are talking about is inviting me?”

Zhuang Rui is afraid that this little lama is wrong, out of the mouth to ask a little, he also have to go to find the little white lion, but there is no time and this little lama entangled, plus Zhuang Rui is also a little bit of weakness, just saw that room in the many expensive thangkas after he also know that he into the place should not enter, afraid that this little lama is to come to and their own after the (counting) accounts.

“There is no mistake, Rinpoche is …… is the Chinese language, the meaning of the honored guest, and ‘Jubigu’ is not the one you said, the person who invited you to go is ‘Jubigu ‘! By the way, it’s the living Buddha that you Chinese say.”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, the little lama’s face was very unhappy, with an expression of being offended. The smile on his face was gone, and he looked at Zhuang Rui with a slightly unfavorable look, it could be seen that when he mentioned the three words “Jubigu”, he looked very pious.

Zhuang Rui heard the words of the little lama, was very surprised, he knows in Tibet this place, in addition to the Panchen Dalai Lama, it is the number of living Buddha’s highest status, Zhuang Rui did not know, please he went to the living Buddha but has turned twelve generations of the living Buddha, Buddhism is profound, and even the contemporary Panchen’s teacher, in the national Buddhism and tantric Buddhism, there are some quite high status, far from those ordinary temples living Buddha can be compared with it. could be compared to.

“I’m sorry, Guru, I don’t know Tibetan, I offended the living Buddha just now, much obliged.”

Zhuang Rui froze for a moment, and then hurriedly made amends to the little lama, he knew the status of the lama in the minds of the Tibetans, while the living Buddha is the existence that all the Tibetans, including the lamas, respect, Zhuang Rui naturally did not dare to be negligent.

After all, the young lama is small, and in the temple, not stained with the dust of the world, the heart is very kind, after seeing Zhuang Rui respectful attitude, but a little overwhelmed. Standing there thinking for a while before saying, “Zhu Bi Gu has been waiting for you for a long time, you follow …… me!”

After saying the words, the small lama twisted his head and left, making Zhuang Rui want to ask a few more sentences did not have time, can only follow in the back, the living Buddha summoned, he could not care about looking for the little white lion, who let himself in someone else’s territory ah! If you let the living Buddha is not happy, is the Tibetan compatriots a mouthful of spittle, but also to drown themselves.

Zhuang Rui followed the small lama walking in the corridor, finally the small lama’s name inquired out, he said he called Balsang, in Chinese is the meaning of Thursday, but then asked why the living Buddha to see him, the small lama shut up.

The place where the living Buddha lives is not far from here, through a corridor, the two came to the outside of a room, Balsang did not knock on the door, but directly gently push the door open.

An old lama with a thin face, some old age spots on his face, sitting on a hardwood chair, appeared in Zhuang Rui’s field of vision. In the old lama’s arms, the little white lion was lying there peacefully, after seeing Zhuang Rui, the little white lion immediately jumped down from the old lama’s arms and ran to Zhuang Rui’s feet, waiting until Zhuang Rui entered the room, Balsang closed the door to the room, walked behind the old lama and stood there.

The living Buddha looked at Zhuang Rui with a kind gaze, like an elder looking at his own children and grandchildren, I don’t know why. Zhuang Rui in this moment remembered the deceased father, suddenly his nose was a little sour, tears actually fell uncontrollably.

Some embarrassed to wipe his eyes, Zhuang Rui found, in his jacket clothes, there is a snow-white hada, think back, it should be Qin Xuan Bing when they shopped stuffed in, but has not been found.

After seeing this hada, Zhuang Rui took it out, can’t take care of a hard along the trouser leg to climb up the small white lion, Zhuang Rui learn the herdsman to give him the appearance of the hada, with both hands, with the top of the head flush, walked to the old lama in front of the said a “Zarid Le” will be the hada hanging to the neck of the living Buddha.

After seeing Zhuang Rui’s behavior, the old lama behind the Balsang actually “giggle” laugh out loud, even the old lama is also dumbfounded, Zhuang Rui some puzzled, is it wrong to do? But look at the old lama’s gaze, and did not blame their own meaning, and just like so kind, only, it seems to be more than a trace of mischievous laughter.

Zhuang Rui does not know is that the juniors to elders to honor the hatha, can only put the hatha on the wrist of the elders, and hanging on the neck, that is the elders to bestow the hatha to the juniors, only when the etiquette.

The old lama face with a smile, did not open his mouth to speak, but raised his arm, took Zhuang Rui dedication over the hatha, and then signaled Zhuang Rui put his head down, will be in the hands of the hatha, hung on Zhuang Rui’s neck.

Zhuang Rui was overjoyed. He no longer understand Tibetan customs, but also know that was given by the living Buddha hada is a thing of honor, was about to raise his head to thank the living Buddha, but found a somewhat thin hand, stroked on his head, the living Buddha’s mouth is still chanting, seems to chant the scriptures, at the same time, the ear comes Balsang’s voice: “This is the living Buddha in giving you ‘Enthronement’ you close your eyes and don’t move.”

Zhuang Rui heard hastily close both eyes, in the living Buddha’s hand touched the top of Zhuang Rui’s head, Zhuang Rui felt, like there is a kind of ice and snow like cool liquid from the palm of that hand, infiltrated into the skull and brain marrow, induced itchy all around the body, Zhuang Rui do not know whether this is his own illusion, or the real thing is happening, is in a daze between, at this time, the ear came a “bah! At this moment, the ear came a “yuck” sound.

Zhuang Rui was immediately awakened by this sound, and then opened his eyes, at this moment only felt that the body of the numbness and itching all disappeared, and unprecedented clarity of mind.

“Tujiqi, Tujiqi.”

Zhuang Rui folded his hands together, using the “thank you” Tibetan call that he had learned from Zhou Rui on the way, to express his gratitude to the living Buddha, the old lama smiled again when he heard the not-so-standard Tibetan in Zhuang Rui’s mouth, and after a slight thought, he took off a bracelet that he was wearing on his wrist, and handed it to Zhuang Rui.

Although I do not know what this bracelet is made, but from the body of the living Buddha to take down things, must not be bad, Zhuang Rui hastily took over with both hands, would have liked to receive the pocket in the pocket, to show respect for the elders given, but see that the living Buddha signaled himself to take on, Zhuang Rui also brought the bracelet to the left wrist, he did not see, waiting at the side of the Balsang, eyes all envious look.

The living Buddha does not seem to speak Chinese, turned back to the small lama said a few words, the small lama spoke to Zhuang Rui said: “This string of beads is dzi beads worn, by the living Buddha has been blessed, wearing a few decades, can bring you merit benefits, bless you all things well, but you have to bear in mind, this thing can’t let outsiders touch at will.”

Zhuang Rui was overjoyed at the words, although he didn’t know what dzi beads were, but just by the fact that this thing had been worn by the living Buddha for decades, it was enough to prove that this dzi bead bracelet was a cultural relic.

Zhuang Rui can not help but look at the wrist, the dzi beads were dark brown, each full and round, exudes a warm luster, in each individual dzi bead, as if there are several eyes in general, between each dzi bead, there is a small spacer bead, it must be in order to prevent the dzi beads from touching each other and damaged, just Zhuang Rui now do not dare to use the eyes of the spirit of qi to see, because he is afraid of this old lama before him what is not known to the magical power! that would see through his own reality.

“Tujiqi, Tujiqi ……”

Zhuang Rui used the only Tibetan language he knew besides “Zhaxi Dele” to express his gratitude to the living Buddha and his satisfaction with the gift.

Zhuang Rui did not know, like this wear for decades of personal belongings, the living Buddha is generally never given to others, because these things, in the living Buddha reincarnation, often can be used, he will give this item to Zhuang Rui, this is a rare honor, it is no wonder Balsang will show envy of the look.

The living Buddha smiled, reached out to the little white lion on the ground and beckoned, the little one immediately ran to the feet of the living Buddha, the living Buddha bent down with some effort, picked up the little white lion and said a few words in his mouth.

Zhuang Rui saw this scene, his heart was a little surprised, to know, this little thing is not willing to get close to anyone except himself, but at this moment, it is so intimate with this old lama, it seems that this living Buddha really is some doorway.

“The living Buddha said, this mastiff king on the big snow mountain, can follow you, shows that you are a person with a good heart, and you enter into the dazhao temple successive generations of Tibetan kings and living Buddha’s drawing room, can be inside the enlightenment of zen, which also proves that you Buddha’s destiny is deep, I hope that you can later treat this mastiff king, it will also bring you luck.”

The small lama in fact, there are some words did not tell Zhuang Rui, is in the small white lion just entered the living Buddha’s apartment when the living Buddha asked it whether it is willing to do the Great Zhaosha Temple temple guardian mastiff, the little guy shook his head but ran out of the room, the small lama chased him out, only then found the Zhuang Rui, but also know that this mastiff king has recognized the master.

“The little guy is a Tibetan mastiff? Actually still a mastiff king, NND, Liu Chuan this idiot, do not know what vision.”

Zhuang Rui heard the words of the little lama, surprised to see the living Buddha’s arms of the little thing, the heart is secretly happy, if not for their own good thoughts at that time, healed the little guy, I’m afraid that the mastiff king’s pride, will not be easy to follow their own, and so on their own back, to be properly stimulated Liu Chuan, save that guy is always the two cross-bred Tibetan mastiffs as a baby.

“Buddy may really have a Buddhist fate, turn around to find a few Buddhist scriptures to see.”

As for the Zen enlightenment and so on, Zhuang Rui did not take it to heart, where is he enlightenment what Zen enlightenment ah! The whole thing was just enjoying a feast of aura inside, but the living Buddha saying this also proved that he didn’t see the problem of aura in his eyes, which also put Zhuang Rui at ease quite a bit.

After the living Buddha spoke for a while, his spirit seemed to be a little tired, his right hand stroked the little white lion’s head for a while, and his mouth recited some words, then he put the little one back on the ground and waved his hand at Zhuang Rui, signaling that they could leave.

Zhuang Rui in the small lama’s lead, found their own path to the second floor, just this way, he found himself just entered the room around, there are some lamas in the guard, also do not know how this little thing is to avoid those lamas, bring yourself into the magical room, Zhuang Rui looked down lovingly at the little thing, but found that it is wrapped around his own fingertips, sucking non-stop, and must be the same as yourself, is hungry, but the little thing is also a little bit hungry. I think it must be hungry, just like myself.

Neck hanging that white hada, until walking down the stairs, to the exit of the Great Zhao Temple, Zhuang Rui brain is still a little confused, today’s harvest is really too big, not counting the living Buddha’s dunking and the gift of this bracelet, that is, in the eyes of the upgrading of the aura is enough to make Zhuang Rui ecstatic, to know, in the eyes of the aura of the scarcity of the aura, but it has troubled him for a very long time.

“Zhuang Rui, Zhuang Rui, where did you kid run off to?”

Zhuang Rui who is giggling with his head lowered, suddenly heard someone shouting his name, followed the sound and looked, but Liu Chuan stood at the entrance of a room next to the toll gate of the Da Zhao Temple, is waving his hand at himself, behind him, Qin Xuan Bing Zhou Rui and others, one did not fall.

“How did you guys come?”

Zhuang Rui walked over, casually asked, but the words just exported on the reaction, he was brought to the Da Zhao Temple because of the fight, and then another afternoon did not show up, these people must have looked for their own quite a lot of time, this thing if replaced in Liu Chuan, I’m afraid that they are also anxious.

“Zhuang Rui, are you alright! The lamas here didn’t bully you, right?”

After seeing Zhuang Rui, Qin Xuan Bing also lost his usual calmness, actually grabbed Zhuang Rui’s hand, and asked in an urgent voice, after saying that, only to find that a group of people are all looking at themselves oddly, Qin Xuan Bing’s face was red, and hurriedly let go of Zhuang Rui’s hand, and somewhat embarrassedly hid behind Lei Lei.

“So what, can’t you just hold on for a little while longer! Dude hasn’t held a little hand with a girl yet!”

Touching the place where Qin Xuan Bing just held his hand, Zhuang Rui with a look of reminiscence, but let Qin Xuan Bing’s face even more red, angry in place stomping his feet, she did not know, Zhuang Rui is not intentional, the previous university talked about that girlfriend, is ready to develop to the point of holding hands, the family immigrated, so from the strict sense of the word, in addition to their own little niece, which is the first time that there is a girl initiative to hold the hand of Zhuang Rui yet!

“Zhuang Rui, what place did you just go to? Didn’t I tell you, no trespassing?”

Geguk Lama, heard Qin Xuanbing words after very angry, but can not be questioned on a girl, can only spread the fire to Zhuang Rui body, plus Zhuang Rui is their own brought in, in case of what happened in the temple, they are also to bear the responsibility.

Hear Gegu Lama asked his words, Zhuang Rui is really not good to answer, is it that he stood in a room for an afternoon, and then the living Buddha old lama to give himself a dunking power, and then send the baby? Although it is true, but if it is not their own personal experience, I’m afraid to say out even their own do not believe.

Zhuang Rui thought for a moment in his heart and opened his mouth to say, “I was summoned by the living Buddha to listen to the Buddhist scriptures, and his old man even gave me a bracelet!”

While speaking, Zhuang Rui lifted his wrist and jerked his clothes upwards, revealing the dzi bead bracelet on his wrist, he thought to himself that I said that I have a Buddha’s destiny you guys surely don’t believe me, but the living Buddha said it, so I guess you won’t be hard for me anymore! Just Zhuang Rui did not notice Gegu Lama’s face changed dramatically after hearing his words.

“Where did you get this string of dzi beads?”

Gegu Lama asked sternly after seeing the dzi bead bracelet, at the same time, he stepped forward and grabbed Zhuang Rui’s wrist, while his other hand was grabbing towards the dzi bead bracelet.

Gegu Lama didn’t know if this bracelet was worn by the living Buddha in the temple, because he also didn’t have the qualification to be able to see the living Buddha regularly. But for the dzi beads, Gegul Lama is very familiar with, he can see at a glance Zhuang Rui wrist dzi beads, are the old days beads to artificially polished and shaped, and then with natural resins, adding a variety of natural herbs to soak, and then by the lama while reciting the sutra painted lines, after which it will also go through the enlightenment of the blessing and the formation of such a string of bracelets, it can be said to be of great value, even in the Dazhaoji Temple, the bracelets, and definitely will not be More than three.

Such a precious thing, can be called a Buddhist artifact, even the living Buddha, will not easily give away, so Gegu Lama grabbed Zhuang Rui, he is the Da Zhao Temple within the iron rod lama, naturally, the temple is responsible for the safety of the temple.

Zhuang Rui also reacted quickly, his right arm separated Gegu’s hand that grabbed at the dzi bracelet, and said to Gegu: “The living Buddha said that this thing cannot be touched by outsiders.”

Gegu Lama froze for a moment at his words, he also knows that the dzi beads are not allowed to be touched by anyone other than the owner, and hearing Zhuang Rui say this, he believed a few points in his heart, just that the origin of the dzi beads is really important, Gegu spoke up again and asked, “The living Buddha you mentioned, what does it look like? How old is it?”

Zhuang Rui at this time heart also scolded himself stupid, actually did not ask the name of the living Buddha, can only put the appearance of the old lama’s appearance, as well as the general age description, Gegu lama after listening to the heart is to believe seven or eight points, but he also went to verify a little bit, the opening of the door to the several lamas shouted over, so that they are accompanied by Zhuang Rui, the meaning of the meaning is nothing more than the fear of Zhuang Rui to run away, their own hasty entry into the Da Zhao Temple.

“Is there anything to eat? But I’m starving to death.”

Gegu lama left, Zhuang Rui said to Liu Chuan, living on the plateau, every day consumes a lot of physical strength, he had not eaten at noon, this moment is even more feel hungry, hungry unbearable.

“No, buddy I haven’t eaten well at noon!”

Liu Chuan didn’t have a good mood back, in order to find Zhuang Rui, a few of them just dealt with a bite at noon, this time also all feel a little hungry.

“Zhuang Rui, you eat first.”

Seeing Zhuang Rui’s appearance, Qin Xuan Bing was a bit intolerant, and rummaged out a few bags of air-dried beef jerky from her bag, handing it to Zhuang Rui.

“Xuan Bing, thank you! Later on, I’ll turn around and treat you to a big meal.”

Zhuang Rui impatiently stuffed beef jerky into his mouth while saying vaguely, not forgetting to tear the beef jerky in his hand into a shredded form and feed the little white lion in his arms, this little thing is probably also starving and eating with gusto, this is not even quitting breastfeeding before he starts to eat on meat.

“Is not to go alone and XuanXuan to eat a big meal ah! Get rid of the brothers and sisters?”

Zhuang Rui’s words just fell, Liu Chuan said in a conspiratorial manner, that XuanXuan two words called is an affectionate, listen to Lei Lei’s small hand and accurately touched Liu Chuan waist on the soft meat.

Zhuang Rui one to not thin skin, two to this sentence reaction is a little slow, he heard after the face did not change, while the side of the Qin Xuan Bing is to listen to the pretty face of the crimson, revealing the usually not see the shy side.

Bo Mengan secretly sighed in his heart, Hong Kong no which male son has seen Qin Xuan Bing’s this side, although he is to see, but unfortunately, Qin Xuan Bing this full of femininity of the mold, but not to their own outflow, can not help but secretly jealous of Zhuang Rui good luck in the heart.

The people are talking and laughing, Ge Gu Lama also came out from the temple, followed by that Zhuang Rui recognize the Balsang small lama, see this small lama, Zhuang Rui’s heart also let go.

Sure enough, Ge Gu Lama and Zhuang Rui again when talking, the attitude of a lot of respect, simply to treat elders generally, he has inquired clearly, can let a long time did not ask the things of the Great Zhao Temple, strong Baro Zhu living Buddha, personally instill the top of the enchantment, and give a gift to the person who is accompanied by the artifacts, its identity is certainly not simple, how does he know, Zhuang Rui this time is dipped in the arms of the light of the little white lion.

“The living Buddha asked me to convey to you, all beings, from the beginning of time, lost themselves for things.”

Balsang small lama to Zhuang Rui said a few headless words, on their own back to the temple to go, leaving a bewildered crowd, but these words Zhuang Rui is firmly memorized, ready to go back to look up.

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