Chapter 0087 – Grassland Black Market (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:03:53
A+ A- Turn Off Light

This tent set up on the grass was huge. Occupies an area of about forty to fifty square meters, with the method of internal support outside the cloak, first a bracket to support the inner tent, and then the waterproof outer tent cloak, and then fixed, in the ground around the inside of the ground but also hit the ground nails for reinforcement, this support method is more convenient, dismantling is most convenient, seven or eight people in the four corners of a collection of a few minutes can be packed up properly.

Tent in addition to a few tables and chairs and people, is a pot of boiling water is boiling, the rest and then nothing, even the shadow of a cultural relics have not seen, and it seems that people have not come together, the black market auction is not to start the meaning of Zhuang Rui sitting there idly bored, raised his eyes to measure up these people in the tent.

Tent has now sat eleven people, nine men and two women, sitting on the right side of the Zhuang Rui seven or eight meters away, is an age of about forty years old or so middle-aged, extremely fat. That belly is really not to be complimented, sitting there is like a meatball sunk in the chair in general, I’m afraid that if this person stands up, lowered his head absolutely can not see their own small dd and toes.

Fat boss’s side, also sat a sufficient age to be his daughter’s girl, wearing a fur jacket, jacket inside seems to be only a small low-cut undershirt, face is thick makeup, demonic extreme, the whole tent, can smell the smell of perfume on her body, the girl’s entire body is almost all lying on the body of the middle-aged man, facing her Zhuang Rui, almost do not have to raise their eyes, you can see the chest! Those two masses of soft flesh that had been squeezed and somewhat deformed.

Behind the fat boss, also stood a young man in his early twenties, robust, carrying a password box in his hand, in Zhuang Rui and others just entered the tent, the man’s eyes have been staring at Zhou Rui, should be the role of the fat boss bodyguard category.

Sitting on the left hand side of Zhuang Rui, but the age of two in the sixty years old, both relatively thin, but hale and hearty, look at people’s eyes are also very sharp, is a little bit like in the antique line inside the old players, their hands. Also carry a bag, looks like here is only accept cash transactions, these two old people seem to give that fat man is very dissatisfied, eyes look over, the nose issued a very disdainful “hum” sound.

The remaining six people, also divided into three circles, looks like two people came together, sitting more scattered, are whispering something, and the room in addition to the sultry woman, there is a woman, wearing a large black frame sunglasses, can not clearly see her appearance, from the skin of the face, the age should not be very large, the woman’s knees on a laptop, is looking at the computer screen and the side of a man talking, look at the man, the man is very happy to see you, and the woman is very happy to see you. The woman had a laptop on her lap, looking at the computer screen and a man beside her, looking at the man’s attitude, somewhat like the woman’s followers.

A few other men were dressed very tastefully, and seemed to be quite wealthy, but these people didn’t talk to each other. They even subconsciously avoided each other’s gaze, not to mention looking around like Zhuang Rui.

Only in the right corner of the tent, there were two people standing, dressed the same as those people outside, these two people didn’t talk either, their eyes with a wary gaze, looking at the crowd in the tent.

Zhuang Rui in measuring these people in the tent, but also more subtle, Liu Chuan this guy can be a straight eyebrow in the eyes of others, and then on the man was long face full of flesh, look at people when the eyes of how it seems like ill-will, engage in a few minutes, sitting around Liu Chuan three or four people, have stood up, the kind of plastic made with a backrest of chairs, to the distance from the Liu Chuan far away from the place, moved over.

The fat man did not care about Liu Chuan’s gaze, the corner of his mouth crooked a bit, and Liu Chuan glanced at the side of the beautiful woman, still flirting, must be relying on the bodyguards behind him, and did not put Liu Chuan in the eyes, these days, as long as the money, there is no such thing as a bad thing, there is no such thing as a bad person.

“Brother Ma, your drinking capacity is really big! Yesterday, you made my little sister drink so much that she couldn’t do it… This is Neptune’s Gold (preventive advertisement). Drinking a little after drinking, it’s good for your body, no no, don’t move, I’ll feed you.”

Demonic woman’s voice rang out in the tent, also don’t know she never took out a bottle of Sea King Gold health care nutrient solution, holding the throat to feed that fat man to drink, that fat man also eat this set, smiling both eyes are squinted into a slit, mouth drinking nutrient solution, that pair of big hands is in the demonic woman’s fat buttocks swimming.

“I pooh!”

One of those two old men couldn’t hold back any longer, opening his mouth and letting a mouthful of spit on the ground, his mouth shouting loudly, “Long Jie, did you take the wrong medicine today? What kind of people have you invited! Don’t know what to say.”

The old man’s temper was quite big, when he spoke, he also gave Zhuang Rui and the others a horizontal glance, the few people who looked at him were a bit puzzled, the brothers didn’t provoke him ah!

Hearing the old man’s shouts, the middle-aged man who led Liu Chuan and the others in just now, hurriedly lifted the curtain and walked in, saying, “Boss Xie, what is it that makes you so angry?”

Zhuang Rui and his party didn’t see it. This middle-aged man is actually also a Tibetan, originally thought he was a Han Chinese, because in his face, but can not see the Tibetan face plateau red, and this person’s Mandarin is also spoken quite fluently, with a taste of Beijing, must also be a person with a head.

That Xie old man just shouted when quite cross, but after Long Jie came in, his attitude is convergence of some, said: “eight to now, almost four hours. In the past, we used to start as soon as we arrived, what’s wrong today? If it doesn’t work, let’s come back next time!”

It is said that a person is old and refined, the edges of the temper will be polished almost no more, but this old man’s temper, like it is bigger than Liu Chuan, but today this thing is really the black market organizer’s wrong, Xie old man this word out, the side of the crowd also have to concur, for a time, the tent became lively.

“Everyone, everyone, be quiet, today I invited everyone to come, there are indeed a few good old objects, but there are still a few guests who haven’t arrived, delaying everyone’s work, so let’s do it this way! All the items involved in the auction today, on the price of the transaction, all down five percent, count me Long Jie to everyone to make amends, everyone see how?”

Long Jie look guilty of anger, hastily clasped his hands to the surrounding bow, and this person also acted decisively enough, immediately thought of a way to calm the anger of the group, we must know, here to deal with an object, less than a few thousand, more than a few tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of yuan, to 100,000 yuan, five percent is 5,000, this kind of concessions, is enough to show his sincerity to the.

“Boss Langjie, I came here because I heard you have something good here, it doesn’t matter if it’s money or not, just take it out quickly! We don’t care about the five percent.”

After the crowd heard Long Jie’s words, they all didn’t squeak, just that fat boss opened his mouth and spoke, his thick carrot-like fingers, waving them in a very imposing manner.

“Hahaha ……”

Liu Chuan finally couldn’t help but laugh out, this fat man also don’t know where to come from a very good, he said this sentence out, not only offended all the people inside the tent, also equals to the seller said: “We have money, under the knife slaughter us when, although ruthless.”

See a tent inside the people are looking at themselves with a smile on their face, the fat man again stupid also know that these people are laughing at themselves, at the moment the eyes opened, glaring at Liu Chuan over, Liu Chuan which eat this set ah! Directly towards the feet of the fat man spat a mouthful of spit, a face of provocation back to stare at the past.

The fat man is very hard to hold the chair on both sides of the handle, want to stand up, can get up to half, looked at Liu Chuan they have three people, and are young and strong, their own a bodyguard may not be able to fight over, and then sat back, said: “We are quality people, not and have not seen the world of the general understanding of the soil leopard.”

Long Jie see these two groups of people seem to pinch on, also did not open his mouth to dissuade, for him, the more the two sides do not see eye to eye, the better, wait until the auction of things, naturally, someone will have to do something.

“Yeah! Those people are so rude, Brother Ma, you’re a big man, don’t be general with them, hehe, Brother Ma, look at the puppy in that person’s arms, it’s so cute! You said you would buy one for me, and you haven’t bought one until now, I have no one to accompany me when I’m lonely alone, Brother Ma ……”

The sultry woman was very good at coaxing people, in two sentences, she straightened out the fat boss’s heart, but when her eyes saw the little white lion in Zhuang Rui’s arms, she was immediately captivated, pulling out a long tone and pouting to the fat boss, listening to the crowd’s body goosebumps all up.

“Well, well, is not just a dog, you go ask him to buy, how much money can be, we are not bad money.”

Fatty also knows that he does not seem to be too pleasing to the eye, did not personally go to find Zhuang Rui to buy a dog, but let the woman who is sticking to him to say.

To say that the little white lion’s selling looks, that’s really good, after Zhuang Rui’s Reiki conditioning, a snow white long hair, softly sticking to the body, those who don’t know the inside story, will think that this is a pet dog.

“Really, Brother Ma you are too good, barf!”

The sultry woman very loudly left a lipstick on the fat man’s face, stood up and twisted her waist in the direction of Zhuang Rui and the others.

“Hey, you, talking about you, distance away ah! Stand there on the line, brother I can’t stand the flavor.”

The demonic woman is still four or five meters away from Zhuang Rui, Liu Chuan opened his mouth to speak, although this woman’s appearance and figure are good, just the body of that perfume flavor, is really smoky.

“Aigoo, I’m not looking for you, I’m looking for that big brother.”

The demonic woman simply does not eat Liu Chuan that set, with a burst of vomit-inducing perfume flavor, came to Zhuang Rui in front of him.

Slightly wrinkled his nose, Zhuang Rui looked at the woman unhappily and said, “This dog is not for sale, love to do what you do.”

“Big brother, you see I do quite like small animals, you open a price, Ma will not return the price, let me okay ah!”

“Not for sale!” Zhuang Rui lazy and this woman nonsense, cold from the mouth of the spit out two words.

“Ten thousand yuan, how about it, big brother, this price is not low, right?”

Demonic woman said while looking at the fat man, see the fat man’s face did not have the color of undying, which then looked to Zhuang Rui, and put his body up, it is estimated that if she is not afraid of the fat man is not happy, can put the chest of the two groups of soft meat, squeezed to Zhuang Rui’s face to go.

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