Chapter 0107 – Hearing About Gambling Stones for the First Time

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:04:47
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“Xiao Zhuang ah! This painting, I framed it, you come here to pick it up after half a month.”

It seems that just now, uncovering the layers of the painting, consumed a lot of energy of Elder Fang, this will be the color of fatigue is obvious, the tone of speech is not as neutral as just now.

“Thank you Grandpa Fang, I brought thirty thousand dollars here, consider it as the material fee!”

Zhuang Rui heart rejoiced, after knowing the identity of this one from Song Jun’s mouth, Zhuang Rui also understood that after his painting was framed by Grandpa Fang, it was even more complementary and doubled in value.

“Do not need so much, you leave 10,000 dollars down on the line, the old man I am almost into the grave, but also to see this piece of Tang Bohu’s authenticity, but also considered the blessing of the eyes, okay, you first go back! When the framing is done, I’ll give Song kid a call.”

The old man waved his hand, signaling that the two could leave. Zhuang Rui respectfully left ten thousand dollars, and said goodbye to Song Jun.

After returning to the Mercedes Benz, Zhuang Rui set aside the little white lion that pounced on him, and asked Song Jun: “Brother Song, Master Fang’s hand in framing, I’m afraid that the materials used won’t be bad, is 10,000 dollars enough?”

“Nonsense, of course not enough, it is estimated that the old master will use the old rosewood to do the axle head, this price is not expensive, but his disciples and grandchildren’s filial piety is much, these materials can not spend any money, brother Zhuang, do you believe it or not, if you take the painting away from him today, do not give him framed, this old master is afraid that the money backward will let you stay.”

Song Jun at this time had already sobered up from the shock of seeing Tang Pak Fu’s real painting, while driving, he joked with Zhuang Rui.

“How can it be, the old man is not a person who has never seen the world, by his hand framed more famous paintings, there is no need to put down the stature of me as a junior because of a painting, right?”

Zhuang Rui is not quite believe the words of Song Jun, living to the age of the old man Fang, has long reached the realm of not to be happy with things, not to their own sadness, will not be for a painting to lose their composure.

“Hey, I said Xiao Zhuang. You do not believe, or let’s make a bet, now turn back to go to that painting to come back, you see that the old man will be what reaction, but the words first said in the head, if I guessed right, such as your painting framed, but to prioritize the sale to me, how about it, bet or not?”

Song Jun said here, the horse’s foot is exposed, dare he has long been on the idea of this painting.

Looking at Song Jun a picture of seducing children, Zhuang Rui could not help but smile, said: “Song brother, you can rest assured! I have invested this time funds to the mastiff to go, is the turnover is not open, such as the old man framed, you look to open a price! But I have a request, you have to promise to do.”

“What requirements. You just say, old brother can do, must help you do, old brother I can not do, please out of the old man at home, can also help you do.”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Song Jun was overjoyed, and quickly patted his chest and made a promise, lifting out his own old man, so it was evident that he attached great importance to this painting.

“In fact, there is nothing, is to the outside, don’t say this painting from my here on the line, I have been feeling a little too lucky this time, don’t cause any trouble is not good.”

Zhuang Rui knows, Liu Chuan sold that piece of rosewood root carving to Lv shopkeeper thing, surely also can not escape Song Jun’s ears, simply say explicitly that their luck is good, so that other people instead will not have any suspicion.

Sure enough, Song Jun smiled at his words, looked at Zhuang Rui approvingly and said: “Your kid is not old, but things are much more stable than Da Chuan, knowing that wood shows in the forest, the wind will destroy the road, good, very good, I agree to this condition, but your kid’s luck is really good ah! Some people in the line of work for a lifetime, may not be able to pick up a big leak. To you here can be good, see two in a row, but also all the good stuff, old brother I am looking at the greedy, no, the next time to go to Pingzhou, you go with me.”

“Pingzhou? What place? There are many antiques there?”

Zhuang Rui was a little confused by Song Jun’s words.

“No, there are no antiques there, it’s a gambling market, playing that thing, but it’s more exciting than playing antiques, and it’s luck that accounts for a large part of it, there’s not much skill to speak of.”

Song Jun knows Zhuang Rui into the profession soon, gambling this line of work, although from the nineties on the rise, but also is the international jade market in recent years after the rise in prices, only began to heat up, generally not the jewelry industry or professional speculators, simply do not know the term gambling.

“Gambling on stones?”

In Zhuang Rui’s mind, he couldn’t help but think of his own two stones with emerald in the center.

“Yes, it’s gambling on stones, Xiao Zhuang. The doorway here can be big, from the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, the jewelry industry has a jargon called ‘gambling line’. The so-called ‘gambling line’ refers to the jewelry player to the jewelry line to find a pair of jadeite eyes, jadeite trade, especially the trade of the original stone, the success of the whole depends on luck, just like gambling, lottery, like the investment in the future, this is the gambling stone.”

Song Jun paused for a moment, face some indignation, said: “I can’t luck, playing antiques is not bad. Although also go blind to pay tuition fees, but the amount is not large, but some time ago, betting on the collapse of a raw stone, let me lose more than 20 million, damn, wait for the opportunity, let’s go back to find this son.”

Song Jun’s words, let Zhuang Rui ate a shock, although from Song Jun’s explanation, Zhuang Rui understand what is called gambling on stones, but twenty million dollars only bought a stone, this emerald in the end what is the price ah! Even the stones that were not opened out would be worth so much.

“Hey, don’t say it, bad luck, wait for you to take you later, then I will give you a detailed explanation, where are you going now? Is it home or what, I’ll give you a ride.”

Song Jun seems to be a little nagging about this matter, not willing to bring it up again, and blocked back the words Zhuang Rui asked to the edge of his mouth, making Zhuang Rui depressed in his heart, but since he knows about this matter, he can also inquire about it from other places later, just his own two stones with emerald, its value seems to be re-examined.

“I’ll go home! In the afternoon Dachuan come to pick me up, to go to the mastiff that piece of land to see, sorry ……”

“The phone number you dialed is empty ……”

Before Zhuang Rui’s words fell, the cell phone rang.

“Hello, is it brother Zhuang? I’m Daxiong ah! We’ve got something going on here, we can’t find the boss anywhere, can you get in touch with him?”

Just after connecting the phone, the voice of Daxiong, who only joined Liu Chuan’s pet store yesterday, came out. It seems to be something urgent, the voice was quite loud, even Song Jun who was driving heard it.

Zhuang Rui looked at the caller’s phone number, it was from Liu Chuan’s store, so he said to Daxiong, “Wait a minute, I’ll contact Liu Chuan first, let him call towards the store.” After saying that Zhuang Rui hung up the phone and dialed Liu Chuan’s phone.

“The phone you dialed, is temporarily not in the service area ……”

“Where did this kid run off to ah! Didn’t he go to do the mastiff license in the morning?”

Hearing the mechanical female voice coming from the phone, Zhuang Rui helplessly hung up the phone and dialed Daxiong again.

“Daxiong, this will be Dachuan’s phone can’t get through, so tell me what’s going on first! I’ll see if I can handle it.”

“Brother Zhuang, it’s like this, in the morning, the monkey came back from the park, when he passed by a pet store next to him, he pulled over a few customers from that store, this is something he did wrong, but just now, when the monkey and I were about to go to dinner, a few police officers came and took the monkey away, saying that the owner of that store called the police, and that they lost a gold dragonfish in their store, and that the bite was monkey stole it.”

“Brother Zhuang, you have to believe us! Although our brothers have done a lot of things in the past, but ‘stealing and robbing’ this word, we never stained, I just went to the police station to ask, they said that the gold dragon is worth a few tens of thousands of dollars, has been regarded as a grand larceny, and is preparing to file a case, which can’t find the owner, how can it be good ah!”

Daxiong speak has fast with a crying voice, he and the monkey is also more than ten years of brothers, life friendship, the previous to Tianjin to buy grasshopper gourd was cheated in the money, there is also a monkey’s 10,000 dollars, things happen, the monkey did not say anything, just Daxiong own heart is very guilty, now out of this, he hated into the bureau is their own.

“These two boys I know, all day is to pit and cheat to think of some crooked ideas, but in the antique line, these are very normal, these two boys are still quite sophisticated, these years did not cause anything, how to mix to Da Chuan’s store to do?”

Song Jun has a storefront in the antique market, and there is a teahouse next to the market, although not often, but the people and things on that street are very well understood.

Zhuang Rui heard thought for a moment, these two people only yesterday to Da Chuan store, although today do this thing is not quite reliable, but obviously that shopkeeper is also defamed monkey, now can not find Liu Chuan, they have to not go to help ask, but also will be chilled these two people’s heart.

Thinking here, Zhuang Rui said to the phone end of the big Xiong: “Xiong, you first do not rush, in the store and so on me, I’m going over, let’s go together and then to the police station to inquire about, there will be no matter, really can not, I give Uncle Liu call, although this is not his jurisdiction, but speak or make.”

“OK, OK, I’ll wait for you in the store, brother Zhuang, thank you ah!”

Hearing Zhuang Rui mentioned Liu father, Daxiong has been lifting the heart, was put down, he is afraid that he and the monkey just came, Liu Chuan does not help him out, now Zhuang Rui promised, naturally there is no problem.

Antique bird market, not many people do not know Liu Chuan his father, when Daxiong and monkey was hit by Liu Chuan, is also Liu’s father to go out to deal with, the old man is not confused, but in the small things, has always been to help relatives do not help, their son can only teach their own lessons, if not Liu Chuan did not suffer, he would like to go up and then kick a few feet.

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