Chapter 0125 Chicken Chickens (VI)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:05:33
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Zhuang Rui did not answer Qian Yao Si’s words. Rather, he was thinking about where he went wrong, the store is so big, a glance can be seen through the store ceramics have been seen by themselves, and none of them is true, and then again, since it is “fishing” used to open the door to the object, it should be placed in a more conspicuous place, it is not possible to hide inside the nooks and crannies of the wall to go.

While thinking about the mind, Zhuang Rui while looking for a teapot on the table, the dishes eaten tonight, slightly salty, this will be his mouth, but also a little thirsty, the cup is too small, a mouthful of tea, not at all to quench the thirst.

Zhuang Rui looked around on the table to see, that is only slightly larger than the fist of the alabaster kettle, was Qian Yao Si a fat hand to cover, dissatisfied, said: “money boss, you grab a kettle why ah! Drinking your water is not that petty!”

“Oh, how could it be, I come to pour tea for Mr. Zhuang, my tea, but Fujian Da Hong Pao ah, although it is not the six tea trees on the growth, but it is also on the market can not be bought, today, if it is not the ancient brother to come, plus and a few children to the right place, this tea I will not take out.”

Qian Yao Si while refilling the water in the alabaster pot, his mouth while chanting, he said the big red robe tea, Zhuang Rui some time ago when soaking in the Song Jun teahouse, but also heard of its reputation.

“Dahongpao”, also known as fir tea tree, grows in Wuyi Mountain Jiulongke high rock cliffs, the rock wall is still preserved in 1927, Tianxin Temple monk made “Dahongpao” stone carving, where the sunshine is short, more reflective light, the temperature difference between day and night is large, the top of the rock all year round, there is a fine spring moisturizing The top of the rock is infiltrated by fine springs all year round. This special natural environment, created the special quality of Dahongpao, Dahongpao tea tree existing 6 plants, are shrubs tea bush, leaf thicker, buds slightly.

“Dahongpao” has always had many myths and legends, but also because it is always very mysterious. Its mystery, first of all, lies in its rarity. The history of the big red robe, originally less, and now recognized big red robe, only a few trees on the rock wall of Jiulongke. Full count, the best years, tea production is only a few hundred grams.

Since ancient times, things are rare is expensive. So few things, naturally, is worth a hundred times more. Republic of China when a catty is worth 64 silver dollars, folded when the rice 4,000 pounds, a few years ago, there are Jiulongkuo big red red, sunlight irradiation of tea trees and rocks, rock light reflection, red brilliant very conspicuous.

The reason why the big red robe is of particular interest, not only because of its to robe tea to the market auction, 20 grams was shot 156,800 yuan, creating the highest price of tea record! Such a rare and expensive tea, the ordinary people how to see, not to mention tasting.

Hearing Qian Yao Si said this is the Great Red Robe tea, Zhuang Rui is to pay attention to a few points, but this tea tasting is really not a moment to learn, he drank in his mouth. Seems to feel not as good as Song Jun teahouse inside, those tea masters bubble out of the tea flavor it!

“Boss Qian, you this object hidden but really deep ah! Kid is Ganbai …… eek, huh, today is to thank the money boss of you, kid this time also like on the tea tasting, nah no set of good tea set, rare money boss of such a generous, the kid will be grateful.”

Zhuang Rui had already planned to admit defeat, but he didn’t intend to sell the dzi beads, and was pondering in his mind how to shrug it off when his eyes unintentionally swept over the alabaster cup in his hand, and his heart stirred for a moment.

This range of pottery is very wide, Qin brick Han tile is pottery, terracotta warriors can also be said to be pottery, this alabaster cup, naturally, is also pottery, so Zhuang Rui concede words did not continue, but with aura probed the cup, and as expected, it contains a large number of aura, although the color is white, but the number of its quantity, can be comparable to that piece of purple sandalwood Maitreya Buddha root carving.

“Hahahaha, dead money ah dead money, the organ is still being seen to be broken right! Value, old man this trip is really worth it. I didn’t expect the famous Deadly Money, actually will also planted a heel, haha ……”

At this time to laugh, naturally, only the ancient old man, money Yao Si at this moment the fat face, has been worried about squeezed together, the poor face ah, almost let Zhuang Rui asked for this alabaster pot words, almost did not say, but think of this fat old man’s abominable, Zhuang Rui or out of the mouth to ask for it.

It can be said that the money Yao Si really counted all the organs, anyone did not think, this big open door of the old objects, he can come out to use, according to the general common sense, must be placed in a conspicuous place to solicit customers, Zhuang Rui until now is still some confusion, according to the money Yao Si said, this alabaster pots should be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, the old man how to be like a general artifacts such as the use of the accidentally knocked off, then it is not to be! It is too late to regret!

In fact, although Zhuang Rui this period of time, also understand some knowledge about the purple sand pot. But he is still not very clear about the collection of purple clay pots, one of the benefits of purple clay pots can “wrap the aroma, exudes heat” long time to absorb the tea, more oily luster, some people say that the more purple clay pots used for a long time, the more valuable, said this is the reason.

Qian Yao Si usually not in this store, this set of purple clay pots is in accordance with the normal means of maintenance, but if he came, will use this pot to brew a cup of tea, and old friends chatting Kanye West and so on. Today he and the jewelry association of the ancient vice chairman of the appointment, is to come to the store in advance, bubble tea in waiting, did not expect to be the first to wait for Zhuang Rui several people.

Qin Xuan Bing and other people saw Qian Yao Si this look, also know this bet, is Zhuang Rui won, although some inexplicable, but are very happy, Liu Chuan is the Zhuang Rui hand that the alabaster cup snatched the past, turning over and over to see, want to understand how this broken thing can be worth a few hundred thousand.

See Qian Yao Si bitter face silence, Liu Chuan out of words to squeeze: “money old man, you are not the regret it?”

“This is really the Yangtze River’s wave pushing the front wave ah! Ancient brother, we are old, in the future will look at these young people, Zhuang little brother, you can rest assured, although my money old man love money, but this said the words, has never been not accurate, this set of zisha pots, later I will pack up, you take away!”

Qian Yao Si face some despondency, he since the time of understanding, has not eaten such a big loss, in the antique line, although also walked through the eyes of the tuition, but that is a million or so expenses, this set of pots just a few days ago, there is a Hong Kong businessman to him at a price of four hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars, due to the market in recent years the rise of zisha pots, especially in recent generations of the pots of the masters of the excellent works, often higher than the price of the Ming and Qing dynasty pots of the masters of the price of this set of pots is perfect quality, and the pots, the pots, the pots and the pots of the masters of the price of this set of pots. This set of pots is in perfect condition, and the inheritance is in order, the appreciation of the space is very big, Qian Yao Si did not agree to sell at that time. I didn’t think that in the twinkling of an eye, it actually became someone else’s.

“The old man took the liberty of asking, Zhuang little brother teacher which ah! To have such insight at such a young age is truly remarkable, by the way, since you can see that this pot of mine is an open door old object, are you able to tell its origin? Of course, this set of zisha pots is already yours, it doesn’t matter if you can’t tell me.”

Qian Yao Si is also a person who has been through the storm, although this pot is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, but for his wealth, but only a hair, just now the reason why there is a feeling of loss, that is also common sense, ask would have won the bet, suddenly be flipped, who would not be comfortable in their hearts.

Qian Yao Si while talking, while handing the pot to Zhuang Rui, Zhuang Rui will first pour out the remaining water in the alabaster pot, and then turn the pot over, look at the bottom of the paragraph, there is a side of Inscription, on the book: Zhu Kexin, three words.

Seeing this inscription, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but be happy, although his level of appreciation of antiques is not good, but Zhuang Rui’s memory is particularly good, not long ago in a book that introduces zisha artists, I have seen the name of Zhu Kexin, because of its special contribution to modern zisha pots, so Zhuang Rui remembered deeply.

In 1904 Zhu Kexin was born in Yixing Dingshu town, original name Zhu Kai long, art name “Kexin” implies that the false hearted, can be teacher and “a cup of water in the mountain, can clear the heart of heaven and earth,” the meaning of 1931, Zhu Kexin employed in Jiangsu Province Yixing ceramic vocational school kiln science and technology workers, this time, Zhu Kexin in the Yixing ceramics industry, the Yixing ceramics industry, the Yixing ceramics school kiln science and technology workers. In 1931, Zhu Kexin was employed by Jiangsu Yixing Ceramics Vocational School Kiln Technology Worker, during which he created alabaster coffee sets, and in the following year, he elaborated Yunlong Tripod and Bamboo Tripod to participate in the U.S. Chicago Exposition, and won the “Premium Prize”, which made a deep impression on Zhuang Rui and originated from this.

Zhu Kexin’s early works “bamboo tripod”, and even by the collection of Song Mei Ling, after the founding of the country, it is a fine product times, in December 1953, was invited to participate in the Ministry of Culture to identify the “National Folk Artistes Observation Conference”, its works “Yunlong pots” a great deal of glory, in 1956 was ordered to be a tutor for the molding technology of zisha, the design of creation of the round Pine, bamboo and plum pots, squirrel grapes, a section of bamboo, antique bamboo, etc. by the “China Arts and Crafts Traveling Exhibition” to Sri Lanka and other countries, and won the first prize. These items are now hidden in the Nanjing Museum.

“Qian old master, this set of zisha pots should be Zhu Kemin middle-aged works! The body of this ‘Cloud Dragon Pot’ is decorated with summer clouds, ever-changing, airy and coherent – vivid image, I think it must be the one made by Zhu Kexin in 53 years, and this set of eleven well-preserved, is also rare, I do not know if what the kid said is correct?”

Zhuang Rui counted, this set of alabaster pot even coasters, teacups, pot cover a total of eleven pieces, each piece of the bottom of the paragraph, rare is this set of alabaster tea set, there is not the slightest breakage, and the pulp rounded natural, even to Zhuang Rui this outsider’s eyes, can see its extraordinary to say that it is a big open door objects, not too much.

“Do not hide from the two old masters say, I am also only recently enamored of the collection of this line of work, usually read some of this kind of books, there is really no one to lead me into the door.”

Zhuang Rui said this is not bad, Uncle De did want to teach him three times some knowledge of antique appreciation, but that will Zhuang Rui is not interested in this line of work, his knowledge of zisha pots and Zhu Kexin, it is really their own from the book.

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