Chapter 0131 – Worldly Friendship (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:05:48
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Ancient, nothing major. There’s a complaint from a guest, I’ll handle it.”

After seeing Ancient and his party walking over, Deputy Director Zhao hurriedly greeted them.

“Hehe, Xiao Zhuang, why are you here ah, others say pass through the door but don’t enter, you’ve come through the door and didn’t say you’d come to see the old man, it’s really making the old man angry!”

Old man Gu nodded to deputy director Zhao, and at a glance, he realized that the two young men standing in the middle of the crowd were the ones he had seen yesterday, and he was especially impressed by Zhuang Rui, the one who could make the famous “Deadly Money” suffer was enough to make him pay attention to him.

In the antique line, speak of generation speak heritage these are not false, but more importantly, you have to have real talent, Zhuang Rui yesterday in the ceramic appraisal performance, is the ancient himself, the heart is also ashamed of inferior.

See the ancient to Zhuang Rui words affectionate, and went forward to pat Zhuang Rui’s shoulder. This attitude is actually like a peer-to-peer, look around the crowd is not a drop of glasses, Zhao deputy director is the eyeballs are fast out, can not believe what they see in all this.

Ancient in the domestic jewelry appraisal of this circle, can be said to be no one can out of its left and right, by his appreciation of the jewelry, all are doubled in value, its disciples and grandchildren are all over the sea and abroad, in the jewelry line of the reputation is unparalleled, just his age, in the Jade Association hung a name, although not responsible for specific things, but by his handwritten appraisal conclusions, than the domestic appraisal of any one jade appraisal institutions. appraisal results, are more authoritative.

“Old master, my friend is an exhibitor of this exhibition, I came over to help.”

Zhuang Rui was a little embarrassed to see that the ancient was so enthusiastic, he had seen the ancient sitting on the temporary podium outside as early as the opening of the exhibition, but being conscious that he and the ancient was just a one-sided relationship, he didn’t go up to strike up a conversation.

“Well, Xiao Zhuang, what’s the matter, together with this exhibitor who was complained about, it’s these two little girls ah! Deputy Director Zhao. What’s going on here?”

Ancient glanced towards the surrounding crowd, then to Zhuang Rui and the others who were surrounded in the center, where would he still not understand what was going on, and immediately asked the one next to him.

“Nothing, nothing, Ancient, it should all be a misunderstanding, well, well, everyone disperse! There’s nothing to see.” Zhao deputy director saw ancient and Zhuang Rui familiar appearance, where still dare to continue to find trouble, to know, he is not afraid to withdraw from this temporary organizing committee, but he is afraid of ancient ah, if ancient in the jewelry appraisal of this line of work on the words, immediately can smash his dinner of the guys.

“Misunderstanding? This guy molested a woman, but also the first to complain, your organizing committee does not investigate clearly, to seal our booth, this is also called a misunderstanding? Deputy Director Zhao. Can you explain?”

After Lei Lei heard Deputy Director Zhao’s words, but she didn’t agree, she was justified when she was looking for trouble, but now she was shouting about a misunderstanding, it was too late!

“What exactly is going on? Xiao Liu, come over here.”

Ancient frowned, he was not familiar with this Director Zhao, at that moment, he ordered a person he recognized in the crowd and walked to the side to ask about the cause.

“Nonsense, pure nonsense, seeing that there are only two girls exhibiting in the others, they can be at your mercy? What is your organizing committee doing, sealing other people’s booths without investigating clearly, how do you do your job?”

This person did not dare to hide something from the ancient, so he described the matter that Wang Cun found the organizing committee, and Director Zhao’s attitude of favoritism to Wang Cun was also revealed, he was just a staff member, the leader had a command, naturally followed, but this person also looked down on Wang Cun, and in the middle of the words, he said Wang Cun’s nickname as well as the origin of that nickname.

Simply hear Wang Yi stick this gag, ancient where will still not understand what is going on, at the same time on the loud to Zhao deputy director reprimanded up, as for Wang cord that kind of scum, he simply lazy to take care of.

“Ancient, this …… is all a misunderstanding ah! I’ll definitely go back and find out the cause of the matter and give several people an explanation.”

Cold sweat had appeared on Deputy Director Zhao’s forehead at this time. He didn’t expect that Ancient for the sake of these few young people, would actually send such a big fire, in front of the crowd a little bit of emotion are not left to themselves, it seems that he still underestimated the relationship between the young man just now, and Ancient.

“Ancient, they were the ones who hit first, I didn’t do anything! You old man this is a bit unfair!”

Wang cord at this time unconvinced, just received a slap from Liu Chuan, making him angry, plus although he had heard of the ancient name, but it is not a very good understanding of it, and now see the ancient old man rely on the old, Zhao deputy director head nodded like a chicken pecking rice general, can not help but shouted out loud to the injustice.

“Whose brat are you?” Old Master Gu gave Wang Kung a somewhat disgusted look and casually asked.

“Jinling Royal Jewelry is our family, I’m also an exhibitor in this exhibition, they beat me up for no reason, you can’t be thick-skinned, old master!”

Wang Cunxiang chest reported the family, in his opinion, in Jinling this lot, Wang’s Jewelry is considered a predator level, this old man must also give a few points of face it! He did not know, because of his self-explosion, Wang’s Jewelry in the subsequent many jade suppliers to dissolve the cooperative relationship, in the back of a long period of time struggling, until after understanding what happened, only to trust people to try to find a way to beg the old man to the ancient master, these are the aftermath of the story, let’s not talk about it for the time being.

“Since you’re an exhibitor, there’s no such thing as assaulting a customer, and besides that little brother isn’t from this booth. You can go to the police and just don’t gather around here, Director Zhao, were there more people gathered around before you took the person away?”

Ancient face has been very ugly, Zhao deputy director after hearing the words, hastily led the organizing committee staff to leave, Wang Cung struggling neck still want to speak, but also Zhao deputy director pulled away, he is aware of the old man’s energy, a word can make Wang Cung’s company face the situation of tight supply of goods, Wang Cung, if you don’t know how to be interesting, will inevitably cause trouble for the family.

Only Liu Chuan is very upset, this old man and Leilei how the same ah! Not moving to send people to the bureau inside, buddy although grew up there, but also do not love to stay there overnight ah!

“Okay, you guys go and get busy! I’ll stay here for a while.”

Ancient said to the people who accompanied him, leaving only a middle-aged man by his side that Zhuang Rui had seen yesterday.

“Female child ah! The jewelry styles you have here, but they’re not selling well! These diamonds and emeralds are not low grade, but they are not considered to be the best, the general public can’t afford to buy them, and the people who really need them can’t see them, so this is not good!”

After dismissing the people around him, Ancient dismissed the people around him, circled around Qin Xuan Bing’s booth to take a closer look at them, then sat down inside the booth and voiced his thoughts.

Qin Xuan Bing to the ancient and the middle-aged man behind him up a cup of water, here naturally no money Yao Si store in the big red robe, and then spoke: “Ancient, our exhibition this time, the preparations are relatively hasty, many exhibits are not in place, the very best jadeite and diamond jewelry, our Hong Kong store is not no. Just time is too late, it can only be so. Just time is too late, can only be so, by the way, ancient, here I have a just opened out of the jadeite, you old give evaluation?”

Zhuang Rui heard Qin Xuan Bing’s words, was about to speak out to stop when Qin Xuan Bing had already pulled out the piece of glass seed jadeite from her pocket, since Zhuang Rui gave it to her, Qin Xuan Bing has always been with her.

Ancient over the years, rarely go to some business appraisal jewelry, is afraid of being some people stole their own reputation, but at this time to see Qin Xuanbing talk between the emerald has taken out, is not good enough to refuse, reach out to borrow the past, behind the middle-aged man handed over a pair of presbyopia glasses and a production of the extremely delicate small flashlight, the old man slowly and methodically put on the glasses, before the heart of the emerald in the hand to get in front of the eyes, to the It looked.

“This emerald water type is good, eh?”

Ancient was originally a bit careless, and his mouth commented casually, but when he put his attention on the emerald, he immediately stopped talking and turned on the small flashlight in his hand that radiated a strong light. After about five or six minutes, the ancient will hand back to Qin Xuan Bing jadeite in his hand, and out of the blue asked: “girl child, your family in Hong Kong’s jewelry company, which one is ah?” After hearing that it was Qin’s Jewelry in Hong Kong, a hint of understanding flashed in his eyes.

“Oh, so it is an old friend’s granddaughter ah, your grandfather I know, according to say he also long me a generation, you this glass seed of jadeite, the whole body is full of green, this is extremely rare emperor green, your grandfather also rest assured that just so let you carry with you?”

Qin Xuan Bing glanced at Zhuang Rui, honestly replied: “This is Zhuang Rui gave me, not I take out from home, and say home like this quality of jadeite, have been polished into a finished product, this kind of raw stone, that is, there is no home.”

Qin Xuan Bing words reveal a trace of joy, words on Zhuang Rui this gift is extremely satisfied.

Liu Chuan does not understand the preciousness of emerald, after hearing the words of Qin Xuan Bing did not have much reaction, but Lei Lei is not the same, although this piece of emerald is not big, but its value is at least in more than five million, she did not think that Zhuang Rui actually such a large sum of money, and was somewhat surprised to look at Zhuang Rui.

“Not only is little brother Zhuang proficient in the appraisal of ceramics, it seems that he also has deep attainments in jade!”

The ancient master heard that this piece of jadeite is Zhuang Rui gave Qin Xuan Bing, is also some shock, he can see that this piece of jadeite just taken out of the stone soon, are not how carefully polished, obviously should be Zhuang Rui myself cut out, can not hurt the jadeite surface in the slightest, this eyesight and judgment of the kung fu, is not the average person can have.

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