Chapter 0139 – A Blade to Heaven, A Blade to Hell (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:06:08
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“Little brother, you let this security guard let us in. We’re just taking a look, we’re not going to rob you, what are you afraid of!”

Speaking is that called the old Huo middle-aged man, this word out, behind a few jade merchants nodded their heads, they are these people do not do great business jade merchants, there is no qualification or funds to participate in the major jadeite disk inside, can only be in the domestic jade exhibition and sale will pick up a little wool, at this time to see Liu Chuan opened a superb emerald, immediately like the cat smelled the fishy smell, all surrounded over.

“Let a few of them come in!”

Zhuang Rui said to the several very dutiful security guards, he also wanted to see, Liu Chuan’s this piece of jadeite, in fact, the value of the geometry, according to the head so big, so complete a piece of jadeite, if carved into a handicraft, I think it must also be worth a lot of money.

Really have the strength to have the courage to take this piece of jade is not much, after the security guards released, there are only four people walked in, the rest of the people feel that the financial strength is not good. Also did not come over to join in the fun.

“Rascal, put the emerald on the table, you hold like this is not tired ah?”

Seeing Liu Chuan this will still be dead that piece of emerald in his arms, Zhuang Rui said in a bad mood.

“Nonsense, how not tired ah! Tired also want to hold, this hold is money ah!”

Liu Chuan replied with a straight face, making the crowd laugh, this time Yang Hao wasn’t at the table, but entered the rough material area, and those who wanted to try their luck were negotiating the price.

Not only this exhibition will have this situation, is in the major jadeite fair, if which place wool merchant’s wool cut out the jadeite, then his stall will immediately doubled in value, buyers are not only to dip a little bit of joy, but also because the same batch of wool to open out the jadeite, and then out of the possibility of jadeite, than did not cut out the jadeite of the stalls, the chances of a lot more.

See Zhuang Rui put these jade merchants in, Lei Lei face changed a bit, want to go over, but was Qin Xuan Bing a pull to stop, slightly to Lei Lei shook his head, this piece of jade is worth a lot of money, just said those are jokes, if Lei Lei really ask Liu Chuan asked, Liu Chuan if you give it is okay to say. If you can’t give it up, that will definitely cast a shadow on the feelings of the two of them.

“Wood, really show them?”

Liu Chuan always feel that these people are like hungry wolves looking at themselves, put this piece of jadeite on the table, certainly not hold in the arms of peace of mind.

“Nonsense, do not give them to see how you sell, you keep this thing for what, as a meal?”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Liu Chuan thought about it, so he carefully put the jadeite in his arms on the table and let a few people watch it.

“Rascal, how did you choose this piece of wool ah! Answer honestly ah! Don’t give me this bullshit that you can feel that there is jade inside.”

Zhuang Rui heart is really some curiosity, this piece of wool appearance is ugly, and bulky, understand the people look at that rub out the cracks will not look down, do not understand the people generally will not choose this dozens of kilograms of heavy big guy, why Liu Chuan this guy favored it!

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s question, not only will Qin Xuan Bing and Lei Lei’s attention attracted over. Even Elder Gu who was drinking tea, Xu Wei who was sitting on the sidelines, and those few jade merchants who were appreciating the jadeite, all perked up their ears, ready to hear how Liu Chuan would answer.

“Want to hear the truth?”

Liu Chuan this will take strength up, angry Zhuang Rui kicked over.

“Hey, buddy in there picked half a day, did not fancy a piece, you think ah! This head of small stone, inside the emerald must also be small, big head it! That several hundred pounds, I tried to hold a little, did not hold, and finally picked this one, the right size, just hold it is not tired, so I chose it.”

Liu Chuan’s words let the surrounding a dozen people, are frozen, first face to face, and then let out a loud laugh, just this laughter, contains jealousy, envy and other connotations, only one sentence the crowd are recognized, that is, stupid people have stupid blessings.

“You this kid, huh, good. Really good.”

Elder Gu is so happy that he continuously strokes his beard, looking at Liu Chuan’s complacent look, he really doesn’t know what to say.

“Ancient, a few of us have discussed it and are ready to eat this piece of bright material together, do you think that the price of eighteen million dollars is appropriate?”

After several jade merchants looked at it for a long time, and then muttered together with their heads exchanging ears for a while, the middle-aged man called Lao Huo stood out, surprisingly did not go to Liu Chuan, the owner of this piece of goods, but instead quoted the price to the ancient old man who was leisurely sipping his tea at the side.

“You guys are preparing to break down this piece of bright material and make some rings and bracelets, right? Alas, a waste, don’t ask me about this, go ask that kid, the thing is his, the price he feels is right.”

Ancient shook his head with some regret, such an object, if it is not carved into a pendant, it is indeed a bit of a pity, but these businessmen are not doing anything wrong from the perspective of their own interests. After all, those small objects made after breaking it down, the shipping channel is much more popular than a single large pendant, and its price is also similar.

“Eighteen million dollars!”

Liu Chuan heard the words of those people, has long been a little bit of the mind, before Fatty Ma to buy Zhuang Rui’s Tibetan Mastiff, once opened forty million days, but that Tibetan Mastiff is not their own, Liu Chuan feel not very strong, now how to know that they will also have nearly 20 million property, which only realized that the temptation is how powerful.

“Liu boss, Liu boss. You are to say something ah! Eighteen million dollars this price is already not low, we actually don’t have much to earn.”

Old Huo this will be standing in front of Liu Chuan, but Liu Chuan behaves a bit strange, both eyes looking at Old Huo, but did not say a word, to Old Huo’s offer is not denied, so that a few jade merchants who are ready to partner up to buy this piece of bright material, the heart is a bit beat up, afraid of being rejected by Liu Chuan.

“Hmph, where is he refusing to sell, that’s just being silly with joy.”

A very penetrating female voice cold drink voice, into the ears of Liu Chuan, immediately this brother awakened, looking at not far from the face with frost Lei Lei, Liu Chuan hit a jolt, immediately from the table picked up the piece of jadeite, bumbling run to Lei Lei in front of the road: “Lei Lei, we Liu Chuan is a man, said the words that is absolutely a spit a pit, we said to give We said we would give it to you, so we gave it to you, hold it.”

Liu Chuan this goods while talking, while the jadeite stuffed to Lei Lei’s arms, Lei Lei is a little too eager, hands and feet to hold the piece of bright material, face showing a touching color, she did not expect Liu Chuan actually really will be this piece of jadeite worth tens of millions of dollars to give themselves.

“Grandma, this kid is getting more and more treacherous.” Zhuang Rui was the only one in the field who guessed Liu Chuan’s mind.

“You’d better hold it yourself! It’s so heavy, who’s to blame if it falls and breaks!”

Lei Lei returned the jadeite to Liu Chuan, but her face was sunny and smiling happily.

“Liu Chuan, this piece of jadeite our company purchased, bidding twenty million dollars, I just contacted the head office. They will take an evening flight from Hong Kong to Nanjing, you stay one more day, we will make the transaction tomorrow, okay?”

Just when this pair of two people who were defined as adulterous couple by Zhuang Rui, were browbeating, Qin Xuan Bing walked over with her cell phone and opened her mouth to Liu Chuan.

Next to the old Huo several people do not agree, have spoken out, “Hey, this lady, this piece of bright material is we first fancy, you do this some inappropriate it!”

“This is bright material, and not a gambling stone, we all have the right to compete, you guys don’t bully me into not understanding because I’m a girl, old master Gu is sitting here, you guys can react to the old master if you have problems!” Qin Xuan Bing replied coldly, at this moment, she seemed to have returned to the same appearance she had two months ago, making people not dare to approach.

“Buddy’s stuff, whoever is willing to sell it to, then sell it to whoever is willing to sell it to, you guys wander off to the side! Lei Lei, said to send you, this sale how inappropriate ah! Talking about money hurts feelings ah!”

Liu Chuan first righteously rejected a few jade merchants, and then said to Lei Lei with a smile on one side of his face.

“Liu Chuan, this piece of bright material even for our company, is also a large amount of trade, this is not a treat to send a favor, business is business, as for how you and Lei Lei, do not confuse.”

After hearing the words of Qin Xuan Bing, Liu Chuan also shut his mouth, a difficult look, look at the side of Zhuang Rui forced to hold back laughter, turn his face to other directions, this guy is purely a cheap but also good, because just now Qin Xuan Bing call, Zhuang Rui noticed, that pretended to be dumb Liu Chuan, ears are not living Zhi Liang, listening to Qin Xuan Bing to talk about the content of it, pretend to be dumb and this trick, Liu Chuan from the time on the elementary school The first thing you need to do is to get a good look at Liu Chuan, who has a very good face.

Look at the face of rude Liu Chuan, the old Huo and other jade merchants are no way, something is someone else’s, love to sell to whom, is indeed the right of others, who let themselves and others are big men, and that is a delicate little girl it!

Looking at the several jade merchants are a little disappointed to leave, Liu Chuan suddenly shouted up: “A few people do not rush to go ah! My piece of bright material is not for sale, we here, there is a gentleman, his piece of wool, but to be much better than mine.”

Liu Chuan is just a glance at the Xu Wei, the heart is not happy, so out of the Yin Xu Wei a hand, he said the meaning is very clear, brother and sister of the stone are open out of the emerald, your three million is not also take out to see ah!

Xu Wei heard froze for a moment, he did not expect Liu Chuan at this time will be his army, but successively see Zhuang Rui and Liu Chuan from the wool to solve out the emerald, Xu Wei’s heart is also some itchy, their own piece of semi-gambling wool, the performance of such a good, there is no reason not as good as the Zhuang and Liu two people ah!

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