Chapter 0141 – Viagra’s Car Skills

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:06:14
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Listening to the car stereo in the knife Lang that thick hoarse song. Zhuang Rui alone driving on the highway from Nanjing to Zhonghai, as if back to the scene some time ago when he went to Tibet, looking at the little white lion sitting in the passenger seat, Zhuang Rui’s mood is like this March spring light, bright and happy.

Reach out and touch the chest of the jadeite Guanyin pendant, Zhuang Rui heart can not help but think of not long ago happened in Nanjing that exhibition within the thing, can not help but laugh out loud, aside the little white lion immediately turned his head to the master, a pair of eyes revealed the color of the unknown.

Due to the boss in Zhonghai made several phone calls one after another to urge, Zhuang Rui in Xu Wei after the stone soon, said goodbye to the old man and Qin Xuan Bing and others, drive back to Zhonghai alone, the Nanjing trip, not only in the pocket more than a one and a half million in cash checks, the car also has a set of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of alabaster tea, can be said to be a fruitful harvest.

But the most let Zhuang Rui happy is, in the time of departure, Qin Xuan Bing gave him a value of the glass ground jadeite Guanyin pendant, there is a kiss, this time Zhuang Rui but did not let go of the opportunity, in the Qin Xuan Bing slapdash in his face after a kiss. Zhuang Rui a hand will Qin Xuan Bing embraced the past, will own that big mouth ruthlessly covered in Qin Xuan Bing’s cherry mouth.

At the beginning of the time Qin Xuan Bing also resisted, but in Zhuang Rui that very rich attack force under the strong kiss, Qin Xuan Bing also slowly catered to the up, that is called the heavenly thunder hooked fire, a hair and out of control, even later Lei Lei and Liu Chuan walked to the near front, the two did not find, but this also led to the thin skin of the Qin Xuan Bing until the Zhuang Rui drove away, are hiding in the exhibition booth, and never came out again.

Zhuang Rui’s pocket at the moment, but also more than two business cards, one is the old man’s, handwritten on the card his address in Beijing, and invited Zhuang Rui have the opportunity to go to Beijing, then, must go to recognize the door.

And another business card, but the raw stone businessman Yang Hao, hard to Zhuang Rui’s, in Zhuang Rui and other people on-site stone within half an hour, Yang Hao brought large and small hundred and ten pieces of wool, actually crazy jade merchants and tourists snapped up, and into more than two million, although it can not be compared with Zhuang Rui and Liu Chuan betting on up the two pieces of bright material, but the original plan to sell more than ten days of the wool, less than a day to sell out, which is also enough to make Zhuang Rui and Liu Chuan gambling up two pieces of bright material. This is also enough to make Yang Hao excited.

The reason for giving Zhuang Rui the business card is also very simple, Yang Hao also issued an invitation to Zhuang Rui. Let him have the opportunity to go to the Chaoshan area around, said with Zhuang Rui’s good luck, may then be able to bet a piece of sky-high jade, which said Zhuang Rui is laughing and crying, based on luck alone, he is far worse than Liu Chuan that guy, a hundred and ten pieces of wool inside the only one that contains jade, was picked by him.

However, Zhuang Rui on Yang Hao’s invitation is very interested, one to gambling is indeed a good way to get rich quickly, the second Zhuang Rui University students Lao Si is Chaoshan people, Lao Si family is good, invited Zhuang Rui a few times to go to play, just Zhuang Rui before are busy with the livelihood, failed to be line, and now the work for Zhuang Rui for, it seems to be optional, Zhuang Rui heart made up his mind, must go to the big jadeite in the future! Trading market to see some.

Zhao Guodong in the noon time to Zhuang Rui made a phone call, they have returned to Pengcheng, explaining Zhuang Rui drive to Zhonghai on the road must be careful, and told Zhuang Rui. If in the middle of the sea is not good, resignation back to Pengcheng, Zhao Guodong now also know the Zhuang Rui roughly the family, at least do not need to ask the livelihood and running around.

In fact, Zhuang Rui also once wavered to work in Zhonghai idea, just think about uncle De is really good for himself, for himself to get the manager’s position, there is also Zhuang Rui would like to systematically learn about antiques and cultural relics, including luxury goods appraisal, because he felt that his glasses of the ability to come suddenly, not allowed to say when it will suddenly disappear, antiques to bring him a lot of surprises have been Zhuang Rui is also firm in their own In the future, he will be in this line of work inside the target.

Nanjing from Zhonghai but more than three hundred kilometers away, and the whole process are through the highway, would have been two or three hours to arrive in Zhonghai, just Zhuang Rui driving a new car, break-in period did not pass, is to car speed has been maintained at 60 or 70 kilometers or so, he is close to three o’clock before departure from Nanjing, and so into the Zhonghai, after the sky has darkened down, look at the time, immediately to eight o’clock.

Yang Wei said in the afternoon when he talked to Zhuang Rui on the phone, let Zhuang Rui go to his house to pick him up, so Zhuang Rui directly parked the car to the outside of Yang Wei’s villa area under a big tree, only then took out the phone and called.

“Boss, over here, where are you looking!”

See Yang Wei hands in his pockets, back a mountaineering bag, mouth with a cigarette, wobbling from the door of the neighborhood walked out. After looking around, actually squatted to the door to smoke, Zhuang Rui quickly rolled down the window, shouted at Yang Wei.

“I fuck, you kid bird gun for gun ah! It’s only a few days gone, you really buy a car? I thought you lied to me inside the phone, come down, change position, let the boss me drive ……”

Although Zhuang Rui phone inside has given the boss said, but looking at this brand new has not been licensed Grand Cherokee, Yang Wei is still surprised, open the driver’s side door, even pulling and dragging Zhuang Rui from the driver’s seat dragged out.

“Holy shit, scared me to death!”

After sitting on the driver’s seat, Yang Wei was shaking his ass to adjust the seat, when he suddenly saw a big lion-like head sticking out in front of him, scaring him so much that he shouted.

“White lion, go to the back ……”

Zhuang Rui mouth drank a sound, the white lion will be driven to the back of the car, looking at the stunned Yang Wei said, “Why so fussed, I’m not for you to say it, to bring a Tibetan mastiff to the. Don’t worry, as long as you don’t make a move on me, the white lion will not bite you.”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Yang Wei woke up, palpitating from the reverse mirror looked at the white lion, said: “I’m sick how! Idle pain in the balls will only move on you, replaced by a beautiful woman is almost, the youngest, you did not say it is a young mastiff? This head is so big. Where is like a young mastiff, I’m afraid it’s not one or two years old, right?”

“One or two years old? That is you have not seen the adult Tibetan mastiff, back to show you the white lion his old man’s photo, when my white lion grows to one or two years old, surely like a small lion, right, I let you do the dog license how is it, do not do it down?”

Zhuang Rui dotingly glanced at the back row of the white lion, reached out his hand to stroke the white lion’s big head, only then returned to the body and Yang Wei to speak, Zhonghai is an international metropolis, for the raising of pets, the restrictions, to be much stricter than Pangcheng, Zhuang Rui is afraid that the boss do not mess up the identity card of the white lion, in that case, you have to all day will be the white lion shut at home, Zhuang Rui does not want to do so.

“Nonsense, buddy business you still don’t know, but this guy and you sent from the Internet compared to the photo, a big circle ah! Well, to say to do this dog license, you have to thank Uncle De more, it just so happens that your pawnshop had an accident some time ago, Uncle De used the name of the pawnshop to apply for a large guard dog, which was approved, if you change the unit are no good.”

Yang Wei while talking, while opening the mountaineering bag he brought, from which he took out a small green book, handed it to Zhuang Rui, Zhuang Rui saw that there are several sets of underwear in the bag, and couldn’t help but ask strangely, “What are you doing with these underwear? Ready to leave home ah?”

“Bullshit you, boss I bought this for you, you in Zhabei that rental house inside the broken clothes, I have thrown away, look at the collar of your underwear. Ground are white, still have the nerve to wear? The youngest, you are also a manager in the future, the meter must pay more attention to ah!”

Yang Wei stared at Zhuang Rui without a good mood, but the next words, but let Zhuang Rui heart warm, the boss, although the body is also many shortcomings, but still inherited the Zhonghai man’s heart is fine, will take care of people’s advantages, previously in the university dormitory, every other day will take the brothers to go out to rub a meal, very much to get the other four bachelors of the embrace.

“Let’s go! Don’t say those melodramatic words, you kid got rich, this car is fine lend me to drive on the line.”

See the expression on Zhuang Rui’s face, Yang Wei waved his hand to stop the Zhuang Rui that is to say that the words to be exported, started the car by hand, but after hearing Yang Wei’s words, Zhuang Rui’s face immediately bitter down, are the car is a man’s second wife, this small wife is not can not be borrowed, the key Yang Wei is not the kind of compassionate people, what the car to his hands, in less than three days, quasi will be into the subrepair shop, on the side of him is also love to drive! He also loves to drive.

“Boss, where is your Santana? Why don’t you drive out?”

Zhuang Rui carefully asked, in his heart, to the boss to drive an Alto are too extravagant.

“Don’t mention that car, I replaced it with a Guangben, but a few days ago it was rubbed by someone and lost a bit of paint, sent it to the repair shop for painting.” Yang Wei a little unnatural answer, that expression looks very vain, this is afraid that Yang Wei touched someone else’s car!

“Okay, it’s more than eight o’clock, don’t dawdle, you haven’t eaten, right? Find a stall to eat some, back to take you to the new residence, I also live with you today, tell you, looking for that house but spent a lot of my mind, by the way, the monthly rent of three thousand dollars, to pay three months of deposit in advance, if you are tight, the deposit even if my, after the withdrawal of the room and then give me.”

Yang Wei did not want to mention the topic of the car, and hastened to speak out to divert the attention of Zhuang Rui, this move to move the wood he often make in college, a few of his brothers have been fooled by him not light.

“Money is not a problem, on the body with it, back to me to take to you, you better drive well!”

Seeing Yang Wei has driven the car on the road, Zhuang Rui hastily put the seat belt on, this car has four airbags, as long as Yang Wei does not go to the big semi-trailer trucks under the drill, generally will not have an accident.

The streetlights on both sides of the road are very bright, Yang Wei held the steering wheel in one hand, one hand pointed to a police motorcycle not far in front of him, said: “You can’t even trust the car skills of my boss? How do we say than you also drove four or five years earlier, hey, the youngest, you see the front of the police riding a motorcycle, is not a woman ah?”

Zhuang Rui followed the direction of Yang Wei’s finger to see, in front of the road near the curb, is indeed traveling a motorcycle, is the kind of body white, the back hangs two spare box, license plate for the police number of the beginning of the police car, this kind of car in the 90’s is very popular, is the necessary equipment for the police patrols, just to the subsequent ban on the motorcycle to the cities, the police motorcycle also gradually out of the people’s line of sight, most of the police are used to Most of them are used for welcoming guests to open the road or traffic police to deal with emergencies.

Zhonghai at the end of 2002, in the city’s scope to focus on banning unlicensed two-wheeled motorcycle action, and then even more strict control of motorcycle license plate issuance, which has two years past, the motorcycle on the market less a lot of Zhuang Rui usually see the most, is this white police motorcycle.

“Well …… it’s a woman, what’s wrong?” Zhuang Rui took a closer look, the long hair exposed from below the brim of the cap did show the gender of that police officer.

“How fresh ah! Of course it is a woman, you see that waist, how fine ah, the youngest …… us over to see, this year, beautiful female police but less than dinosaurs.”

To say that Wei brother talent and knowledge of people in the world, that is a first-class, but he has a problem and Liu Chuan almost the same, is to see a beautiful woman, will always show a belonging to the man’s muscles, which is the most difficult for Zhuang Rui to tolerate, the whole of a big cock ah in heat!

The steering wheel in the hands of Yang Wei, he simply did not consult the meaning of Zhuang Rui’s opinion, foot throttle a pedal, the car speed suddenly increased up, instantly more than twenty meters ahead of the police car.

“Hey …… alas, I said Wei brother, you take the steering wheel ah! Don …… t hit the direction ah! Almost crashed into it.”

Zhuang Rui originally twisted his face to the car window, also want to see the appearance of the police flower, did not expect to find their own car, and the policewoman’s motorcycle closer and closer, there were five or six meters of distance, between the eyes almost up, which makes Zhuang Rui shocked, turned back to look at the Yang Wei, the buddy is stretching his neck to look out, the hands of the steering wheel involuntarily a little bit of motorcycle in the move into.

To say that Wei brother car skill stinks, that is known to all, originally this situation, as long as he slightly will be the steering wheel to the middle of the road position to play a little bit on the road, who knows that under the Wei brother hands and feet under the left and right can not be distinguished, the steering wheel but to the motorcycle close to a little bit, Zhuang Rui through the window can be very clear to see that the appearance of the police flower.

Just did not wait for Zhuang Rui to take a closer look, the poor rider was this sudden big Cherokee squeezed to the road teeth up, the motorcycle body a crooked, the whole side to the side down.

Yang Wei now also know that they are in trouble, but this guy is not suitable for driving, reaction nerves are too slow some, in the people squeezed to the ground, and then drove forward more than thirty meters, only to want to get up a foot to step on the brakes.

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