Chapter 0147 – Teaching

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:06:29
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Zhuang Rui’s memory has always been very good. As long as he has heard the name or a relatively short number, he can remember it in his mind without any difference, but the name “Miao Fei Fei” is very unfamiliar, Zhuang Rui can be sure that he has never heard this name, however, the voice on the phone is a bit familiar.

“Hey, why don’t you say something? I’m Miao Fei Fei ah!”

The crisp voice continued to come from the phone, as if Zhuang Rui was supposed to know who Fei Fei Miao was.

“I’m sorry, you’ve got the wrong number! I don’t know Miao …… Wait, you’re Officer Miao, right?”

Zhuang Rui was about to hang up the phone, suddenly appeared in his mind a clear-faced female police officer appearance, and this familiar voice, immediately guessed the identity of the other party, “you” word immediately also became “you” word.

Zhuang Rui’s performance, so that the end of the phone Miao Fei Fei is very dissatisfied, to say his name twice. Only to remember up, which means that yesterday he simply did not put himself in the heart of it, but Miao Fei Fei also do not think about it, we meet each other in plain water, yesterday that situation is equal to a soldier and a thief, to hide are not able to avoid, who will also pay special attention to remember you ah!

“Hello, Officer Miao, what are your instructions? By the way, how do you know my cell phone number?”

Zhuang Rui asked himself from getting up in the morning to now, there is absolutely no violation of the People’s Republic of China traffic management regulations, do not know this like the security police more than like the traffic police policewoman, looking for their own what is the matter, and one can be sure that yesterday there is no this female officer to leave a phone number.

“That …… is …… actually nothing, I just want to stroll in Zhonghai, but do not know where to go, make a phone call to ask you, see if you have time, accompany me out to turn it! Will not disturb you ah?”

Miao Fei Fei on the other end of the phone after saying these words, her heart felt awkward, she originally did not mean anything ah! Why is it so hard to say this, as if he was begging him in general.

Miao Fei Fei in the name of foot injury, in the team took five days off, would have liked to fly back to Beijing. To find those criminal police team brothers and sisters get together, but last night and Dad on the phone, Dad sent a message, there are injuries on the good health, do not run around, angry Miao Fei Fei on the phone and Dad had a big fight, but the arm can not twist the thigh, and ultimately in the Dad threatened to cajole, chose to stay in Zhonghai.

Miao Fei Fei sex lively, in the home can not stay, this next five days off, she did not know what to do to be good, yesterday thought half a night did not come up with clues, this morning saw Yang Wei’s driver’s license, can not help but think of an idea, that called Zhuang Rui does not seem to be very nasty, you can let him do a tour guide, in the middle of the sea to play a few days ah!

To know, Miao Fei Fei came to work in Zhonghai for almost three months, and hung a small leadership position, every day is the unit home two points a line. First, there is no time to play, and secondly, there is no suitable person to accompany her, so even the Nanjing Road as lively place, she has not been.

The reason why looking for Zhuang Rui accompanied, is that Miao Fei Fei feeling Zhuang Rui people more honest and generous, and speak northern Mandarin, communication is very comfortable, at least do not have to guess each other the meaning of the words, in the traffic police, a group of local traffic police in Zhonghai conversation, Miao Fei Fei ten sentences inside nine sentences are with guessing, simply do not understand.

Although she did not have Zhuang Rui and Yang Wei’s contact information, but this small matter is naturally difficult to fall on her, made a phone call to the team, in the internal computer system inside the Yang Wei’s information, the phone has, and then Miao Fei Fei played a Yang Wei, from his mouth learned about the Zhuang Rui’s phone number, Yang Wei drank a little high yesterday, until after reporting Zhuang Rui’s cell phone number, but also do not know who the phone call, lying on the bed to continue to play chess with the Lord of the Zhou. Zhou Gong went to play chess.

“Hey, are you listening? Don’t misunderstand me! I took a few days off, but my feet are fine again, so I want to find a friend to go out for a spin, if you don’t have time then forget it.”

Zhuang Rui on this side of the phone is also wondering, looking for a buddy to go shopping? This makes Zhuang Rui feel a little incredible, so froze for a while. Did not speak, until the phone rang again Miao Fei Fei’s voice, he only came to his senses, and quickly said: “Officer Miao, today during the day is certainly not, I took a vacation for two months, today is the first day of work, but can not skip work ah! How about this! I’ll treat you to dinner at night, it’s also considered to help my classmates to apologize to you.”

To say that Zhuang Rui these two months, is also considered out of the experience, emotional intelligence rose greatly, which if placed in the past, will certainly ponder this beautiful female police officer is not interesting to themselves, now Zhuang Rui but know that things are as Miao Fei Fei said, people are indeed idle boredom looking for someone to accompany, beautiful invited, even if there is nothing to think about, Zhuang Rui is embarrassed to refuse, not to mention, he would like to help the boss to get the driver’s license back.

“And it’s not you who hit me. What do you want to apologize, tell your classmates, do not practice the technology well, this do not want to take back, he is not responsible for his life, I have to be responsible for the lives of the general public, this is the principle of the problem, not to speak of human feelings, but then, you have to ask for a meal, this police officer can be rewarded face. Well, after dinner or can go out for a stroll, just like this, you tell me the unit address, the evening I went directly to find you.”

Miao Fei Fei’s crisp voice, in the phone as a machine gun, bursting said a large series, simply did not give Zhuang Rui the opportunity to interject, which also let Zhuang Rui heart sweat, the legendary Peking Opera, was actually hit by their own, this sister said so much, basically do not bring a pause, do not go to the test hosts and when the traffic police, really have enough pity.

Looked at the side of Uncle De has finished appreciating the dzi, is brewing a good tea waiting for their own, Zhuang Rui also do not want to say more, and hastily reported the address of the pawnshop, hung up the phone.

“Why, it’s a girl, right?”

Uncle De is old and tough, a glance from Zhuang Rui’s face, he used to introduce Zhuang Rui to a girl to know, just that the girl smacked Zhuang Rui low position, and has no house and no car in Zhonghai, and Zhuang Rui contacted two times, then disappeared, making Uncle De very embarrassed.

“It’s nothing, Uncle Te, don’t look at me with that look! It’s not a crime to know a girl! Huh, good tea, Uncle De, where did you get this tea from?”

Zhuang Rui sat down, two fingers pinched the lid of the alabaster pot, close to the end of the nose and smelled it, suddenly a fresh fragrance. Couldn’t help but speak out and boasted.

“Your kid is lucky, yesterday an old friend came to see me, sent some good tea to me, today just happened to bring some to me, I’m not even back to the office yet, not just pulled by you.”

Uncle De pointed to a packet of cotton paper on the coffee table has been opened, Zhuang Rui looked carefully, in the middle of the cotton paper, only the size of a baby’s palm of a piece of black stuff, how to look is not like tea ah!

Zhuang Rui some do not believe that just that pungent fragrance, actually will be this black stuff out of the bubble, in front of Uncle Te’s teacups filled with tea, and then poured a cup of tea for himself, drink into the mouth, and immediately felt an indescribable flavor, filled in the taste buds between.

The taste of this tea and Zhuang Rui drank tea are not the same, just drink the entrance, Zhuang Rui actually have a kind of drinking traditional Chinese medicine feeling, but a careful taste, that a strong mellow flavor, filled in the mouth and tongue, the taste of the smooth mouth, aftertaste sweet, suddenly let Zhuang Rui feel the root of the tongue.

Bitter is the original nature of tea, ancient tea for “bitter tea” the most early wild tea, tea soup bitter difficult to enter, first bitter and then to sweet, this reasoning Zhuang Rui also understands, just this tea when the first drink of flavor is too strange, only to make him feel the sweetness of the back, but also into the heart.

“How about it, Xiao Zhuang, this tea flavor is very special! Tell you, this is Pu’er tea, we do not drink much on this side, but this tea can also be considered a collector’s item, just a small piece of me, that is worth ten thousand or so, if the Pu’er tea bricks left over from the Qing Dynasty, they are even more priceless.”

Uncle De’s words let Zhuang Rui startled, so a little, estimated not two two weight, actually can be worth tens of thousands of dollars, then just now their own this mouthful, is not to drink off several hundred.

“Uncle Te, this tea is so expensive? Isn’t it said that new tea is good?” Zhuang Rui asked with some confusion.

“You said that is a simple drink, that kind of tea, put a couple of hundred years of time, will turn into ashes, but this Pu’er tea is different, the longer it is placed, the stronger its fragrance, so it can also be used as a collection of collectibles to collect.1963 the Forbidden City in the finishing of the tea coffers, found that at that time, the other teas have turned into ashes, only the ‘Wanshou dragon group’ and other pu-erh tea is still intact, known as ‘breathing antiques’ ‘can drink the cultural relics’ that pu-erh tea bricks weighing nothing more than 2.5 kilograms, some time ago to pu-erh exhibition When, alone its premium, is as high as 1999 million yuan, you can think, this tea itself is worth geometry?”

Zhuang Rui was staggered by what he heard, he didn’t think that even tea can be collected, his own knowledge is really too shallow.

“Xiao Zhuang, the question you just asked can be answered from inside this tea, you are young, seniority and relatively shallow, no foundation, these are your weaknesses, but I am optimistic about you, because you accept the ability to accept new things is extremely strong, and enlightenment is very high, this is especially important, antique this line of work, there is no point of luck and enlightenment, if a lifetime, can not play out of the door to the way. Doing things is like drinking tea in general, the first bitter after sweet, those two what turtle is certainly not used to you do the manager of this position, and you have to learn to hold back, learn more see less say, when you have the ability to, can also be submerged in the sky, a brilliant, do you understand what I mean?”

Zhuang Rui nodded heavily, although he has no intention to work here for a long time, but this manager position can indeed hone him to be more mature, no matter what choice Zhuang Rui makes in the future, it will be beneficial and harmless.

“Uncle De, explain to me the work I have to do now!”

Zhuang Rui was only responsible for finance before, but he saw Uncle De drinking tea and chatting all day long, it seems that this manager doesn’t need to do anything.

“Oh, so quickly want to enter the role of la, in fact, our pawnshop a total of five or six people, management is very simple, the manager’s duties are mainly external contacts, and those auction houses to establish a long-term good relations of cooperation. Because we are a subsidiary of the investment company, you also have to make an investment report, the pawnshop’s capital toward the development of an approximate investment intentions, of course, you are a professional in finance, which for you, it should not be anything difficult, Xiao Zhuang, if your investment advice is adopted, and the return of the rich words, which has a considerable amount of commission bonuses to get, those two boys have been The two boys have been spying on this manager’s position, in fact, they are also aiming at this money.”

Uncle De’s words let Zhuang Rui for their future work, there is a general grain, he really do not know, as a pawnshop manager, actually can also make investment recommendations on the pawnshop’s own funds, must be the investment company since there is this provision, it will certainly be this proposal will also pay attention to.

Uncle De’s mouth of the two boys, is the pawnbroker two other pawnbrokers, one called Lai Jindong, he seldom down the hall, a work into the second floor office, Zhuang Rui’s financial office, although also on the second floor, but almost no how and he had a face, the cashier Xiaoling and another girl privately told him to laziness, Lai Jindong specializing in the identification of foreign works of art, pawnbrokers of this kind of goods is not a lot, so he is also relatively idle, every day hiding in the pawnbroker’s own funds. He is also relatively idle, hiding in the office every day do not know what to do.

Another pawnbroker called Wang must, specializing in the identification of some domestic and foreign luxury goods, he is often down to the hall on the first floor, but are and the absolute pawn area salesman playful, for Zhuang Rui is also rarely look at each other.

These two are the age of the early thirties, in this circle for some time, also are the class origin, just these two usually high self-esteem, has not been treated by Uncle De, just to pawn luxury goods in the minority, foreign art can also occasionally get to see, or else, Uncle De has long let these two guys rolled cover rolled out.

“Uncle Te, your previous investment focus, mainly in which direction?”

Zhuang Rui is now quite optimistic about the market of real estate, just the amount of real estate investment is relatively large, although he knows a lot about the amount of money in the pawnshop, but he can’t guarantee that the higher authorities will approve their own suggestions, so he wants to be safe, first ask Uncle De’s advice.

“Me? The old man has lived his whole life, he only knows antiques, of course he invested in this, I invested in two main directions last year, one is the investment of coins, not those ancient copper coins, but the commemorative coins issued by the state, last year, I invested sixteen million dollars in this, by March this year, these commemorative coins have risen up to thirty percent, it’s considered to be good, Xiaozhuang, do you know how much I took in bonuses alone last year ?”

Uncle De said with some complacency up, last year’s this investment, the beginning is not favored, and even those two turtles appraiser also raised objections, and respectively, in the name of individuals to the head office put forward a proposal, but the investment company leadership out of the trust of Uncle De, or approved the investment proposal of Uncle De, this year, the settlement of the New Year’s Eve, the increase in the increase of that sum of money of the coins, so that everyone has been surprised.

Only this investment, let the pawnbroker pure profit of four million eight hundred thousand, and the original uncle de still have a few points to look down on Wang must and Lai Jindong, these days is even more deep living, embarrassed to face uncle de.

Zhuang Rui these months are not in the pawnbroker, he also does not know these two months pawnbroker funds towards, so he opened his mouth and asked: “Uncle De, you those coins are sold? Why don’t you keep them to continue to increase in value?” In Zhuang Rui’s thought, the bonuses were sent down, naturally those coins should all be disposed out.

“Sold ten million, still hold six million, last year the old man I just bonus, took a million, small Zhuang, investment company gives the reward to reach the profit amount of thirty percent, you kid can take a good look, the future money way will be very bright, in the middle of the sea to buy a car to buy a house is not a difficult thing.”

Uncle De obviously does not know Zhuang Rui’s current wealth, he also did not see Zhuang Rui is driving to work, otherwise there would not have been these words, but Uncle De to Zhuang Rui is really no good, the reason why the sale is still in the value-added in the middle of those coins, that is, in order to give Zhuang Rui to stay out of some of the investment funds, so that Zhuang Rui can get benefits from it, or else, the funds are all backlogged in the pre-investment, Zhuang Rui can only get a Dead paycheck, Uncle Te’s move can be said to be well-intentioned.

The reason why Uncle Te agreed to work in this pawnshop, not for the salary, to his family, a million or eight hundred thousand will not be in the eyes, mainly because of the work in the pawnshop, you can have the opportunity to come into contact with more antiques, for a lifetime obsessed with antiques for Uncle Te, this is the most important.

“Uncle De, you’re losing too much of yourself by doing this, in fact, my life is pretty good right now, and in these two months, I’ve also found a few good objects, when I was in Pengcheng ……”

Zhuang Rui after listening to Uncle De’s words, the heart is also very touched, Uncle De’s move is tantamount to the annual hundreds of thousands of dividends surrendered, Zhuang Rui slightly think for a moment, out of the mouth to pawning their own Wang Shizhen manuscripts and in Tibet to get the real masterpiece of Tang Bohu thing, to Uncle De recounted once again.

“Hey, I say you kid, how to behave so calm today, not a little bit of excitement of the new official, the original is the value of the ah, brat, you pick up the leakage of Taobao in these two months, than my old man this generation pick up the leakage of the number of times are quite a lot of times, dare to say that you are still in an ambush with me ah! It’s a pity that you sold those few objects, or else the old man I can also open my eyes, no, you have to treat me at noon, I have to rip you off.”

After listening to Zhuang Rui’s words, Uncle De’s eyes were glowing, slapped his thigh fiercely, Zhuang Rui’s experience in the past two months is indeed like what Uncle De said, that is, people who have been playing antiques for a lifetime may not be able to pick up the big leaks once, and Zhuang Rui’s picking up these leaks a few times is enough to let him eat and drink for the rest of his life.

“No problem, Uncle De, at noon you say where to eat, we go where, I’m lucky, but not your usual teachings, if not you every day to explain to me the knowledge of antiques, I even what is antiques do not know it!”

Zhuang Rui unobtrusive pat Uncle De’s ass, but Uncle De is very useful, as the saying goes, a thousand mile horse is good to find, Bole is hard to find, Uncle De has been optimistic that Zhuang Rui can be in the world of antiques to develop, and now this elm lumps get the hang of it, Uncle De can not help but is the old man is greatly relieved.

“By the way, Uncle Te, what is your other investment?”

Zhuang Rui saw Uncle De’s springy look, I think the other investment must also have a profit without loss.

“That is the Shanxi lacquerware, also belongs to the miscellaneous items inside a class, I early years in the collection of this kind of collection, in ninety-six years ago, a good lacquer box, about seventy or eighty more than one hundred dollars can be collected, to now can be sold on the eight or nine thousand tens of thousands of dollars. Xiao Zhuang you think, this is only five or six years of time, how many times up ah! I estimate that the market for this object will continue to rise, last year, we put in five million, specifically sent people to Shanxi to buy lacquer ware, the direction of the money you should know ah! You should know where this money is going! You’re still doing the accounting.”

Uncle De’s words let Zhuang Rui face feel some fever, in his work last year, Zhuang Rui just fulfill their learned financial duties, do his share of the work, as for the flow of funds and use, he simply is nothing, anyway, there is the supervision of the financial system, he is not afraid of some people privately misappropriated funds, until the moment Uncle De said, Zhuang Rui only feel even as a financial officer, he seems to be wasn’t that qualified.

“Lacquerware investment is for the long term, three to five years later to see the effect, then I may not do it here, Xiao Zhuang, at that time this fruit, the old man I let you pick.”

Uncle De next words, let Zhuang Rui a burst of moving, in front of this old man is indeed a sincere maintenance of their own, no meaning of utilitarianism mixed in it, Zhuang Rui feel that they can no longer hide, and then opened his mouth and said: “Uncle De, I and my friends in my hometown to engage in a mastiff, and invested in a number of businesses, in fact, originally wanted to resign from the pawnbroker work, but I want to learn more about some curio knowledge with you, so I want to learn more about curiosities. You learn more about antiques, which is why I came back, as for whether I will still work here in the future, I can’t say for myself.”

Uncle De froze at the words, he did not think that this is only two months to see, Zhuang Rui’s change will be so big, from the beginning of a monthly salary of a few thousand dollars on the happy hairy young man, now actually has begun to start their own business, but for the idea of Zhuang Rui, he is still very favorable, young people should go out to break into the world more.

“line, this is good, in the future those nasty things, you less tube a little, the old man I will own things, try to teach you, go! Let’s go out to have a meeting, and the two turtles meet below, later I will speak, you do not interrupt ah!”

Uncle De thought for a while, after explaining Zhuang Rui a sentence, and then separately to the other two appraisers made a phone call, let them half an hour later to the conference room to concentrate, Zhuang Rui do not understand what Uncle De said the nasty thing refers to, quite a bit puzzled.

Uncle De looked at Zhuang Rui’s blank expression, smiled and said: “What’s the matter? Do not understand? In the future, you and the pawnshop deal with more, naturally know.”

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