Chapter 0159 – The East Window

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:06:59
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Hot girl hot, hot girl hot. Spicy girl spicy, spicy girl spicy not afraid ……”

Wang must mouth humming song, parked his just bought not yet a year of Honda Fit, the car he more and more can not see, the exhaust is too small, and is a two-box car, not enough air, a few days ago he and Xia went to a car show, fancy a Buick Grandview, probably need more than two hundred thousand, Wang must be thinking of changing the car, after the car, the car will be given to Xia to drive.

Thinking of Axia, Wang must be mouth can not help but humming the “Spicy Girls” song, Axia full name Li Xia, is a Sichuan girl, after graduating from college to stay in Zhonghai work, but just an ordinary clerk only, in a chance meeting, Wang must know the Axia, from that will be on the launch of a very enthusiastic pursuit of it.

Just now the girl, seems to be very realistic, especially drifting in Zhonghai this kind of cosmopolitan women. Is education, looks and character important in their eyes? Very important! But as long as you have money, the above conditions can be relaxed a little, or even canceled out.

Wang must say up, annual salary of more than 100,000, in the middle of the sea is also considered a good senior white-collar income, just he came back from abroad not long ago, spend money feet also big, to now also just drive a car 100,000 out of the beginning of the car, or rented house, is to their own appearance is very confident Li Xia, and did not Wang must be listed as a number of boyfriends, that is to say, the Wang must be the assets, is not enough to let Li Xia lowered to him, and so on. The requirements of knowledge, appearance and character.

Dating more than half a year, the money also spent a million or so, but Wang must even Li Xia’s hands have not touched a few times, not to mention playing chanting on the bed, which has always prided itself on handsome and dashing young gold Wang must be very depressed, but the relationship between the two more than a month ago to get a fundamental change, more in the first few days to get a breakthrough, which makes Wang must look back, the mouth can not help but reveal a smile.

Thinking about Li Xia’s delicate body, white skin, soul-crushing moans, Wang must have a certain part of his body involuntarily hardened, “Well, I want Ah Xia to make a Wang Bark Stewed Chicken Soup in the evening, and make up for it.” Wang must have thought while pulling out his cell phone and dialed out. But the voice of the other party’s unanswered voice came from the phone, making Wang must have frowned, could it be that yesterday’s tossing was too hard, and Axia was still sleeping?

Look at the time on the cell phone, it is already half past eight, he is already half an hour late, Wang must quickly get off the car and walked into the pawn shop, casually joking with Xu Ling, after taking care of Li Xia, he is much less interested in Xu Ling, but every day his mouth still want to take advantage of some of the cheap.

“I’m fine in the morning, I’m going to invite Old Shen from the auction house to dinner at noon to finalize next week’s auction, hmm? Why aren’t you answering the phone yet?”

Wang must be sitting in the office, flipping through his notepad, casually gave Li Xia another call, still no one answered, the heart can not help but annoyed.

Wang must be relatively narrow-minded, after he let Li Xia quit her job, he regarded her as a forbidden domain, and had to talk to her on the phone a few times a day to feel at ease. From a psychological point of view, this was a manifestation of extreme lack of self-confidence in himself, but of course, Wang must have considered this as concern for Li Xia.

“Damn, Lao Shen is really black enough, and knocked off two of my Chinese cigarettes, turn around and see if that invoice can be credited for reimbursement, anyway, this two-stick manager rarely looks at these things.”

Drunk at noon Wang must, just walked up to the second floor, saw the absolute when the district sales clerk Xiao Li, quickly reached out of the pocket out of a fifty yuan RMB, Xiao Li shouted: “Xiao Li sister, help Wang to buy a bottle of drink to go, this mineral water drink tasteless.” Wang must have said this while shoving the money into Xiao Li’s hand, touching another one in his hand, and walked towards his office with a ha-ha laugh.

“Appraiser Wang, please come over for a moment, let’s have a small meeting.”

Along with Wang must’s laughter, the door of Zhuang Rui’s office was opened, Zhuang Rui stood in the doorway and waved to Wang must.

Wang must have hiccuped, looked at Zhuang Rui with blurred eyes, and said irritably, “What meeting is there to hold! I’ve just finished eating with a client, alas, I can’t help it, the client was too enthusiastic, and I was hard poured a few cups, Manager Zhuang, if it’s not something very important. I’ll go back to sleep first!”

Zhuang Rui frowned, he has never seen like Wang must have committed this kind of crime, the heart is not panicked at all, glanced at the hand holding fifty dollars a little overwhelmed Li, Zhuang Rui suppressed the anger, calmly said: “You still come to a moment, there are some things need to ask you.”

After saying this, Zhuang Rui turned his head and went into the room, after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Wang must have woken up a little bit of alcohol, followed behind Zhuang Rui and walked in.

“Aigoo, Uncle De, you are also there! Older brother Lai, I heard that you received a foreign oil painting some time ago? Or is it from the early twentieth century? You are not generous, also do not say to bring it to the old brother to appreciate a little, today old Shen said I only know, Zhuang manager, what is the matter you quickly say, wait a while maybe come to the customer.”

Wang must have walked into the manager’s office, saw Uncle De and Lai Jin Dong are sitting inside, and hastily snorted and greeted the two, did not wait for Zhuang Rui to let, a butt sat on the sofa. Upper and lower eyelids straight fight, lean back and want to squint.

“This thing you look at first, I think, you need to give the pawnshop or give the investment company an explanation.”

Zhuang Rui also did not have nonsense, directly the list that enumerated the fake pawned items that Wang must have collected, placed on the coffee table in front of the sofa, two eyes staring dead at Wang must.

“What is this?”

Wang must have not realized that his behavior is already the east window, very casually pick up that piece of paper, just looked at it, originally squinted into a slit eyes, instantly glaring round. The face full of alcohol suddenly sobered up most of the time.

“Manager Zhuang, what do you mean by this? The objects written on this piece of paper are all the pawns that I have recently collected, why are you making a list for me to see?”

Wang must be shaking the paper in his hand, making a clattering sound, pretending to be confused to Zhuang Rui asked, the flash of panic in his eyes, but was always staring at him Zhuang Rui captured.

Looking at Wang must be a poor performance, Zhuang Rui lazy and Wang must be a circle, open the door and said: “Wang appraiser, we colleagues a, I give you a chance, you say it yourself, this leadership responsibility I come back, otherwise, you consequences!”

“Say what ah? I charge the pawns according to the regulations, even if these are fake pawns, then I don’t know ah! I was also deceived, what do you want me to say?”

Wang must have raised his voice, but in the eyes of Zhuang Rui and the others, it was colorful, under the tough exterior, he could not hide his inner weakness.


Zhuang Rui’s right hand heavily slapped on the table, the body then stood up, looked at Wang must have said in a stern voice: “Wang must have, the opportunity to give you, and then lost the way not to reverse, do not blame me for not thinking about the friendship of colleagues, I did not say that these items are fake when ah! You didn’t identify them as fake, why are you talking like this now?”

Wang must have carefully read the form in his hand again, it only listed the eleven fake pawn items of the pawn time and the amount of money involved, and did not state that this is a fake pawn items, just now he was talking out of turn.

“What is there to say ah! It’s just that I received a few pieces of fake jewelry, then again. I collect these items, are in accordance with the real one-sixth of the price charged, then in the auction house a auction, immediately can earn back at least eighty percent, this one to go, to the pawnshop can create a lot of profit it!”

Wang must see this matter can not be hidden, began to find an excuse for himself, perhaps he really think so in his heart, the more he said the more complacent, as if he did these things, are for the sake of pawnbrokers in general, as for the fake pawn pawn gold, that naturally is not mentioned.

After hearing the words of Wang must, uncle De is angry face green, Lai Jindong in the side of the gloating, while Zhuang Rui was Wang must be said to laugh, this is still a master’s degree in foreign students returned, actually is so a legal illiterate.

Previously Zhuang Rui saw a joke, said a doctor couple married for three years have no children, to the hospital a check, both husband and wife’s body is very healthy, this thing is a little strange, and finally an old doctor asked a few words of husband and wife in the same room, which only know, three years, the two so-called lovemaking, just sleep in a bed, the other did not have any substantial physical contact, which makes everyone present are This makes all the people present fall down.

Of course, our Wang appraiser in foreign countries did not less go to those things, but also had many times in the high head horse body strong and hairy oceanic horse to raise the country’s prestige, but his knowledge of the law, but and that couple’s knowledge of human physiology, the difference is not much.

“Wang must, are you holding a Chinese passport?” Zhuang Rui suddenly threw out such a question.

“Yes, why?” Wang must be a bit puzzled.

“That’s good, China’s laws are very applicable to you, let me give you the relevant explanation of the criminal law about fraud! Article 266 of the Criminal Law: If the amount of fraudulent public or private property is relatively large, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, detention or control, and shall be punished by a fine or a single fine. If the amount is huge or there are other serious circumstances, it shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than ten years, and shall be punished with a fine. Where the amount is particularly large or there are other particularly serious circumstances, the penalty shall be fixed-term imprisonment of ten years or more or life imprisonment, and a fine or confiscation of property.”

“‘Fraud’ mainly refers to the act of obtaining public or private property by means of fictitious facts or concealing the truth with the purpose of illegal possession. By the way, Appraiser Wang, I’ll remind you one more time that an individual who defrauds public or private property of more than 200,000 yuan belongs to a particularly large amount of fraud, and as for which one of the above applies to you, you can take your place in the list.”

With the sound of Zhuang Rui’s words, Wang must’s body involuntarily trembled, originally drank full of red face, also became pale and colorless, eyes full of fear expression.

“Dang, dang dang ……”

Just when Wang must have almost collapsed his mental defenses, a knock came from Zhuang Rui’s manager’s office.

“Manager Zhuang, I’m delivering drinks to Appraiser Wang, this is the Fruit Grain Orange you ask for every time ……”

Xiao Li who pushed open the door also seemed to feel that the atmosphere in the room was a bit gloomy, spat out her tongue and quickly walked to Wang definitely, put a bottle of Fructus Orange drink and the change she found back, put it on the coffee table in front of Wang definitely, and quickly retreated out.

If this is placed in the past, Wang must be sure to pull the hand of Xiaoli, pretending to be generous will find the change stuffed into the hand of Xiaoli, just today, Wang must no longer have that mind, and even do not know how to open the bottle of drinks, he felt for the first time, the sweet drink in the mouth is so bitter, and juice bottles on the model wearing a short skirt with thighs full of vitality, but also for the first time in the eyes of the Wang must lose attraction. must have lost its attraction in his eyes.

“Manager Zhuang, Uncle De, I really don’t know that these things are fake! You guys have to believe me, I can make a review on this matter, I can offer my resignation to the investment company, but, but I really don’t have any intention to defraud!”

It seems that the cold drink inspired Wang must be almost frozen thinking, he put down the drink in his hand, shouted up the injustice, just said the words also do not recognize, for Wang must be this kind of people, eat into the things, did not think to spit out, even if he resigned now, but also earned enough more than five hundred thousand in the hands of the pawnbrokers in China more than a lot of people, casually change the city and then look for another one, but also can be able to mix a meal.

Zhuang Rui did not expect Wang must actually still a rolling meat, do not see the coffin role, picked up the phone to dial a number, said a word.

Not more than two minutes, the door of the manager’s room was pushed open again, Miao Fei Fei walked in wearing a neat police uniform, put a recorder and a statement on Zhuang Rui’s table, her eyes glared fiercely at Zhuang Rui, in order to get these two things, she had spent a lot of favors.

“Thank you officer, trouble officer, you first go to the conference room to sit for a while, we will do the suspect’s work here, we are also in line with the principle of punishing the former to prevent the latter to cure the sick to save the people!”

Zhuang Rui stood up, put on a business-like, I don’t know you look, sent Miao Fei Fei out, behind the back of the crowd in the room, but to Miao Fei Fei thumbs up.

Since Miao Fei Fei walked into the office, Wang must have forced the calm face, became incomparably flustered, originally straightened up the rocker, but also shrunk, wait until Zhuang Rui sent Miao Fei Fei out, Wang must have eyes even more tightly staring at the two objects on the desk, but the mouth is dead closed, I think there is still the psychology of a fluke.

“Take a look at this thing! After looking at it if you still need to listen to the recording, I can also fulfill you.”

Zhuang Rui put the confession on the desk, threw to the front of Wang must, this confession and the content inside the tape recorder, he heard it at noon, for this reason was again slaughtered by Miao Feifei, at that time at the same table there are also Miao Feifei a few help colleagues, now the reason why let Miao Feifei send these evidence over, is to deter Wang must.

“I explain, I deserve to die, I explain all, do not arrest me to go to jail ah! Uncle Te, you have to save me, Manager Zhuang, I really don’t know this is illegal ah!”

Looking at the paper above Li Xia’s confession, and bright red handprints and Li Xia’s signature, Wang must have finally collapsed out of the spiritual world, tears and snot, pulling beside Uncle Te, as if grasping the life-saving straws in general, bawling.

“Okay, howling what mourning ah!”

Uncle De let out a stern cry, interrupting Wang must voice.

“Just now did not let the police take you away, is to give you a chance, cry what cry, explain things clearly, withdraw the stolen money, my old man to Manager Zhuang to give you a plea.”

Uncle De’s words let Wang must have stabilized some of his emotions, after seeing Zhuang Rui nodded, he believed that before Zhuang Rui said the words are true, Wang must have just over thirty this year, he did not want to squat a decade in prison, and then come out to enjoy life, so he cheated the process of pawn pawn, explained out one by one.

Originally, in Zhuang Rui when the manager of the beginning, Wang must not move this crooked idea, he just wanted to how to cooperate with the auction house, their own last year, the eye received a few fake when the auction out, who knows that last year’s auction of the four pieces of fake when the jewelry, unexpectedly smooth, no one for when the authenticity of the product objections, which makes Wang must be in addition to get a substantial commission bonus, the heart of the Greed, but also more and more inflated up.

Wang must be before returning to China, once went to Macao to play a few days, we all know, Macao is the world-famous Oriental gambling city, along with it, is there developed pawn industry, Wang must be due to occupational reasons, went to shop a few pawnshops, fancy a few pieces of manufactured almost can be faked fake jewelry and expensive watches, it will be very low price to buy it down, according to his ideas at that time, the watches are for himself to support his face, and those jewelry, naturally, were reserved for picking up girls in the future.

But the cooperation with the auction house, so that Wang must have re-estimated the value of those fake jewelry watches, so he found Li Xia, let it take those fake jewelry and watches to the pawnshop for pawn gold, initially Li Xia did not know that these jewelry and watches are fake, Wang must have just said that he was working there, it is inconvenient to their own to take the valuation of the things, which allows Li Xia to help. And originally thought that Wang must be just a small white-collar Li Xia, did not think that he actually has so many expensive jewelry, and then secretly promised, so that Wang big appraiser love career double harvest, even if Li Xia later knew that those when the goods are fake, see the hundreds of thousands of real money back, but also Wang must be adored, these days as long as you can earn back the money, who cares about how your money comes, in the eyes of most people, not steal or rob that is not called. In most people’s eyes, if you don’t steal or rob, it’s not called breaking the law.

Wang must indeed think so, Zhuang Rui decentralization, so that he can have the opportunity to go through the auction house to deal with their own hands of fake jewelry and watches, through the auction of this link, the pawnbroker can be from the fake jewelry, get than pay out of the pawn money, many times more money, the auction house can get a considerable commission. As for Wang must himself, that is a double harvest, can come up with such a good idea, but also once let Wang must be complacent for a few days, but he did not expect, actually have this day of the East Window.

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