Chapter 0166 – Shattered Porcelain Tablets

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:07:18
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“No, raise your head. The ghost gate hasn’t been open for long, safety first, I’ll go back first, you two go shopping!”

Wei brother since watching the Hong Kong version of the “Fong Sai Yuk” series of movies, in addition to learning “to convince people with virtue” this word, there is “safety first”, at the moment look ahead! Silent, shadowed streets, or beat a retreat.

“Get …… Wei brother, then you go back first! But we don’t go back, as the saying goes, more people are afraid of ghosts, so be careful when you go back to the hotel yourself.”

Zhuang Rui lazy boss grumble down, said after walking towards the Jade Street, wait for the sun to come out after the fog dispersed, I’m afraid that this ghost market will also have to close the stalls.

Yang Wei heard Zhuang Rui’s words, shivered, looked back at the empty streets on the way, his face changed, and hurriedly followed, said: “Don’t. Wait for me, I still follow you. Wait for me, I’d better follow you guys!”

In fact, these mists are very thin, look away from a distance, as if hazy, after approaching, people and people still see very clearly, does not affect the line of sight at all, Wei brother followed closely behind the white lion, it is really like Zhuang Rui said in general, passing people, really did not dare to come close to him.

“Boss, fourth brother, what object you fancy, don’t ask the price easily, this place is different from the general market, as long as you ask the price, then wait to be slaughtered!” Zhuang Rui was walking in front while turning back and whispering to Yang Wei and Bi Yuntao.

“How can I buy something without asking the price?”

Lao Si asked with some confusion, they would have walked past three stalls, all selling finished jade pendants and ornaments and things like that, Zhuang Rui wasn’t really interested in these, looking at jade and emerald in the ghost market in Pingzhou, isn’t that sick? If you want to buy jade, wait until the daytime is full of streets.

After listening to Zhuang Rui’s words, Lao Si paid attention to observe, and found that just passed in front of those stalls. Whether they were buying or selling, there was really no one talking.

“An object, these sellers tend to give several prices, if you speak out and ask and don’t buy, if you are heard by others, the seller will rely on you, saying that you leaked the bottom price, this is also a rule passed down from the old generation, but then again, without opening your mouth to speak, you can negotiate the price just the same, you guys pay attention to those people’s movements and you’ll know. ”

Zhuang Rui mouth, stopped in his tracks, stood in front of a stall, this is an antique stall, three meters square stall, filled with bronze porcelain, ancient books and good books, there are some copper coins and knives coins, jade is not much. There were only a few pieces of ornaments that looked a bit like ancient jade, placed in the center of the stall.

“Hey, this little brother is not very old, but a bit of connoisseur ah! Come over and take a look, I’ll give you a cheaper price if you have a favorite ……”

Zhuang Rui’s words were heard by the stall owner, grinning up, do antiques this line of business, not afraid to meet people who understand, the more people who understand the more likely to go blind to pay tuition, ghost market this place, that is a real examination of the eyesight of the place, the unexplained planted a heel in this kind of place, a lot of people go.

When the stall owner spoke, intentionally lowered the accent, the voice is very small, presumably a veteran, want to maintain the mystery of the ghost market.

Many people in the antique ghost market in this environment, looking at the antiques full of big streets, the heart often produces some bias, unconsciously will think that these objects are real, in fact, these things inside the probability of real and rare, although to be higher than the various cities of the antique market, but also ten things nine false, a stall, there can be a real thing, that’s very impressive.

“The youngest, those people are holding each other’s hands, are they talking about the price?”

Brother Wei followed behind the white lion. The guts were also strong, and after surveying the four sides, it let him see a bit of a doorway.

“Right ……”

Zhuang Rui nodded, did not explain more, this way of bargaining, is passed down from ancient times, before the preaching of wealth is not white, the transaction price of an object, the buyer and seller are to be kept secret, so the invention of this method of negotiating prices.

However, in ancient times that will, people wear clothes sleeves fat, in the use of gestures to talk about the price of the time, the sleeves can be hand covered, outsiders simply can not see, but now just should be a form of walking just, that is, use this method to talk about the price of the intentional person can still be seen from the gestures of one or two.

“The youngest, you watch here, I go around ……”

This will be the oldest four also got up the interest of Taobao, hasty turn around to go to another stall, this is the charm of the ghost market, even if you do not understand the antiques, to this environment. Will also produce a kind of Taobao pick up the psychological, like going to the food court, looking at the food snacks, even if not hungry will also be hungry, are a reason.

Yang Wei saw Zhuang Rui squatting on the ground and did not move, he stood there is also a little bored, at this time he also knows that here are ordinary people like themselves, also not very afraid, so follow the old four behind to go around.

Zhuang Rui know that the two brothers family are doing business, although do not understand the antiques, but playing small on the business is the ears and eyes. Definitely not to eat any big loss, at the moment also did not care.

“Boss, you here objects, imitation is also too powerful it!”

Zhuang Rui squatting legs are a little numb, sort of this stall on the distance from him closer to the object, have looked once, let him disappointed, there is not a good thing, simply did not use the eyes of the aura, Zhuang Rui can distinguish, but this can not be said to be fake powerful, otherwise others will be anxious with your eyes.

“Young man, just now also said you know the rules, this is to say outside the line is not? Ghost market things, only see not say, love to buy not buy, you go well, not send.”

Although Zhuang Rui said more implicit, or annoyed the stall owner, immediately under the expulsion order, Zhuang Rui also know that they have violated the taboo, some embarrassed to the stall owner smiled, stood up.

In Zhuang Rui ready to leave, his eyes were attracted to the corner of the stall of a pile of broken porcelain, said a pile, in fact, there are not many, it is estimated that there is so a thirty or forty pieces, sparsely placed in a corner of the stall, do not pay attention to see, but also can not be found.

Zhuang Rui this period of time to follow Uncle Te learned a lot of things, especially the knowledge of porcelain.

In the past few years with the central two Taobao program broadcast, antique ceramics collection has become a “national movement” due to the valuable porcelain can not be expected, porcelain collection gradually received attention, there is no original porcelain, porcelain is more exceptionally valuable, such as the five famous kilns in the Song Dynasty, Ming and Qing dynasty kilns and some special varieties (such as Yuan blue and white porcelain) The price of porcelain tile is more expensive. Good porcelain can be worth tens of thousands of dollars or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In the porcelain collection, such as the five famous kilns of the Song dynasty, Ming and Qing dynasty kilns and other precious ceramics, it is difficult for the general public to see the real thing, not to mention the “hands on”, that is, to visit the museum, can only be viewed through the glass, can not be close to see, and even more likely to be held in the hands of a careful study.

So like the Song Ru kiln, kiln, kiln porcelain, since the Song Dynasty have been collectors looking for treasures, the so-called even if there are ten thousand Guan, as Ru porcelain piece, this sentence is about the value of rare porcelain. Ancient porcelain tile also has a large amount of products, cheap, high authenticity rate, small risk and other advantages, is the average person from the books to the actual learning of ancient porcelain identification shortcut.

In the collection world, many people know that Beijing has a specialized collection of ancient porcelain tile “piece of white” …… white Ming, he not only collection, but also opened a Mutong Tang Museum, specializing in the exhibition of ancient porcelain tiles, in addition to relying on their own collections and experience to write a monograph, become Collection in the world of “big shot”.

Zhuang Rui just heard that the porcelain collection is now also slowly go hot, but he has never seen such a pile of broken porcelain, can not help but go to the corner of the squatting body to look up, the stall boss although the words to drive people, that is only a moment of irritation, no business to push the reasoning, and did not make a sound at the moment.

In fact, compared to those intact antique porcelain, in the collection circle, or many people believe that the porcelain tiles are not high profits, value-added prospects are not big, Zhuang Rui also want to take it as their own learning materials and identification of aids to identify ceramic forgeries only.

“No good goods on the ground, this is really true.”

Zhuang Rui while fiddling with the broken pieces of porcelain on the ground, while shaking his head, he looked at seven or eight pieces, from the tire, glaze section can be seen from its firing process is rough, it is estimated to be some of the folk daily use of porcelain, there is no collection value.

“Something like this is also put out for sale? Huh?”

Zhuang Rui two fingers pinched up a only thumbnail size broken porcelain, was about to laugh at the boss of this wealth, but found that this piece of porcelain with just seen are not the same.

It is because of the small, so just now Zhuang Rui has been rubbing with his fingers, from the fingertips came from the feeling of very lubricated, even the broken surface is not a feeling of hand, by feel, Zhuang Rui think this should be a good piece of official porcelain fragments.

Zhuang Rui hastened to the porcelain piece to the eyes, carefully looked up, from the appearance, this should be a celadon, with glaze that side, showing a light azure color, the section of the tire quality is fine, just this object is really small point, Zhuang Rui can not tell what kiln burned in the end.

Zhuang Rui with the eyes of the aura in this porcelain swept a glance, found that although this porcelain piece is small, inside the surprisingly still retains some light aura, and the color of purple, just this inside the aura has been very thin, and Zhuang Rui can feel that these aura is still slowly losing, I’m afraid that not long after, here to sell the aura will be completely disappeared.

Will be in the hands of this inconspicuous small pieces of broken porcelain on the side of the stall, Zhuang Rui and continue in the pile of broken porcelain inside the rummage up, so that he was surprised, actually found another broken porcelain, is a porcelain chassis, but should only be a porcelain chassis of one-fifth of the role of the size of the color from the point of view, and just now that is exactly the same, on the bottom of the chassis, Zhuang Rui can vaguely see the upper “Shi” word.

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