Chapter 0167 – Family’s wealth is not worth one piece of Ru Porcelain

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:07:20
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This discovery made Zhuang Rui come into the spirit. He did not go one piece of rummage, but the eyes of the aura released, will be a small pile of broken porcelain all enveloped.

Removing the seven or eight pieces of broken porcelain that he had started to look at, this small pile was only left with more than thirty pieces, Zhuang Rui was surprised to find that inside these thirty pieces of broken porcelain, there were actually fourteen pieces of porcelain that contained a thin aura, and the color of these auras was exactly the same as the piece that he had started to open to.

“Could it be a porcelain?”

Zhuang Rui’s mind came up with a thought like this, it’s not impossible, it’s not unusual for a piece of porcelain to be broken, and for the pieces to be stored together.

Zhuang Rui to those containing the aura of porcelain are picked out, of course, in the picking, he also mixed some of the broken porcelain without collection value, he was afraid of being stall bosses to see what the cat is out of the bag, and then will be messy to ask for a high price.

Antiques this thing, the price is no spectrum. A contraption, you sell 100 line, you open 10,000 can also be, the price bureau can not control here.

In fact, Zhuang Rui is too much to worry about, the stall boss in the see him fiddling with these broken pieces of porcelain, press simply did not look this way, these broken pieces of porcelain was not his, a few days ago in his stall next to a Henan “ghost” stall.

In yesterday’s time, Henan that stall owner seems to have something urgent at home, to rush back to Henan, then in the ghost market on their own stalls on the things, at a very low price, all transferred to the boss, these broken porcelain pieces of that would not count the money, is a head of the white to give him, so now the owner of the stalls, on those broken porcelain is not very much care.

Zhuang Rui will be these pieces of broken porcelain with aura, one by one in the heart of the hand, these fragments are not big, the smallest is just the size of the fingernail, the largest is only seven or eight centimeters, different shapes, Zhuang Rui fiddling for a while, only roughly out of the object out, Zhuang Rui roughly look at, immediately put these broken pieces of broken porcelain disrupted on the ground stall.

“Boss. Take a ride!”

Zhuang Rui put those sixteen broken porcelain pieces with aura, and eight or nine porcelain pieces of little value into a pile, then stood up and pointed to the pile of porcelain pieces and said to the stall owner.

The stall owner stood up from the small bench at that, walked to the broken porcelain tiles that Zhuang Rui had put together, squatted down and fiddled with them for a bit, and said, “These are sold by the piece.”

“I know the rules, you give the price!” Zhuang Rui nodded and stretched his right hand over.

The boss also stretched out his right hand, five fingers open, then clenched into a fist shape, after a few seconds, loosened his fist, his eyes staring at Zhuang Rui.

First open five fingers, naturally means five, then clenched into a fist, that is to say, this floor stall boss opening price is fifty yuan a piece.

Zhuang Rui shook his head and used his own right hand to close the five fingers of the stall owner’s right hand one by one, leaving only one index finger.

As the saying goes: if you ask for something in the sky, you pay for it on the spot. Zhuang Rui’s action showed that he was only willing to pay ten dollars for a slice.

Now but in 2004, Beijing that the broken porcelain exhibition hall just opened a few years ago, and this time the network is not particularly developed, “piece of white” is only circulating in the Beijing-Tianjin area, in terms of the whole country, playing porcelain is not a lot of people, along with the price of these pieces of porcelain, is not very expensive, if you put in a few years ago, these pieces of porcelain is to sell for five dollars, the price of a piece of porcelain is to sell for five dollars. Porcelain tiles are also sold a piece of fifty cents, now Zhuang Rui out to ten dollars a piece, the price has not been low.

As for the latter years of Jun kiln Ru kiln ceramic tile rose to thousands of yuan a time, and then want to find the real ceramic tile from these antique stalls, it has been unlikely, because by that time, even the ceramic tiles are also fake.

“Anyway, these broken porcelain tiles are all sort of picked up.”

The stall boss thought for a moment, and then the number of those porcelain tiles inventory once again, and finally nodded, and after shaking hands with Zhuang Rui, said: “According to the price you said, the deal.”

Zhuang Rui heard did not show what happy look, reached out and took out the money clip, pulled out two hundred and a fifty bills, handed the stall boss, and so that the boss received the money, Zhuang Rui immediately squatted down, not caring about some of the ceramic tiles are stained with soil, carefully the sixteen ceramic tiles containing the aura loaded into their own handbags. As for the matching broken porcelain, Zhuang Rui casually threw it onto the stall.

“Thanks, boss, I’ll see you later ……”

Zhuang Rui suppressed the excitement of the heart, to the stall boss who was somewhat puzzled by his actions, after a greeting, immediately left with the white lion, which turned back or don’t meet the good, otherwise if the stall boss knows the value of these ceramics, I’m afraid that jumping in the river of the heart will have.

“Could it be that there are treasures inside those tiles?” The stall owner guessed in his mind, but it was too late to say anything, it was already money and goods.

Walking in the jade street on this stone road, Zhuang Rui just want to yell a few times, to vent the pleasure of the heart, based solely on this handbag in the ten broken porcelain, Zhuang Rui is this trip is not false.

Some of the officials do not understand, it is not just buy some broken pieces of porcelain well, worth so happy? Even if the porcelain is Jun Ding Ru and other famous kilns to generate out, that’s just worth a thousand or so, put four or five years later, but also just ten thousand or so, this leakage is not big ah!

This is also true that the five famous kilns of porcelain is worth money. This is known to the world, but the five kilns porcelain, really not worth much, in 2004, even if you take to sell to the piece of white, he can only give a four or five hundred a piece of the price, that also depends on the size of the piece of porcelain, but Zhuang Rui received a dozen pieces of porcelain, after the combination, the price is incalculable.

When Zhuang Rui saw the base of the ceramic tile, he has recognized. This is the Ru kiln porcelain fragments, and is the official kiln porcelain, because he found in the broken pieces of porcelain and the rest of the base of several pieces of porcelain, will be put together, from the original a “Shi” word, into the “Bong Hua” the two words.

Many friends know, in the Song Dynasty, and did not form the porcelain underneath the writing system, only part of the porcelain writing, like the Ru Kiln’s paragraph is generally divided into three kinds, the first is A, B, C and so on the number, but this number is not burned when written up, are later carved up.

The second type of identification, only write a word: Cai, once heard is the family name, no need to check, Cai Jing ah! Under one person, ten thousand people, to Cai Jing’s status at that time, can use the Ru kiln.

There is a kind of Zhuang Rui hands of this category, in the porcelain written underneath a very clear text, and these words, often have their special significance.

Take Zhuang Rui hand these pieces of porcelain pieced together out of the “Feng Hua” two words to make an analogy, Feng Hua refers to the Southern Song Dynasty Deshou Palace Hall Feng Hua Hall, is the Song Emperor Zhao Gong’s favorite consort Liu Guifei living in the place, a lot of writing “Feng Hua” Ru kiln is then Liu Guifei used. Many Ru kilns with “Feng Hua” written on them were used by Liu Guifei at that time.

History records, Liu Guifei people also have a little talent, will paint, she has two sides of her own chapter, a small, engraved with the word “Feng Hua” two words, after painting covered in the above, Feng Hua Ru Kiln porcelain should be Liu Guifei’s private things, which can be proved, Zhuang Rui bag of these pieces of porcelain, absolutely all the official kiln porcelain of the Southern Song Dynasty.

The most exciting thing for Zhuang Rui is that the dozen or so broken pieces of porcelain. Are a Ru kiln porcelain above, and a not more a not less, all here, that is to say, Zhuang Rui with these Ru kiln porcelain, can repair a complete Ru kiln porcelain out.

Ru kiln from the creation of burning so far has a history of thousands of years, ranked in the Song dynasty five kilns (Ru, official, brother, Jun, Ding) of the first, because of its exquisite craftsmanship, superior technology, diverse shapes, rich in decorative, not only for the folk preferences at that time, the late Northern Song dynasty is the royal family’s appreciation and favor and Song Zhezong Yuanyou Song Huizong Chongning five years of the twenty-year period, the monopoly for the kiln, exclusively for the court burned.

Because of the court fired imperial porcelain for a very short time, the requirements are very high, limited production, fewer survivors, to the Southern Song Dynasty has become a “near especially rare” rare treasures, nearly a thousand years for the collector’s favor and respect, the famous painting master Mr. Li Kuchan once wrote: “the world museum, no Ru (porcelain) ) can hardly be called perfect.”

Thousands of museums around the world today, but can hide the Song Ru porcelain less than ten, and the museum’s collection of Ru Kiln heirlooms total less than 70 pieces, as early as the Ming and Qing dynasties, folk that is, “even if there is a family of ten thousand, not against Ru porcelain,” the word of mouth is widely spread, and to this day, Ru Kiln porcelain prices are rocketing upward.

In 1992, scattered in the folk of a diameter of 8 cm of the Northern Song Dynasty Ru kiln porcelain plate in the United States at auction in New York, sold for 1.54 million U.S. dollars, and in Hong Kong, an auction, a Song Ru kiln three Îþi Zun to 50 million Hong Kong dollars, which is still more than a decade ago, the price, to the present day, a Ru kiln treasures of the value of the value of the already immeasurable.

Modern collectors are looking for every possible way to collect a Ru kiln porcelain as a lifelong pursuit and pride, so as long as Zhuang Rui this Ru kiln porcelain can be restored to become a complete work, even if it is restored, then its price, will be a thousand times the price of the porcelain piece.

“The youngest, picked up what treasure? Look at your face all smiles.”

Zhuang Rui was about to go to Brother Wei and Lao Si when Yang Wei drilled out from nowhere, and seemed to be holding something in his hand.

“Brother Wei, this ghost market today, it’s not in vain, let me show you ……”

Zhuang Rui since the excitement of half a day, is not looking for someone to pour out it, a pull Yang Wei, open their handbags, to show those porcelain pieces.

Wei see Zhuang Rui said mysterious, put his head over, this look, greatly disappointed, a disdainful face, said: “cut, not just some broken porcelain, I also when you picked up a gold treasure!”

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