Chapter 0169 – Han Yu

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:07:25
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“Damn, that kid punked me. Go, brothers go back to find him!”

Yang Wei was Lao Si laugh some can not stand, angry from the hands of Lao Si snatched the “Western Han Dynasty white porcelain” back to turn around to go to just buy this object stall.

“Don’t, brother Wei, don’t go, this matter even it! 800 dollars is not too much, in the future in such a place more see less out on the line.”

Zhuang Rui hastened to pull a Yang Wei, what a joke, this is being fooled by people has been humiliated enough, and then run to make trouble, that is really shameless, others casually make up a story, said to be the Western Han Dynasty white porcelain, the boss will believe, this can only be blamed on the Wei brother himself, the blame can not be that the stalls, the owner did not make up the story of the family’s collapse, selling heirlooms, has been enough to give face to the boss.

“That can’t be. Youngest, if my oldest son knows about this, then don’t laugh at me for years ah! No, you go with me, let’s get the scene back again.”

Wei is now mainly in the heart of the gas is not good, more importantly, he bought this porcelain, a little to compete with their own old man flavor, from the current situation, it should be said that Wei is still better than their dad a little bit stronger, why do I say this, it is because the father of the Yang each time the eye to pay the tuition fee, but it is often thousands of dollars, more often tens of thousands of dollars, compared to it, Wei is indeed nothing, this 800 bucks.

“Forget it, Brother Wei, ghost city this place, go blind that is their own thing, and then go back to find the field, in vain and then lose face, in the antique line inside, the most can not believe, is the story of other people, next time pay attention to the point on the line.”

Zhuang Rui dead dragged Yang Wei, Wei also want to understand. This thing can only be blamed on their own ears shallow, too easy to gullible others, coupled with this doorway to the antiques and not a very good understanding, to suffer a loss and be fooled is inevitable.

“I said the youngest, how do you have such good luck every time ah! These broken pieces of porcelain, can be put together by you into a whole piece, brother how I was so unlucky ah!” Wei brother this mood also calmed down, set a bitter face to Zhuang Rui said.

In fact, Zhuang Rui his own personal heart understand, although the first porcelain tile is his eyesight to see out, but the rest of the porcelain tile, there are three or four are with the aura to find out, because these several pieces of porcelain tile, are stained with soil, there is a piece of even looks like a mud pimple, if it is not the eyes sensed inside the contained in the spirit of qi, I’m afraid that will be those ceramic tiles are all washed clean to do so, of course, that the owner of the stand is would never give Zhuang Rui such an opportunity.

“Boss, anyway, Uncle Yang doesn’t know about Western Han and Eastern Han, you take this back to him. The old man must be happy, maybe he will return that 800 dollars to you, come on, the oldest, look at the object I bought ……”

The oldest four looked at Wei brother frustrated look, spoke out to comfort him a sentence, Yang father that play antiques reputation, this brother a few are clear, but this is just that the words but angry boss almost jumped up, Yang father has always been their own go-eye to pay the tuition fee can be, but can not look at the Yang Wei messy spending, this thing if he knows, will certainly teach Wei brother a few days.

“Fourth brother, you are buying a jade jade ah, how much money to buy?” Zhuang Rui took the object Lao Si handed over and casually asked.

“Not expensive, two thousand dollars, this thing is mainly my own look like, real or fake I can not distinguish, but it feels good, so I bought it, the oldest you look, this thing is real?”

Lao Si’s nature is a little more spontaneous than Yang Wei, but he is also afraid to buy a fake object to lose his share, first declare that he does not care about the authenticity of this thing, just from the Lao Si’s face that is slightly nervous, can still be seen, he bought the first antique in his own life, or quite concerned about it.

Zhuang Rui looked at Lao Si’s expression. Some funny, while looking at the hand of the jade jade, said: “Fourth brother, in the antique, in addition to the age of the ancient jade, jade this thing, there is generally no true or false, only the quality of good and bad talk, you buy this, is a jade jade, in ancient times, the earliest is used as a sacrificial and ceremonial vessels, often appear in the important national ceremonies, such as sacrifices to the sky, sacrifices to the gods, They were often used in important national ceremonies, such as sacrifices to heaven, gods, mountains, the sea, stars, rivers, and so on. Later, some people with status, but also the jade bik used to give each other, and then many people will be this thing as a Department of Pei play items, but also as a sign of different status to bik for the ornaments mainly since the Warring States period to the Han Dynasty prevailed. Oh, there is another way of putting it, don’t mind if I do! This jade is often also used to ward off evil spirits and prevent the body from decaying, for the ancient emperors and ministers of the burial goods, now has been unearthed in the Han Dynasty tombs, there are many jade jade bik unearthed. Generally placed on the chest and back of the deceased, some were placed between the coffin and the outer coffin, and even embedded in the surface of the pavilion for decorative purposes ……”

“Wait, wait …… Oldest, you say that this thing of mine is taken out from the dead? Boss, give me a few mouthfuls of that water of yours, holy shit, how disgusting is that!”

The oldest didn’t wait for Zhuang Rui to finish his sentence, he interrupted him, the oldest’s guts are much bigger than Viagra’s, but as soon as he heard the object that he had been playing with in his hand for half a day. Actually from the dead body off, that heart is like eating a fly in general, do not mention how difficult it is, the stomach has not digested food straight to the outside pan, and hastily grabbed the mineral water in the hands of Brother Wei, fierce drink a few mouths.

“Che, as for it, fourth brother, this tomb out of the ancient jade, valuable ah! Other people on the rush to grab it, then again, I did not say you this is the ancient jade ah, eh? Fourth brother, you’re lucky!”

Zhuang Rui in the hand back and forth to play rubbing the jade jade, originally he did not think that the old four can pick up any good objects on the stall, but also not how to look at, but this carefully measured, dare to say that this thing is not bad, actually is a two-color urinary jade, of course, the ancient jade Qinyu fake a lot of, and Zhuang Rui for the jade on the hand is not a lot of, do not use the qi words, he really can not tell whether this is a piece of ancient jade.

Ancient jade for the letter of the thing, used for employment, a total of six kinds, also known as the later generation of “six Swiss” ancient books have recorded: the king of the ZhenGui, the public implement the HuanGui, the marquis of the letter of the Gui, Bur implementation of the bow Gui, the son of the implementation of the Valley Bik, male implementation of the PuBi, is the use of different forms of jade, in order to show that the difference in the level of the title.

The one that Lao Si bought was a piece of Pu Bi, which was not very big, with a diameter of about six or seven centimeters. There is a hole in the middle of a small finger, in the jade jade surface is engraved with a bushy pattern, this bushy symbolizes the grass and trees, the symbol of prosperity, this piece of jade jade jade originally is a green jade carving, but now there are three colors, in addition to retain a little bit of the original color of the green jade, around the yellowish jade, and there is also a piece of ochre-brown place.

According to the percolating color on this jade jade, Zhuang Rui judged that if these two colors were not dyed later, this jade jade should be some years of ancient jade, and it was unearthed from the tomb.

“The youngest, don’t speak with a big breath, how is this jade in the end? Which era is it from?” Oldest said with dissatisfaction.

“I can’t tell the age, but it should be Han jade, and it’s a two-color urn, not bad, fourth brother, 2000 dollars to buy is not a loss.”

Zhuang Rui has used his eyes to see this jade jade, there is indeed the existence of aura, the color is purple, but the number is not a lot, Zhuang Rui guessed that this jade jade jade material is not very good, and less people play with the reason!

The old four after hearing that is a happy smile, he now also feel from this stall to pick up the thrill of the leakage, only Wei brother mood is not very happy, from Zhuang Rui hand grabbed the jade jade, just out of the sunlight to look at a moment, skimmed the mouth, said: “the youngest, you are comforting the old four right! This jade above the color is so ugly, will be the soy sauce drops up like, Ma Ma Lai Lai’s, on this shit is still worth a lot of money?”

“Boss, you can’t eat grapes say grapes sour, didn’t listen to the youngest said ah! This is the Han jade, than your Han Dynasty white porcelain much stronger.” The oldest four and Wei brother before is also used to fight the mouth, this sentence to the boss of the soft door, the boss was about to retort, look at the hand of this porcelain pot, resentful closed his mouth.

“Brother Wei, you say this is amateurish, Khan, but you would have been an amateur, this is the seep, this is the charm of the ancient jade.” Zhuang Rui explained with a smile.

“What is seep? Secretion? This jade can still secrete things by itself?” As soon as Brother Wei heard Zhuang Rui’s words, he hurriedly shoved the jade jade in his hand, as if there was something unclean on it.

“Ugh, it’s so tiring to talk to you guys!”

Zhuang Rui pretended to let out a long sigh, in fact, he was enjoying this feeling of being a teacher.

However, after seeing that the boss had already looked bad and started to rub his fists, Zhuang Rui hastened to explain: “Qin this thing, it looks as if the learning is very deep, in fact, to put it bluntly, it is the ‘rust’ on the jade and the same as copper and iron, it will also be rusty, however, the rust on the jade, is not the jade itself, but is caused by erosion of external objects. Rather, it is caused by the erosion of external objects. In the circle of ancient jade collectors, those that have not been buried and have been handed down to the world are known as ‘Shihshigu’, which means that jade that is not a burial object is commonly known as ‘Zi Lai Lao’. Jade that was buried in the earth with the tomb as a funerary object, and later dug up by people, or buried in the earth for other reasons, and then appeared later, can be called ‘earth-ancient’, and this kind of jade is also commonly known as ‘unearthed jade’. In fact, most of the heirloom ancient jades that have been handed down to us are unearthed jades. And as long as it is unearthed jade, almost without exception, it will be hung with percolating color, that is, the jade rust that I just told you about.”

“Wait, Lao Xiao, according to what you said, isn’t this piece of mine an unearthed jade? Then the colors on it, are those ……”

Old four behind the words some words can not go on, he thought is also right, this unearthed jade above the percolation color, of course, there is the soil caused, but more are accompanied by burial goods to jade hanging on the percolation color.

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