Chapter 0170 – Digging Graves and Robbing Graves, Making a Fortune

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:07:28
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“You’re right, Fourth Brother, where an ancient jade is unearthed, and in what environment it is unearthed, what kind of seep will be hung on it, just like the birthmark on a person’s body. Almost all unearthed jade is bound to have a percolating color, and the percolating color is quite important for jade, which is an important basis for examining the age of jade and the contemporaneous jade culture, arts and crafts, carving art, and funerary culture. In the earth, especially in a tomb, the jade is exposed to a very complex environment, and the variety of the soil or the abundance of buried objects gives the jade a different percolation color. The yellowish brown color is mostly the seepage from the soil or the buried pillow incense, the greenish blue color is mainly due to the dyeing of clothes, the black color is the erosion of the mercury in the sealed coffin, and the white color is the absorption of the silica in the tomb. I can tell a little bit about this jade jade. The yellow color of the jade biscuit should be the percolating color caused by the soil, but this ochre brown color should be the rust percolating, it is very likely that at that time, beside this piece of jade biscuit that accompanied the burial, there was an iron weapon placed, so it formed this color.”

Zhuang Rui’s words confirmed Lao Si’s thoughts, the percolating color on this jade jade jade, most likely it was caused by the dead man’s clothing or something on his body.

“Fourth brother, there are many different ways of saying this color, such as a single color is called: uniform and unmixed; your piece with two colors is called: heavenly mystery, earthly yellow; three colors are called: peach orchard or three yuan and the first; four colors are called: blessing, fortune and longevity; and five colors are called: five blessings and longevity. Boss, four brother this luck, but to be much stronger than you, this piece of jade bib although the material is general, just green jade carved from, but plus the two colors of the urinary, at least can sell a two or three million dollars, but this jade bib both sides are Pu pattern, if this jade bib on the pattern on one side is the dragon Pu bib, that at least can be worth more than 100,000 yuan.”

Zhuang Rui said that the color of the jade jade often represents people’s good wishes, but for Lao Si, the first impression in his mind. Still placed on the jade jade percolating color of the formation of the reason, blandly can not recall the jade itself has the saying of avoiding evil spirits.

Lao Si is a Cantonese, and Guangdong can be said to be one of the country’s most worshipful provinces and cities, especially Chaoshan and Hong Kong and other regions, that is, every family has a shrine, used to worship the gods and ancestors or Guan Er Master, the doorway of the God of Land and Wealth, that is everywhere, Lao Si grew up with, even if he does not believe in, but on these dead people to bring the body of the object, or to respect far away from it.

“I bah, dead people stuff, give me do not want.”

Wei brother’s words said Zhuang Rui cried and laughed, not to mention the ancient jade, on this world passed down the various colors of antiques, I’m afraid that ten pieces of which there are seven or eight pieces are from the tomb out of the rake, if in accordance with Wei’s statement, then there is no one to collect antiques.

Most of the antiques stolen from the tombs are treasures, as you can imagine. Those emperors and ministers, who had honorable status when they were alive, all thought that they could continue to enjoy glory and wealth in the netherworld after death, and they all buried their favorite or most expensive items with them during their lives, which could also show the honor and glory of the deceased after their lives.

For the sake of the rich burial goods in those tombs, grave robbing this industry from ancient times to the present day has not been interrupted, driven by huge interests, countless grave robbers desperate to excavate ancient tombs, so far in Henan, Shaanxi and other places, there are still some grave robbing family, which are clearly documented.

In the rural areas of Henan, Shaanxi and other places, there is often a slogan: digging graves and robbing tombs, get rich, so it can be seen how attractive these tombs are to people.

In recent times, the well-known case of grave robbers, we must count the original is a bandit origin, and later mixed into the national army team of the country’s thieves Sun Dianying, Sun Dianying stationed troops in Hebei, the entire Qing Dynasty East Mausoleum dug up the Emperor Qianlong’s Yu Mausoleum and Cixi’s Tingdong Mausoleum to the cleaning of a blank, which is not enough, before leaving the coffins are also mashed up, the destruction of the corpse abandoned the bones, the convergence of the Qing Dynasty’s supreme ruler of extravagance and extravagance of the buried treasures.

Poor Emperor Qianlong alive when he called himself “ten full old man” after death because of these things outside the body, fell into a body incomplete end, Cixi more miserable, the whole person was stripped naked and abandoned the body on the ground.

However, Sun Tingying this thing to do is not very secret, not long after it was known by the Manchu elders, then Pu Yi as the head of all the Manchu royal family joint name. Sun Tingying’s crime of stealing the tombs of his ancestors to Chiang Kai-shek, in order to calm the grievances of these people, Chiang Kai-shek declared that he would investigate the case.

Sun Dianying realized the seriousness of the matter, in order to protect himself, he will be the most expensive grave robbing proceeds of the nine-dragon sword, the value of the city to Chiang Kai-shek, at the same time the Cixi’s tomb of the theft of the great night pearl to Song Meiling, Song Ziwen also got the Cixi’s tomb of the gold and jade watermelon, in addition to the like of Kong Hsiang-hsi, He Yingqin, Yan Xishan and other important government officials, have received a lot of valuable antiques, calligraphy and painting and other treasures, this Shocking case is also unsettled.

Imagine, even Song Meiling can take the night pearl from the mouth of Cixi play, Zhuang Rui what to be afraid of, and Zhuang Rui of these people in ancient times would not have had any good feelings, on the contrary, for those who robbed tombs, Zhuang Rui on the contrary, is a great sense of good.

You say that these emperors and generals are dead, but also have to leave these treasures to the ground, although there are many treasures and curiosities because of the tomb preserved, but like those paintings and calligraphy antiques, almost all rot in the tombs of these emperors and generals.

“The youngest, this thing you take on the line, if someone wants it, it will be sold, no one wants you to keep yourself to play it! Just as the fourth brother to send you a gift, no, the dead object as a gift to send unlucky, just as …… just as ……”

The old four thought for half a day, did not think of a name to, but this jade he is not dare to stay to play, pick up the good mood of the leakage, but also all by Zhuang Rui this paragraph to stir up.

“Well, you two also loss is born in the new China, long under the red flag, actually still superstitious about this stuff. Fourth brother, really give it to me?”

Zhuang Rui put the jade jade in his hand, he did not have this kind of psychological burden, Zhuang Rui estimated that these antiques inside the aura, it is possible to play more than left behind, he does not care is not a dead person played it, then again, this thing is now being their own play, after a few decades, their own deaths, this object is not still to be passed on.

“Here you go, really here you go, let’s go back! Great fortune ……”

The old four can not stop shaking his hand, as if touching that jade jade, stained with the dead bad luck in general, this will be his more anxious than Weiguo, I think it must be to return to the hotel to wash his hands to burn incense to go.

“Don’t ah! Fourth brother, it is easy to come across a ghost market, tomorrow I do not know if there is it, we go back later, you take me to buy jade jade jewelry stall to see go.”

This is already seven o’clock in the morning more than one, jade street pedestrians gradually more up, some stores are ready to open the door, and the ghost market of those stall owners, most of the stalls away, Zhuang Rui would like to take a chance in going to the old four to buy a jade stall to see.

Like these unearthed objects, there is a real possibility that those grave robbers sold, of course, they generally have a fixed customer, like the last Zhuang Rui participated in the grassland black market auction of antiques, most of them are from all over the hands of grave robbers collected.

However, there are also some running single grave robbers, their main occupation is the stalls around the “ghost” grave robbers is only a sideline, these people tend to leave some of the treasures. And then the rest of some of the estimated small scattered objects out to sell, and is the real and fake antiques are mixed together, whether you can find the treasure, it depends on the skill of each person.

“I’m not going, if you want to go you go yourself, Brother Wei, let’s go back first.”

Lao Si pulled Yang Wei to the hotel, Zhuang Rui look at the jade street is not a few loose stalls, so with the white lion also followed the two back to the hotel, but Zhuang Rui heart has made up his mind, tomorrow to get up early and come back to shop, this ghost city of good things, than those antique market inside much more.

After returning to the hotel, the buck-toothed waiter on the night shift is no longer there, Zhuang Rui three people are relieved, in the face of such a superb, I’m afraid that a few people even can’t eat breakfast, but this will be Wei and the oldest four apparently not in the mood to eat breakfast, like a butt on fire in general, go back to the room inside to wash their hands.

Zhuang Rui is not so-called, he went to the restaurant to eat breakfast, to Wei and Zhou Rui and other people packed a bring up.

Zhuang Rui lived in a single room, after sending the breakfast to those people, he went to take a cool shower, the weather in Guangdong in June has been called hot, a little activity is a stinking sweat.

Although the night did not sleep, Zhuang Rui at this time or some excitement, lying on the bed half a day can not sleep, simply climbed up, the more than ten pieces of broken porcelain to the restroom, with a toothbrush to carefully clean the sludge on the porcelain, there is a way: the old goods are not afraid of the new (net), the new is not afraid of the dirty (do not make the old), the Ru kiln porcelain glaze is very uniform, and so Zhuang Rui cleaned up after each piece of porcelain, exudes a heavenly Green color light.

Zhuang Rui put these pieces of porcelain on the snow-white bed, began to put together, although only roughly put together the fractured surface, Zhuang Rui is still happy, this sixteen broken porcelain, just is a Ru kiln brush wash.

Pen wash is a literary utensils, is used to hold water to wash the pen utensils, to the shape of a good boy, a variety of elegant and exquisite and widely favored, which Ru Kiln produced pen wash is called Ru Kiln wash, but not many handed down to date, according to some statistics, nowadays around the world, the intact Ru Kiln wash, no more than fifty, as long as Uncle Te can repair this Ru Kiln wash, that can definitely sell a high price.

Looking for a towel, carefully wrapped up these pieces of porcelain, Zhuang Rui decided to participate in this jade exhibition, immediately back to Zhonghai to find Uncle De repair this Ru kiln porcelain.

As for the old four plucked that piece of Han Dynasty jade jade, Zhuang Rui did not care much, casually put the room on the coffee table, although the jade jade jade is also worth a lot of money, but there are only two kinds of color on it, and the jade quality is not very good, he is not interested in their own to go to the “plate” have the opportunity to sell it off.

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