Chapter 0172 – Disc Jade (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:07:33
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“Brother Ma, you’re speaking in jargon! If you tell me that you’re an amateur, I’m going to be anxious with you!”

Zhuang Rui heard Fatty Ma’s words, to his thumbs up, can say “disk jade” this two words, it proves that Fatty Ma in the collection of this category of jade, is under a lot of work.

As we all know, all just unearthed old jade, in hundreds of thousands of years of time, more than by the soil or grave erosion, with a variety of color seepage, but these seepage from the color point of view, is not perfect, but make the ancient jade appears very obscure rough, so after the storage, it must be “disk work” to make the restoration of its nature.

The “disc of jade” is also called “raising jade” and is one of the greatest joys of many jade collectors. The so-called “disc of jade” refers to a method of enjoying and playing with jade circulated among the people, through which the disc of jade can make the jade of obscure color as old as new, and make the color of the jade change greatly.

Because even if the ancient jade has the most beautiful color Qin, such as not adding Pan Gong, Qin color will be hidden and not manifest, the color of the jade is not easy to see, the jade is not also rejuvenated, it will be as ordinary as the general stubborn, like the old four of this jade jade jade, from the surface, the color of the dark and yellow, without a trace of luster, if by the person after the plate, it will become warm and pure, crystal and bright.

As the saying goes: Jade can nourish people, the same way people can nourish jade.

Jade collectors throughout the ages know how to dish jade, this is a kind of “kung fu” like the tea ceremony, is the appreciation of certain things and research, reached a realm, and customary fixed into a general, the formation of a certain programing.

Can imagine, will be pleased with the jade with you, close and hide, carefully cared for. After a long day of playing and wearing, like a butterfly after the struggle of the chrysalis, so that it gradually shed the rough earth shell, restored the spirit of the past, moist, color, brilliant light blooming in the palm, the sense of achievement is irreplaceable.

The same piece of jade, did not plate and plate after the price, that is a far cry, like the old four plucked this piece of jade jade, if you can plate out an ancient fragrance and color, that price then upward several times is not surprising.

“Zhuang old brother, don’t give my brother to me to pour the ecstasy, this jade I have to take another look …….”

Ancient jade dyeing old too much, although Fatty Ma hands feel good, but also do not dare to take it lightly, from the pocket out of the thumb large magnifying glass, carefully looked up.

Zhuang Rui smiled, from the horse fat carry equipment to see, this trip should be prepared for a long time, definitely not what he said in his mouth to wander around so simple.

In fact, in order to fat Ma’s family, this piece of jade jade will not be in his eyes. But the collection of people should have had this experience, is when you put an object to identify the authenticity of the time, that kind of pleasure but money can not be replaced.

At this moment, fat horse originally that lazy bloated expression swept away, replaced by a pair of almost squinted into a slit in the small eyes, exudes a stream of light, and its focus on the look so that Zhuang Rui recognized a completely different fat horse, the fat face has become a lot of lovely.

After a full more than ten minutes, Fatty Ma put the magnifying glass back in the pocket, right hand five carrot-like thick fingers, can not stop in the jade jade jade rubbing, can see, he is completely habit, Zhuang Rui know, this should be “disk jade”, although he is “disk jade” know very well, the “disk jade”. Although he knows a lot about the “disk jade”, but he has not operated, can not help but look a little mesmerized.

“Hey, Zhuang old brother, sorry, to get the hands of the want to play, I’m too clumsy, let the old brother you laugh, this piece of jade jade jade is okay, there are two kinds of color above, plus the original color of the jade, it is ‘three suns to open up’, that is, there is no plate, meet like plate jade, the price can be higher. But generally is a two or three million looks like ……”

Fatty Ma saw Zhuang Rui’s eyes, staring at his right hand, hastily stopped the “disk jade” action, this other people’s objects, their own use of disk is not appropriate, but his vision is very poisonous, and Zhuang Rui estimated the price is not far apart.

“Brother Ma said what ah! This small object is not worth a few dollars, my brother also do not like this thing, if you fancy, take it to play it! Don’t mention money or not.”

Zhuang Rui waved his hand, although this is said in a big way, but the words point out that the thing is not his, if Fatty Ma wants, naturally will open the price.

As expected by Zhuang Rui, Fatty Ma immediately said: “Older brother, you are generous at the expense of others ah! This is not appropriate, on this thing, from the stalls to buy also want a few thousand dollars, I can not let the little brothers suffer, so! Twenty thousand dollars. I’ll take it, what do you guys think?”

After Zhuang Rui heard Fatty Ma’s words, he looked at Lao Si, he originally wanted to help Lao Si sell it, this two thousand dollars to find it, turned around and went up ten times, Lao Si should also be satisfied.

“OK, just do what Ma said ……”

Lao Si knows Zhuang Rui’s heart, and did not push back, a few of them did not put twenty thousand dollars in their eyes, if they push back again. Plainly they would be looked down upon.

“Zhuang old brother, these friends of yours have a good temperament! Quite refreshing, to my fat man’s liking, here, the money to take, but the jade belongs to me ah!”

In 2004 that will, whether it is not the boss, hands are grasping a leather handbag, of course, most people take are artificial leather, Zhuang Rui although small assets, but his bag is actually thirty dollars from the mall to buy, but Fatty Ma with, obviously not fake.

Fatty Ma while talking, while taking out two knives of money from his own handbag, threw it to the old four, no need to see, are pink old man, above also with the bank’s folding bar it!

Lao Si also did not make a fuss, took the money received in the bag, said to Fatty Ma: “Thank you Brother Ma, the night little brother host, we go to Guangzhou to find a field of fun to go.”

Fatty Ma sniffed and waved his hand, said, “That’s for you youngsters, I can’t do it, I’m tired from the airplane ride, I need to take a good rest today.”

“Brother Ma, I’m afraid you won’t be able to rest this night either!” Lao Si’s words made everyone laugh, guarding a beautiful girl, as long as it’s a man, I’m afraid that sleep will not be restful.

This time, the girl following Fatty Ma is much better than the last time Zhuang Rui saw, long and pure not to mention, people are also very quiet, just leaning against Fatty Ma sitting, there is no overly intimate behavior.

It looks like Fatty Ma is also quite fond of this girl, and he didn’t get angry after hearing the words of Lao Si. Hehehe smiled and handed the jade jade in his hand to the girl and said, “Yanzi, this piece of jade is not bad, take a good disk, as long as it can be disked out, don’t want to be able to sell a hundred thousand or so.”

“Thank you Brother Ma ……”

The girl called Yanzi was very good and took the jade jade over, just holding it in her hand but was a bit at a loss, looking at Fatty Ma and asking, “Brother Ma, what is called disking the jade? How do you plate this jade?”

“Let Elder Brother Zhuang tell you about it! I only know a little bit about it, so I won’t offer up anything.” Fatty Ma waved his hand, the kung fu of coiling jade is very deep, a piece of ancient jade, coiled well can be worth a lot of money, if the coiled smashed in the hand, it may also be worthless, there are a lot of doors in the middle.

“Brother Ma, you are my army ah!” Zhuang Rui said with a bitter smile.

“You kid knows a lot of things, just not to the outside, that painting of Tang Pak Fu, is from your hands, right? Don’t give old brother pretense, let you say, you speak a little bit, Yanzi, go, give you Zhuang brother point a cigarette to go ……”

Fatty Ma looked at Zhuang Rui with a smile on his face, you do not say, I will reveal the meaning of your old bottom, hand flung to the side of Yanzi a packet of soft Chinese, so that Yanzi go to Zhuang Rui to smoke.

“Brother Ma, if this is a happy cigarette, I’ll smoke it.”

Zhuang Rui took the cigarettes handed over by Yan Zi and joked with Fatty Ma.

“You don’t want to stimulate your brother Ma, Yanzi is a university student in Beijing, she hasn’t graduated yet, when she graduates and I marry her, you’ll have to call her sister-in-law.”

Fatty Ma on this girl called Swallow, like a real heart, words on the hands and feet are not as frivolous as before, on Swallow is also very respectful, which can not help but let Zhuang Rui on the girl a few more eyes, can put Fatty Ma this kind of people eat steady, that is definitely not the average person.

“Brother Zhuang, don’t listen to Ma’s nonsense, I’m just on summer vacation, accompanying Ma to come over here to see what’s going on.”

Swallow’s voice was very nice and soft, as far as the character shown so far, it was also very meek, looking at Zhuang Rui and the others were cursing Fatty Ma in their hearts for eating young grass with an old cow.

“Plate jade as the name suggests, is to raise jade, the ancient jade is often held in the hand to play, will make the jade more rounded, the color of the percolation is more perfect, but there are many instructions here, there are many methods of folk plate jade, I know just a few.”

Zhuang Rui spoke while asking for the ancient jade back from Yan Zi’s hand, holding it in his hand and playing with it, although he had never coiled jade, but coiled jade as a very important part of ancient jade collection, Zhuang Rui also knew a lot about it in theory.

Uncle De is a master of disk jade, waist often hanging jade, there are five or six pieces, he is his disk jade experience all imparted to Zhuang Rui, if only say not practice, Zhuang Rui still can bluff some people.

“Oldest, don’t speak with a big breath, buddies also want to hear ……”

Zhuang Rui’s words attracted the attention of both Wei and Lao Si, that is, Zhou Rui will also look at Zhuang Rui, this hand from time to time with a piece of jade to play with, but also a very pleasing to the eye, the oldest this will have been a little bit of regret to sell this piece of jade jade jade.

Zhuang Rui glanced at Yan Zi, said: “Girls disk jade but not very common, because this thing can not come into contact with perfume and some chemical agents, otherwise it will make the jade erosion, the outer layer is damaged, affecting the original luster.”

“I don’t use perfumes and other cosmetics, sorry, Brother Zhuang, you continue.” Yan Zi interrupted Zhuang Rui’s words, feeling a little embarrassed, made a gesture to let Zhuang Rui continue on.

Zhuang Rui didn’t care, smiled and continued, “Let’s start with why we need to plate jade! As we all know, most of the ancient jade is unearthed from the tomb, because the place of unearthed is different, so the etching rust and color seepage nature is also different. Let’s say for example, the southern puddle or the ground is particularly humid, the strata of particularly more water, which unearthed more water rust, the north from the dry pits, most of the ancient jade soil erosion is also more, this piece of jade jade jade above the yellow, is the soil seepage color. Due to the soil eating water erosion, coupled with the dry and wet different years of suffering, even if the most beautiful jade color Qin, but also hidden but not manifest, hidden but not revealed, coupled with the jade itself has the depth of the color, but also erosion of a lot of turbid gas. If we don’t play with it, the jade will not show up, the color will not seep out, and the dirty gas will not be removed. If we want the best color seepage of ancient jade to show up as a gemstone, then we must use the disk method to raise the jade out of the jade. Playing in the circle of ancient jade there is such a saying: hide but not play, is equal to waste, get treasure as get grass, which also explains the importance of disk jade.”

“Oldest, get to the point, how should this jade be coiled.” Brother Wei listened with some impatience and spoke out to urge.

“This mouth is a bit thirsty!” Zhuang Rui barred his mouth.

“Come, brother here has red bull.” Fatty Ma cooperated and threw over a can of drink.

“Hehehe, thanks Brother Ma.”

Zhuang Rui was just joking with a few people, put the red bull aside and continued, “There are three methods of plating jade, which are ‘Wen Plate’, ‘Wu Plate’ and ‘Yi Plate ‘ Some people also call them ‘Slow Plate’, ‘Rapid Plate’ and ‘Intentional Plate’.”

“‘Wen Pan’ refers to placing a piece of jade inside a small cloth bag and carrying it close to the body every day, using the body’s more constant temperature to contain, to wait until a year later, to be able to fondle the disk on the hand until the jade is restored to its original color. Wen plate time-consuming and laborious, must have patience, can not be impatient, this is also a method of cultivating the mind of the ancients, usually with Wen plate two or three years after the color of the ancient jade Qin will only be slightly obvious, if the jade into the ground time is too long, with the method of the Wen plate, it is necessary to play often ten years, or even decades, in order to disc out of the jade.”

“To tell you a little story, in the history of the Qing Dynasty, there was a father and son two generations of a piece of jade plate a good story, poor his life to play a piece of jade, this piece of jade was playing with a shiny pulp, moist, now being collected in a museum in Beijing, an expert estimates that this piece of jade has been played with more than a jiazi (60 years). This disk method is now rarely used, but if you encounter a five-color Qin above the good ancient jade, it is still better to use this method to disk, because this disk out of the jade, only precious enough. The material itself is a little bit poor jade, if you can plate the method of the plate for decades, just based on this work, can be sold on a few hundred thousand. Like Hanhai Auction Company, not long ago auctioned a very ordinary jade Juan, the age is the Warring States period, but the plate is quite good, Qin color pulp are very good, to 2.09 million yuan sold.”

“The youngest, this piece of me is also Han jade ah! This price difference is also too outrageous, right?”

The oldest heard this can’t sit still, opened his mouth to interrupt the words of Zhuang Rui, he did not feel that Fatty Ma bid low, but feel that this are Han jade, the price difference is so much, the heart is a little unbalanced only.

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