Chapter 0181 – Red Fei Green Cui

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:07:56
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“What’s up, little brother. Fancy that piece of wool?” Boss Yu’s small eyes revealed a hint of cunning.

“Where, since this piece of wool is an ancestral heirloom from Boss Yu’s family, it’s better to leave it there.”

Although the light in the storehouse is rather gloomy, but the expression in Yu boss’s eyes, did not escape Zhuang Rui’s eyes, also fucking ancestral heirloom, I’m afraid it’s just someone else picking up what’s left and didn’t want to throw it away is more or less the same, Zhuang Rui in fact didn’t use his eyes aura to screen that piece of wool, listening to the boss of Yu say so, even more uninterested.

“Hey, this old does not come to the new does not go well, small brother if interested, may wish to look at first, I will be back as a loser.” This Yu boss’s cheek is not generally thick, these words out is not red in the face.

“Forget it, the shape of that stone mat thatched the pit is more or less, where is like the jadeite raw stone, right, Yu boss, you see I choose this piece of wool is a price?”

Zhuang Rui do not pay attention to the words of the boss, pad shelf feet of the broken stone. Also want to sell as money, have not seen such a treacherous businessman.

Yu boss sniffed and looked at Zhuang Rui picked out the piece of all gambling wool, mouth recited: “Little brother really good eyes ah! The performance of this piece of wool is good! Don’t look at the surface roughness, this gray-white zone, hidden hidden pine flowers, rub down the estimate will be able to produce green …….”

“Stop, stop, boss Yu, if you talk like this, the price of this wool I do not ask, you keep your own rub it! The performance of such a poor stone, to your mouth actually become full of pine python pattern, you really think I do not understand ah?”

Zhuang Rui did not wait for the boss to finish his sentence, he was angry, this piece of wool skin gray and white slightly yellowish, can only show that it is the Pagang old pit out of the true, but from where to look and performance is good can not be pulled relationship ah! If this white can penetrate into the stone, can be out of white cotton, it is possible to be out of jade, but that kind of jade, the quality will not be very high.

But this white with yellow, basically impossible to have white cotton, but also can not see a trace of the shadow of the pine flowers. And this in the boss empty words, said the sky is messy, Zhuang Rui how can not be angry, then again, this piece of wool in the layer of emerald, can only be rubbing stone when fooling the next person, is not worth a few dollars, Zhuang Rui to buy or not to buy also does not matter.

“Aigoo, little brother, this price has not said it, if you feel not suitable, we can discuss ah!”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, the boss knew that the young man in front of him is not a good person to fool people, then that does not advocate that piece of all gambling wool, doing business is afraid to meet two kinds of people, one kind of special know-how, professional knowledge is very strong people, this kind of person is best to be honest, do not want to think of going to fool others.

Another kind of person is a know-nothing, this kind of person no matter how wonderful you say, even if it is spit clean. They don’t buy it either, they return the price, they don’t follow the rules at all, they can talk you into tears and laughter, Boss Yu is afraid that Zhuang Rui is this type of person.

“Just wait! When Brother Song and the others have chosen, let’s watch …… together.”

Zhuang Rui lazy and this treacherous businessman to talk about the price, although that master Peng look at the wool is not as good as their own, but for the price of these wool to understand, their own far less than him, wait to let him see how much it is worth say it!

“In, according to the little brother said to do.”

Yu boss this time is very fast, he and Zhuang Rui thought of a piece of it, Master Peng is with you guys, wait for him to open the price, the young man in front of him should not mess with the price.

“Boss Yu is from Henan, right? This country accent has not changed, and the accent of my hometown is somewhat similar ……”

Zhuang Rui asked casually, seemingly without thinking, speaking in Pengcheng dialect, Pengcheng originally hitched a ride with Henan, Shandong, Anhui and other provinces, the accent is quite the same.

“Huh? Little brother is still our Henan hometown? You’re right, I’m from Henan, in the early nineties, I came to Guangdong to make a living, it’s been more than ten years.” Hearing Zhuang Rui’s familiar accent, Boss Yu also did not hold the accent to speak Mandarin, simply and Zhuang Rui spoke Henan.

“Boss Yu is really powerful! This ten years of work, to break into such a large piece of industry, these years did not go back to Henan home to see?” Zhuang Rui continued to lead the topic down.

“Why didn’t I go back! The old man is still in the Henan countryside, willing to plant vegetables and raise a few chickens and so on, saying nothing is willing to come here, saying that people here speak bird language, the old man is old, I now have to go back every year to see.”

Rarely see a hometown, Yu boss opened the box, gushing and Zhuang Rui chat up.

“Oh …… so the old man is also in the wool business! This is really two generations of ancestors.”

Zhuang Rui pulled a long accent, looked at the wool pressed under the shelf and said, with a look of understanding on his face, he actually does not want that piece of wool, just for the boss of this believable fault, some look at the wrong.

“Hey, small brother really will joke, we are not business jargon, that piece of wool is really hit the old pit out of the wooden Kan factory, in my place to stay for seven or eight years, small brother if you fancy, the price is good to discuss, you first look, I went to greet the boss of the next Song.”

Yu boss hehehe smile, face naturally is not a trace of lies were uncovered embarrassing expression. Just he felt Zhuang Rui this young man is also quite not simple, actually without saying a word to their own set, so do not dare and Zhuang Rui said more, after a sin, and then turned to Song Jun to loose smoke to go.

Ground all gambling wool, Zhuang Rui are looking over once, although some of them contain jade, dare not quality is just general, and the performance of the outer skin of the several pieces of wool are very good, must be the boss of the price of this treacherous businessman must be very high, Zhuang Rui also did not pick out the several pieces of wool. As for the half gambling stone, he is not interested, simply sit on the piece of wool he just held over to smoke.

Zhuang Rui sat down in the direction of the piece of mat shelf wool, dim light, coupled with smoke, the piece of wool more and more can not see clearly, under the boredom, Zhuang Rui will be released out of the aura, want to see this piece of so-called old pit kind of wool inside, in the end, what is the thing.

The appearance of this piece of wool is extremely inconspicuous, the whole stone presents a kind of maroon, may be due to time is relatively long, that brown some black, the surface of the stone also does not have any performance, pine flower python pattern what is a trace of no, not the slightest show this is a piece of jadeite raw stone.

After Zhuang Rui eyes penetration into, found in this brown-black skin, actually appeared some translucent, slightly transparent white spots, in the form of strips will be wrapped up the whole piece of stone, such as silk floss to extend inward.

“White cotton?”

Zhuang Rui some surprise, so a stone inside, actually produced a white cotton, we all know, jadeite inside the “white cotton” most of the emerald itself color distribution is not uniform and caused, that is to say, there is a white cotton wool, most of them will produce emerald, as for the quality of the good and bad, that is another story.

This discovery makes Zhuang Rui on this piece of wool produced a great interest, and hastened to concentrate to continue to look inside, he did not at once will be the stone to see through, but like rubbing the stone generally layer by layer to advance, so that not only can understand the structure of the inside of the original stone, but also can increase the fun of Zhuang Rui Taobao.

From the side where Zhuang Rui’s body extends another seven or eight centimeters inside, a thin layer. Pale red “fog” crystallization into the Zhuang Rui’s eyes, Zhuang Rui heart can not help but tighten a bit, subconsciously put the hands of the cigarette into the mouth, hard to smoke a big mouth.

To know, the wool out of the “fog” in all probability contains jadeite, generally speaking, the white fog below the jadeite, must be “positive” “colorful” “Yang! “” Uniform “of the best jade, just this red fog Zhuang Rui never heard of, the heart can not help but be full of expectations.

Then look down, the red more and more dense up, suddenly, a touch of indescribable red appeared in front of Zhuang Rui’s eyes, red extremely bewitching, red extremely dazzling, as if the burning clouds, stimulating Zhuang Rui’s eye nerves, for a time, Zhuang Rui’s thinking seems to pause, the whole person is completely obsessed with this kind of bright color in the middle of it.

“Aigoo ……”

Did not pay attention, the cigarette burned to the end, hot Zhuang Rui screamed out, attracted a few people over there are still looking at the wool, have to Zhuang Rui look.

“What’s wrong? Zhuang Rui, something wrong?” Song Jun spoke out and asked.

Zhuang Rui forced himself not to let his eyes look at the piece of wool that was at the bottom of the mat, made a normal appearance and said, “Nothing, Brother Song, thinking of going to Shanxi at the end of the month, there are still things to explain to Da Chuan, have you guys picked out the stone yet?”

“Immediately, there are still three or five pieces that I haven’t looked at.” Song Jun returned a sentence, and Master Peng simply did not even raise his head, still looking at the wool in his hands.

See a few people are not paying attention to their own time, Zhuang Rui can not help but cast his eyes again to the piece of wool, although he knew that the red for Fei green for Jade this sentence, but has always been, Zhuang Rui impression of jadeite, should be green, and now in front of this piece of wool in the jade, obviously subverted his cognition.

In fact, jadeite was originally a variety of colors, the ancient cloud: “jade has five colors” and jadeite but six colors, due to more purple, it becomes green, purple, white, yellow, red, black six colors, in fact, the color of emerald and more than these, it changes the combination of very rich and colorful, even if the same green, the changes are also very large, such as emerald, Emerald green, bean green, oil green, etc..

As the most common color is green, so the jadeite has always been to the green for respect, but in recent years, the other five colors are also popular, especially the red jadeite is the most precious.

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