Chapter 0183: Must ask for money on the sky, but pay back on the spot

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:08:01
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Boss Yu, I think you know the risk of gambling on cracks better than me! These three pieces of wool, to be honest, I can buy or not buy, this crack down is up or down, the gods do not dare to break, you opened a price of more than six million, clearly is not sincere.”

Song Jun originally smiling face, after hearing the price offered by the boss Yu, could not help but tense up, this wool boss too black a little, actually a piece of semi-staked material counted as nearly 50,000 dollars a kilogram, if so, might as well go to the day after tomorrow’s bidding on the bidding it!

“Song boss, words are not so say, these three pieces of wool open sky window place you also see, are Yang green, as long as is able to seep in, that is a steady profit, this price is not high.” Boss Yu although the words are spoken slowly and methodically, but the price has always refused to give way.

“Then what if it doesn’t seep in? Gambling on stones is supposed to be a gamble of luck, but the price you set, Boss Yu, is too unkind. With cracked locks of semi-gambling wool, but also just ice seed, fifty thousand dollars a kilogram of this price, if you can sell out, I Song Jun even if you eat all the wool in this warehouse, what’s the harm!”

Song Jun a bit moved the fire, this thin old man obviously take them as the Kai Zi to slaughter, in fact, Song Jun is not too understand this look at the doorway of the private goods, so it will be angry.

Gambling in Pingzhou, generally three channels, the first is the so-called official organization of the “Jade Bidding Fair”, the wool are placed there, the highest bidder, which is cast in the dark bidding, the second is the open bidding, a piece of wool may be a lot of people in the eye, then the scene of the shouting price, naturally, is also the highest bidder, this way is most exciting because the person who purchased the wool, often the highest bidder, because of the high price of the wool. The person who purchased the wool, often will be in the scene to solve the stone, gambling up gambling down all under a knife, the onlooker to see the most enjoyable.

There is another is to see the private goods, the price here is not very transparent, often wool merchants ask for sky, the buyer on the ground to pay back, but the final transaction price. Basically both sides can reach an agreement, but Song Jun this will obviously be a little impatient, talking is not very good up.

“Cough cough …… Song boss, Yu boss is just so, the price there is room for discussion Well, we discuss, don’t be angry, don’t be angry ……”

A side of the fixer moustache to see the scene a little stiff, hastened to come out to round off the scene, Song Jun’s face only eased down, but refused to talk to the boss Yu price again, signaling the Peng master a glance, let him go up to talk.

“These three pieces with cracked locks of half gambling wool, twenty thousand kilograms, the remaining two pieces of ten thousand ……”

Master Peng is obviously not much talks about price, tone is even more raw than Song Jun, this price reported out, never speak again, listening to Yu boss that face in the dim left and right swaying under the light, it looks so gloomy and uncertain.

“Master Peng, this price is a bit too low! At this price, I can’t even cover the cost of pulling it back from Burma, look at it, can you take the wool with the cracked locks for 30,000 kilograms, and the rest of the two pieces, just as you said, 10,000 kilograms, how about it?”

Boss Yu thought for a while, clenched his teeth and said, his face looked like he had been stabbed in the asshole with a stick, putting on an expression of pain.

“Three cracked locks of gambling is too big, thirty thousand is not cost-effective, as for Burma, I stayed there for more than ten years, Yu boss this road I also know one or two, on this price, if you don’t agree, you continue to keep it for others to see, we’ll buy the rest of the two pieces of semi-staked material.”

Master Peng still had that unsmiling look, biting down on the price he had offered.

Boss Yu knows that he is encountered understand people, master Peng this meaning, but also clear that he is a few pieces of wool, are others to see the rest, the fact is that if so, these days in the warehouse came five or six sets of people, for the three pieces of semi-gambling wool are uncertain, there are people out of the price, but up to give fifteen thousand a kilogram, master Peng said the price. The price that Master Peng said. has been the highest.

Yu boss in the heart of so a thought, this play gambling crack people is not no, but also not a lot, rather than these pieces of wool in the hands of the pressure, not as good as selling out, and then said: “Well! We are the first transaction, the next day will be long, as I have someone and a few friends, according to the price of master Peng deal, I do not know a few people are cash or transfer?”

In this kind of place, there will be no cheque collection, even if it’s a cash check, these wool merchants will not collect it, so Boss Yu has this question.

“Transferring money, Boss Yu calculate the price!”

As soon as Song Jun said this, the atmosphere in the warehouse immediately eased down, seeing the business deal, Song Jun’s face immediately showed a smile, with his city, just now the anger was naturally feigned, but Zhuang Rui didn’t see it, still in his heart, he was still slandering Song Jun! This face also became a little too fast.

“Three pieces of cracked wool is a total of one hundred and one kilograms, zero we do not count, one hundred kilograms! The other two pieces add up to forty kilograms, totaling two million four hundred thousand.”

Boss Yu took the calculator, quickly counted the price, and then pulled open the table drawer in the doorway, there are actually four bank POS card machines with wires, BOC, CCB, ICBC, ABC, all of them, it can be said to be a complete set.

“Boss Yu, don’t be in a hurry! I still have a piece of wool here that I haven’t looked at yet!”

Zhuang Rui was a bit upset at the side, is it possible that buddies don’t spend money on buying things? I can’t believe you’re ignoring me.

“Oh, little brother don’t be anxious, you this piece of wool I see, in front of master peng’s face, I don’t say false, this piece of wool performance is not very good, but also from the old pit material of pagang factory, six thousand dollars a kilogram, how do you think?”

When Boss Yu was chatting with Zhuang Rui just now, he took a good look at this piece of wool, to be honest, he didn’t think much of this piece of all-gambling material, or else he would have opened the sky window or rubbed out an edge by himself long ago.

“Mr. Zhuang, this piece of material is not very …… gambling.”

Master Peng squatted down his body, carefully rubbed to look at the piece of wool Zhuang Rui held out, slowly shook his head, the meaning is very obvious, that is, six thousand dollars are not worth, but after all, Zhuang Rui is not his boss, the words can not be said too transparent.

“Master Peng, this old pit kind of material price you also know, but I did not blindly want ah!”

Yu boss heard some anxious, he has a lot of this kind of wool here, can not be sold, then all the backlog in the hand, although the price of six thousand dollars a kilogram is not very high, but this piece of wool should have more than twenty kilograms, how is more than 100,000 dollars ah!

“Six thousand dollars a kilogram, twenty kilograms would be 120,000 yuan! Forget it, I don’t want it, Boss Yu, I just want to get addicted to deciphering stones, but spending more than 100,000 dollars to decipher a stone is too much of a loser, forget it. Forget it.”

After Zhuang Rui heard the words of Boss Yu and Master Peng, he broke his fingers and counted, shaking his head repeatedly, that look really looks like he doesn’t know anything about gambling stones.

“Little brother, this is not the way to calculate! If you can solve out the emerald here, how is more than twelve million dollars, that is, out of a fist-sized emerald, you can also save money ah! This is not even can pass the handle addiction ah, two birds with one stone, what a good thing!”

Yu boss said this even his own do not quite believe, the performance of this piece of all gambling wool is really poor point, the possibility of green is extremely small, otherwise it would have been picked away.

Zhuang Rui face showed a look of indecision, looked at the wool on the ground, turned his head to Song Jun and asked: “Song brother, what do you think, I buy or not buy ah?”

“Well, your kid do not ask me, their own personal ideas, or turn back a cut collapse, I also fell a complaint.” Song Jun does not care about Zhuang Rui this crop, although 100,000 is not much, he is not willing to help Zhuang Rui take this idea.

“That’s true! One cut and a hundred thousand or so is gone, that’s too much.” Zhuang Rui said to himself.

“Count me old Yu unlucky, like this! Little brother, how about I give you a ride?”

Yu boss see Zhuang Rui still tend not to buy, can not help but some anxious, this mosquito again small it is also meat ah! Then again, more than 100,000 is not a small amount of money, do not look at the performance of this material is not good, he pulled back from Burma, but also to spend tens of thousands of dollars.

“Hitchhiker’s head? What hitchhiker?” Zhuang Rui made a blank face and asked.

Yu boss pointed to the stone at the foot of the shelf and said, “Well, that piece, the piece of wool you just looked at, and this piece together, is considered to be seven thousand dollars a kilogram, how about it, that piece is only for you to calculate one thousand dollars a kilogram, is not a head for nothing or what ah!”

Zhuang Rui immediately heard the heart of ecstasy up, he acted so half a day drama, is ready to the topic to that piece of wool above the lead, did not think that this Yu boss actually mentioned out.

“Calm, must be calm.”

Zhuang Rui in the heart can not stop admonishing himself, face put on a look of disbelief, said: “Yu boss, brother my age is small, may not speak well, you do not take offense, on your piece of broken stone, padded thatched pit is just right, but also want to sell money?”

Zhuang Rui this is somewhat hurtful, the boss heard also excited up, shouted the moustache to give a hand, will be close to the corners of the shelves on the several pieces of semi-gambling wool on the ground, and then bent down, will be that piece of full gambling wool to pull out.

Don’t say, this Yu boss looks very thin, strength is not small, more than a hundred pounds of big stone was he even moved with a tug, actually from the bottom of the shelf to get out, but Yu boss is also sweaty, panting.

“Small …… young man, you let Master Peng look at, this …… this is not to hit the old pit of the Mukan factory out of the wool, I old Yu if I said a blind word, the sky hit five thunderbolts.”

Yu boss look like not like pretending, really angry, and no wonder, these wool are his baby, although this performance is very poor, there is no sign of any emerald wool, but he is indeed from the old pit mine in Burma to get out.

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