Chapter 0185 – Jade Cicada

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:08:06
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“I know, Brother Song. For this Pingzhou Gambling Conference, I’ll at most take out five million dollars to try my hand at it, I won’t put all my money into it.”

Zhuang Rui was still very appreciative of Song Jun’s exhortation, if others weren’t genuinely doing this for your own good, they wouldn’t be able to say those offending words.

“Good, you have a number in mind on the line, late, go to bed! Tomorrow morning I call you, take you to see the ghost market to go.” Song Jun greeted the waiter and came over to pay the bill, said to Zhuang Rui with a smug face.

“Oh, Brother Song, I’ve been there a long time ago, and it’s still a small gain!”

Zhuang Rui put himself in the ghost market to find a set of Ru kiln porcelain shards of things, told Song Jun, this object after the restoration, he is going to go out, so he is not afraid of others know.

“You …… are saying that you plucked a fragment of a complete Ru kiln porcelain?!”

Song Jun’s body, which had just stood up, was said by Zhuang Rui and fell back into a sitting position with an unbelievable expression. After getting Zhuang Rui’s affirmative reply, he shook his head repeatedly and said, “Those words of mine just now are considered not said, how much money you kid has go and bet how much money you have! Grandma, this luck of yours is a bit too good.”

On the way to the elevator, Song Jun’s eyes have been staring at Zhuang Rui’s left wrist, his mouth still chanting, when you have time to go to Tibet once, you must also want to get such a pair of living Buddha blessed treasure, in his opinion, Zhuang Rui’s good luck, undoubtedly this string of heavenly beads brought.

May be by Zhuang Rui’s good luck to stimulate, the next day Zhuang Rui is sleeping in a daze, was Song Jun called the phone woke up, about Zhuang Rui to go to the ghost market around, look at the time, only just to three o’clock, nothing to do, Zhuang Rui got up and washed up, with the white lion came to the hotel door and the Song Jun meeting.

This time, Song Jun did not bring Master Peng, but by himself, for antiques, obviously his expertise is stronger than Master Peng.

Jade Street is more than ten meters away, there is a street lamp, and still energy-saving lamps, after twelve o’clock. After twelve o’clock, the light is very dark, Song Jun and Zhuang Rui is considered to come early, at this time in the jade street on both sides, there are already people set up stalls, there are also people who just came to, is to the ground to spread the stalls.

Due to the Pingzhou Stone Gambling Conference will be officially opened tomorrow, so this ghost market is also the last day, have the intention to taobao people get up earlier, this will walk on the jade street to stroll the ghost market people, is to be more than the stalls.

Let Song Jun is a little depressed, he brought the powerful flashlight, just opened a piece of cursing, but is Zhuang Rui holding a small flashlight no one asked, see this scene, Zhuang Rui casually handed the flashlight to the Song Jun, for him, those with the aura of the antique, like fireflies in the night, as long as there is, can not escape his eyes, there is no difference between night and day.

“Older brother. Look at it separately! Contact me by phone if something happens.”

Jade Street is more than 2,000 meters long, although this will not be a lot of people setting up stalls, there are also forty to fifty stalls, Song Jun then separated from Zhuang Rui and wandered around alone.

No flashlight, in this dim light on the hands, also can not increase the experience of what, Zhuang Rui also lazy piece by piece to see, simply every to a stall, release the eyes of the aura, the stall all the items are wrapped in, so that as long as these objects inside the antique, basically can not escape his eyes.

Just let Zhuang Rui some depressed is, even looked at four or five stalls, have not found what valuable things, occasionally there are so one or two contain thin aura of the object, Zhuang Rui pick up a look, but also are the end of the Qing Dynasty kiln fired porcelain, not worth a few money, and that stall boss is also know its value, casually opened the price than the auction row of higher, Zhuang Rui even price is lazy to pay back, and go directly to the The next stall.

“Hey, old brother, how do you look so fast?”

Zhuang Rui and Song Jun started looking at both sides of the street, and it wasn’t even an hour before Zhuang Rui turned to the other side of the street. And Song Jun ran into each other at a stall.

“Did you give me the flashlight, you can’t see it anymore! You’d better take it! Older brother I have better eyes.”

Song Jun was a little embarrassed and handed the flashlight in his hand to Zhuang Rui.

“Don’t, Brother Song you take it! I’m reading with the Prince today.”

Zhuang Rui did not take over the electricity, he will look at more than twenty stalls, a good object did not see, basically do not report what hope, it seems that want to get good stuff in this ghost market, also rely on luck.

“Then I’ll be polite.”

Song Jun while talking, while continuing to observe the object he was just looking at, after seven or eight minutes, Song Jun hand to the stall boss reached over, due to darkness, Zhuang Rui did not see their gestures, but when Song Jun pulled out the money, Zhuang Rui was to see it clearly, two cuts of unopened RMB, handed over to the hands of the boss.

Zhuang Rui ate a shock, in this kind of place to spend 20,000 dollars to buy something, either earn a lot or lose a lot. The thing seemed to be small in size and was clutched in Song Jun’s hand, Zhuang Rui couldn’t see it for a moment and couldn’t help but open his mouth to inquire, “Brother Song, what object did you buy?”

“Hey, old brother, you really are a cat of fortune, just come over I picked up a good object, go, do not look, back to the hotel.”

Song Jun looked a little excited. Pulling Zhuang Rui to go back, the rest of the stalls are not willing to look again, this is in fact, but also has to pay attention to, but all panning to get a good object, collectors generally will not continue to look down, because the excitement of picking up the leakage of the mood, it is likely that it will affect the judgment of the next.

“I said brother Song, I have not finished reading it, you do not pull, I’ll go with you is not it!”

Zhuang Rui originally wanted to finish watching the remaining several stalls, helplessly dragged by Song Jun, he could only honestly follow Song Jun back to the hotel.

“Brother Song, what kind of treasure is it that deserves such a fuss from you? Brother I didn’t gain anything at all!” After coming to the hotel and sitting down, Zhuang Rui opened his mouth and asked, with a hint of complaint in his tone, today was the last day of the Ghost Market, after this village there would be no more store.

“Don’t be in a hurry, I have to take another look.”

Song Jun’s words made Zhuang Rui almost fall on his face, good guy, dare I say that Boss Song hadn’t even looked at it clearly before he made his bid to buy it.

This will be a few big lights in the hotel are also turned off, but turn on the powerful flashlight here, naturally no one will ask, Song Jun put the object in his hand on the coffee table in front of the sofa, and then turned on the flashlight, pointing the strong light at the object.

“What the hell is this?”

What appeared in Zhuang Rui’s eyes was just a reddish body, thumb-sized thing with some dirt on it, and it was impossible to distinguish what kind of object it was.

“Hehehe, of course it’s a good thing.” After looking at it for a long time, Song Jun picked up the thing on the coffee table and handed it to Zhuang Rui.

“Shit, this robin can be worth twenty thousand dollars?”

Zhuang Rui got it in his hand and wasted a lot of effort to see it, it turned out to be a robin carved from jade, and the color of the Qin on it was very thick. Not carefully distinguish, it is difficult to see.

“You know shit, this is called a jade cicada, and it’s only a burial jade from the Han Dynasty, it’s very precious.” Song Jun replied without any good humor.

After hearing the words of Song Jun, Zhuang Rui some on the heart, seriously looked up, this jade cicada length of three or four centimeters, width of two centimeters or so, the cicada head eye large, narrow wings into a slender inverted trapezoid, in the head of the cicada in the center of an almost invisible small holes, it must be in order to wear the rope used.

This jade cicada with good material, Zhuang Rui look like Xinjiang white jade material, but all the above deep red color, cicada body carved into a positive diamond shape, the image of a concise generalization, the head and wings abdomen with a thick Yin line carving, a few knives that is, knife method is very concise, the cicada back wing symmetrical, such as lungs and leaves, the overall shape is very neat.

“Brother Song, this is the mouth containing?”

Zhuang Rui played with the jade cicada in his hand, asked Song Jun, he knew that the jade cicada is mostly placed in the mouth of the dead, taking its meaning of noble and absolute, resurrection and regeneration, but these are Zhuang Rui heard from elsewhere, this is the first time to see with their own eyes.

Ancient jade cicada has three kinds of use: one is pinned on the hat, as a kind of high-level decoration, the second is wearing a rope hanging on the body, as a jewelry, and the third is the burial goods, this is the biggest use of jade cicada, after the death of the person placed in their mouths.

Starting from the Red Mountain Culture in the Stone Age, for more than 5,000 years, people have always had a deep yearning for cicadas, which originated from our ancestors’ obsession with eternal life. Some experts believe that cicadas have to metamorphose from larvae to adults and shed their bones. Containing a cicada signifies a new life and reincarnation.

“Yes, this is the ‘Jade Plug Nine Orifices’ in the mouth of the dead …… jade pearls, old brother, today’s luck is really good, this is the authentic Han eight knife of the jade cicada ah! Damn, the kid who set up the stall, must be from which Han tomb pick out.” Song Jun will still be very excited, actually burst out foul language, seems to have found this object, extremely satisfied.

“Jade plug nine orifices,” as the name suggests, is in the body after death, nine orifices stuffed into a piece of jade, which are very elaborate, the dead two hands have jade, called jade grip, eyes also covered jade, called jade eyes, and the mouth, it is called jade gems.

As for what Song Jun said Han eight knife, is because of this jade cicada created a carving jade craft, specifically referring to the Han Dynasty mortuary jade pearls only in the cicada’s back to impose the process of that kind, to say a little more broadly, the back of the abdominal and both sides of the work of the jade pearls, can also be counted as “Han eight knife” this carving since the Han Dynasty after the loss of, so the real Han! So the real Han eight knife jade cicada, no matter from its artistic value or to the craft research at the time of this two aspects, are extremely precious.

When Zhuang Rui was playing with it, he had already checked it with his aura, and it was indeed an object from the Han Dynasty, because it did contain aura, and it was a deep purple color, just that the quantity wasn’t a lot, but in the process of Zhuang Rui playing with it, he seemed to feel that the aura in it was slowly increasing.

This discovery made Zhuang Rui interested, if his feeling is true, that is to say, the formation of the aura inside these antiques, and the human body’s nourishing play absolutely cannot be dissociated.

“Song brother, little brother is thinking of finding a playroom disk disk, you this jade cicada let me forget, how much money you open a price.” Zhuang Rui do not know just now that feeling is not his own illusion, and then he would like to find a good point to play with jade pieces, this jade cicada has three kinds of color, jade quality is also good, barely able to reach the requirements of Zhuang Rui.

Song Jun heard Zhuang Rui’s words froze for a moment, then looked at Zhuang Rui with a smile on his face and asked: “What’s the matter, old brother, you fancy this thing?”

“What? What else is there to say about this?” Zhuang Rui saw Song Jun smiling somewhat oddly and couldn’t help but open his mouth to ask.

“There is no argument, but the price of this thing is not low!”

“Hey, I said Brother Song, brother I didn’t say I won’t give you money, how much should it be, just say it out without finishing.”

Zhuang Rui is a little puzzled, but it is a gadget from the Han Dynasty, the volume is still so small, it can be worth a few dollars.

After Song Jun heard Zhuang Rui’s words, he also straightened his face and opened his mouth to say, “Okay! This to you, just a few months ago, an old friend of mine from abroad to get back a Han eight knife of the jade cicada, that the jade cicada and jade quality and color, are far worse than this one of me, when he spent two hundred thousand to buy back, you say that I’m selling this how much money is appropriate ah?”

“Two hundred thousand dollars? This is really not cheap ……”

Zhuang Rui heard this price, ate a shock, not that he can not pull out so much money, but because he pick up leaks never spent so much, he is now in his heart thinking, spend two hundred thousand to buy this thing to play with is it worth it.

“Alright! Brother Song, that man spent two hundred thousand, how about I offer three hundred thousand for this one of yours? If you agree, turn around and find a bank at dawn and I’ll transfer it to you.”

Zhuang Rui thought for a while, or decided to buy, ancient jade is generally extremely difficult to come across, not to mention that this jade cicada also has three kinds of Qin color, plate good, I’m afraid the value is far more than 300,000 yuan.

“Hey, old brother, you don’t rush ah! My friend spent two hundred thousand dollars, I don’t want you to three hundred thousand either, you give me two hundred and fifty thousand US dollars, this thing you take away.”

After Song Jun waited for Zhuang Rui to speak out to buy it, he said slowly and methodically, Zhuang Rui then realized why Song Jun’s face had that expression just now, dare to say that such a tiny little gadget can be worth one third of his own body.

“Come on! Song brother, you are deliberately angry with me, you also do not stimulate me, I can not afford to play not ah!”

Zhuang Rui side talking don’t hand the hand of the jade cicada handed back to the Song Jun, shouted out the price of 300,000, he was biting half a day’s teeth, which changed into 250,000 U.S. dollars, Zhuang Rui don’t even have to think about it, and directly return the thing over.

Although this thing is good, Zhuang Rui also want to figure out this object inside the aura can really increase by playing, but let him spend more than two million to do a test, Zhuang Rui is not to do this kind of thing, then again, there are a pair of eyes in, Zhuang Rui also do not believe that they can not find a good point of the ancient jade in the future.

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