Chapter 0189 – Gambling Stone Fund

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:08:16
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“Brother Song, I still have something to ask ……”

Zhuang Rui didn’t finish his words. Song Jun disappeared in his line of sight, helplessly shook his head, Zhuang Rui said to this brothers behind him, “This is also my first time here, you guys go around! A few hundred dollars of stone want to cut play does not matter, but expensive don’t buy. Gambling in fact and gambling money are the same, is ten gambling nine losses, do not look at the emerald wool here is quite a lot, there can be one tenth of the original stone inside the emerald, that’s very good, a few brothers, this gambling world has always been to pass good not bad, you hear is a one-night-only riches, in fact, the loss of more people.”

The oldest three sniffed and said, “I would like to buy it! But the money was all given to you, Oldest, that’s half a year’s salary for me and your sister-in-law!”

Zhuang Rui smiled and cried, his handbag is indeed loaded with fifty thousand dollars, of which he has his own fifteen thousand, the rest are the brothers put together. Beautiful name: gambling fund, but also sealed Zhuang Rui a foundation chairman of the board of directors, and put the words in front, with the 50,000 yuan to buy the stone, gambling earns everyone equally, lost Zhuang Rui a person out of the four than a show of hands through, Zhuang Rui can only be honest when the leadership back.

In fact, this is also a few brothers to make a fun, although the old three family in general, but also did not expect Zhuang Rui really can bet out of flowers, but Zhuang Rui heart seriously, Yue Jing and the old three are now the size of a civil servant, Yue Jing, needless to say, not bad for the money, but the old three if the hands of some more affluent, the development of the future career is also beneficial, 50,000 dollars, although not much, but Zhuang Rui is confident that he can find out a treasure! to.

“Oldest, then we’ll go around, if you buy a stone and are ready to cut it, be sure to call us!”

Brother Wei and Yue Jing brother and the oldest discussed, decided to three people group alone around, as for the oldest three and his daughter-in-law, or feel follow Zhuang Rui reliable point, so this is divided into two groups spread out, a left and a right into the venue.

Although Zhuang Rui is considered to have experienced a gambling stone, but in this occasion. Still a little overwhelmed, because the scene is really a little too grand, the large site built hundreds of simple shed, countless jadeite stone full of in the various stalls, here is a stone world, tens of thousands of pieces of stone piled up here, the scene is spectacular.

In each stall of the shed, there is a banner, written above the stall owner’s company, now advocating the formalization of the industry, these large and small wool merchants, most of them are also attached to some companies below.

Zhuang Rui found that the jadeite raw material here although many, but most of the stones are open “small window” or open “small door” is “half gambling” nature, only a very small part of the wool for the Only a very small part of the wool for the “full gambling” nature, in the stalls he walked through, “half gambling” nature with cui of the old kind of wool and old pit wool is the most popular, while the full gambling wool is less people ask for.

Another strange phenomenon is that many people are holding digital cameras and banknotes, taking pictures or writing and drawing next to some woolen materials. And these wool above, are written with some Arabic numerals, Zhuang Rui some confused, he was in a piece of good performance of half gambling wool at the half day, actually not a person on this piece of wool offer.

“Oldest, how come all these people are just looking but not buying?”

The oldest is also a little confused, in his eyes, these stones are all pretty much the same, it’s just that some of the stones have some weird colors on them.

Zhuang Rui thought for a moment, this is a question of the stall will be timid, Song Jun this would have long ago do not know where to go, ask him may not have the heart to answer, “Right.” Zhuang Rui thought of a person in his mind, immediately took out his cell phone to check the phone number.

“Brother Yang, remember me? I’m Zhuang Rui, we met at the Nanjing International Jewelry Fair.”

Luckily, Zhuang Rui had written down Yang Hao’s cell phone number, he had a good feeling about that young wool trader, like the event of jadeite raw stone like Pingzhou, I think Yang Hao will also participate.

“Of course I remember, you’re the one who’s inviting wealth ……”

Yang Hao knew that he had lost his words, he hemmed and hawed, omitted the word cat, and then said, “Brother Zhuang, this will call me, what is the matter? I’m now in Pingzhou, last time I performed well in Nanjing, my family let me watch a stall alone this time!”

As expected, Zhuang Rui did not expect. This Yang Hao really in Pingzhou, and must be because Yang Hao can have the opportunity to be alone, the voice coming out of the phone is slightly excited.

“I’m also in Pingzhou, and now I’m inside the gambling venue, are you there?” Zhuang Rui spoke out and inquired.

“In, in, I’m there too, stall number eighty-three, hey, come over quickly, my cousin is also there, last time I told him about your performance, he still doesn’t believe it!” Yang Hao’s voice was a bit surprised, and he hurriedly reported his booth number to Zhuang Rui.

The ten stalls in the venue were in a horizontal row, Zhuang Rui kept walking down, and when he walked to the eighth row, he saw Yang Hao, who was standing under the shed and looking around!

“Hey, brother Zhuang, this side ……”

At the same time Yang Hao also saw Zhuang Rui and hurriedly beckoned them over.

“Come, come, eat a piece of watermelon first, this day is too hot. This is my cousin Yang Jun, old brother, this is the Boss Zhuang I was talking about, the one who single-handedly sliced out more than twenty million dollars worth of emerald to come.”

Guangdong’s summer is unpredictable, yesterday it was still raging wind and rain, today it’s already sunny, after Zhuang Rui and others entered the shed, Yang Hao took out a watermelon from underneath the table, and after cutting it, he handed it to Zhuang Rui’s several people one by one.

“The youngest, you still have emerald worth more than twenty million dollars ah?”

Yang Hao’s cousin didn’t have much of a reaction yet. On the contrary, it was the oldest who was shocked by Yang Hao’s words, according to his thought, the emerald that Zhuang Rui cut out, naturally belonged to him.

“That’s a rough material bought by one of my hairdressers, I helped him unravel it, it’s not that I made more than twenty million dollars!” Zhuang Rui some helplessly replied, if that wool early step by their own see, this villa money still need to worry about it!

“Hey, let’s not 20 million, today you can cut out a two million, brother this Guangdong will not be in vain.” Lao San said with a silly smile on his face, Zhuang Rui pocket that five thousand dollars, but the real monthly salary to save ah! After hearing Zhuang Rui’s previous record, Lao San was even more confident in Zhuang Rui.

“Brother Zhuang, turn around, you can pick a piece of wool in my field to solve the stone ah! If you can open the jade again, I’m really convinced.” Waiting for a few people to finish eating watermelon, Yang Hao took out cigarettes, smiling to Zhuang Rui and the old three handed over one, Zhou Rui does not smoke, reached out and pushed away.

“Do not diaphragm me, the last time is not also bought three pieces only to solve two pieces of green well, that is good luck.” Zhuang Rui smiled and replied.

“The youngest, they have this stall, good goods were picked away, is not heartbroken?” The oldest three some don’t understand, this if he was in his place, the stall’s valuable wool was bought away cheaply, guaranteed to be a few days of heartache.

The old three speak a little loud, was heard by Yang Hao, spoke out to explain: “This big brother, the words are not so, we only do the wool business, which is to earn profits, have been counted in the wool inside, guests can solve out the jade. That is the guest eyesight high bright luck, besides, so many stalls, which stalls cut out the green to the business is also good.”

Last time in Nanjing, those wools that Yang Hao brought to the exhibition were originally intended to be sold out during the ten-day exhibition period, but after Zhuang Rui’s so-so incident, just half a day’s time, the wools were all sold out, that’s the reason.

“By the way, brother Yang, there is something I still want to ask you, I came over these few, see the wool are divided into two piles, one side of those wool above the numbers written, what is for ah?” Zhuang Rui just entered the shed, also saw Yang Hao this stall, also some wool written numbers, think can help himself to answer this question.

“Older brother, this is the fortune cat you said?”

Before Yang Hao could answer, Yang Jun, who was only eighteen or nineteen years old on the side, stabbed his cousin with his hand and asked in a low voice, with a look of contempt on his face.

“Brother Zhuang, you’re not kidding me, right?” At this question posed by Zhuang Rui, Yang Hao also cried and laughed a little.

Seeing the expression of these two brothers, Zhuang Rui knew that he had asked something out of the line again, and said without any good humor, “I know but also ask you what for, love to say no ah!”

“Come on, I said not ah! Really admire buddy you, the last time when you bet on the stone on what do not know, froze by you to solve out two pieces of green wool, I guess you this time the luck is also good.”

“Okay, hurry up and say it!” Zhuang Rui is a little depressed, buddy can be real material, is not a big luck!

Yang Hao held back his laughter, said: “This Pingzhou jade bidding fair held a total of five days, divided into open bidding and dark bidding two trading methods, open bidding is that those without the number of wool, we can choose to open the price, as for these marked on the number of wool, are dark bidding wool, the guests can be based on the performance of the wool, write down their own fancy wool number, after three days of unified bidding, the highest bidder gets the price, the highest bidder gets the price. After three days, the bidding will be unified, and the highest bidder will win.”

Listen to Yang Hao so say, Zhuang Rui is considered to understand, dare to those marked with the number of wool, even if fancy, can not be purchased on the spot, can only be unified bidding, this is also considered to be another long insight.

But in this way, wool merchants to performance good wool, are categorized to the dark bidding inside to go, the rest of these open bidding wool, gambling will be a lot bigger, but the price will be lower, is suitable for the belt is more nervous Zhuang Rui to bet.

Zhuang Rui is thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of this way of betting on him, Yang Hao spoke up and said: “Brother Zhuang, I have brought a lot of good wool this time, in addition to the dark label, the open label also has a few pieces of performance is very good, how about, buy a piece of solution to see?”

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