Chapter 0201 – Crazy Stone (XI)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:08:48
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“Thirty million dollars!”

The figure shouted out from Xu Zhendong’s mouth. It caused everyone present to suck in a breath of cool air.

Thirty million yuan price in the major jadeite fair, is not rare, and today is only the first day of this Pingzhou Gambling Conference, we must know, the previous Pingzhou Gambling Conference’s champion wool, but only 30 million yuan RMB, and now Xu Zhendong shouted out the price, has already leveled the price of the champion of the previous Gambling Conference.

Han boss at this time also some hesitation in mind, Xu Zhendong shouted the price, has exceeded the bottom price of his heart, as Xu Zhendong said, he was two months ago on the Burma Jadeite Fair, through the open bidding gambling up a piece of wool, dark bidding in two pieces of wool, but also gambling up a piece of raw materials, on the current situation, his company does not lack of mid-range and high-grade Jadeite raw materials.

But peers are enemies this sentence, the most applicable to the jade this line of work, can intercept other people’s jadeite raw materials, also means that there is one less in the high-grade jadeite rivals, not to mention that now is the two people compete with each other. If you go down weakly, after the word gets out, it will also have an impact on the company’s reputation, at the very least, others will say that you don’t have the strength.

“How about it? Little Han, you guys have already made quite a splash in Burma, as for this piece of wool, let me have it!” Seeing that Boss Han didn’t open his mouth for a long time, Xu Zhendong said smugly.

The reason why Xu Zhendong shouted out such a high price, one Xu’s Jewelry is indeed now in short supply of high-grade jadeite raw materials, and secondly, they failed to return to the jadeite fair in Burma a few months ago, the company’s reputation has been greatly affected, Xu Zhendong is also want to take this opportunity to publicize the strength of Xu’s Jewelry.

Han Haowei’s head has emerged beads of sweat, hand holding a hand towel has been wet can wring out water, on the one hand is due to the heat, on the other hand is also forced by Xu Zhendong, which as long as the voice of the price, is a million dollars, a little bad words, that regret are too late.

“Thirty-one million dollars!”

Han Haowei shouted out this price almost word for word, his fair face flushed red, the towel that his right hand was gripping was also unconsciously making an effort, drops of sweat dripped from the towel onto the ground.

The crowd once again boiled, last year’s “Pingzhou Jade Bidding Conference”, the king of the bidding, is a piece of glass species of the dark bidding wool, the volume is not very large, only more than ten kilograms. At that time, it was auctioned off by a jewelry company at a price of 30 million RMB, and this year’s dark bid has not yet been opened, breaking last year’s record, which was unforeseen by everyone present.

Now the uncertainty of the person, changed into Xu Zhendong, although just now he showed a look of light-hearted appearance, but the inner pressure is still very big, after all, according to his and Master Zhao’s estimation, this piece of wool cost up to 30 million yuan price auction, should not lose money, but higher, it is not possible to say.

Called out 30 million yuan price, Xu Zhendong already is the heart of spending money to advertise the mind, but also confident that this price will be Han Hao Wei scared off, but let him did not expect is that Han Hao Wei actually and he topped the end, so Xu Zhendong heart also began to hesitate.

Xu Zhendong is now a little difficult to get down, just now showed the strong, now immediately give up. If this were to spread out, in the jade circle, I’m afraid it would be passed on as a laughing stock.

“What are your opinions?”

Xu Zhendong side face to the side of Master Zhao and Xu Wei asked, although he is a very strong parent, but this will also be a little indecisive, after all, Xu Jewelry in recent years the development is not good, the funds are not that abundant, more than 30 million for them, has accounted for the entire Xu Jewelry nearly half of the liquidity.

“Uncle, surnamed Zhuang this kid, the hand is very evil, in Nanjing that time he solved that piece of wool, the beginning of the performance is just average, worth about three to five million, but after solving into the bright material, but it is a big rise ……”

Xu Wei although and Zhuang Rui is not compatible, and do not want to see Zhuang Rui to make money, but he also knows that the company’s recent situation is not good, the lack of high-grade jadeite material, is to words, or inclined to buy this piece of wool.

“From the current performance, this piece of wool to pull out about thirty million dollars of jade, it is estimated that there is not much of a problem, if it is higher than this price, then it is not easy to say.” The advice given by Master Zhao was a bit more pertinent, and the choice was still given to Xu Zhendong.

If Zhuang Rui heard their words, will certainly laugh his ass off, the reason why Liu Chuan’s piece of wool is solved into bright material, that is Zhuang Rui intentionally. Inside since there is jade, nature is to be solved into bright material, will maximize its benefits before selling, if this piece of wool inside the performance of the two skylights, Zhuang Rui will not be taken out to gamble, will certainly be inside the jade completely solved out.

As for the master Zhao said thirty million, is more wrong outrageous, on the wool in the three centimeters thickness of a layer of jadeite, can make the value of three million jewelry, I’m afraid to burn high incense.

“Thirty-two million!”

Xu Zhendong almost gritted his teeth and shouted out a new price, taking this piece of wool would mean that in the next few months, Xu Jewelry’s high-grade ornaments would not be out of stock, which was undoubtedly very important for the reputation of a jewelry company.

“I’ll take another look at this wool.”

Han boss can’t hold his strength, after greeting Zhuang Rui, squatting to the side of the wool, and carefully observed, this will be Han Haowei, wishing that he could have a pair of penetrating eyes, to see through the emerald in this wool.

“Old Master Gu is here, everyone make way.”

What happened at Yang Hao’s stall had finally alarmed the officials of this stone gambling conference. Pingzhou Jade Association.

Accompanied by a few official looking people, Elder Gu walked through the crowd and came to the center of the circle, at a glance he saw Zhuang Rui and couldn’t help but froze for a moment, he only heard that a piece of wool here was called at a high price of thirty million dollars, that’s why he rushed over to take a look, but he didn’t expect that Zhuang Rui was here as well.

“Zhuang Rui, this wool is yours?”

Seeing Zhuang Rui who was surrounded in the center by the stars of Brother Wei, Elder Gu asked with some hesitation.

“Heh heh, Senior Uncle. A few days ago and Brother Song went to look at private goods, bought such a piece, today I rubbed it, I didn’t expect to actually bet on it, luck, all luck.” Zhuang Rui hemmed and hawed, nodding his head and admitting that the piece of wool was his.

Old man Gu stared at Zhuang Rui for half a day, until Zhuang Rui was a little hairy, only then opened his mouth and said: “I play jade for forty or fifty years, in the circle of gambling, also hung around for most of my life, but there is your kid this kind of luck, I have never seen, I kind of understand why the living Buddha will grant you dzi, dare you originally is the blessing of the deep ah! ”

“Hehe, old master, that’s all because you taught me well.”

“Bullshit, just these two days work, I can teach you what ah! Come on, don’t take advantage of it, I’m going to take a look at your piece of wool.”

Ancient waved his hand in tears and laughter, Zhuang Rui did ask him for a lot of knowledge about jade in the past few days, but that knowledge had nothing to do with gambling.

When Boss Han saw Ancient walking over, he hurriedly stepped aside and looked at Elder Gu with hopeful eyes, hoping to get some useful information from him to decide whether or not to buy this piece of wool.

But the performance of old man Gu disappointed him, after scrubbing carefully for seven or eight minutes, the old man walked back to Zhuang Rui’s side with his back hand, without making any comment on this piece of wool.

“Ancient, you also talk about this piece of material! It’s already shouted at thirty two million dollars now, is it worth it or not?”

“Yeah! Ancient, just tell us!”

No need for Boss Han to open his mouth to ask, the crowd watching. Already yelled.

“We are all in the circle, this gambling stone to and fro is so one thing, look at the cut, look at the rubbing surface, this out of the sky window opened the small door, how the performance, do not need my old man to say more, these are the things that can be seen, the rest of that can be all depends on the luck of the draw. However, my nephew’s luck is quite good, in two months to solve a piece of ice seed full green material, than this piece to be a lot smaller, then sold 20 million, as for this piece of wool Well, inside whether out of the whole material, whether this water color can be the same as the outside, but also to look at the luck of the draw.”

The old man opened his mouth and said half a day, equal to what did not say, the performance of the wool a word did not make a comment to say the most is the word of luck, but the crowd of onlookers have heard so a layer of meaning, is the old man of Zhuang Rui’s luck, is very optimistic.

“Good, just based on President Gu’s words, I’ll add another half a million, thirty two and a half million!”

Hearing Elder Gu’s words, Boss Han seemed to be inspired and set a new price, while also refreshing the price of the bidder of the Pingzhou Gambling Conference.

With this, the crowd’s eyes focused on Xu Zhendong’s several people again.

This bright bidding today was an eye-opening experience for the onlookers, with a huge rise in the gambling stones, the two males competing against each other, and the prices rising upwards in a dogfight, making people can’t help but feel a thrilling sensation.

“Boss Han, let’s borrow a step to talk ……”

Just as Xu Zhendong was still calculating the benefits and losses, Lao Si, who was originally standing beside Zhuang Rui, walked up to Han Haowei’s back, gently tapped his shoulder, and then attached his ear and whispered a few words in Han Haowei’s ear.

At first, Han Haowei’s face became extremely ugly, and his eyes couldn’t stop looking towards Xu Wei standing beside Xu Zhendong, but after Lao Si said a few more words, Boss Han’s face gradually improved, and he slowly nodded his head.

Right at this moment, Xu Zhendong also re-quoted the price for this piece of wool, “Thirty-three million eight hundred thousand.” On top of the price of thirty two and a half million dollars, an additional one and a half million dollars was added at once, it seemed that Xu Zhendong was trying to get the best out of it.

Xu Zhendong is also forced to open this price, although the ancient head did not explicitly say that he is optimistic about this piece of wool, but the meaning of his words can be heard, that is, in support of his nephew, if he does not open a shocking price, I am afraid that surnamed Han will still be entangled in their own.

It seems that their own strategy does have an effect, Xu Zhendong found that at this time Han Haowei, face no longer have that kind of imperative color, eyes slightly closed, seems to be thinking about something.

“Han old brother, how is it, think about it, I see this time you let the old man once, next time I Xu Zhendong will have a return.”

Xu Zhendong now on the price of this piece of wool is also some hair, he is also afraid of this surname Han recklessly to fight with their own, words have been with a hint of pleading flavor, the original in his mouth of the small Han, this time also turned into Han old brother.

Han Haowei heard Xu Zhendong’s words, seems to have decided what idea, half-squinted eyes then opened, looked at Xu Zhendong said: “Xu boss so big bold, late generation is ashamed to be inferior, this piece of wool, belongs to Xu’s jewelry.”

Han Haowei is a person very naked, since the concession, simply hold a little Xu Jewelry, these words let Xu Zhendong listen to very comfortable, face full of smiles.

Xu Zhendong is afraid of the night is long and dreamy, this wool has not yet arrived, who knows whether it will be killed again halfway to a biting gold, this side of the Han withdrew from the competition, Xu Zhendong immediately said to Zhuang Rui: “Zhuang boss is really good luck ah! This piece of wool, let the old man almost out of the whole body, how, Mr. Zhuang, we are now to transfer the account?”

“Mr. Xu, you won’t lose out either! After today’s incident, who would dare to underestimate the strength of Xu’s Jewelry, ah, win-win, we are all win-win.”

Zhuang Rui smilingly promised, don’t want money for good words, casually sent over, it seems that he has never had any unpleasant things with Xu Wei.

Xu Zhendong heard Zhuang Rui’s words, laughed loudly, Zhuang Rui this just said to his itchy place, shopping for wool is just one of the things, he opened up a higher price than last year’s bidding for this piece of wool, but also no less than the meaning of the brand of Xu’s jewelry.

At this time of Zhuang Rui in Xu Zhendong eyes, the impression is very good, if it is not beside more people, Xu Zhendong would like to teach Xu Wei a lesson, see how polite this young man, and is not so bad as you say!

Zhuang Rui and Xu Zhendong for the sale of formalities, in the bank transfer point for the transfer of funds, Zhuang Rui account funds, from more than nine million instantly jumped to more than 40 million, although in the beginning of this piece of wool bidding, Zhuang Rui has a psychological preparation, but this money in hand, or can not help but feel stirred.

Money and goods clear, Xu Zhendong find people to move away the piece of wool, let a person is a little puzzled, Han boss actually also followed, as if there are some things need to confirm.

Zhuang Rui and the others, on the other hand, were pulled back to the shed by Yang Hao, who ordered a lot of dishes from the restaurant outside and had to invite Zhuang Rui for dinner, of course, the old man Gu, as well as Song Jun and Fatty Ma had another place to go, and didn’t mingle here.

“Hey friend, what’s the matter?”

Yang Hao saw that in front of the stone cutting machine, there was also a young man standing, probably just in his early twenties, with a round face, the whole person appeared chubby, and holding a DV camera.

“Oh, it’s fine, it’s fine.”

The young man didn’t seem to have come to his senses from the thrilling stone betting just now, and after answering Yang Hao’s words, he turned around and left in a somewhat disoriented manner.

What Zhuang Rui and others in the shed did not expect was that a few years later, a small movie called “Crazy Stone” was born from the hands of that young man.

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